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1053: Language Hegemony

Liu Hao has no intention of breaking Hela's psychological prison right away. Right now, he still needs Hela to be used as a tool in the Marvel world, at least as a guard boss in the second wave of temptations that Thanos is about to come. ;

In addition, the appearance of Hella will instead prompt Thanos to firmly believe that Odin is gone, and automatically send the remaining Infinity Stones to the door.

Hella, the god of death, Liu Hao didn't intend to put her in the clinic as a nurse. One lily is enough, but he was a little worried about this guy's mess when he was released. turned upside down;

So, no matter if it really doesn't work, after thinking about it, Liu Hao sent Hela to the arena directly. He believed that with Hela's ability, he could definitely control the arena in his own hands quickly. Don't underestimate a person who dares to fight Odin, who is vying for the throne of the god king, how long can the group of managers of the bald eagle last under the combination of grace and power?

The facts were as Liu Hao expected. In just half a month, Hela had become the top manager of the arena, but her identity as the eldest daughter from Asgard and even Odin was revealed. Looking at this status, I have to choose to compromise;

Who asked Hela to give back the guarantee. The implication is that in the future, the arena in New York City will be upgraded from the arena of the earth to the arena of the universe. How can the bald eagle resist this kind of temptation?

Hela's promise is really not a joke. She is no better than these bumpkins on Marvel Earth. As a God of Death who has fought for tens of thousands of years, there are more than tens of millions of races in the Marvel Universe?

It is also seen that Liu Hao has made the arena a blessing, and the skills ensure the cruelty of the competition and ensure the safety. In other words, any creature participating in the competition can fight freely in this arena, but Just looking at it, it has increased a thousand times;

For such an arena, it would be overkill to shrink within the mere Marvel Earth. Once the live broadcast signal problem is solved, Hela even thinks about live broadcasting this arena in the entire universe, so that it can be developed by many powerful players in the Marvel Universe. The arena most eager to go to!

It has to be said that Hela's ambition is very big, and she does everything big, and a mere Marvel Earth Arena really can't accommodate her ambition;

Regarding Hela's approach, Liu Hao is also happy to watch. If Hela can carry forward the arena in the Marvel Universe, Liu Hao doesn't even mind developing the arena into a real arena of the heavens and the world, and show the power of the heavens and the world. It is very exciting to think about it by distributing admission tokens and entangle these people together to fight against each other.


Liu Hao also knows that he has not entered Hunyuan, and this matter can only stay in his mind for the most part, and it may even require a higher level.

Regarding this, he was not in a hurry at all, and quietly watched Hela tossing around, watching the arena being divided into stages by Hela, from mortal to extraordinary, and then to God's Domain, directly distinguishing three challenge classes;

The mortal stage is roughly from the first to the third stage, which is a warm-up competition. Anyone, as long as the person is voluntary, can participate, while Chaofan needs to make a test;

I don't know which scientific research institutions Hela has united with, and directly launched a strength test. As long as the output exceeds one ton, you can participate in the extraordinary challenge;

Here, some professional cultivating monks may be excluded, but Liu Hao still didn't mean to give any hints, and Hela left it to himself;

As for the challenge of God's Domain, the output of cultivation base has also reached the immortal level, and with the blessing of Liu Hao's formation, even if these people have the power to destroy the world, they can't break it, it is enough for them to play.

On Marvel Earth, there are not a few strong people with extraordinary strength. Hela also knows that there will not be too many participants in a short period of time. She is not in a hurry about this. On the contrary, during these days, she has learned about Nata After Sha's situation, she has been jumping on the other side, knowing that it is impossible for her to play, so she simply wanted to create a Valkyrie;

That is to say, Natasha's luck has improved recently, so she has this opportunity. Hela is also a battle-tested god of death. In terms of fighting, how can the entire Marvel Earth compare to her;

With Hela's training, Natasha's combat strength has improved visibly with the naked eye. She has already broken through the wall at the peak of the Transformation Realm, and stepped into the alchemy. This kind of cultivation can be tossed even in the extraordinary realm.

