Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 928: The Great Demon

Early the next morning, a Namei man drove the Thunder Wing Beast outside the camp and ran up a huge red tent under the tree house. That was the camp of the ‘King’.

As soon as he arrived near the battalion commander, the guards around him stopped him, and the Namei quickly said: "I have important news to tell the 'king', it's about humans!"

"Call him in!" Xin Han's voice came from inside, and the guard immediately let go.

Xin Han is having breakfast with Fatty and Lin Xiu. They eat Pandora's unique fresh fruits, which are full of aura, and the nutrition is far more than the fruits on the earth. It is very nourishing.

"Wang ... Humans sent messengers today to tell them that their Colonel Myers is going to meet you!" The Name came in and knelt down on one knee, not even raising his head.

Xin Han put down the fruit in his hand: "It's time to meet them, you tell them, if you want to see me, you have the courage, tell them that if you want to talk about the source of the mine, come to the camp to see me, but my patience Not much, not so long! "

"Yes!" The Namei retreated back, riding the Thunder Wing Beast, flying towards the edge of the jungle, where a human helicopter was parked!

Myers is worthy of being a cruel soldier, and his courage is really not small. Less than two hours later, the Name camp heard the roar of the propeller.

A scull helicopter landed on the open space in front of the tree house, only a hundred meters away from Xin Han's camp.

As soon as the helicopter landed, it was surrounded by a group of heavily armed Names.

The fat man lifted the curtain, and Xin Han and Lin Xiu came out of the camp. I saw a middle-aged European and American man wearing a camouflage suit and a shimmering spirit, with an isolation mask on his face, and a scar on the corner of his eyes was particularly conspicuous. The fierce temperament took the lead off the helicopter.

He was followed by three heavily armed soldiers, and at this time he was holding a machine gun and nervously facing the surrounding Nami.

The middle-aged man with a scar on his face waved his hand: "Put up your arms!"

The three soldiers behind him looked at each other and carefully lowered the muzzle.

After Miles performed the armrest ceremony, he said loudly, "I came here this time to visit the King of Namei!"

"Let them come!" Xin Han's voice came out, and the Namei talent found him appearing, immediately kneeling on one knee, and said in unison: "King!"

The fat man had a playful smile on his face: "Colonel Myers, this is our king, but the handrail ceremony has been cancelled. In the future, the Namei saw the king's etiquette is to kneel on one knee!"

He just wanted to give each other an embarrassment, but did not expect Miles to step forward and kneel in front of Xin Han on one knee: "Dear Your Majesty, Miles has the privilege of seeing the true king of the Namei, it is a great honor!"

Xin Han nodded: "Colonel Myers, I have also heard the name for a long time. I also know the purpose of your coming, let's talk in!"

He was about to turn around and enter the camp account, and suddenly looked, and found that the plane pilot was a female pilot, who looked exactly the same as his wife Ryan, and only remembered that there was such a pilot in the movie.

Immediately, the fat man took some fruit and sent it to the pilot.

Xin Han has no other thoughts, since he is exactly the same as his wife, of course he cannot be ill-treated!

Myers was allowed to enter the camp alone, and the soldiers he brought could only stay in the helicopter. After thinking about it, he agreed.

After entering the camp, the host and guest were seated, and Xin Han came straight to the point: "I know that mankind wants the planet's mineral deposits, and I can promise or allow you to mine in the jungle!"

Myers' eyes brightened: "Your Majesty is well-informed, and we humans will provide Namis with a new place of residence and an improved education and medical environment, which will certainly not let you suffer!"

Xin Han smiled: "What you said is a lie, compared to what you get, those pays are just nine bucks!"

"This ..." Myers looked at this young ‘king’ a little bit, and no wonder that a Dove can unify the Namei, and it really has a mind.

He smiled and said: "Of course you can also mention other requirements. If we can't make the decision, we can also report to the headquarters of the earth. I believe it will satisfy your majesty! We are absolutely sincere."

Xin Han nodded toward the fat man, and the fat man shouted outside: "Lift up!"

After a while two Nami men carried Jack's avatar and the heavy machine gun into the tent.

Xin Han pointed out: "This person dared to assassinate me. I know he is yours. Is this your sincerity?"

