Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

1332. The return of the white tiger Liu Hao

1232 , The White Tiger Liu Hao Returns

The polluted land of the abyss in North America is like an ellipse covering the earth, which is closely related to the entrance of the abyss and a crack;

This entrance is bottomless, giving people the feeling that it goes straight into the earth's core, but it is not. The stability is like opening a door.

On this day, a snow-white figure appeared from the gate of the gap in the abyss. If you look closely, you can see a big white tiger head embroidered on the back of the snow-white robe. In his eyes, there was scarlet red, and a cold light overflowed, and even those with low cultivation base would feel as if they had fallen into an icehouse even if they took a look at them.

This figure is naturally the incarnation of Liu Hao's white tiger, and it can be said that he has benefited a lot from going to the land of the abyss this time.

Not to mention other things, the aura of the white tiger Liu Hao is now many times higher than before. He just stands here, and the abyssal aura around him seems to dare not approach a natural enemy, as if he is on his body all the time. All have a protective film;

This is not what he deliberately did, but a state that was naturally generated.

The incarnation of the white tiger was cut out by Liu Hao using the evil in the world. His origin already gathered the evil thoughts of one world.

But this evil thought is only the evil of living beings, and this time stepping into the abyss, it has made up for the evil of heaven and earth, and it also comes from the "evil of heaven and earth" gathered from countless destroyed worlds.

If it didn't come from the same source, it would be a problem for Baihu Liu Hao to even be able to absorb it, but even so, it would take many years to completely digest it.

The reason why he returned so quickly was because he realized that he had carried the load to the extreme, and if he stayed in the abyss, it would be difficult for him to do other things besides collecting some information.

What's more, the white tiger Liu Hao has done almost the same thing about collecting intelligence. This is almost the same, but it is aimed at the surface of the abyss. He still has some self-knowledge, but he doesn't think he has the strength to set foot in the lower layers of the abyss, so returning is a matter of course.

Walking back through the space crack, Liu Hao, the white tiger, saw a large number of abyssal species crawling on both sides of the surrounding cliffs at a glance. These are real abyssal creatures, not comparable to those spores on the polluted land.

Those abyss spores are more like the product of the assimilation of the abyss creatures, and they are also the biggest means of the abyss in many worlds. It is like farming. As long as the abyss breath exists, these spores can exist endlessly.

Knowing a lot of information about the abyss, Baihu Liu Hao also knows that these abyss creatures crawling on both sides of the cliff are the vanguard of the abyss invasion, or the vanguard;

When they think that the abyssal spores on the polluted land mature, these abyssal creatures are naturally commanders, and they just need to sweep past them.

The vast majority of worlds are occupied by the abyss in this way, and even many worlds that are stronger than this abyss vanguard are still the losers in the end.

One of the reasons is that these worlds lack understanding of the abyss. Conversely, the abyss species have invaded so many worlds, and have faced so much resistance for a long time. No world will have many secrets for them.

This in and out, failure is inevitable.

The other is that the number of abyss spores is too terrifying. The endless number will never be killed. If you can resist for a day, you will not be able to resist for a year. You can resist for a year.

That's ten years.

The abyss doesn't worry about the death of the spores at all, and one of these worlds dies one less. In the end, the abyss picked the fruit?

Often at the end of the war, there are only a few masters left in the whole world. They can protect themselves, but it is almost delusional to want to protect the whole world.

The abyss is like this. For most of the worlds, they can only send some vanguard teams at will. If it is really impossible, it means that the preciousness of this world will inevitably attract the curiosity and curiosity of species with higher cultivation bases in the abyss. interest;

Then the next step is to really face the abyss, and that is the real world-class battle.

For these abyss vanguard teams, Baihu Liu Hao just glanced at them, and had no real intention to kill them, because it was meaningless, and it was likely to attract more attention from the abyss.

After scanning now, it is better to record the status of these abyssal vanguard teams than anything else. There are seven quasi-sage levels, hundreds of Da Luo Jinxians, and the total number is no more than ten thousand;

It seems to be nothing more than that, but my own earth is not just to resist this abyss vanguard team. It went to the surface of the abyss. Liu Hao, the white tiger, knows best, among them, there are so many levels of quasi-sages in the abyss, and the so-called sub-sages are also ignorant Few, the subsequent invasion of the abyss is the real test paper for the earth.

