Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand two hundred and thirty. Change

1230. change

A One Piece world government that has ruled the world for eight hundred years, once its own potential is stimulated, the impact it will bring is absolutely terrifying.

What's more, they also made a choice, giving up some areas and concentrating their energy.

This is the case with One Piece's world government today. When they integrate into the earth, they have to make a choice.

Don't regard the One Piece World Government as a fool. They are corrupt, but it doesn't mean they have no smart people. On the contrary, they can inform a world for 800 years, and they naturally have their own think tank system.

They also know that if no changes are made, it will inevitably cause huge shocks, and even threaten the ruling power of the world government itself.

In the East China Sea, due to Long Guo's participation, they made a choice and maintained a superficial relationship, but who knows what the actual situation is?

Also because of the changes in the East China Sea, the One Piece World Government has made priority decisions in other regions. Based on the Red Earth Continent, they have devoted most of their energy to the great waterway, and firmly hold this waterway in their hands. Expanded the dominance of the World Government;

But compared with the Red Earth Continent, there is still a big difference, that is, the great waterway, and the more dominant ones are the naval institutions.

Compared with the past, the Tianlong people on the red earth continent no longer dare to go out at will.

Don't underestimate the impact of Liu Hao's lightly beheading the Tianlong people on the great channel. To a certain extent, he broke the image of the Tianlong people being superior and inviolable.

With such a benchmark here, everyone in the world of One Piece understands that Tianlong people are not gods at all, they will hurt if they are beaten, and they will die if they are beheaded.

Once this image collapses, it will never be lifted again, not to mention that the One Piece is just an area in the Pacific Ocean of the earth. Even if he kills the Tianlong people in a fit of anger, can he leave this area?

As long as you leave the areas where the world government has the most powerful dominance, how should you live?

The world government is also too aware of this, but they don't think they have the strength to enter the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base to arrest people, and now even Donghai is too lazy to pay attention to the reward issued by the world government is enough to prove everything.

It is also because of this that Tianlong people no longer dare to go out casually. They have also seen countless condemnations against them on the Internet and various methods of 'cooking' them.

It would be a lie to say that there is no fear, and there seems to be nothing wrong with staying in Bridge Maria.

Not to mention, without the tossing of the Tianlong people, even the areas notified by the world government have improved to a certain extent;

Of course, there is also a great relationship between the world government's willingness to guide and drive most of the pirates to the new world.

To put it bluntly, these pirate groups are cannon fodder. The world government deliberately let them enter the new world, and deliberately let them introduce fresh blood to the big pirate groups like the Four Emperors.

You may be thinking, since the world government has shown its fangs, why should the major pirate groups be allowed to live in the new world? Why allow them to pose a threat to the world government?

There are some things to say about this, but Liu Hao feels that the biggest reason is the product of the world politics, tolerating the evils of the Pirates, in order to demonstrate the justice and legitimacy of his world government.

With such an outlet, the first evil people see will always be the pirates.

And the effect seems to be very good. In addition, the world government has restrained itself during this period of time, and the people's life is indeed much better than before;

This also made Liu Hao understand that for at least a long period of time, the world government of One Piece World must continue to stand, and the future depends on Tang Sanzang's ability.

There may still be many problems in this One Piece world, but in Liu Hao's opinion, it is much better than before, at least there is not much internal friction, no matter if they block the tide of monsters from the Xuanwu world for the sake of profit, at least they are out of trouble. Powerful, that's enough.

Liu Haoke never thought of himself as the savior of the world, and more of a mentality that he had nothing to do with himself. If he was in a good mood, he might help out. If he was in a bad mood, he would just sit on the sidelines.

He doesn't want to be a virgin, he appreciates Naruto Uzumaki, but it doesn't mean he must learn from him.

What's more, the current Uzumaki Naruto is completely different from the one he knows. He lives a very comfortable life with a beautiful family, both children, a car and a house, and his strength is not bad, even in the Australian base of Longguo. Among them, there is also a well-known generation.

As for Konoha Village, who knows how much status this will still have in Uzumaki Naruto's heart?

