Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and thirty nine. Guo Jing Huang Rong

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1039 , Fudge Guo Jing and Huang Rong

Xiangyang has already been taken over by Daming, but I don’t know what Zhu Yuanzhang’s thoughts are, but the chief official who sits in the town is still given to Guo Jing, but the support is much higher. If it is Fu Song, he has probably fallen into the grassland iron hoof at this time under;

Of course, there may be other reasons for this. This world is not a simple world of sculpture shooting. In the pot, it can be said that except for the names of people Liu Hao is familiar with, most things cannot be judged by the known plot at all.

Fortunately, for Liu Hao, these are just trivial matters, and he is also a little thankful that he did not enter rashly when he was in a low-level position. If he entered at that time, he would really be at a loss, even if he wanted to hug his thigh. I don't know which to invest in;

now what? I am the real thigh, and I came to Xiangyang City to benefit Guo Jing and Huang Rong.

Xiangyang is still the front line, but the object of guarding has changed from the Jin people to the Mongolian Yuan. The pressure is still not small. There are more than 100,000 troops stationed, and a huge military camp has been built outside the city. The terrain is also very restrained. Cavalry , which gave Xiangyang a little more life for the people;

On this basis, Guo Jing, the chief official, is not so much a leading general as the last trump card in Xiangyang City, and the husband and wife's true immortal cultivation is the biggest proof.

Liu Hao strolled along the street, watching the people passing by curiously, and saw many changes from it;

For example, each of these people is in very good health, which is probably due to the benefit of the recovery of spiritual energy. Even if every adult citizen has not practiced, his physique has probably entered the first level. Although there are few beggars on the street, they are beyond There are quite a few people, needless to say, these beggars must be members of the Beggar Clan, Huang Rong's subordinates.

What made Liu Hao most curious was the books in the hands of a group of beggars. After a little thought, he knew that this could only be a change made by the arrival of the Dragon Kingdom. How could Zhu Yuanzhang, who likes to promote compulsory education, not understand the benefits of this? With the large-scale support of the Dragon Kingdom, the price of books will inevitably drop by 90% or more. The greatest success is that beggars can buy them at will.

Sure enough, after walking a few steps, Liu Hao saw a library. A school that could accommodate thousands of people was right next to the library. The sound of young people reading wafted from it, perhaps because they were worried that they would disturb the schoolchildren's reading. When the peddlers around were hawking, they also deliberately restrained their voices, and this peace made Liu Hao couldn't help but smile;

"Guo Jing is underestimated. I didn't expect to be able to manage a city well! That's right, Guo Jing may be a little bit worse.

Huang Rong is a good player! "

After walking for a while, Liu Hao stopped, but a building similar to a police station fell into Liu Hao's eyes. Needless to say, it must be the suggestion given by Long Guo to Zhu Yuanzhang to separate the yamen servants from the yamen and become a more professional one. mechanism;

This kind of reform can only be achieved by the founding emperor like Zhu Yuanzhang. If you change the emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty, once you export it, you will inevitably be sprayed to death by the doctors of the Song Dynasty.

"With this step forward, the Legalist self-reliance does not seem to be far away!"

When he swept across the waist knife of the patrol officer, Liu Hao smiled more, and turned his head to look at the stalls on the street. There is already a special sale of iron farm tools. This can only be the Dragon Kingdom helping Zhu Yuanzhang to promote steelmaking It is no wonder that Zhu Yuanzhang took over the northern Central Plains and was able to withstand the impact of Temujin's iron cavalry. In terms of weapons, it has already surpassed a level.

"Now that Zhu Yuanzhang has gained a firm foothold in the northern Central Plains, the next step is the initial industrialization, right? The productivity of the feudal era was greatly liberated, and the lives of the people will be greatly improved. That is, Zhu Yuanzhang. Worried about massive capitalism, hahaha!"

Even Shen Wansan, the benefactor, can kill and eat meat. Zhu Yuanzhang is definitely aware of capitalism. Long Guoneng has not started industrialization for so many years. It seems that Shen Wansan may still be alive

"The one who stopped teaching today is the Holy Mother of Wudang. If it were Zhao Gongming, Shen Wansan would have to shake again."

Liu Hao murmured to himself, and did not stay on the street any longer, and arrived at the Xiangyang City Lord's Mansion with one step, where he sat leisurely in the hall and invited the servants to serve tea.