These creatures from the abyss also saw the white tiger Liu Hao, but they didn't give any response, as if the white tiger Liu Hao was a member of the abyss species, watching the white tiger Liu Hao drifting away, just thought it was some abyss Da Neng is interested, so just come and watch.

The hierarchical abyss is doomed for them not to dare to ask even if they are extremely curious, thinking that they don't know is the best way to save their lives.

When Liu Hao, the white tiger, returned from the abyss and set foot on the earth again, he also discovered the changes in himself. Walking in this abyss-polluted land, there was no response from any abyss spores, as if he was the master.

He tried to fly into the dark clouds of the abyss that filled the sky, and the response he got was still the same. This made him have to examine himself, and he was also afraid that he had unintentionally carried the breath of the abyss. If so, when he returned to the world, he would inadvertently It will pollute others, that is the real horror.

Fortunately, such a situation did not happen. After several attempts, he was still himself. Even if he touched the ignorant monster in front of him, the other party did not respond. This made him really feel at ease.

He also saw the protective formation that the earth surrounded the entire abyss to pollute the land. This kind of approach made Wei Wei nod, and he also very much agrees. He also knows that this kind of protection can only target the level of abyss spores, but it is enough.

With the strength of our own Earth, those abyssal vanguard teams are really not afraid at all, but the abyssal spores must be taken precautions.

Standing on the white clouds, looking at the hundreds of cities built in front of him, a smile appeared on his cold face. What made him really happy was that most of these cities were built by monster races. It is true that they can unite the front against the abyss. Add a greater protective layer to your own earth.

In the Vancouver base of Longguo, the real Yuding and the real Huanglong still did not leave, but the reason was that they were captured by Yang Jian and were almost forced to stay and help, especially the defensive formation of the entire Vancouver base of Longguo;

With the help of the two of them, compared with before, this protective formation has increased its power. For example, the previous protective formation can only resist the blow of Jinxian at most, but now even Taiyijin It is not easy for Xian to break through.

When Liu Hao, the white tiger, came here, he immediately saw the figures of Yuding and Huanglong. After a while, there was also a sight from below.

Being able to discover his existence made Baihu Liu Hao feel that he had underestimated this guy before.

"Yuqing Immortal Technique, Nine-Turn Mysterious Art, and practiced swordsmanship! All three fellow practitioners have stepped into the quasi-sage realm!"

Seeing the situation of Yuding, even Liu Hao was a little shocked in his heart, good guy, although Yuding is only in the state of beheading one corpse among the quasi-sages, its combat power will definitely not lose to other people who have just beheaded two corpses .

That's all, the key is the three practitioners, how much perseverance is needed? If only one was repaired, Yuding would have cut off the two corpses long ago, right?

"Prove it with force?"

Liu Hao can only think of such a possibility. It can be seen how strong the heart of the real Yuding is. It is because none of the latecomers succeeded after seeing the method of beheading the three corpses?

But no matter what the reasons are, Master Yuding's character is absolutely unrivaled.

Thinking about it, it is also possible that he is a second-generation disciple of Chanjiao who has little reputation in the prehistoric world. The world is very familiar with his disciple Yang Jian, and when it comes to Yuding, they are more often called "Master Yang Jian".

Perhaps training a disciple like Yang Jian itself represents the strength of Yu Ding. He has a teaching background, but he has no extravagant expectations for fame.

Little did he know that the real Yuding real person below was also shocked in his heart. He looked up, and the white tiger Liu Hao didn't hide in the slightest, so he had a glimpse of the whole picture, but just this one glance made his mind tremble slightly. Directly aimed at Yuanshen.

This kind of feeling, Yuding has only appeared in front of the saint, but he can clearly see the appearance of the person in front of him. It is just an incarnation of Emperor Ziwei Liu Hao. Why does an incarnation give him a kind of cultivation? For the feeling of having surpassed the deity?

"Could it be that this is the incarnation appointed by Empress Houtu? That's right! Just now, my soul was shaken, which also shows that the other party's soul has crushed the prehistoric powers. It's no wonder that Empress Houtu has taken a fancy to it!"

