Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

1046. The Cruel Experiment of Orochimaru

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1046 , The Experiment of Orochimaru

Sure enough, not long after the surrounding Liu Hao disappeared, Da Ming's hearts fluttered. Although Zhang Wuji followed Yue Fei, he also left with Emperor Ziwei, so no one could help thinking about it;

Immediately afterwards, the news that the Yitian Sword was given to Zhu Yuanzhang by Emperor Ziwei spread, and these floating hearts were completely put away in an instant. When they looked at Zhu Yuanzhang again, the awe in their eyes increased. See which bestowed it, Emperor Ziwei, a heavenly emperor who governs the emperors in the world, doesn't it mean that the world recognizes Zhu Yuanzhang as the supreme being in the world?

In this way, if he confronts Zhu Yuanzhang in the future, won't he be fighting against heaven and earth?

The news spread, it is said that the Southern Song Dynasty imperial court did not know how many porcelains were broken, and the Yitian Sword became another symbol of the emperor after the "Jade Seal of Chuanguo", and it is not impossible to become a great sacred weapon of the human race in the future.

What about the Dragon Slaying Knife? These people didn't think that Emperor Ziwei would take it away, but there was no news about where it was, and they didn't know how to find it. Over time, this Dragon Slaying Knife also had its own legend:

For example, it is impossible for Emperor Ziwei to supervise the world day by day, so he left the magic weapon of the Dragon Slaying Saber. If the emperor of the world is disqualified, the righteous man who gets the Dragon Slaying Saber can raise the banner of resistance, push him down from the throne of the emperor, and seize the power in the world. Sword, in this way, the Dragon Slaying Knife will continue to disappear, waiting for the next master of the world.

As soon as this rumor appeared, it was quickly recognized by the people. The more it spread, the more it seemed to be true, so much so that even Zhu Yuanzhang thought it should be so;

He didn't think he would be kicked off the emperor's throne because of the dragon sword, but he had read the history of the Ming Dynasty and understood that not all of his descendants would be wise in the future;

At that time, the change of dynasty will be inevitable;

In this regard, Zhu Yuanzhang didn't think it was a bad thing. With such a sharp knife suspended above the emperor's head, he could more or less supervise his descendants, and the bad thing became a good thing instead.

Afterwards, Zhu Yuanzhang mobilized his subordinates to promote this legend, which made the unique functionality of the "Dragon Slaying Saber" spread all over the world, further ensuring the function of this hidden treasure, which Liu Hao did not expect.

At this time, Liu Hao had already left Zongwu World with Yue Fei's family and Zhang Wuji and returned to his home earth.

Marvel World, the 300,000-person arena in New York City, was full of voices and extremely lively.

Since the arena was established,

Every day, there are at least three competitions held here. The cruel and safe mode makes all people who love competitions unable to stop. Thanks to Liu Hao's array formation, both sides in the battle can display their abilities to their heart's content. Learn without worrying about life safety, let go of all battles, who can resist it?

Today, in the arena, Liu Hao and Dashemaru played leisurely. Although the battle below is just a play for the two of them, it does not prevent them from coming to join in the show, but they are also very low-key. The surrounding audience It seems that due to some factors, the figures of the two were directly ignored, and Quan Qing threw himself into the fierce confrontation below.

"During this time, Xiaobenzi should be crazy, right?"

"Who says it's not? Almost all the people are discussing ninjutsu, and I can't wait to promote it to the whole people!"

"What kind of attitude does the bald eagle have in Xiaobenzi's garrison?" Liu Hao seldom paid attention, that is, Orochimaru happened to be beside him, so he couldn't help asking curiously.

"It seems that they are also very worried, right? It is said that a lot of infrared detection equipment has been added around the bald eagle garrison, lest there will be ninjas coming in and out to investigate, suspicious, the pressure seems to be serious!"

Orochimaru was a little joking when he said this, the country of Xiaobenzi has almost become the base of Dashewan, so far, it has almost integrated all the underground forces in the whole Xiaobenzi, and has become a veritable underground king of Xiaobenzi;

In many cases, his words are even more effective than the words of the prime minister of Xiaobenzi. In other words, even the prime minister of Xiaobenzi must treat these underground forces with caution. Who will let them legalize this?