Naruto Uzumaki, who grew up in the short book street since he was a child, has much affection for Konoha?

The environment makes a person, this has been the case since ancient times, like Naruto Uzumaki, what about those peers who entered the short book street to study early like Naruto Uzumaki? Still not a reason?

Konoha's third generation has been done by Ah San long ago, and the so-called will of fire has long since lost much meaning. If you really still hold this old concept, maybe the current Konoha can continue to survive. into a problem.

Although Liu Hao hasn't visited the ninja world for a long time, he still knows a lot about the ninja world.

In the ninja world, the number of ninjas has soared, and it has become a compulsory course for almost all the ninja population, but it also does not mean that the ninja population only learns ninjutsu.

Is it true that the Confucianism that Zeng Jianliang has spread for so long in the ninja world is fake?

Is it true that the school established by Longguo in the ninja world has no guiding ability?

In today's ninja world, the biggest means of making a living is to go to Kalimantan Island to hunt and kill monsters, and then sell them to the Dragon Kingdom acquisition team in exchange for various needs.

Because everyone knows that this is the fastest way to accumulate wealth. Long Kingdom's long-term "high price" acquisitions have penetrated into the bones of the people in the ninja world, and have profoundly affected their three views.

They know very well that the best way to improve their cultivation is to become a monster hunter. Only in this way can they accumulate more resources, and in this way they can establish their own 'ninja family', and in this way they can cultivate more powerful people. Many family members.

In the entire ninja world, who cares whether you are a citizen of the country of fire or the country of wind?

Rather than claiming to be from a certain country, it is better to state your family when you introduce yourself, and tell the other party that your family has those strong people, how many movie-level, how many super-shadow-level, and how many family members went to the Australian base of Longguo to develop. In order to be better respected by the other party.

This is the reality, and it is also the real harvest of the Dragon Kingdom for a long time.

The entire ninja world has long downplayed the concept of a country. In contrast, whether it is the Dragon Kingdom or the local people in the ninja world, they are more willing to emphasize the village and family members they come from, and how awesome their family is.

There is no shortage of insightful people in the ninja world, but what if they are very clear-headed? They can't change the general trend. This is the historical wheel driven by the Dragon Kingdom. It brings the people of the entire ninja world into the car. There are thousands of interests ahead. This is a fact that no one can stop.

To put it bluntly, the ninja world is such a big land, how much land can there be? With the population explosion, there is not enough food to eat, so what if you don't follow the Dragon Kingdom to hunt monsters?

Who wants to go home and eat white rice when there is meat to eat? Who dares to lag behind those meat-eating people who are physically strong and whose cultivation has improved? Even in order to compete with the surrounding population, it is normal to roll up your sleeves and fight.

Look at the Uchiha clan, how many branches have been divided up to now?

Whenever Longguo develops a base, the Uchiha family will send many people to follow, and then let these people take root, even if these people can only be counted as branch families, so what? Didn't you have a good day?

Look at the Hyuga Clan again, isn't it slow step by step, where is it still comparable to the Uchiha Clan? If it wasn't for Hyuga Hyuzu having a good daughter and marrying a good husband-in-law, it's uncertain whether the Hyuga clan can be compared with some less advanced families today.

Especially the three backward Ikacho families, that is terrifying, even the original Uchiha family of Konoha dare not say that they can suppress the union of these three families, this is the truth.

Didn't someone else suppress the treasure early? Even now that Liu Hao has left long ago, hasn't Long Guo been taking care of them?

It is said that the three major families of Zhuludie already have their own manors in the Australian base of Longguo. This is the dream of all the families in the ninja world, and this is the life that a real master should have.

Compared with these, the ninja world is just a small country place that cannot be smaller. Who doesn't want to go out?

It can be said that in terms of training, Ninja World is the most successful template of Dragon Kingdom.

In the same way, the Dragon Kingdom is also happy to support them forever, so that they can truly share weal and woe with the Dragon Kingdom!

