Dimensional Invasion Of Doomsday

Chapter 3 Reserve Materials

"Boss, take a look at my warehouse. Both the location and the construction level are definitely above the horizontal line. There is absolutely no way to use it as a warehouse, and the rent is very cheap, 200,000 a year, how about it?"

Looking at the fat boss who was talking endlessly in front of him, Qin Han's expression remained unchanged, he took out a pack of soft Chinese from his pocket, put it in his mouth, lit it with a Zippo lighter, and took a deep drag on the cigarette.

"Brother, you should also know the location of your warehouse, and there are also problems in the construction itself. The cargo handling capacity is limited, and the price of 200,000 yuan a year is too outrageous."

Although Qin Han was very anxious, because the time was too tight, he didn't have time to talk to this fat pig, but if he showed eagerness during the negotiation, then he would give someone an excuse. Qin Han has long practiced the ability to hide his emotions and anger.

"And I want to rent for a short-term, only for one quarter. How about this? I won't bargain with you anymore. It's 50,000 per quarter. If it's ok, sign the contract right away. You are also waiting to see if there is a suitable person to rent."

As Qin Han said that, he stood up and made a gesture to leave. Seeing how determined Qin Han was, the warehouse owner became impatient. His warehouse has been idle here for almost half a year, and it is not an option to leave it like this all the time.

I rented this place myself because I was optimistic about this ready-made air-raid shelter, and I didn't need to spend a lot of money to build it again, so I rented this site. As a result, everyone didn't buy his account at all, and very few people rented his place.

Now the owner of the warehouse is very anxious. He is not a big boss, and he has to pay the owner of the site a rent every year. If he can't rent it out, he may really lose money.

"Wait a minute! Brother, do you have something to say? Isn't it just a quarterly rent? No problem, let's sign the contract now."

Seeing the eager expression of the warehouse owner, Qin Han showed a subtle smile on his face. He nodded, sat in front of the warehouse owner again and said to him.

"Okay, but I have a few conditions. First, you must empty out the useless things in the warehouse within today. Second, all the keys to the warehouse will belong to me. You can't keep one. Third, I will rent your warehouse. When you are here, you are not allowed to come and check."

After hearing these conditions from Qin Han, the warehouse owner agreed with a second thought. Anyway, the warehouse was originally empty, and the problem of emptying was solved directly. As for giving him all the keys, there are two types of contracts in the contract anyway. The identity information of the person, Qin Han can't escape at night, and as for the last condition, there is no problem.

To rent out this warehouse, he must quickly find a way to get money from other places, or he will starve to death waiting for the warehouse to make a profit.

"Okay! I agree."

With both parties happy, the contract was signed very quickly. The warehouse owner took his own contract and the 50,000 yuan Qin Han gave him, threw a bunch of keys to Qin Han, and drove away in his car. After entering the warehouse, Qin Han looked at the empty warehouse with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Then let's start the big purchases."

Taking a car to the city center again, Qin Han went directly to the largest store, but he didn't purchase directly in the store, but went directly to the manager's office of the store.

Not talking nonsense, Qin Han directly took out a pile of money and patted it on the manager's desk, and said calmly.

"I want to buy food, a lot of food, but I hope you can give me the lowest price."

It was obvious that the store manager Ye did a lot of business like this, but it was rare for a strange face like Qin Han to directly take out such a pile of cash.

"it is good!"

The so-called bastards who have money don't make money, the store manager directly handed the lowest price form to Qin Han.

"This is the lowest price list, you can pick and choose as you like."

Glancing at the price above, Qin Han nodded secretly. He really did not go to the wrong place. The hypermarket has the power of a hypermarket, and the price he offered was about 30% lower than the price displayed outside.


"Chocolate, candy, the same two tons." This kind of high-calorie food is not only easy to preserve but also easier to preserve energy.

"Canned food, vacuum-packed food, come to five tons." Also for easy preservation, Qin Han chose this.

"Thirty tons of pure water." Water is a necessity in the last days.

"One hundred cases of beer." This is Qin Han's hobby.

"A ton of compressed biscuits." Qin Han didn't buy too many because of the high price, but these should be enough.

"And that's all."

The professional quality of the store manager is very high. After Qin Han reported the quantity of the items, it took him a minute to calculate the value of these items.

"A total of 322,800 yuan, I can save a fraction, 322,000 yuan is enough."

"Okay, here's the money, just send it to this address later."

He took out thirty-two bundles of brand new coins from his briefcase and handed them to the store manager. Qin Han accepted the invoice and turned to leave.

He still has a lot to do.

And the manager of the store is busy. Although the turnover of casual sales in the store is not small every day, it is still rare for Qin Han to buy so many things in one go, and the other party pays so happily. The store manager feels as if he has captured a big customer.

Unfortunately, what he doesn't know is that the world will change drastically tomorrow, and the customers don't matter anymore, and the food he shipped out will become a supply that is more precious than gold.

At this time, Qin Han has already completed other purchases.

Generators, diesel gasoline, laptops, medical bandages, hemostatic drugs. As for why you don’t buy other medicines, it’s because if you are attacked by zombies, if you are not a professional human being, you will be directly infected. Professionals who know how to trade for something of value.

After he finished purchasing these items, Qin Han went to the car rental company and rented a Hummer for 15,000 yuan.

The reason given to the rental car company was to drive the Hummer to the gas station to fill up the fuel tank for the wedding. Qin Han drove the Hummer like an armored car to the warehouse he rented.

Just now, the delivery person had already called him, and all the things he purchased had been in place, and he could unload the goods when he opened the door.

The delivery truck was a large truck, and Qin Han saw a domineering Hummer approaching, and the driver looked attentive.

"Boss, you are here. The goods have been delivered to you. In addition, there is a forklift rental here. I have already rented it. As long as you open the door, the goods can be unloaded soon."

As soon as Qin Han got off the car, the delivery driver came up to meet him. Hearing what he said, Qin Han nodded in satisfaction, took out two red notes and put them in the guy's hand.

"Thank you for your hard work, hurry up and unload the goods, I still have something to do later."

Feeling the brand-new feel of the banknotes in his hand, the delivery driver smiled happily and drove the truck to the warehouse, unloaded all the goods according to Qin Han's instructions, and drove away.

At this time, the sky had already darkened, so Qin Han parked the Hummer at the door of the warehouse, and then lowered the rolling gate.

This air-raid shelter has three rolling gates, the outermost one is an ordinary electric rolling gate purchased by the warehouse owner himself, but this kind of rolling gate is not worth mentioning in Qin Han's eyes because its thickness and material do not have much defensive effect at all.

What he valued more were the two rolling shutters that came with the air-raid shelter.

Although the two doors are manual and mechanical, they are all made of special steel and mechanical transmission. Except for the switch, it is a bit troublesome, but there is no problem in terms of safety. The thick steel gate is like two walls. closed the warehouse.

Turning on the lighting facilities that were in the air, and looking at the mechanical watch on his wrist, Qin Han had a cold smile on his face.

"At 19:30, there are still four and a half hours."

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