Myers greeted all the women in Jack's house in his heart. There was no report on this matter. It was simply Hu Lai, unforgivable!

"This is his personal behavior. We will not do such a thing. Please believe us. This matter must be explained to your Majesty!"

Xin Han waved his hand: "I think your Avatar bio-human technology is very thoughtful. I want a full set of information on this technology, and I want ten sets of finished instruments!"

Myers felt a pain, he didn't understand what the primitive king wanted this technology to do, but the machine was worth hundreds of millions, and the other party had ten sets of mouths.

But compared to those cherishing minerals, the value of hundreds of millions is nothing, and nodded immediately: "Okay, I can agree to this matter!"

Xin Han again said: "In addition, in your base, I want twenty lives of human beings on the earth, and I will pick them myself!" He saw Miles' discoloration and reached out to show him not to worry:

"You can rest assured that I will not select the top level of your base, they should all be new to the planet Pandora!"

Myers's face was murky, and he also had a bottom line. Doing so would be tantamount to betraying human beings, which would be tantamount to murder, and was known to go to court!

Xin Han is like a devil, following the path of temptation: "Mr. Colonel, you have to think about it. If you choose to go to war, there will definitely be more than 20 people dead, so these 20 newcomers will die as if they were killed in battle. Your company is not going to lose a lot of money. Is n’t human mercenaries doing money? "

"Your Majesty, I can't agree on this matter now. You need to go back to the base and discuss with the company's top person in charge! I wonder if you have any other requirements besides these two points?"

Myers' face was a bit ugly. He could guess the result, and the company would most likely agree to Xin Han's request. In those businessmen's eyes, profit is the most important thing, of course, in his own eyes.

Xin Han tapped his finger: "There really is one! I want to deal with something that needs your firepower support!"

Myers' eyebrows narrowed, and he felt that this matter was the most important thing, but for humans, it was nothing, nodded, and stood up: "This matter is easy to handle. Your request, I will reply to you later, now I will report back to the base first! "

He left a satellite phone. Humans launched satellites over the planet Pandora. It is very convenient to use satellite phones.

Myers taught Xin Han how to use it, and the latter also pretended to learn it a few times before several humans left.

Xin Han stood in front of the tent and watched Miles leave. The female pilot suddenly pointed her head and said to Xin Han: "Thank you for your fruit!"

Xin Han smiled and waved his hand!

"Boss, who do you want to deal with? Actually need human force to shoot?" The fat man was a little puzzled, and Lin Xiu was also puzzled!

Xin Han shook his head: "Unspeakable!"

The fat man ‘cut’ said: “It ’s always so mysterious and secret. Forget it, my fat man, Chashick, is still waiting for me in the tent!”

After talking, I retired with Lin Xiu.

Xin Han shook his head and closed his eyes to practice Yuanshen. He was not pretending to be mysterious. It was really unspeakable. As long as the name of that person was mentioned, that person would know.

From the moment he saw Eva yesterday, he knew, what kind of world tree did he imagine! , God! These ideas are shit.

That Eva is clearly an unfathomable monster!

The cohesive demon spirit, even the Mr. Sun in the hundreds of Journeys to the West, could not match it!

Mr. Sun's demon spirit is publicity, lawlessness, and king of the demon king. He has the domineering **** of the world.

But when it comes to vigour and cohesion, it is far inferior to this ‘Eva’ in front of you!

Xin Han even raised a feeling of being suppressed in front of Eva. If it wasn't for the simple way that was concentrated in his bones, he almost had the urge to run around.

What is the true element, the elemental god, in front of this one, all are suppressed to death, it doesn't work.

But what makes Xin Han a little strange is that the peerless demon Eva in his eyes does not seem to find his existence. You must know that when Mr. Sun saw him, he noticed the traces of his cultivation.

The peerless demon in front of him, who was thousands of times higher than Mr. Sun, didn't respond to his own.

At that time, he thought about the dragon vein. Although he had some speculations, he didn't want to be transparent, so he didn't dare to approach him. He took the Namei in the distance, paid a pilgrimage according to the rules of the Namei, and returned to the camp in a phantom Too.

When he came back, he specifically found the clan elders of the Namei and asked how long this Eva had existed.