That's all, Orochimaru, who has integrated Xiaobenzi's underground forces, has directly connected Xiaobenzi's country to the most authoritative black market area through Xiaobenzi's country, making all kinds of technology, equipment, etc. , can be seen and purchased in this black market, as long as you can afford it, Orochimaru can even be delivered to your door;

It can be said that it has greatly promoted the exchange of science and technology in the Marvel world, making the bald eagle gnash its teeth and want to strike several times, but as soon as it makes a move, the suppression will disappear without a trace;

Many forces in the Bald Eagle Kingdom also like such black market institutions. They themselves are the largest suppliers of the black market, and they don’t mind making a lot of money if they make money. This has made the Bald Eagle Congress want to pass legislation to interfere several times. None of them could pass the Congress, and today, the black market of small books has become bigger and stronger, and it has become the tacit understanding of the major countries.

The Bald Eagle military is definitely the group that hates this the most. If this time was before the Kiritas invaded Marvel Earth, the Bald Eagle military would not care about this and just go crazy, but now? forget it.

The technology of Marvel Earth has ushered in a leapfrog development after the invasion of the Kiritas. This is a fact that all major countries have to admit. Coupled with the transparency of the "Ark Reactor", Marvel's global technology has ushered in entered the stage of big explosion;

During this period, all major countries are trying their best to upgrade themselves, and the basic material is often the one with the most exchanges, which has also caused the prosperity of the black market established by Orochimaru;

All major countries know that it is difficult to develop all the basic materials by one country alone. Instead of doing this, it is better to fight each other and learn from each other's strengths.

Of course, even if this is the case, the Bald Eagle Kingdom will not be completely reconciled, and the secret suppression is still inevitable;

For example, the confrontation between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Spear of God in Xiaoben is absolutely indispensable;

But fortunately, Orochimaru had expected this long ago. Nowadays, in the small book country, there are a lot of ninjas. Although their individual combat capabilities are not high, it definitely makes all parties very scrupulous. a lot of convergence;

For example, the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau under the control of the Bald Eagle evaded this a lot and returned this task to the Bald Eagle military, but what can the Bald Eagle military do?

After a few trials, the loss was even greater. Now I have to hide in my own barracks, and I have to guard against all kinds of investigations by the ninjas of the small book country. It's so lively.

In the Marvel world, after all, technology and fantasy coexist side by side. Compared with Liu Hao's earth, various equipment has also been upgraded a lot. The bald eagle military infrared detection equipment in Orochimaru's mouth is no less than a big level stronger, which makes the ninja have to Restrain a lot, don't look at Orochimaru's verbal disdain just now, but worry inwardly but also have to admit that those miscellaneous ninjas under his command really can't do anything about these military camps;

Orochimaru is not a person who likes to suffer. It is not good to continue to put pressure on the garrison of the bald eagle in the small book country, but it also makes them have to take various precautions;

Moreover, Orochimaru is bad enough, since you can't do this, then change your thinking, such as using money to lure the garrison to sell various equipment in the general camp;

It's like the black market of the small book now, there are already various military equipment of the bald eagle, the most exaggerated, even something like the F35, which directly makes the bald eagle frightened, and dare not place advanced military equipment in the country of the small book Inside.

In fact, even if it is a black product like F35, no one will be willing to buy it. On the one hand, the price is very touching;

On the other hand, the bald eagle is still the only superpower in the Marvel world, and other countries also need to be scruples about them. Before you don’t want to completely offend the bald eagle, you can see it, but you still won’t do it if you spend money to buy it;

This makes the small book black market able to maintain order. Orochimaru is also well aware of this. Although this guy is a scientist, in terms of political ability, he is really not bad. He can be said to be stepping on the bottom line of all parties. It's done well.

During this period of time, Xiaobenzi Kingdom also danced vigorously. Xiaobenzi, who has two extremes of wolf and dog nature, is also the most prone to rampage when he is proud;

Faced with their semi-feudal and semi-colonial state, they have long been very dissatisfied, and have long thought about various dances, that is, they have not been able to get in touch with Orochimaru in person, otherwise the small book country really doesn’t know what it will do. .

Orochimaru has no interest in supporting Xiaobenzi. The whole Xiaobenzi country is just a pawn to him. When collecting all kinds of needs, he also takes into account the inheritance of ninjutsu. take care of;

For him, these talents in Xiaobenzi Country are the key. As for whether this country is good or bad, it is not in his consideration at all, that is, he doesn't want Xiaobenzi to mess up and affect himself, otherwise he doesn't mind letting Xiaobenzi The book once again entered the period of the Warring States period as they did it.