Today's Natasha is completely different. She is no longer a low-key and seldom-present agent. On the contrary, after a few competitions, her reputation has spread far and wide, and she has become a female idol in Marvel Earth. Famous movie stars and singers would never want to cover up the glory of Natasha.

It is also because the countries of Marvel Earth began to embrace martial arts, and collectively made the competition the most popular program on the entire planet, with the audience at least one show exceeding one billion. Only in this way, Natasha, a super star, was created.

And Natasha's fame has once again led to the prosperity of the major martial arts gyms in Lafasheng. It was free, and the branch of the martial arts hall even helped to build it. The trick was to win over Liao Zhong to open branches in the major cities of Bald Eagle;

And these are basically the conditions put forward by the voters in the major cities of Bald Eagle. It is a surge.

Among them, there is bound to be the promotion of the Bald Eagle Black Palace. They are also afraid that they will fall behind. The entire Marvel Earth can be opened from scratch, and anyone can practice. So far, only the Dragon Kingdom Guoshu Even if they are worried about cultural invasion, Bald Eagles have to choose to compromise. They know very well that if they fall behind here, they will definitely spend more in the future.

The bald eagle's big fanfare has also attracted other countries to follow suit, such as the Dragon Kingdom, which is already considering introducing the Dragon Kingdom martial arts to the campus.

This is also the result of the internal promotion of the development of science and technology. The interstellar era is about to come, the energy problem has been solved, and the appearance of the space shuttle is already recognized by everyone, which has given birth to greater physical needs for astronauts;

These days, all the major technological countries have come to the field to test, choose and choose, and the all-round evolution of the Dragon Kingdom Guoshu is the foundation. Otherwise, these astronauts will not be able to resist for a long time after leaving the earth.

For this reason, more investment must be made, and Natasha's appearance is at the right time. The major countries don't even need to spend their own money on publicity.

In fact, the major countries also understand that mutants are also a good choice;

However, mutants have been at odds with ordinary people for too long, especially in Western countries represented by bald eagles. The deep-seated distrust of mutants has made it difficult to hand over the astronauts to these people. Instead, it is better to start from scratch. training;

Because of this, Liao Zhong's martial arts gym has become extremely popular. As far as Liu Hao knows, even the Dragon Kingdom has reserved territory for Liao Zhong in big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. Although the Dragon Kingdom also has no shortage of Xingyi masters, They also knew that Liao Zhong was able to maintain his position in Bald Eagle so far, he must have his own set of models, and introducing Liao Zhong was like introducing a certain technology.

Seeing that the Dragon Kingdom is vying for Liao Zhong and others, how can the Bald Eagle dare to hesitate?

They were also afraid that Liao Zhong and other old masters would never return. When that time came, the bald eagle would cry.

At this time, how can we care about cultural assimilation?

Liu Hao can be regarded as playing the wrong way, directly eliminating many small movements of the Bald Eagle Black Palace in the bud, and further promoting the development of the Dragon Kingdom language in the Bald Eagle, and even the major countries of Marvel Earth.

For example, Polar Bear simply introduced the language of Dragon Kingdom into primary and secondary schools, and even operated it as a college entrance examination project;

And with the mouth of the polar bear, how long other countries can hold on is really a question;

A typical one is the surrounding countries of the Dragon Kingdom. Among them, the Xiaobenzi Country is the most prominent. They really want to further increase their language learning in the Dragon Kingdom, but they are a little worried about the whip of the Bald Eagle father. Submit to Orochimaru desk;

That is to say, Liu Hao didn't want to interfere, otherwise today's small books would have abandoned English and devoted themselves to the language of Longguo.

No matter how arrogant the top executives of Western countries are in their hearts, they also know in the bottom of their hearts that it is a trend and inevitable that three-dimensional Chinese will replace two-dimensional English;

Unless they don't want to be crushed in the computer network, promotion is a matter of time.

So far, there is still no action. One is unwillingness. Once the language hegemony that has dominated for more than two hundred years is lost, who will be willing?