But he got the news that Eva existed in the ancient antiquity, how old is the specific, and the old people of this family do not know.

Nima ~! !

After the old man of that ethnic group left, Xin Han wondered, and he was afraid, how old is that old!

According to legend, Eva may be the origin of Pandora ’s planet. He has every reason to believe that the other party is an old antique that is millions of years, or tens of millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years, billions of years.

Such a year-old big demon is placed in the fairy world of the Journey to the West, and if you do n’t become a saint, you may have to be a quasi-saint!

and many more! Xin Han suddenly thought of a possibility!

There is no cultivation civilization in this world, that is to say ... even if Eva has spiritual wisdom and becomes a demon, but he has no method of transformation, or that this world cannot be transformed!

Taking Honghuang World as an example, only those innate gods who have been chaotic and transformed can be transformed, and then they will melt this way into their own bloodline. the way.

If Eva is the source of all creatures in the Pandora world, that is to say, there are no innate gods before it, if it is not born in chaos, then it may not be a form of demon cultivation at all. That is to say, although he is a demon, he can only maintain this form, and he can't do anything at all.

Although he has psychic intelligence, he can only obtain information and manipulate species through the root systems of plants that are all connected together on the planet, rather than transforming and walking like the fairies in the realm.

In the end, the Lenovo movie manipulates all the creatures on the planet to attack humans. This may be its only supernatural power.

And in this way, those dragon veins also have the best explanation. The root system of Eva is spread all over the planet, hiding the dragon veins from nowhere, only self-styled in the mountain peak, because the aura is too rich, plus some minerals Then, the effect of magnetic levitation was formed, and it rose up and became a suspended mountain!

Xin Han's thoughts are more and more reasonable, as long as it can't be transformed, then some will play. After thinking about it, his face unconsciously shows a bad smile. Every time he counts people, he will be unconscious. Show such a smile.

Because Xin Han figured out some things, there are only three requests for today, and the purpose of letting human firepower support ca n’t really be said here. Otherwise, with the plant roots spread all over here, Eva will Will know and react accordingly.

He believed that mankind would agree to his request, and some words waited for the human base to avoid Eva ’s surveillance, and it was never too late!

Sure enough, in the eyes of those capitalists, interest is the most important thing. As long as there is interest, even the soul can be sold, not to mention the mercenaries who use some small money!

Just after noon, Xin Han ’s satellite phone came to mind. Myers, representing human beings on the earth, welcomes the King of Namei to visit the base!

Soon after the phone hung up, the propeller roared again in the sky, and this time only the female pilot landed here in a plane.

Xin Han boarded the plane with the fat man and Lin Xiu, and the helicopter took off, flying towards the human base hundreds of miles away.

The Phantom has been following the helicopter in the air, making the female pilot a little nervous, turning to ask Xin Han: "Hey, why is it following us?"

"It's nothing that's my mount!" Xin Han smiled, looking at the female pilot who was exactly the same as his wife in front of her, and could not help being somewhat cordial: "What's your name?"

The female pilot glanced at Xin Han with some weird responses: "Judy ... But you don't have any thoughts about me, I'm not interested in cross-species love!"

Xin Han shrugged: "What a coincidence, I am not interested!"

The fat man could not help laughing.

Judy was taken aback by Xin Han's movement: "Hi man, you are really like a human!"

"Nami people are also advanced intelligent creatures, aren't they?" Xin Han was not talking, turning his head to look out at the scenery.

The base of mankind is in a huge pit that has been artificially mined. Industrial pollution has misted the air here.

"The air here is really bad!" Lin Xiu could not help but frown.

"It's good to get used to it!" Judy stopped the plane, and many people were already greeted outside.

Judy introduced: "Standing at the forefront is RDA's" Pak "person in charge of the Pandora project"

Xin Han nodded. Parker was next to General Myers. The soldiers behind them did not wear weapons in order to show their sincerity.

When Xin Han stepped off the plane, all humans headed by "Parker" bowed to salute: "Dear King, welcome you to our human base on earth!"

Although there is no kneeling ceremony like Miles in the jungle, when he entered the village and went into the human base, he used the etiquette of the earth people to say that in the past, Xin Han came to talk about things, so he did not talk about these problems.

