Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand two hundred and fifteen. Yangmou

1215: Yangmou

Liu Hao couldn't figure out what the Empress Dowager's plan was. Compared with other people, his morality was much worse.

Hongjun and Empress Nuwa present here know that Houtu simply gave Liu Hao a chance, a chance to become a saint and manage reincarnation in the future;

Empress Houtu let Liu Hao incarnate to take over the new Fengdu Great Emperor's position, which also opened the door for Liu Hao to understand the way of reincarnation, and even understand the tunnel.

As for whether Liu Hao can catch it or not, it depends on Liu Hao's own choice.

Similarly, Empress Houtu is also giving the retiring 'Fengdu Great Emperor' a chance, but it is only a chance. Whether she can be selected, whether she will be won by other monks of the prehistoric world, or other monks of the heavens, Houtu will not to interfere.

In the end, it was Houtu who was telling these saints that your disciples can also fight for this opportunity. I don't care who becomes the saint of reincarnation in the end and which force he comes from.

This is also a conspiracy.

Even Hongjun was also moved. If this sage of reincarnation came from a Taoist sect, wouldn't it also allow the Taoist sect to occupy more luck?

At this time, Lao Tzu was thinking about whether to let his disciples also fight for it. The candidate for this disciple was naturally the Great Master Xuandu.

If it had been the past, I might not have been moved. In his opinion, sooner or later he would step into the realm of the 'Day of Heaven'. At that time, Master Xuandu would naturally be a good opportunity to succeed the leader of Renjiao and be sanctified.

But now it's different. Firstly, it's because when I will step into the Heavenly Dao hasn't been determined yet, secondly, it's also because I have accepted a new personal disciple, Feng Baobao;

With such a choice in front, it seems unreasonable not to let Xuandu fight for it.

Once it can be achieved, then the two future disciples of his father will become saints. Thinking about it, I feel a little excited.

He knew that he was the first saint to understand, but it won't be long before the other saints can also figure out Empress Dowager's plan, and by then, the competition will be extremely fierce.

I haven't made up my mind yet, but Liu Hao stood up and returned the gift to Empress Houtu. This is not a good thing he can refuse, and there is no reason to refuse. He has many thoughts in his heart, but it is not the time to filter them out, so take them first Thanks for the comparison.

"Thank you Empress Houtu, after returning to the body, I will recruit the incarnation to sit in the underworld!"

"That's good!"

Empress Houtu smiled, then nodded slightly towards Nuwa, it's over, it's your turn!

Empress Nuwa didn't hesitate, and said directly: "Wa Palace is sparsely populated, and all human affairs require Huoyun Cave's efforts. As for the selection of candidates, the Three Emperors and Five Emperors can decide on their own. What do you fellow Taoists think?"

It was another general, although no candidate was given, but it was no different from the given one.

In other words, Empress Nuwa directly gave the bottom line: first, she must be a human race, and second, she must make great contributions to the human race.

Here, although there is no requirement that the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors must be directly selected, most of the chances are given, and the other half of the chances is also meant for the saints to fight for themselves.

In other words, Empress Nuwa doesn't mind if this person is chosen from outside Huoyun Cave, and you saints can also fight for it, but the road is restricted.

Once you want to enter it and compete for this holy position, you must follow the rules set by Empress Nuwa, otherwise don't blame her for not approving it.

The same is also a kind of calculation, even if this opportunity is clearly not as big as the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, but there is a big difference between it and no, as long as the heart is moved, it will naturally walk on the path that Nuwa Empress wants, and the only benefit in the end is "humanity" itself.

It's all conspiracy!

That's when I was thinking about whether to let Xuandu compete for the opportunity of the saint under Nuwa Empress.

But after thinking about it, I have to give up. Without him, although Xuandu is the earliest member of the human race, his reputation among the human race is indeed pitiful. It has been a long time since he left the human race, but the chances are even less .

"Forget it, and tell Xuandu, let him choose!"

These words flashed through Lao Tzu's mind, he wasn't thinking about it, and he didn't talk to Empress Nuwa to ask. He knew that it wasn't him at all, but Hongjun Tiandao.


How can Hongjun answer? Yangmou is like this, knowing that he is plotting but he has to follow.