In private, those programmers who are proficient in programming have already hired private teachers one by one, or participated in Chinese language training, etc.;

These, Western countries have not suppressed, and even made invisible support in private, such as leading these Chinese schools to reduce or exempt taxes, such as opening up immigrants from the population of Dragon Country, etc.;

But if you know it, you know it, and whether you do it immediately after knowing it is another matter.

Among them, the 'voters' are the foundation of these rulers.

It has been arrogance for a long time, or in other words, the past news has pushed these voters to be arrogant for too long, and it is not at all possible for them to understand the horror and impatience in it in a short period of time.

This is a two-handed approach. In private, there must be a lot of arrangements and training, but on the surface, no one dares to tell these "voters" that the English era is over.

Liu Hao was well aware of this, and sat on the Diaoyutai to watch leisurely;

Occasionally, seeing the crazy increase in paper documents in areas such as the Bald Eagle Black Palace and the Hexagon Building, I understand the fear in these people's hearts, and I know that they are unwilling and impossible to resist. Paperless office has been used for decades, so what? May be willing to use handwriting?

As the country with the most powerful computers, the Bald Eagle is the most aware of the horror of artificial intelligence. how? Can the two-dimensional language be three-dimensional?

On the contrary, it lost a faster introduction time. At that time, Longguo's network detachment status will be further consolidated, and the hegemony of language will shift, and the dominance of civilization will inevitably shift.

This is Liu Hao's biggest calculation.

Don't look at him doing nothing all day, but everything is under his control;

For example, the rise of mutants is where his next plan lies.

Because he is most aware of the idea of ​​taking shortcuts in the bones of Western civilization, and understands the shackles of the upper limit of mutants. Once Western civilization puts its mind into the research of mutants, it may be able to regain some dominance in the early stage, but the future will definitely be today's. Crazy pay.

Mutants, among the people of Marvel Earth, are no longer hidden secrets, and there are many people discussing them;

In the past, under the cover of the news, it was faintly visible, but during this period of time, the news from various countries has begun to lift this veil. The combination of these news also made Liu Hao understand that the arena will soon be upgraded, and Chaofan will soon debut.

Speaking of which, the countries are also being forced by Liu Hao. If Liu Hao does not send Zhang Kuai on the field, they will have to wait for some time. However, with Zhang Kuai on the field and his ability to summon ice and snow cavalry, how can these countries dare to continue? wait;

If they don't take action, the people will riot. They are also worried that their country does not have such a master, just like they used to imagine nuclear weapons;

Nuclear weapons, there are very few countries that Marvel Earth can have, but if there are no such disguised nuclear weapons today, those rulers will never imagine the peace.

A typical one is the bald eagle. The people have left various messages on the Black Palace website, and there are various opinions emerging. The most common suggestion is to push the bald eagle captain Steve onto the stage. Those who are more informed will call on the Black Palace Calling up Magneto and his ilk and so on and so forth.

Some people may say that Liu Hao has already taught Gu Yi the magic of the magical world, but how could Liu Hao, who had planned for a long time, leave a gap here?

Perhaps it is difficult for others to change the magic language, but in Liu Hao's hands, it only takes some time. The magic language he taught to Gu Yi is basically Dragon Kingdom Chinese, and the incantations chanted at the beginning are even more so due to classical Chinese. ;

Learners may not need to fully understand the deep meaning of these classical Chinese, but those who know the deep meaning of this language are bound to be easier to learn. That is to say, the ancient one has not been promoted on a large scale. days of supremacy.

It has to be said that in order to overturn the status of the backbone of civilization in the Marvel world, Liu Hao also worked hard;

Among them, there is also an experiment by Liu Hao. The world that has established the backbone of Western civilization can seize its foundation and transform. Liu Hao himself is not sure, but it does not prevent him from experimenting with the Marvel world, even if it fails in the end so what?

At that time, the status of Yanhuang civilization in the Marvel world will inevitably be greatly improved, and it will become a vital part of it. What else can we be dissatisfied with?

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