Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 947: Extreme treasure

The spirits who can practice in the world, except those who are born with flat feathers and wings, when they are not immortal, if they fly on the road, they can only perform the sword and wind technique, they can evoke the clouds and fog, and they can't free themselves. If you travel thousands of miles, you will have to fall and cast spells again, so it is called cloud climbing!

Only after becoming an immortal can you practice the method of driving the cloud. When you cast it, you will be under the cloud and spontaneously. You will fly freely within thousands of miles. You are free and easy, high and low, and you are all happy.

The method of driving clouds is naturally divided into high and low grades. The Erlang God passed to Xin Han ’s method of driving clouds, but it was passed from his master to explain the technique of one of the twelve golden immortals, Jade Ding, a real person. Although it ’s not as good as the speed, it ’s not as bad as the Great St. ’s Doomsday Cloud, but it ’s almost the same.

Xin Han drove the clouds at first, but just called out the palm-sized clouds, flew up and wobbled, as if riding a bicycle in the sky.

If they were seen by other Xianxiu, they might be laughed to death.

However, if he knew that he could rise up from the beginning, he would be surprised by his understanding.

Xin Han flew less than a thousand miles, and he was slowly proficient. The slap-sized clouds had become normal size, and he was faster than his usual Yujian during his travels.

In a blink of an eye, he came to the place where he and Zixia separated, which was where Brother Erlang turned into a house and caught Zixia.

Looking at the sand dunes in front of him, Xin Han shook his head. They were all gods who had been practicing for thousands of thousands of years. What else did they do to chat? This fellow was really funny. He caught Zixia, which meant what he meant.

Xin Han first made up a hexagram. Taking his current immortal cultivation as an example, this hexagram is naturally rising, but unfortunately, the hexagram is blurry.

He is not surprised, after all, Zixia is also a fairy, and there is also an equivalent cultivation of Qingxia in the body, it seems that he has to find it hard.

After setting up Xiangyun again, Xin Han spent an afternoon searching all of the desert, but to his surprise, there was no water curtain hole at all.

"I don't think it's reliable. How could there be Shuiliandong in the desert?" Xin Han shook his head, wondering, but when watching the movie, Shuiliandong didn't say the specific location, but clearly it should be It's near here.

The sky gradually fainted, Jin Wuxi went down, Xin Han looked for a while, the sky was completely dark, and a flame came from a distance, it seemed that someone was burning a bonfire in the desert.

Xin Han fell into the clouds and walked towards it. Now he is shrinking into an inch. One step away is a hundred feet away. Really Taoist school, Xianjia seconds technique, wait until the campfire is near, then return to normal speed.

When Xin Han saw the man in front of the campfire, his heart was filled with emotion. Although Xingye was young and handsome, he was free and unrestrained.

The person beside the campfire knows that it is the supreme treasure that has passed through time and space for 500 years!

Originally, Xin Han planned to see the Supreme Treasure after he passed through the crash, and then he had an old fist, and then he pressed the face and kicked it.

But now Xin Han has given up on this idea. Not only that, but he is also grateful for the Supreme Treasure. If he did n’t come here five hundred years ago, he would n’t see Brother Erlang naturally, and he would n’t be able to learn the full version of Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong. what.

From this point of view, Xin Han still owes the Supreme Treasure a favor.

At this time, the Supreme Treasure was lying on the yellow sand by the bonfire, and he was playing with a sword in his hand. His expression was a bit lonely, and he seemed to have experienced something.

"This brother, please borrow a place to roast the fire. Please be convenient!"

Xin Han walked out of the darkness while talking, and scared the Supreme Treasure to strike a thriller, holding his chest to do the fear: "I rely on, little brother, do you know that people are scary and scary! Although I am I ’m not afraid, but your behavior must be wrong! "

Xin Han chuckled, glanced at the sword in his hand, and found that it was Zixia's Ziqing sword, sitting at the campfire: "I'm sorry, I invite you to eat beef buns!" There are two more paper bags and hand over one.

The hot scent came out of the paper bag, which revitalized the spirit of the Supreme Treasure, and took it over: "No, I don't eat ginger! There is no **** in this stuffing!"

After saying this, I took out a bun and put it in my mouth, and asked ambiguously while eating: "So ... cold days, you can eat the bun just out of the pan ... etc. Wait ... how come there is a beef bag just out of the pan? "

The supreme treasure swallowed the bun in his mouth, and then he came back and asked.

Xin Han hey, recover some of her chin, and make her face inclined forty-five degrees. This angle, under the light of fire, and his white face, made him look particularly dark.

"That's right ... such a cold day, how can there be meat dumplings just out of the pan, guess if I am a ghost ..."

The supreme treasure ‘oops’, sitting on the ground and running backwards with his hands and feet.

Xin Han smiled: "Hey, are you kidding me!"

"Ah ...!" Supreme Treasure was really scared, and rolled down the sand slope, crackling, Xin Han looked hurt.

As a result, it rolled to the bottom of the sand slope, and the cargo crawled motionless.

Xin Han was always playing with a lot of fun. When he saw Star Master, he remembered many childhood memories, especially those unreasonable funny plots, so he planned to use the Supreme Treasure to count it and scare him once.

Sweeping with Shen Nian, he found that the Supreme Treasure had actually passed out, and then scanned it with Shen Nian ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and found no shadow of the Moonlight Box.

He shook his head, or waited for him to wake up and say that, as soon as he reached out his hand, the supreme treasure flew back automatically, fell beside the campfire, and Xin Han picked up the bun and ate it himself.

Some people may ask, what buns do you eat when you are all immortal?

For foodies, the food is definitely a great enjoyment. If Cheng Xian has won the Tao, he can't even eat, then what is the fairy called free.

While eating, Xin Han looked fiercely into the sky, and at the same time, all his breath converged, making him look like a mortal.

I saw two extremely striking streamers in the night sky, which came from the sky very quickly, and at the same time carried two terrifying breaths of heaven and earth.

One of these two breaths is full of boundless wildness, and the other is full of Buddhist compassion. To Xin Xin's surprise, either of these two breaths is not worse than the breath of Erlang Zhenjun.

The two streamers crossed the place where Xin Han was located, and fell behind a dune in the distance, like a meteor falling, emitting a huge sound and firelight. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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