Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

1213. Liu Hao's suggestion

1213 , Liu Hao's Suggestion

For Liu Hao, he has an extraordinary sense of intimacy with the prehistoric world;

Liu Hao thought that this sense of closeness came from his own blood, from the myths of the Yanhuang civilization, but in fact, it was the imprint of the prehistoric world given by Pangu and the four spirits when he visualized Pangu opening the sky in the "Pangu Temple";

In other words, even if Liu Hao was not born in the prehistoric world, he is still a part of the prehistoric world, not an outsider like he thought.

It is also because of this that when he said these words, he naturally regarded himself as a creature in the prehistoric world. This duty is not only for everyone to hear, but also has his own share.

The strong side can always influence the weak side on a large scale.

It's not that Liu Hao never thought about forming a team of monks with his own Earth's Yanhuang civilization to expand territories in other worlds, but after thinking about it, he still didn't take any action. He knew it was unrealistic.

This is the same as the standard of living of individuals, there is a big similarity;

When you are still suffering from hunger and cold, if you go to talk to someone about helping the neighbor next door, he will definitely give you a stick, and then marinate you to eat meat.

But when a person's food and clothing problem has been solved, you go to talk to him about it, and he will probably chat with you, but if you really want to let people use their wealth to support their neighbors, then don't even think about it, talk is fine, take action People are equally helpless.

Even if he took a step back and said that this guy is really willing to use his property to support his neighbors, it will only end up that both families will become part of the "starvation and coldness". How much effect will it have?

Liu Hao’s Dragon Kingdom on Earth is like this, it belongs to those who stood up from difficulties with great difficulty, such as the world of my brother’s sword and the world under one person, which belong to supporting while fighting together in adversity, the others, let’s forget it ;

Otherwise, Liu Hao wouldn't need to keep all of his avatars in his own earth, and wouldn't it be that he didn't have much confidence at all?

But the prehistoric world is completely fine, not to mention going up together, a few saints can easily handle many worlds under one sect.

People have this strength, which is the same as foreign investment. If you want money and money, you need technology and technology. Big money business, my heart is hot.

Liu Hao is aware of this. Since his own Earth Dragon Kingdom is powerless to do so, it is better to join the prehistoric world. At any rate, he is also a part of the Yanhuang civilization system. At any rate, he can follow others to share some benefits, which is better than being taken by other civilizations. Is it better for the system to make a lot of money?

Also with this in mind, he blurted out without hesitation when Hongjun asked the next time. His answer also made several saints feel very comfortable;

They thought in their hearts that Liu Hao is not bad, even Hongjun needs to ask Liu Hao's opinion, it seems that when he goes to those worlds to preach, he should also share some benefits with others, otherwise if he regrets in the future, there may be real problems .

Laozi and other sages are still not sure why Hongjun asked Liu Hao for his opinion, but since he asked, there must be a reason that they also cannot know. clear?

From their point of view, it was clearly Hongjun who reminded them by asking Liu Hao to tell them that Liu Hao's interests could not be ignored.

Besides, sharing a little profit with Liu Hao seems to be nothing, it is considered as road money, and this benefit will not be much in their opinion, and Liu Hao still needs to go more strive for.

Everyone has their own thoughts, nothing more than that.

Hongjun on the cloud bed didn't care about these things, he got Liu Hao's nod before he continued:

"Since this is the case, the matter of inheriting the Taoism of the heavens can be concluded. What is the specific purpose, let's talk about it today!"

This is Hongjun's intention of not wanting to interfere with the specifics. As the host, he is more in control of the overall situation, and how he behaves is not what he needs to pay attention to.

The meaning of these words is more to tell these saints that what he cares about is only the result;

In other words, it is also to tell them that your preaching to the heavens and myriad worlds is also of great benefit to the prehistoric world;

It is beneficial to the prehistoric world, and it also means that the sages can get a lot of feedback from the benefits of the prehistoric world, such as improving luck to a higher level, such as making it easier for you to understand the way of heaven, etc.;

After listening to Hongjun's words, several saints had a slight flash of joy on their faces. For them, cultivation is the foundation. Nuwa, who was originally considered by them to be the most backward, has now surpassed them all in one fell swoop. Ahead, this sense of urgency is even greater.

