1048. Natasha, the Second Test Subject

In the arena, Daredevil put on a hood and distanced himself from Chambers, becoming more cautious.

He thought that with his rich combat experience, he would have no problem winning. If there were no off-court factors, Daredevil's confidence would be no problem at all, but in reality?

He didn't know that when he stepped into the arena, he had already become a pawn in Liu Hao's hands, a small experimental product used to test his "luck", how could Daredevil be able to control it?

For Liu Hao, if it wasn't for the test, why would he come to the arena as a spectator?

Seeing that the luck clouds above Daredevil's head completely turned crimson, Liu Hao started to make moves. He didn't need to make any changes to Daredevil at all, he only needed to slightly manipulate Chambers' movements. Can.

When Daredevil thought that he could dodge Chambers' backhand fist at him at will, he suddenly accelerated, and the fist hit Daredevil's shoulder fiercely;

This punch almost completely shattered Daredevil's shoulder blade, but even so, there were still cracks on it, and this arm was completely useless in this arena.

Losing an arm will greatly reduce the balance and dexterity of the body. Liu Hao, who is fucking Chambers, has no time to waste here with Daredevil. He seized the opportunity and walked vigorously. He leaned over, and while Daredevil was still in shock, he slammed his huge fist towards the opponent's head fiercely;

Daredevil is also considered to have rich combat experience. Seeing the danger approaching, he still avoided a lot, but even so, he couldn't do it all. He split most of the blows, and Chambers' fist still wiped his nose. ;

This fist directly shattered the bridge of his nose, making it sloppy under his mask. What was more uncomfortable was the damage to his nose, which made him smell sour, his eyes were entwined with mist, and his whole body appeared in a state of slight paralysis;

This change directly ruined Daredevil's back road. Chambers, controlled by Liu Hao, seized the opportunity, directly picked up Daredevil, turned over, and smashed Daredevil's head to the ground. In an instant, Daredevil's head shattered like a watermelon, and he was killed on the spot.

When one party died, a blue light flashed across the arena. After the blue light swept across, the two figures began to dissipate, like particles. After that, these particles began to condense at both ends of the arena, and the two brand new figures were not damaged;

This is the formation that Liu Hao arranged before. From the perspective of outsiders, the two of them are fighting with all their strength in the arena. In fact, just like an immersive online game, the two of them stand in place from beginning to end until the end of the battle. Really woke up, but outsiders couldn't detect any strangeness at all.

The 300,000 audience applauded loudly, but Liu Hao's eyes were closely watching the change of luck clouds above Daredevil's head;

The impact of the failure is huge. The original Daredevil's cloud of luck and the original crimson have already had a trace of purple born;

Now, this trace of purple has completely disappeared, and the crimson surroundings of his original luck clouds have also appeared pink. When he left, these pink colors accounted for about 30% of his luck clouds.

Compared with the beginning, Daredevil still made money;

On the other side, above the head of Orochimaru's experimental product Chambers, a trace of pink appeared in the originally pale luck clouds. The existence of this trace of pink may be Chambers' greatest harvest. Orochimaru gave him freedom. With such luck, he can protect himself to some extent, and the worst thing is that he won't be completely sliced, right?

"How did the experiment work?"

When Orochimaru's voice came, Liu Hao nodded slightly, regardless of Orochimaru's next reaction, he stepped away directly, leaving behind Orochimaru's eyes blurred, he didn't know what he was thinking, but his eyes looked at Chambers It was full of weirdness, and obviously, he also found the fun in it.

In the clinic, Zhang Kuai was diligently grabbing the medicine,

Now he no longer needs to be weighed on the spot, every movement is just right, and there will be no deviation in the weight. With a single cultivation base, he also has the rank of Juren, and the cultivation of national art has reached the peak of dark energy.

"Zhang Kuai, if you have time, you can fight in the arena!"


Zhang Kuai was pleasantly surprised. Humans are belligerent in nature. It was fine when he was weak. Now he obviously feels that he is strong. How could he not have thought about it?