After Miles introduced it to both parties, Parker said with a smile on his face: "We have prepared a grand banquet and welcome the king!"

Xin Han shook his head: "No, we are here to talk about things, of course, the sooner the better!"

In order to show sincerity, humans turn off the filter system in the conference room, so that the outside air can enter the room. All the people who participate in the meeting are wearing isolation masks. This is not only Xin Han comfortable, but also fat people and Lin Xiu are very satisfaction.

"Dear" King ", your request can be accepted after our research and decision. Colonel, transfer the recruits' information and let" King "check it!"

Colonel Miles nodded and immediately operated the holographic display, and a lot of mercenary information appeared in an instant.

Xin Han waved his hand and said, "I don't read the information. I want to see these people and put them all together. I can tell them out. Twenty people, I won't ask for more!"

Myers and Parker glanced at each other. Although it was strange what Xin Han was going to do, but since the other party had said it, they agreed to it. All the newly arrived mercenaries immediately gathered at the base of the base.

Hundreds of mercenaries stood there, and Xin Han looked at them one by one, and the more he looked, the deeper his face became. None of these people even had a reincarnation.

"I want to see those who come to Pandora with them!" Xin Han thought of another possibility and turned to Myers.

After a while, some researchers also rushed to the scene, along with Avatar ’s male ‘Jack’ who also arrived here in a wheelchair.

When he saw Xin Han, he yelled and rushed up in a wheelchair: "The murderer, you are the murderer!"

‘Boo’ Myers shot Jack over with a gun.

"I'm sorry that the respectable 'King' can hand it over to you!" Parker Sheng apologized for the fact that this matter affected the transaction between the two parties.

Xin Han waved his hand: "It's no use I want him, but are all the people who came to Pandora with him here? I don't want to hear lies!"

Myers shouted: "Confirm again ..."

He hadn't finished speaking. A staff member came over and whispered something to him. His face suddenly became difficult to look at.

"What's wrong, Colonel?" Parker asked with a frown.

Myers said: "This morning a mercenary squad applied for a search mission in the jungle zone. Because Wang unified the jungle, we planned to negotiate again, so we stopped the search mission! ! "

"Shette, how many of them are there?"

"Eighteen!" Myers said grimly: "But the two who arrived with them to the planet of Pandora, and two researchers from the Weapon Department also followed them, and this is not the worst, the worst. It ’s because they brought a single nuclear bomb! "

"Schett ... They must have had ulterior motives when they came to Pandora!" Parker kicked the meeting table fiercely, and immediately realized that Xin Han was still there.

Xin Han stood up: "I think the person I want should be found, exactly twenty!" He turned to Parker and Myers: "Catch them and the transaction will continue!"

"Okay, no problem!" Parker agreed without thinking about it, Miles said: "Don't worry, take the nuclear bomb with a satellite signal transmitter. Within two hours, we will definitely find them as fast as possible!"

The materials requested by Xin Han are ready, and the equipment originally belonging to Jack is packed in a container and can be transported away by helicopter at any time.

The remaining nine sets are already in full production, and I believe they will be delivered to Xin Han soon.

Through satellite positioning, the team was quickly exposed to Xin Han and others. Through holographic projection, the people in the conference room and the observers had to do everything.

Myers introduced: "I have sent a flying squad and four Marines to complete this mission, you can rest assured!"

What everyone did not expect was that when the flying team approached these people to surrender, these people actually launched the attack first, and the powerful firepower directly shot down an unprepared helicopter.

Myers has a cold face on his face: "Waste, attack!"

Dozens of fire tongues instantly covered the twenty people.

Xin Han was drinking red wine from Parker and watching the fight between the two teams of people on the hologram. It was just right. He was not afraid of the team being annihilated. He would complete the mission in advance and return to space. There must be some means of life-saving.

The members of the North American squad are constantly fighting to death, so the sound of mechanical indifference is constantly heard in the ears of the members of the Xinhan squad.

But in the next scene, apart from Xin Han, all the people watching in the conference room couldn't believe the screen.

It turned out that one of the black men had skyrocketed and seemed to have turned into rocks all over his body, but he was some times harder than real rocks. He was invulnerable. He rushed through the jungle and hit the Marines back and forth!