"Then it's settled! Liu Hao, who do you think is the best person to send across the world?" Empress Nuwa then asked again;

The more Liu Hao didn't want to participate, the more the question came to him. It was not so easy to answer. If he chose this, would he offend other candidates?

"Must be chosen from among the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns?"

Liu Hao was thinking that Empress Nuwa would help him draw a limit, but Empress Nuwa would never give him a chance;

"Oh? You also think it's better to choose from the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns?"

Empress Nuwa's rhetorical question almost made Liu Hao vomit blood. Are you the one who tricked me like this? Choose from the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns, it's not a good thing for him to offend others.

He made a pitiful expression, wanting to let Empress Nuwa let him go, but she ignored him at all, and instead tilted his head slightly and waited.

This is simply to force Liu Hao, as if to say, this bad guy is up to you!

Liu Hao also knew that he couldn't escape, and his mind turned rapidly:

"Your Majesty, since you have chosen from the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, it is natural to arrange them from the beginning, but the Emperor Fuxi is a symbol of the human race, and it is more majestic to sit in the wild, why not choose the Emperor Shennong?"

"Great kindness! I will follow your words!"

Liu Hao really wanted to get other emoticons from Empress Nuwa, but it was a pity that he couldn't do it at all, as if his suggestion was the result that Empress Nuwa wanted to see.

Little did they know that Empress Nuwa was actually weighing whether to let Fu Xi go, and Liu Hao's suggestion also relieved Empress Nuwa's worries to a certain extent.

Don't think that Liu Hao seems to be forced to choose by Empress Nuwa, but he didn't calculate?

Among the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, Liu Hao only had contact with the Emperor Shennong, and he got the Xuanyuan Sword from the Xuanyuan Clan. If he was asked to choose, he would naturally only choose between these two.

But Fuxi is the elder brother of Empress Nuwa, if Liu Hao didn't give a reason, who knows if Empress Nuwa would feel uncomfortable?

But his reasoning is not bad. The authenticity and humaneness of the prehistoric world will appear in the world from today. Naturally, a spokesperson is needed to push the stage. Regardless of the authenticity, there is no better choice for Fuxi's humaneness.

This is not only a high-end issue of Fuxi's cultivation base, but also the personal connections before Fuxi's reincarnation, which the other three emperors and five emperors did not have.

Also, the identity of the elder brother of Fuxi's Nuwa Empress is intimidating. Even a saint is not easy to get big in front of him, and he must give the face that should be given.

The reason why Empress Nuwa wanted to make this choice through Liu Hao's mouth was not only that she was in a dilemma, but also had a deeper calculation, and this calculation was never thought of by Liu Hao.

That is to pull Liu Hao into the chariot of humanity.

Wasn't that the case with the Empress Houtu before?

Liu Hao didn't think of this, but both Hongjun and the saints below were very clear about it.

It's also because Liu Hao still doesn't know his importance. Even Hongjun, Houtu and Nuwa are very vague about Liu Hao's importance, but there is always a feeling in their hearts telling them that Liu Hao is very important;

Otherwise, why did Xuanwu Great Venerable choose Liu Hao, and why did he give him the innate treasure of 'Xuanwu Seal'?

They are very vague about this, but it does not prevent them from investing in Liu Hao first, giving benefits first and then making calculations.

Lao Tzu and other saints are even more vague about this, but from the actions of Hou Tu and Nu Wa, if they don't understand that this is an investment, they are falsely calling themselves saints. Didn't Hongjun show any expression? As if it should be so normal.

Knowing this, it does not prevent them from making plans in their hearts, but how to act depends on what they say in the future.

Liu Hao was confused, but he knew one thing, that is, from today onwards, the prehistoric world will be very different.

In the past, saints were not allowed to come to the world, and from today onwards, they will also pass away. This is the biggest shock to all living beings.

The perfection of the three ways of heaven, earth and man also marks that the prehistoric world has entered a new pattern. Fortunately, neither Nuwa nor Houtu have established religions, otherwise the prehistoric world will really have a big fight.

Such a change is good and bad for all living beings.

Speaking of the bad side, it is still a battle, the battle for the position of saint, which is more terrifying than any big battle;

On the bright side, those peak powerhouses who couldn't ask for it for hundreds of millions of years will find that there is a gap opened for them, and there will be a lot of people who joined the world;

For example, the Beiming Kunpeng, such as the Blood Sea Styx, will no longer stay at home. Their entry into the world will cause enough turmoil for all living beings in the prehistoric world to drink a pot.

