Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and twenty-two. Big demon

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1022: Big Demon

The aura has been recovering. With the tide of aura sweeping over and over again, many barren lands on the earth have gradually become more green, and the Gobi Desert is also the biggest beneficiary. However, these camels who are most familiar with the ecological structure of the Gobi Desert However, it is a great misfortune, without him, natural enemies began to increase;

The family of camels in front of me is an obvious example. The original camel group had been separated during the previous few escapes, that is, the camel couple supported each other until today. If Liu Hao hadn’t appeared today, even if the couple could escape, this The young camels that were just born could only be reduced to food for wild wolves and monsters.

Meeting is a chance. Since they are required to carry him forward, Liu Hao is not a stingy person, and the benefits he should give will not be small. But it's a great benefit, they can't travel a hundred miles, it seems that they have broken through a level, which makes them work harder in the days to come.

There is an oasis in the desert, and the same is true in the Gobi Desert. When you arrive at a place full of greenery, you have a rare rest;

"Byakuya Kuchiki passed by here! His Reiatsu is still there, and it looks like he fought a battle here!"

"It seems to have failed! The situation where I have to escape is really embarrassing for Chinese cabbage!"

Before Jingle Shunsui spoke, Liu Hao had already noticed, and even more so, that Kuchiki Byakuya's opponent was lurking in the small lake in front of him. It was a crocodile, not big in size, but not shallow in cultivation. , around the peak of Jinxian;

The only thing that makes Liu Hao strange is where did this crocodile come from and settle here. According to Liu Hao, there is no such creature in Kazakhstan, and it can only be a foreign species, but it evolved as a human pet before. Or if you migrate here from other regions later, you need to inquire carefully.

With Liu Hao's reminder, Jingle Chunshui also found the big crocodile monster in the small lake. Seeing that Liu Hao had no intention of making a move, he could only bite the bullet and pull out the Zanpakuto and walked up, still muttering something, this guy He is also a big lazy guy, a guy who will never do it unless he can do it.

As Jingle Chunshui drew his sword, the crocodile monster in the small lake seemed to realize that it could no longer hide. It surfaced, shrunk a few times, and soon turned into a monster with a crocodile head and a human body;

On this changed 'human body', there are many characteristics that a crocodile should have. The hands and feet are like this, and so is the tail. It is more like a crocodile scholar standing upright, but at least it is proficient, as if it should be like this. Liu Hao was amazed, this was the first time he had encountered such a monster race.

Yaozu practice,

If you don't take the path of Buddhism, you are all demon cultivators, and you are more inclined to cultivate your body. Even if you turn into a human body, you are happy to retain the unique characteristics of your body. This is the normal state of the prehistoric world;

But in the earth, such a situation rarely occurs. Almost all the monster races encountered have tempered their bodies. When fighting, it is even more impossible to abandon the mode they are most familiar with;

That's why Liu Hao sighed, and he wondered in his heart whether there are other world passages nearby, which caused this change? If this is the case, the arrival of this big crocodile monster is even more reasonable.

However, the information obtained from Zhen Yuanzi showed that there is really no world passage in the vicinity, which made Liu Hao a little strange. After carefully comparing the characteristics of the crocodile in front of him, it made him suddenly realize, good guy, this Isn't it the unique rhesus crocodile from the Three Kingdoms?

The slender, saw-like snout, and the small hammer-like appearance at the top of the snout are the characteristics of the Ganges alligator. Could it be that this guy won't be able to survive in the Three Kingdoms? Or was it driven out of their territory by the monster clan driven by Bai Ze?

There is a high probability that this is the case! The more Liu Hao thinks about it, the more he thinks it should be like this!

The monster clan of Bai Ze trend entered the Three Kingdoms and directly parachuted to the highest ruling class. Those big monsters who were kicked off the throne either obeyed or fled. As a monster clan, Bai Ze would probably not kill all the big monsters who fled. So it seems to be right.

The guy in front of him most likely saw the transformation technique of the monster race that came from Hong Huang, and he followed suit, but he learned a four-dimensional image, which made his greatest advantage lose completely;

It has to be said that it is quite sad. There is a difference between having inheritance and not having inheritance. A well-endowed person with excellent talent will not be able to achieve higher achievements in the wild, but being born on the earth, his future achievements will be limited;

In Liu Hao's view, instead of escaping from Bai Ze's rule, it is more practical for this guy to obey in exchange for more Yaozu inheritance. He lowered his head, and he can also stand out in the future. will also greatly increase;

On the contrary, after escaping from the Three Kingdoms, it is indeed free, but all the benefits must have nothing to do with it. Such a lonely big monster will sooner or later fall into the hands of the big monks of the human race, and the crocodile skin can only be cut into clothing. , was only made into a wedding dress by others.