The other white man turned into a giant wolf, and the speed of the running made the Marines too late to aim, but it could continue to effectively kill humans.

In addition to these two are more amazing, the remaining three are not simple. One of the tall white men, with immense power, even pulled out a big tree with two people embracing each other, holding it with both hands, as a weapon, can be used as a bullet, Can kill again.

In addition, there is a person who controls the flame. With a wave of his hand, a fireball is shot, which is comparable to a rocket.

The last person was a little weird. When he reached out and pressed a dead companion, the corpse began to glow like hell, and then a skeleton was ripped out of the skin and drilled from the corpse. It makes people sweat.

"Stone men, Druid giant wolves, power abilities, fire control, and undead magic, these five people are the seniors of this team!"

Xin Han shook his head, and it was all in an attacking form. Except that the giant wolf was still a bit useful, he didn't even have an auxiliary occupation. It was really a dish!

Xin Han studied with Lin Xiu and Lin Xiu quietly in Nami.

Myers didn't understand Xin Han's words, thinking he was mocking his team, and was immediately annoyed, and commanded: "To send out fighter armor, no matter life or death, I want you to bring them back!"

As soon as the mech was dispatched, the people of the North American squad fell into passiveness. Except for the stone man, all of them died in battle. The two people who mastered the flame power and the magic of the undead had zero damage to the mecha, and they were directly smashed by heavy machine guns.

The power player of the power department, although powerful, could not be invulnerable, was attacked by a mech in the back, and a shuttle bullet passed by, and was also killed on the spot.

The giant wolf was covered by the firepower of the two mechas, and there was no escape, and it was beaten into mud.

In the end, there was only the stone man with great strength and invulnerability, and the stone man did not run away. He was hanged back by the helicopter with a large net.

"That man is mine!" Xin Han pointed to the stone man.

Parker said with a smile: "Dear King, you see this person is a little different, very valuable in scientific research ... well, here you are!"

Xin Han's eyes glanced over, and Parker knew that without handing over this person, the cooperation would definitely be no drama, and he quickly agreed to come down!

Three days later, Xin Han got everything he wanted, and the things humans promised were sent to him in the same way.

Then after a month of waiting, the space laser weapons shipped from the earth were also assembled. This is what they promised to support Xin Han ’s fire support. Because the energy consumption is too large, they can only be used a few times, but it is enough for Xin Han. Too.

The magnetic field of Eva ’s location was disturbed, and the satellite could not find its location. Xin Han, with the help of compass and Tianshi Daofa, carried out on-site measurement and positioning in person with the help of compass and Tianfa Daofa. The root divisions are all determined.

When the laser weapon fired, it also cut off all the plant roots underground in the Eva Valley.

At this moment, all the animals and plants on the planet Pandora, and all the Nami people have a sense of sorrow, Xin Han is also at this moment, bold, and filled the Eva with a green mirage bottle, just as I expected. Undoubtedly, Eva is a big demon, but there is no way to cultivate metamorphosis. Once the root system is all cut off, the defense power is basically equal to zero!

Xin Han didn't dare to put such a thing into his own space. He had to put it in a mirage bottle first, and waited to turn back to it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then he used the space ability to put all the suspended mountains into the void. In the space, under his control, he only pretended to take away the mountain peak and the dragon veins in it, but all the creatures living above were isolated from the space.

Until then, Xin Han twisted the stone man's neck. Although the opponent was always in the form of a stone man, he didn't have any effort for him, so he called this thing to his death!

Through this space bracelet that the Stone Man didn't have time to dissipate, he successfully sensed the main **** space of the North American team.

At this time, the time to return has come, and all the surviving reincarnations instantly turned into a white light and disappeared on the planet Pandora.

After the people left, the Namei people followed the order of the "King" and began a close cooperation with human beings. The survival and medical environment have been greatly improved. Of course, the best thing is that they have received a scientific education and have been in it for several years. After that, a new social system was formed, with its own political power, and it was constantly moving towards a technological society!

And the inexplicable king ‘Xin’ was hailed as the greatest hero in unifying the Namei, and was called the ‘Holy King’ in the post-Eva era! (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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