Not long after, they saw Guo Jing and Huang Rong approaching quickly, and looked at Liu Hao with a cautious look in their eyes;

Guo Jing looked about forty, but Huang Rong beside her was very young. She was 28 years old, and it was also due to her cultivation base entering the immortal rank. There is no woman who does not value her appearance;

Liu Hao took a glance, but turned his eyes to the person behind them. This person has short hair and a tall and straight figure, more like a soldier. In this feudal era, the only person who can maintain this is from the Dragon Kingdom;


Before Guo Jing, Huang Rong and the others could speak, Liu Hao waved his hand lightly and made a sound. Following his opening, the cautiousness in the eyes of several people disappeared, and they couldn't help but search for a seat to sit down, but when they sat down, they suddenly noticed the difference. , a cry of cold sweat bursting out of the back, and Guo Jing's hairs stood on end. If Huang Rong hadn't pressed his arm down, he would have exploded.

"I have no malice, you don't need to worry!"

Liu Hao's voice came again, like a breeze, smoothing out the emotions in the three people's hearts, and even the cold sweat on the back disappeared at this moment. How could the three of them not know that the cultivation base of the visitor was far beyond their imagination, The mood that had just been soothed rose again, and he didn't dare to be careless, especially Guo Jing, who already had a desperate heart.

"Sir, is it from the outside world?"

The person who asked the question was a visitor from the Dragon Kingdom, and he clearly guessed that Liu Hao came from the other side of the passage;

"I am Emperor Ziwei Zhongtian!"

These words fell on the ears of the three people, but they were very different. The visitor from the Dragon Kingdom who inquired immediately understood Liu Hao's identity, and the tenseness all over his body disappeared completely. On the contrary, Guo Jing and Huang Rong opened their mouths wide. at a loss.

The Emperor Ziwei, the two of them have heard of it, and the Immortal God is also one of the most powerful figures among the Immortal Gods, and there are many enshrined people in the world, but when he suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, no one would believe it at first;

But then, they had to change their minds, their cultivation base improved greatly, and they directly entered the level of immortals, and they became immortals themselves. Doesn't this mean that the legend of heaven must be true?

"Then Yue Fei's 'Yi Tian Sword' and 'Dragon Slaying Saber' are still in your hands?"

Liu Hao didn't care what Guo Jing and Huang Rong thought, and asked directly what they were doing. Of course, this was entirely an excuse. When he scanned the world before, he had already locked the positions of these two. on people.

If it was the previous ten years, the two would have definitely thought that Liu Hao wanted to get the Yitian Sword and the Dragon Saber, but now they don't think so, no matter the quality of the weapons or the martial arts involved;

Up to now, they are no longer high-end goods. Swords compared with Yitian Sword and Dragon Sword can be mass-produced, but what about martial arts? How could it be compared with the Immortal Cultivation Technique?

"So that the emperor can know that the Yitian Sword and the Dragon Slaying Sword were originally on my husband and wife, but they disappeared a few years ago, and we don't know where they are now!"

The one who answered the question was Huang Rong. Although she professed to be an emperor, she still had doubts in her heart.

"Alright, it seems that it's not time for Yue Fei to come back!"

This is pretending. With Liu Hao's strength, if he really wanted to summon Yue Fei's heroic spirit, what would he need to entrust? He just wanted to spread the word about Emperor Ziwei through Guo Jing and Huang Rong.

"Emperor, can you tell me the reason? Although Guo Jing has lived in Xiangyang for a long time, he still has some prestige in the Jianghu. If the Emperor needs it, I will sacrifice my face and get it for the Emperor!"

It was also Guo Jing who heard the deep meaning in Liu Hao's words, and a "Yue Fei Returns" clicked directly into his heart, and regardless of Huang Rong's obstruction, he hurriedly asked.

Liu Hao glanced at Guo Jing slightly, pretended to weigh it, and replied casually;

"Forget it, the two of you are destined to have a relationship with Yue Fei. It's okay to tell you; that Yue Fei is originally from the Wuqu star system under my account, and has been reincarnated in this world for a long time. Now that I have arrived in this world, I will naturally recall him! Yue Fei's family Heroic spirits already live in the Yitian Sword and the Dragon Slaying Saber, with this thing, I can save some effort!"

At this time, Guo Jing trembled all over, and opened his mouth wide, as if he wanted to say something but didn't know where to start. On the contrary, Long Guo Keqing had other thoughts in his mind, thinking that it was Liu Hao who wanted to kill Emperor Ziwei. It is the influence that has spread to this world, so naturally he will not say much.

Seeing his reaction, Liu Hao saw that Guo Jing and his wife would not give any feedback for a while, so he secretly sent a voice transmission to this guy, and informed him of the entry of many quasi-sages into this world. At the same time, he also reminded him, Guo Jing and Huang Rong in front of them have relatively high aura, so whether it is good to give them more advice, or to communicate and practice, they can bring many benefits to themselves.

After all, he is his partner in the Dragon Kingdom. Liu Hao will not be in debt for a little bit of advice.