Hongjun's guess is indeed correct. This is like helping the poor in backward areas. It is not only the contribution of manpower and material resources, but also a great improvement of prestige;

For example, after the saints preached to the heavens and the world, these heavens will naturally know the prehistoric world, and they will inevitably have a yearning for the prehistoric world. If they want to see what such a high-level world should be like situation.

The consequence is that these high-level talents from the heavens and worlds will naturally enter the prehistoric world, and their entry will inevitably bring different thoughts and skills to the prehistoric world;

Perhaps it is impossible for these ideas, skills and skills to become the mainstream in the prehistoric world, but they will inevitably promote the development of the prehistoric world from the side, and even improve the three thousand roads of the prehistoric world.

And this is just a benefit of the flag. Once the prehistoric world is established as the leading subject, it is not impossible to promote the prehistoric world to upgrade again.

This is what Hongjun wants to see the most. This is the height at which he really sees the problem. fundamental.

In fact, Liu Hao didn't like Hongjun's way of speaking, it was too cryptic, if it wasn't for his quick brain, he really couldn't keep up with others' rhythm, no wonder he wasn't a really good teacher.

But Liu Hao didn't think there was anything bad about it. He knew very well that at his level on Earth, he could never become a real center. It was more like a frontline headquarters, a battleground for the heavens.

That being the case, so what if this benefit was given to the prehistoric world? It's better than the scattered sand in the heavens and the world, isn't it?

Moreover, there is a super powerful enemy called the abyss on our own earth, and this unity is also needed. Since the prehistoric world is happy to take over, it is reasonable for him to choose to support it.

How to put it, he is also the "Emperor Ziwei" in the prehistoric world, and this "respect" has even been recognized by the will of the entire prehistoric world;

To put it bluntly, even if the Jade Emperor is changed, his 'Ziwei Emperor' is still an iron-clad camp, but whenever the prehistoric world gains benefits, it is necessary for him to take a share, but it is just a matter of more or less.

Today, the most high-end meeting in the prehistoric world invited Liu Hao, isn't it also a kind of recognition?

At least Liu Hao knows that the way of the hundred schools of thought he propagated in the prehistoric world will inevitably have the problem of severance of inheritance in the future. This is the first achievement he has obtained when he came to participate in this high-end conference today. The way of a hundred schools of thought is deadly.

This also means that the entire prehistoric world has recognized the Tao of Hundred Schools as a new system, accepted and recognized by the three ways of heaven, earth, people, and all saints.

Similarly, the power brought by his title of 'Emperor Ziwei' will inevitably be paid more attention to by these saints after today. Once Liu Hao issues a decree with the power of 'Emperor Ziwei', even if they feel unhappy, they will probably Will not tear the skin of the skin and directly veto it.

This is Liu Hao's personal income, what about the group? At least Liu Hao's own Earth Dragon Kingdom also has quite a few.

Hongjun's words didn't have many words, but it also represented that Honghuang began to accept more outsiders to join;

If you didn't have any luck before, it would be very difficult to enter the prehistoric world, or even if you did, you would have to face a catastrophe;

It is different now, Hongjun nodded, and Nuwa and Houtu did not object, which means that the three ways of "heaven, earth and man" of the prehistoric world have recognized this time, which is also the will of the prehistoric world. It will not be treated the same as the native creatures, but it will not make other deliberate discriminatory practices.

This means that if Liu Hao wanted to, he could lead an army directly from his own earth into the prehistoric world and accept them as the Forbidden Army of the Ziwei Star Field. He couldn't escape the monster clan's pursuit.

"Although we have learned a lot of information from the heavens from our disciples, it is always too one-sided. Fellow Daoist Ziwei knows more about these things. I wonder if you have any other suggestions?"

As a big senior brother, since Hongjun asked a question, he naturally had to answer directly, but he also knew that what he had discussed before could not be recounted in words. Instead of doing this, it would be better to see what suggestions Liu Hao had.