This will inevitably change Honghuang's current situation drastically. We must know that the restart of Fengshen is not over yet, and the world where danger and opportunity coexist is the beginning of real terror.

To use an analogy, the restart of the Conferred Gods has caused more and more monks to choose to live in seclusion, and the number of people who have banned the mountain gate is even more, lest they will be involved by the new Conferred Gods and become enslaved by Haotian on the Conferred Gods List. members.

But now? Even if you know that it is extremely dangerous, even if you know that going out of the mountain may turn into flying ashes, but the opportunity is right in front of you, the opportunity of a saint, if you miss it this time, maybe you will miss it forever, who wouldn't be tempted?

If you don't fight at this time, when will you wait?

Liu Hao can imagine that the next prehistoric will be extremely exciting;

But for him, it is also a good thing.

At least such a huge opportunity is ahead, and those peak monks in the prehistoric world will carefully weigh whether to go to other heavens on the earth to find opportunities, or choose to stay in the prehistoric world.

No matter how great the opportunity is, for those peak monks, how could it be better than sanctification?

Obviously, these peak monks will make choices in their hearts. For example, Dijun and Taiyi will probably not act rashly. This is what Liu Hao wants to see.

To be honest, Liu Hao has always been worried that Dijun and Taiyi will go to their home earth.

The two of them and Bai Ze's way of acting are not in the same pattern at all.

If Bai Ze is a moderate, then Dijun Taiyi is definitely a hawk, and he is also the most hard-line of the two, that's all, the key people can make their own decisions without reporting.

Once one of them enters Liu Hao's Earth, the tacit understanding between the human race and the monster race will inevitably be broken.

Liu Hao still has some confidence in his own Dragon Kingdom, but how many human races outside the Dragon Kingdom can stay is really a problem.

He knows that there is an essential difference between his earth and the wild.

In the prehistoric world, those who kill many lives have a lot of karma, no matter whether you are killing people or demons.

But on our own earth, it is nothing more than a competition for living space, a part of the rules of heaven and earth, and a general relationship with the food chain. It is as natural as a cat eating a mouse.

Once Dijun Taiyi enters the earth and discovers this, they will never let go of the human race outside the Dragon Kingdom.

At that time, perhaps the 500 or 600 million surviving population of the Three Kingdoms will be swept away by the monster race, and the trembling human race in old Europe will only experience the last fear.

It's not that Liu Hao wants to protect these human races, he's not so holy, what he's more worried about is that after the demon race sweeps over, all the passages in the world outside the Dragon Kingdom will be controlled by the demon race.

After obtaining so many worlds of the heavens, it is impossible to say that after the monsters occupy all of them, Dijun and Taiyi will really become saints.

That's why Liu Hao didn't stop the saints from dividing these world cakes at all. It's better to give them than to the Yaozu.

It's okay to be like this now, at least Liu Hao knows that for a long time to come, Dijun Taiyi will not leave Honghuang lightly, and even the deity with Tathagata, Haotian and others will not act rashly.

This is the position of saints. These peak monks are the most coveted group. No matter how much they give up for this, they will recognize it. They will frantically compete for luck among other heavenly worlds.

In Wa Palace, after discussing all matters, no one would stay to drink tea, but Liu Hao was forced to stay by Empress Nuwa, and he was still a little uneasy.

"I heard that you set up a golden body for me on Earth?"

"It's not a 'golden body', but a stone sculpture for the empress, ninety-nine sticks high. My country's "Nuwa made man" has been passed down through the ages. People in the country know about the empress, so they naturally want to do something for their mother!"

Liu Hao spoke these words very slowly, and weighed them in his heart for a long time before saying them, but even so, he felt that his language organization was not proper enough, but it was difficult to speak better.

Fortunately, Empress Nuwa seems to be very satisfied with this;

In the prehistoric times, after the Yin and Shang conferred the gods, the orthodox place in the world seemed to have lost the temple of the girl. Liu Hao's earth could have a second thought, why was she unhappy?

She also knew that it was Long Guo who wanted her to protect her, but so what? In the past, maybe she would have to weigh it, but now she is not afraid, and she is more happy to fulfill it.

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