Don't think this is just talk, in the magical world of Qinling Mountains, Longguo has mobilized many ninjas from the ninja world to participate, not just sending them to the magical world and leaving it alone;

When Tsunade turned forward and was persuaded by Liu Hao to go to the magic world, he brought a lot of people there;

Up to now, in the magic world, there seem to be thousands of 'masters' from the ninja world, such as Shikahisa Nara, the old military strategist of Konoha, who is a representative figure;

Their going is not only for the establishment of a family, but also serves as a foundation for Senjujuma and Uchiha Madara to help the two establish a larger ninja system in the magical world, so as to fight against the future God Realm among the more tragic wars.

And once Senjujuma and Uchiha Madara succeed, these families will not benefit equally, and this benefit is truly terrifying, but it can become a god.

It can almost be said that the entire original Konoha family has participated in it, and the investment in the future will only increase.

The magic world is not the small territory of the ninja world. To put it bluntly, in the magic world, there are many ninja worlds that can be compared;

The establishment of a ninja family here is the result of the real family. Everyone knows how to choose. This is why they are still willing to invest wildly even though they know the risks are high.

Otherwise, with Nara Shikahisa's IQ, who can force them to do this?

In the final analysis, it is all benefits, and this is the real eternity.

The reason why the Dragon Kingdom supports it is also because of their own interests. For the Dragon Kingdom, it is in their interest that the God Realm of the magical world is in chaos;

Not only the support for Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, even for Aizen, didn't Dragon Kingdom secretly give the green light?

Up to now, Lan Ran had already been extradited from Ten Blades in the virtual circle of the Death God world, and was also sent to the God Realm of the magic world by the Dragon Kingdom, and handed over to Lan Ran.

We are all outsiders, and it is king to form a group to fight against the local forces. Everyone knows this, otherwise, how could the Dragon Kingdom be willing to support Lan Ran? Longguo's high-level executives knew Lanran's scheming from Liu Hao's mouth, and it was too late to be on guard.

The entry of the ten blades of the virtual circle into the magic world is also a beneficial event for the world of death.

Today's world of death is different from the past. The real enemy of the soul world has changed from the virtual to the surrounding monsters, beasts and orcs, especially the threat from the northern Siberia region, which hangs in the soul world like a sharp sword. on the head of

Once it is overwhelmed by these monster races, the soul world may really perish, and the pros and cons of it, as the leader of the soul world, the old man Yamamoto knows best.

Before the ten blades of the virtual circle were sent away, the old man Yamamoto was even able to show his face and talk to them, restricting them from being sent away, but the last threat from the back was also clear. To the old man Yamamoto, it was a relief Take a breath.

Aizen received Longguo's kindness and also gave back, such as sending away Ichimaru Gin. Now Ichimarugin and Matsumoto Rangiku are living a life like a mandarin duck at Longguo's Australian base.

It's just that Lan Ran didn't know that Liu Hao had already set his mind on him.

Received the post of "Fengdu Emperor" from Empress Houtu, he thought of Uno Hanaretsu and Kuchiki Rukia, and the first thing that came to his mind was Aizen, he is not afraid of "King of Flowers and Water Moon", maybe the same level will still Worried, but he didn't care about it for a long time because of the crushing of his cultivation base. Instead, he took a fancy to Aizen's head.

After all, they are also paratroopers. Liu Hao doesn't think that taking over as the 'Emperor Fengdu' will be able to subdue everyone. One or two helpers are naturally necessary.

And a guy like Aizen who is afraid of chaos in the world is naturally an excellent pawn.

Liu Hao believes that as long as Lan Ran is brought to the prehistoric underworld, there is no need for Liu Hao to give orders. This guy will definitely be able to do something, and he is the kind who hides himself very well. The water is muddy, and Liu Hao isn't the one who benefits?

He doesn't have the time to gather the power of the 'Emperor Fengdu' bit by bit, and it is impossible to devote all his energy to the underworld in Guanli. What he really needs is to save this time to understand the way of reincarnation, then It was only natural for Lan Ran to be read by Liu Hao.

He wasn't worried that Aizen would refuse. Compared with the magic world, the level of the prehistoric world was much higher. With Aizen's ambition, it was a matter of hit it off.

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