If Liu Hao was the only one today, the big crocodile monster in front of him could still escape with his life. With Liu Hao's cultivation, he would just ignore it, as long as the other party doesn't seek death and provoke Liu Hao;

Although Jingle Chunshui saw it, he wouldn't keep her. You know, this place is not far from the area of ​​Death God's World, so how can others sleep peacefully on the side of the couch? Just for the sake of possible danger, he will never let the other party go.

I have to say, this is life!

Jingle Chunshui seems to be using the opponent to prove what he has learned, and has no intention of liberating Zanpakuto, but as an audience, Liu Hao lost the fun after watching it for a while;

This guy's kendo level has improved a lot, but it's limited to this. It seems that he has been sitting in the soul world for too long, and he still has only learned those things. The two golden immortals fight well, but they have a martial arts atmosphere. The more he looks at it, the more Liu Hao I feel awkward, it seems that I only fight like this when I am at the seventh or eighth level? Didn't those gods of death in the soul world absorb foreign skills? It doesn't make sense!

"Black Coffin!"

The cry of Jingle Chunshui awakened Liu Hao from his contemplation. The ghost way omitted a lot of words, the effect was improved by several levels, and the speed was accelerated countless times. Almost instantly, the crocodile was killed. It was the first time that the monster crocodile had a wound on its body when it exploded.

"Six stick light prison!"

It was another ghost, and the timing was just right, just when the other party broke free from the black coffin, and the aura had not recovered, it followed closely, which also made the crocodile monster directly imprisoned on the spot;

When it wanted to break free again, it saw that the Zanpakuto in Jingle Shunsui's hand was already slashing towards his most vulnerable abdomen. 'Fight, but now it's too late;

Slowing down this breathing time is equivalent to handing over the butcher's knife to the opponent. I can only watch helplessly as my weakest abdomen is slowly cut open, and the strength to break free is gone.

In terms of combat awareness, Jingle Chunshui directly threw out the crocodile monster several steps, which is basically crushing in terms of IQ. This guy is easy to deal with, and he can live a better life with the smallest price in exchange for the biggest gain. For a long time, it made sense for the old man Yamamoto to choose him as his successor.

Seemingly realizing that he was in dire straits, the giant Ganges crocodile didn't dare to keep his hand anymore, and directly sacrificed his last hole card, spit out the golden pill in his body, and directly smashed it at Jingle Chunshui who was still waiting to cut its abdomen;

Although he seldom fights with the monster clan, Jingle Chunshui still knows the tricks of the monster clan very well. Seeing the big monster Jindan shoot at him, he quickly put away the Zanpakutao in his hand, switched positions in a blink of an eye, and pointed at the crocodile big monster again. It's a 'black coffin', this idea is also to cut off the relationship between the big demon and the opponent's golden core.

There was indeed some effect. After being shrouded in the black coffin, the speed and direction of Jindan, which was originally commanded by the crocodile monster's mind, slowed down a lot, which also made Jingle Chunshui jump out of position again;

However, this action also made Jingle Chunshui sweat coldly on his back. He even felt that Kuchiki Byakuya was probably defeated because of this. The speed and tracking of the Great Demon Golden Elixir are by no means a joke. Judging by its power, even if Kuchiki Byakuya liberated Even Zanpakuto is probably not hard to resist.

This is the last trump card of the demon clan. Jingle Chunshui's analysis is really correct. Previously, Kuchiki Byakuya was defeated by the crocodile monster. If he hadn't escaped fast enough, there should be an extra skeleton near this small lake ;

Of course, perhaps the greater possibility is that both sides will perish and become food in the mouths of other monsters.

The black coffin exploded again, and the six-stick light prison on the crocodile demon disappeared completely, and his body even prostrated himself on the ground, facing Jingle Chunshui in body mode;

The blood flowed horizontally, kicked endlessly, and the abdomen was cut open by the Zanpaku knife, and it was indeed not lightly injured. No, the big demon golden pill that was launched did not dare to take it back rashly, making it levitate around the body, watching the enemy vigilantly, There was even a roar in his mouth, which was a desperate gesture.