"The inheritance of ninjutsu has been promoted. During this period of time, you should have some insights, right?"

"Is it 'luck'? It seems to have a great effect. The biggest feeling is that when I am doing various experiments, I am constantly inspired, and my cultivation has begun to be a bit overwhelming!"

Liu Hao turned his head to look at Orochimaru, and smiled slightly;

"You can continue to suppress it. Compared with those high-level worlds, your own talent still has a big gap. It is basically solid, and it is possible to catch up with them!"

"It can be seen that the level of this world is very good. Compared with the ninja world, the talents of those outstanding characters are much higher!"

"This is a cosmic world. Those geniuses who stand out here are considered to be the best in this universe. Compared with them, the ninja world is still a lot lower in level. There is no way to do it. However, There are gains and losses!"

"Who said no? It's hard to imagine such a world without a completed advanced inheritance system!"

"This is the shortcoming of Western civilization's arrogance. These days, you should have studied this too? For them, God is the most authoritative and irresistible. If this is the case, how can it be possible to evolve into a god?" way?"


The corners of Dashewan's mouth moved slightly, full of disdain, he looked down on this the most, he was a guy who was extremely reckless, what a god and ghost, that's all, to be in awe to this level, he was drunk in his imagination up.

"Is that ninja below you trained recently?"

"That's right, the blood from the ninja world was transplanted, it's just a test product!"

"What's the failure rate?"

"It's really interesting to say that the white man below is the only survivor. Moreover, he seems to have the blood of Xiaobenzi. It seems that the various blood inheritance boundaries in the ninja world are most suitable for the population of Xiaobenzi country! Among them , Is there an inexplicable connection?"

"Perhaps, since there are ninja legends in their countries, it is inevitable that they are related;"

Liu Hao has long been immune to human experiments like Orochimaru. He knows that Orochiwan will not use the population of Longguo as an experiment. As for other things, he is too lazy to deal with them;

Of course, he also knows that today's Orochimaru has restrained a lot about this, and will not be unscrupulous for experiments. Most of those experimental products are also bought with his money, and most of them come from the major prisons of Bald Eagle. Money, there is no need to withhold money, can push karma to other people, why not do it?

"The bone vein, but it can only be regarded as a semi-finished product. Compared with Jun Malu, it is still far behind!"

Beside, Orochimaru murmured something to himself, causing Liu Hao to nod slightly;

Below, the guy who was transplanted by Orochimaru from the Ninja Bone and Blood Succession Limit, the bones of his body have become much harder, compared with ordinary people, ten times higher, and there are still many development possibilities, but the regeneration The speed can't be compared with Jun Malu at all. Don't even think about pulling out your own bones as a weapon in a short time. I don't know if it can be realized if it is developed to the extreme?

It was also out of this kind of conjecture that Liu Hao pinched his fingers and shook his head slightly, not optimistic.

"Those people from the small book country, you have also transplanted a lot of Ninja Blood Successor Limits, right?"

"Yes, one of them has successfully transplanted Uchiha's blood, but it will take a while for him to open Sharingan. Now I am throwing him into the slums of Rio, Brazil for observation. I hope he can bring me some Surprise!"

I have to say that Orochimaru's heart is definitely dark, and he said it lightly, but Liu Hao didn't know that this little book test product would suffer in the next few days, and all kinds of emotional stimulation would definitely be leveraged. I don't know if the other party can survive it. Although the Marvel world is very dark, it is really much better than the ninja world. How to say, it has also entered a civilized society.

"Are you thinking about cultivating the Blood Successor Boundary Family?"

"Ha, I don't have this idea, it's just a boring experiment, not only transplanting the Ninja Blood Successor Limit, even the blood of the monster race on our earth, I have tried it!"

"Blood of the monster race? Try it on humans?"

"Yes, originally I thought it might be impossible, but in fact it was far beyond my expectation. The white race seems to be very suitable for the transplantation of these monster race blood. Of course, before the transplantation, various genetic tests need to be done. You have to be sure about the fit!"

When Orochimaru talked about this, his expression was solemn, like a real scientist, and the data of various genetic tests was eloquent, which attracted Liu Hao's attention. He felt that he had done the right thing in bringing Orochimaru into the Marvel world. This guy fits perfectly into this world.

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