In the past, Lao Tzu and others would not ask Liu Hao, even if they knew Liu Hao could give better advice, they would not do it. This is the pride of a sage, but now that Hongjun can ask, why can't he?

Lao Tzu's question also caught the other sages for a moment, and then they understood what Lao Tzu was thinking. Only then did they realize that it was still the 'big brother' who was brilliant, and this complete change of mentality was really beyond their reach.

Liu Hao was also taken aback. He didn't expect Lao Tzu to ask his opinion. He glanced over and saw that other sages seemed to have consultation in their eyes. Before he had time to think about it, he naturally expressed his thoughts:

But before stating his thoughts, Liu Hao still explained the many conditions of his own earth. How did he know how much these sages knew about their own earth?

With a wave of his hand, he showed his own Earth in front of everyone, especially the land occupied by the Dragon Kingdom, and marked it thoroughly, and then he said his suggestion:

"The prehistoric world is one in the minds of the people of the Dragon Kingdom. In the past, it was just a legend, but now it has been confirmed. They naturally regard the prehistoric world as part of their own family, just like the land of the prehistoric Tang Dynasty;"

Speaking of this, Liu Hao paused for a moment. He didn't say anything specifically, but he also believed that other people understood his thoughts, that is, where his own Earth Dragon Kingdom is located, and it needs to be regarded as the orthodox place of the human race;

"Besides the Dragon Kingdom, there are many linked heavens, but there are very few developers, and many of them have even fallen into the hands of monsters and monsters. Their development can be described as simple and crude, which requires more guidance from fellow Taoists." Can;

There are a large number of them. If everyone develops together, the speed will be slow. It is better to have one by one! "

This is consistent with the results discussed by Lao Tzu and others before, and it also attracted their nods one by one;

"As for the world channel in the Dragon Kingdom, Pindao suggested that they should join forces to lead Yun Zhongzi and others into one of the worlds. Now it seems that the effect is very satisfactory;

In addition, the ruling of the Dragon Kingdom sent personnel to help, and the result was to improve it from the root, and completely link it with the civilization of the prehistoric world! "

There are some things that Liu Hao didn't say too bluntly, but Lao Tzu and other sages can also understand, that is, Liu Hao is emphasizing that the participation of the Dragon Kingdom can get twice the result with half the effort, and the two will not conflict.

In fact, it is also true. They are there to preach and teach, not to rule. This point must also be observed by Buddhism. You can build many temples in it, but if you want to develop it into a Buddhist country, Sanqing will not agree.

Xiniu Hezhou is the biggest example. It is almost a piece of iron bucket, which is fine in the prehistoric times. If we do the same in other heavens, doesn't it mean that they are completely cut off from their Taoism?

Once it is discovered, it also means that the world where Sanqing first preached will never be touched by them. This is not a good thing. Everyone knows that the more worlds you spread your orthodoxy, the more benefits you can get.

That being the case, the rules that should be followed must be followed. Above this bottom line, each depends on his ability, and how much he eats depends on his own ability.

Jieyin Zhunti also agrees with this in his heart. Compared with Taoism today, Buddhism has a large number of people. In their view, such rules are the most beneficial to them. Of course, whether this is actually the case needs to be verified in the future. Row.

This kind of high-level meeting, speaking is not a joke. It’s okay if you don’t ask Liu Hao. Once you ask, Liu Hao said, if you don’t accept it, you will definitely offend Liu Hao, saying that you want Liu Hao to make a suggestion. In fact, let Liu Hao also make the red line rules in Liu Hao's heart for this preaching to the heavens.

Fortunately, Liu Hao is not a fool. Naturally, he would not gossip because Lao Tzu asked his opinion.

At this time, Liu Hao may not know the significance of this red line, but with the development of time, he will understand how wise what he said today is.

When the interests come first, no matter how good it is in the past, so what if there are more people depending on their own abilities? Hongguoguo's interests come first, which one has no desire to compete? If there is no such red line, Long Guo will really be in trouble in the future.

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