It's just that Zhang Kuai didn't dare to act casually because he was in the clinic all the time, and every move represented the influence of Liu Hao. With Liu Hao's personal permission, he was very excited.

"You don't need to hide your identity. The battle of life and death in the arena is also of great benefit to you. Maybe you will have to rely on him to break through the realm of transformation!"


Liu Hao didn't mention luck to Zhang Kuai either. The appearance of Daredevil also means that more mutants and even superheroes will appear on the stage in the future. appears to be crucial;

First, accumulate more luck through battles and improve yourself, so that Zhang Kuai can really wrestle with those mutants and superheroes in the future, and maybe win the opponent's luck by defeating a certain mutant or superhero. Nothing.

"You have reached the position of jurenwen. Today is just free, and I will teach you how to use the method of fighting with the position, so that you can have more self-protection ability!"

After Liu Hao finished speaking, regardless of Zhang Kuai's reaction, a white light shot out, and he taught the other party the battle mode of the Hundred Schools before Juren;

He had no choice but to do so. He had already discovered that in the Marvel world, the way of a hundred schools of thought was still oppressed, not to mention compared with Fang Yun's world of Confucianism and Taoism, even compared with Liu Hao's earth, its speed is also faster. to be more than half full;

This makes Zhang Kuai need a lot of time to enter the Jinshi position, maybe a year, at worst it will take half a year. Liu Hao also wants to try whether Zhang Kuai can improve his luck through the arena Speed ​​up this speed, and this is the way to push the opponent into the arena just now.

"Yuriko, have you learned all the ninjutsu that Orochimaru taught you?"

"Master, I have already learned most of it. Does the master want Yuriko to fight in the arena?"

"For you, don't worry. It won't be too late to wait for the arena to increase its combat power by a few levels. I heard from Orochimaru that you can control iron sand?"

"Yes! Master, you need extremely fine iron sand. Orochimaru-kun taught me Tudun, and let me control the iron sand together with the gravel! Orochimaru-kun said that a strong man did the same!"


"Yes, master! Orochimaru-kun also said this name!"

"That's not bad! Practice hard!"

"Yes! Master! I will definitely not let you down!"

Yuriko's expression was very solemn, which attracted Liu Hao to smile slightly. Regarding this, he didn't mean to hit Yuriko. Anyway, he has been with him for so long, and he has some feelings. Asking Orochimaru to teach ninjutsu to Yuriko is also for the other party. an opportunity means

In the future, whether it is Liu Hao or Orochimaru, it is impossible to stay in the Marvel world forever, and the black market of Xiaobenzi needs to be taken care of by someone. Whether it is Liu Hao or Orochimaru, this person feels that Yuriko is very suitable.

Yuriko is a small book population, and there is no problem with her loyalty. In addition, with Orochimaru's personal teaching, she will definitely be able to occupy a foothold in the Marvel world in the future. If she leaves, she will explain to Gu Yi that this There is no problem at all if the share influence continues.

Of course, this is a matter of the future. Now, Yuriko also needs some fame, but the arena is in the right place. As far as Liu Hao knows, there are already many mutants eager to try. Daredevil opened his mouth. These people can't wait too long.

That night, Zhang Kuai stepped onto the arena. His victory was very difficult. He originally wanted to keep his hand, but he had to use it. When he summoned the icy iron horse to fight, the sensation caused was enough to overwhelm the arena. The explosion also let people all over the world know the arrival of a new era;

In the same way, Zhang is about to become famous, the kind that everyone knows, the whole world knows that there is such a person from the Dragon Kingdom, they don't know that this is a trick of all kinds, some people think it is a mutant, and the other part will It was regarded as the method of the immortal family of the Dragon Kingdom, which also made the Taoists of the Dragon Kingdom famous all over the world, and caught other countries by surprise.

This made these countries understand that they should send out their stronger ones, especially the bald eagle, who wanted to use the arena to suppress the culture of the Lafa Shenglong country, and was a little impatient.

The next day, Natasha's arrival was also within Liu Hao's expectation.