The speculation in Yuding's heart is the result of his own imagination. The biggest reason why Empress Houtu chose the incarnation of white tiger is because Empress Houtu has long seen that the system of "death" incarnation of white tiger is most suitable for serving in the underworld. .

Even Empress Houtu didn't know that the current White Tiger Liu Hao's cultivation had soared to such a level;

Not to mention the gap between him and the saint, but if the incarnation of an ordinary saint wants to take down the white tiger Liu Hao, it can't be done in three or two strokes.

Even the white tiger Liu Hao doesn't know about this, he only knows that his journey into the abyss has improved a lot, and there are countless evil thoughts in his body that need to be digested, but he never thinks that he can compete with the incarnation of the saint. , he is not a fool, is it true that 'the hearts of saints are all ants' is a joke?

He and Master Yuding looked at each other, nodded slightly in response, and then did not stay longer, directly drew a rainbow light and disappeared into Tianji, leaving Master Yuding standing in place for a long time without saying a word.

"Brother, why?"

After a long time, Master Yuding was woken up by Master Huang Long. He returned Huang Long with a wry smile, then shook his head and said:

"It's okay, I just thought about this task. I've been helping Jian'er for a few days, but we can't stay any longer!"

"That's right, the master ordered, but it must be done carefully. Brother, is this ready to say goodbye to Yang Jian?"

Reverend Yuding nodded slightly, but he didn't share with Reverend Huang Long what he saw just now, and it was meaningless. Reverend Huang Long had been proving the Da Luo Jinxian for a long time, but he was still unable to kill the corpse. Go for more hits.

But Yu Ding didn't know that it was the greatest luck for him that Master Huang Long had escaped from the prehistoric times.

In the prehistoric world, as long as Daoist Huanglong stays for one day, he must bear the karma of the ancient three dragon clans. With these karma added to his body, even if he is talented and wants to break through, he is hundreds of times higher than others, almost Impossible kind.

But after the flood, it will be difficult to impose this karma on him. It won't be long before his long-term accumulation will flourish. Cutting off a corpse is a matter of course.

Not to mention that the two went to look for Yang Jian together, but said that the white tiger Liu Hao reached the sky above the Pacific Ocean with a flicker, swept across the many monsters in the Xuanwu world below, raised his eyes to lock on the position of Liu Hao who was obsessed, stepped out, and got on Liu Hao who was obsessed white clouds.

"Ha you……"

Obsessed Liu Hao was also taken aback by Baihu Liuhao. With his cultivation level, it is hard to be overly shocked that someone broke into his territory without a sound, but the person who came was Baihu Liuhao, which made him even more shocked. ten times.

How long has it been? They are both incarnations, why does it look like there is such a big gap in cultivation?

"Are you robbing in the abyss?"

Obsessed with Liu Hao's dazed mind, he could only think of one possibility in the end.

The white tiger Liu Hao just glanced at him, stretched out his hand to lightly touch the center of the opponent's eyebrows, and then ignored him, but turned his gaze to Xiao Long'er, who was currently being beaten upside down by a big Luo Jinxian monster. But in the eyes of Baihu Liu Hao, there is only cuteness left.

"Huh...the abyss, how terrifying!"

After a long time, Obsessive Liu Hao digested Baihu Liu Hao's message, and then spit out such an exclamation.

Seeing that Baihu Liu Hao had no intention of responding, he had no choice but to ask:

"Why do I feel like you are about to become a saint?"

"It's not even close!"

Baihu Liu Hao responded coldly and almost choked his obsessive Liu Hao, he patted his head and gave a wry smile;

"Houtu Empress wants you to take over the post of 'Fengdu Emperor' in the prehistoric prefecture, what do you think?"

"Just looking for a place to digest myself!"

"Ha, you should simply, by the way, the deity is back, and now he is in his hometown. It's just right for you to come back. I guess he also has a lot of things to arrange!"

"Not urgent!"

Obsessed with Liu Hao, he also lost his temper. Although everyone is one, their personalities are completely different. That is, when facing Xiao Longer, maybe this guy will show a soft smile?

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