By the lake, Liu Hao didn't move half of his body, and the Luotuo family didn't seem to see the battle in front of them, sitting leisurely cross-legged beside Liu Hao, and the little camel leaned on Liu Hao, making yo-yo sounds from time to time;

It was because Liu Hao was afraid that the family would be scared to death, so he concealed their perception. During this journey, Liu Hao also trained the Luotuo family. Although he will not bring them with him in the future, he is happy to have them in this land. grow into a hegemony;

This can be regarded as a pawn in leisure, no matter whether it can be used in the future, it is always good, since he makes a move, he doesn't want the opponent to die prematurely, and proper protection is still necessary.

Liu Hao also took the time to scan around the surrounding Gobi. Except for the crocodile in front of him, it seems that the strongest one is no more than a true immortal. With the skills taught by Liu Hao, he also believes that within a few years, the two camel couples will be together. able to rise;

At that time, it will be better to lead a group of camels in the surrounding Gobi Desert than to be flooded by wild wolves, and it can be regarded as a little help for the nearby Death God area.

In the face of the desperate crocodile monster, Jingle Chunshui chose to act cautiously, with an attitude of not moving the enemy, but it made the injured crocodile monster very uncomfortable. The Yao Jindan slammed at the enemy, or maybe he chose to wait because he was afraid that Jingle Chunshui would continue to bring him a few black coffins, which eased the situation, and the two stared at each other.


Tired of waiting, Liu Hao couldn't help but uttered a voice. Originally, he wanted to break the confrontation between the two, but he didn't expect this call to be deterred by the innate three-tone, and directly scattered the golden core exposed by the crocodile monster on the spot. He killed the enemy in an instant, which made him a little embarrassed. The opponent who should have been left for Jingle Chunshui to practice was gone.

The dissipation of the golden elixir, the great demon at the peak of the golden fairy, directly turned into spiritual energy and returned to the world, forcing the surrounding green plants to produce wildly. The impact is not small, so it is better to spread these auras in the surrounding places thousands of miles away.

However, even so, many creatures around the small lake have gained many benefits, among which the camel family he trained is the most important. The camel couple who were originally at the sixth level now, with the blessing of these auras, have naturally stepped into the seventh level. It even reached the peak all at once, and fortunately Liu Hao suppressed it in time, otherwise, it is not impossible to step into the eighth and ninth ranks.

But he didn't want the Camel couple's foundation to be damaged.

"Is the crush caused by the gap in cultivation so big?"

Beside him, the voice of Jingle Chunshui came, its color was faint, obviously also frightened by Liu Hao, being able to directly kill the big crocodile monster in front of him with one voice also meant being able to kill him with one voice, which made him Some can't stand it.

"You will understand when you improve! Taiyi and Immortal ranks are already natural barriers, not to mention the higher ones! It just so happens that the surrounding aura density is high enough, you should take the time to absorb it!"

Jingle Chunshui's words were held back by Liu Hao in his heart, and he didn't know how to answer when he opened his mouth a few times, so he could only sit cross-legged in resentment and practice the exercises;

On the other side, Liu Hao directly brought the crocodile corpse, and after thinking for a while, he spit out a mouthful of flames and began to refine it. After a while, he saw a pair of gloves appearing, with five fingers exposed, the gloves were dark in color;

After the prototype was finalized, Liu Hao began to draw runes on it. In less than a few minutes, the entire pair of gloves had changed drastically, and the color returned to brownish yellow. The structure of the crocodile leather could be seen at a glance, which was also limited by the material. However, the Six Paths Restriction is comparable to the Lingbao level, and it is impossible to improve it.

Liu Hao didn't like Lingbao of this level, so he threw it at the feet of Jingle Chunshui without any interest in putting it away, as if it was just a piece of garbage.

It's no wonder that Liu Hao disliked him. Since he was cut off, he left in a hurry and didn't get any spirit treasures from himself at all, but his vision didn't change at all. How could he bear such an inferior spirit treasure in his hand?

That's when he remembered that his hands were empty, but the deity had already returned to the prehistoric world, so he wouldn't be able to get the treasure in a short time.

"Hong Huang, I don't know what will happen to Monkey Sun!"

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