After the sound transmission on his side, Guo Jing finally calmed down on the other side, stood up, and wanted to bow to Liu Hao, but Liu Hao didn't care about it, and he didn't need others to bow down to him to show his prestige , picked it up and pressed it on the seat.

"Please wait for a while, the emperor, and I will definitely try my best to get back the Yitian sword and Dragon Saber!"

Guo Jing didn't want to give up this opportunity. So far, he still had doubts about Liu Hao, the Emperor Ziwei, and if he could summon Yue Fei's heroic spirit in front of them and canonize him as a god, he would be able to convince them completely. Then, from now on, They will know how to face Liu Hao, and they will also understand how to face other gods in the future;

In fact, this is what Liu Hao wanted to do. In this world of martial arts, Guo Jing's reputation is definitely one of the top few. The news that spreads from him, no matter how unbelievable, will still make many martial arts Chinese people tend to trust, which is much better than promoting themselves everywhere;

Liu Hao didn't want to get their belief or worship, he didn't need beliefs and the like, the reason why he wanted to publicize his status as Emperor Ziwei was because he had other considerations, which was to disperse Haotian to a certain extent. The influence of the Jade Emperor in the feudal era.

He did not underestimate the influence of the Jade Emperor among the common people in the feudal era. On the contrary, he had a lot of fears about it. In the stage when officials were still parents, these people who controlled power would probably do a lot of things to please Haotian, the Jade Emperor. If unexpected things come, Liu Hao will definitely not hesitate if he can prevent them in advance;

Another point is that he wants to inform the other ministers and generals of Emperor Ziwei's selection criteria by canonizing Yue Fei;

In the future, even when summoning Yue Fei's heroic spirit, Liu Hao would not make a big fuss, but he also knew that by then, there would definitely be many martial arts giants and spies sent by Zhu Yuanzhang, and that would be enough.

Liu Hao even intends to wipe out Yue Fei's family and ascend to heaven alone, which is also the yearning of the feudal era. Perhaps these people will be excited by conferring Yue Fei alone, but it is difficult to keep it for too long;

And once Yue Fei's whole family is packaged by Liu Hao, the exchange will definitely be a shocking temptation, and the same will make them subconsciously follow Yue Fei's spirit, hoping that they will also be favored by the ruler of heaven in the future.

That's why, before doing everything, Liu Hao spoke out on the cloud of Zhongnan Mountain, as if speaking casually, but deep down in his heart, he didn't know how many times he had calculated;

However, Zhenyuanzi, who seemed to be worried and reminded, canonized the land of the mountain god, was still inseparable from this, and deliberately created a standard that was vague, but also allowed Zhenyuanzi to change, and deeply investigated the real righteous men everywhere;

It can be said that there are links and links. The objects of his influence are not these quasi-sages, but through these to guide the real moral standards of the Zongwu world in the feudal era.

"Alright, your husband and wife have a very close relationship with Yue Fei, so it's appropriate to entrust the two of you to do it; at that time, your benefits will also be indispensable!"

After Liu Hao finished speaking, he stood up and left across the space. His actions, which could not be detected by a guy like Guo Jing and Huang Rong who only have the strength of a real fairy, can be regarded as adding a foundation of trust to the two, prompting them to Faster to find the Yitian Sword and the Dragon Saber.

Sure enough, just after Liu Hao left, Huang Rong began to summon the disciples of the Beggar Clan to inquire about the news. In fact, the two also knew that the Yitian Sword was in Mount Emei, and that the Dragon Slaying Saber was in the hands of the golden-haired lion king Xie Xun. More importantly, they had to ask Zhang Wuji Therefore, I hope to get the whereabouts of Xie Xun from him, and to get the Yitian Sword from the Emei Sect, it will take a good discussion between the two.

"Husband, the matter of Yitian Sword cannot be bypassed from Emei. In my opinion, it would be better to directly invite Mrs. Miejue!"

"What do Mr. Li think?" It was Guo Jing who was asking the guest of the Long Kingdom;

"In my opinion, what Mrs. Guo said is more appropriate. Even Emperor Ziwei didn't say that there should be no other people present. Although we can't let many people participate, we can still have a few more!

Besides, Zhang Wuji is the leader of the Ming Cult. Although the Ming Cult has disbanded and most of the congregants have joined Daming, the friendship between him and the emperor is still there, and there may be something dirty inside, but we outsiders have to think about the pros and cons of it."

"Your Majesty, you must also report it!"

Huang Rong added that in exchange for Guo Jing's nodding, it can be seen from this attitude that Zhu Yuanzhang has completely subdued Guo Jing and his wife, and the two people's sincerity towards the Song Dynasty has also completely shifted.

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