"Natasha, this world is far more dangerous than you imagined. If you have time, go to the arena to exercise more. The battle of life and death is more beneficial than any cultivation!"

Liu Hao also knew about Natasha's entanglements. Whether it was Bald Eagle or S.H.I.E.L.D., they were all afraid of Liu Hao, so he had no choice but to arrange for Natasha, who was more familiar with Liu Hao, to come and consult him;

Zhang Kuai, originally an employee of Liu Hao Clinic, his appearance itself represents Liu Hao's attitude. What is the reason for letting Zhang Kuai enter the arena?

This is what agencies such as the Bald Eagle and S.H.I.E.L.D. are eager to know, and how could Natasha ask it out? It's nothing more than a trip to show others.

Liu Hao had nothing to hide, it would be better to give the other party some sense of crisis. If his expectations were right, the purple sweet potato essence in the universe might be unbearable at this time, right?

Originally, in this period of time, whether it is Ancient One or Odin, they are all at the end, close to death, the purple sweet potato spirit destroyer waits and waits, but finds that these two people are still alive and well, and he is also very sad , not to enter, not to retreat, the most uncomfortable thing for him is that he still can't predict what happened to the two of them;

In Liu Hao's opinion, the purple sweet potato essence has already endured to the limit, even if it doesn't come to the door in person, it will probably send other people to test it out;

Those who come must be people who need the appearance of Gu Yi or Odin to be able to bear it, and it is also impossible for the other party to arrive alone. In the universe, there is no shortage of civilization under the account of Thanos. But, this group is absolutely terrifying to Marvel Earth.

A new round of aliens' invasion of Marvel Earth seems inevitable, and there is already a deviation from the plot that Liu Hao knows, but Liu Hao still has no intention of appearing at all;

Ultron is gone, and it seems good for Women's Federation II to continue to fight aliens. It will also put more pressure on the major countries of Marvel and force them to invest more in the space age.

Natasha was taken aback by Liu Hao's words. She opened her mouth to ask something, but in the end she couldn't utter a word. It wasn't that Liu Hao kept his mouth shut, but that she didn't know how to ask.

The danger that Liu Hao could speak out was not something Natasha could resist at all, and it was only reasonable for her to be shocked.

After a long time, Natasha asked hoarsely:

"The danger of the universe, is it another alien invasion?"

"You are very smart! You should be very clear. Once there is the first time, there will be the second time. There will be countless times. The coordinates of the earth have been known by other civilizations, and they will not let it go lightly! Don't even think about it. If I live in ancient times, the flowers made in the greenhouse will not grow! You should be able to understand this truth!"

Natasha nodded mechanically, her head was in a mess, how long has it been since the Kiritas passed? Come again, can Marvel Earth stand it?

Last time, nearly a million Kiritas came, but Natasha knew very well that compared to the war between planets, millions of people are just pioneers. If the war between planet civilizations is not to destroy the planet For the purpose, it is nothing more than a small fight;

What will be the scale this time? That's what Natasha desperately wanted to know, but she also knew that Liu Hao couldn't tell her.

"Go, go to the arena to increase your combat experience, seek to break through to a higher level between life and death, and don't need to cover up your appearance, this is also an excellent opportunity for you, an opportunity to escape from the control of others! "

Liu Hao's voice was very soft, but there was extreme temptation in it. Hearing Natasha's ears, she was like Huang Zhong Dalu, which made her suddenly wake up;

She found that once she left a video in the arena and let herself be broadcast live all over the world, not to mention other things, the reputation brought by it alone was a huge protective layer;

A woman, a beautiful woman, and a beautiful woman who is very capable of fighting has never appeared before. This is definitely a rare temptation for human beings watching arena battles all over the world. It will be very high. With these supports, even S.H.I.E.L.D. has to treat her with caution. This is the layer of protection she really needs.

Natasha is the most insecure person in the Marvel world. Liu Hao grasped the greatest need of the other party and pushed her into the arena. After all, it was for observation, to take a look at one of the protagonists of the Marvel world With the blessing of the world's population, can it break its own shackles?

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