1238、Five Fang Ghost Emperor

Emperor Fengdu's palace is far more magnificent than Baihu Liu Hao imagined, and the size is too large, it seems that it was originally prepared for tall people.

This made Baihu Liu Hao feel curious about the race of his previous 'Fengdu Emperor', and even wondered if the other party might be a member of the Wu clan at all.

Then he vetoed it in his mind again. He thought of the Tathagata of the Western Paradise. When that guy sat on the throne of Buddha, he deliberately showed off his golden body. Most of the emperor is also like this.

Baihu Liu Hao doesn't have this kind of interest, but he also has no intention of changing his mind. With his strength, as long as he sits on the top, he can only be the focal point, and he is still radiant in the eyes of others. He still has confidence in this. .

As soon as he sat down, the original huge throne on the earth naturally fit him, but looking from below, it still looked like a golden height sitting on a cloud, and the thought of worship immediately appeared in his heart.

"Lan Ran, I brought you here, and you know what I think, I will send you to the chaotic ghost city of the underworld, how to deal with yourself depends on your own ability, let's go!"

After Baihu Liu Hao finished speaking, he waved his sleeves and sent them to what he just said, regardless of the reaction of Lan Ran. He believed that this guy Lan Ran could break through even the most chaotic ghost town in the underworld. Come to fame.

As for Maozhi Hualie, Baihu Liu Hao didn't intend to let him go immediately. He didn't have any acquaintances in such a big Fengdu Emperor's Palace, so it would be better to keep Maozhihualie for a while. For the captain, he believes that this management ability is not a big problem.

After Maozhi Hualie explained, Baihu Liu Hao stretched out his big hand and grabbed it in the void, and then he arrested a golden imperial decree and spread it in front of him, and the index finger of the other big hand was stretched out to write on it;

After finishing writing, there was no intention of checking, and he just waved his hand and threw out the "sacred decree" that he had written. The "sacred decree" immediately split into dozens, and each one shot in one direction;

And these directions are basically where the white tiger Liu Hao previewed the lock of the underworld just now, and the characters in each location are the characters he needs to face next.

He hoped that someone who received the decree would not respect it, and that would give him a chance to stand upright.

It's a pity that no one is a fool, especially for these guys who can occupy high positions and have a high level of cultivation, which one is not a genius?

Even if they have a lot of displeasure or even resentment towards Baihu Liu Hao, they can't show it at this time. You must know that Baihu Liu Hao is the candidate hand-picked by Empress Houtu. That's what's really deadly.

At this time, Baihu Liu Hao didn't know yet, but Empress Houtu also sent out the disciples she had collected when she saw his actions like this;

This disciple is someone Liu Hao knows very well. He is clearly Li Mingda, and also the younger sister of Li Zhi, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and Xiaodouzi who was supposed to die young!

The first to arrive were the ghost emperors from the five directions of the underworld, the four judges, and Yan Luo from the ten halls. They seemed to have been waiting to trust the decree of Emperor Fengdu, and they were ready to leave. When they arrived, they also came together. After gathering outside, they queued up to enter together.

Regardless of the Ten Halls of Hades and the Four Great Judges, there are not only five Ghost Emperors of the Five Directions, on the contrary, there are as many as nine;

They are: In the east, it is governed by "Yu Lei" and "Shen Tu", who are in charge of "Taozhi Mountain" and "Ghost Gate".

The west is ruled by "Zhao Wenhe" and "Wang Zhenren", and their ruling place is "Sizhong Mountain".

The two in the north are "Zhang Heng" and "Yang Yun", and they manage "Luofeng Mountain".

There is only one person in the south, "Du Ziren", who manages "Luofu Mountain".

In the center are "Zhouqi" and "Jikang", who manage "Baodu Mountain".

How big is the prehistoric underworld? It can be said that as big as the prehistoric land is, so is the prehistoric underworld.

This is not the size of today's prehistoric and broken,

It was the scale when Pangu was first opened up. In other words, the prehistoric underworld today is much, much larger than the prehistoric land.

As the master of the tunnel, Empress Houtu can't wait to lose a little bit;

When the Yin and Shang conferred gods, the rage of Tongtian still couldn't hurt the underworld in the slightest. Empress Houtu had used her means to protect her before she did it. Today is complete, and there are five ghost emperors, four judges and ten. The perfection of the temple Yama.

Baihu Liu Hao also knows that these people have different thoughts, and on the surface they respect him very much, but no one can predict what they think in their hearts;

Especially the nine ghost emperors from the five directions, all of whom are quasi-sages. Didn't they ever think about competing for the position of a true saint?

Don't you have any other thoughts about yourself, the airborne Emperor Fengdu?

Hugh said that they, even the four judges, would probably have this thought?

That is the position of a saint, who can withstand this temptation?

It's just a matter of more or less.

Besides, even if they really put out their thoughts, would they definitely support him?

Who knows how many of them are direct descendants of the previous Emperor Fengdu?

They have gone through countless years in the underworld, have they not established friendship with the leaders of the major forces outside the underworld?

To put it bluntly, Liu Hao, the white tiger, was an outsider at all, and if it hadn't been handpicked by Empress Houtu, he wouldn't have been able to sit in this position at all.

These, Baihu Liu Hao knew clearly in his heart, this group of people gathered together to enter the hall, why didn't they want to tell himself this?

But he also knew that his thoughts were different, and he had to look good on the outside. After they finished their ceremony, Baihu Liu Hao waved his hand, and many seats rose up at the bottom left, and they should be piled up one by one. The respect that should be given must also be respected. Give.

"I heard that during the Great Tribulation of Journey to the West, the underworld also made various concessions in order to cooperate with the second Buddhist sage in the Ultimate Bliss World. If you want to take the high position of the second Buddhist sage, you must lose many benefits. Isn't it not just in place now?"

Taking advantage of the others, Baihu Liu Hao put forward the words he had prepared long ago.

In Baihu Liu Hao's view, this is a big shame in the underworld. It's not that he wants to get this shame back. Since it has become a fact, it doesn't make any sense, but it doesn't prevent him from using it as a breakthrough to find trouble.

This looking for trouble is not just looking for trouble for the King of the Ten Temples of Hades, but also thinking of looking for trouble for Buddhism.

He didn't care whether Buddhism promised benefits, anyway, he decided that there must be, and what he asked was whether the benefits were handed over, and if not, why?

How could Liu Hao, the white tiger, not know that this is basically an agreement reached by the saints from Honghua to you long ago?

Empress Hou Tu didn't show up, and the underworld could only admit it with gritted teeth, but now Baihu Liu Hao turned over the old accounts, but pointed directly at the Buddhist gate, ignoring Sanqing directly, and didn't even mention the heavenly court, so why not give them a lesson? Can the steps go down?

But even so, Baihu Liu Hao also found that his group of subordinates looked at each other, and for a while it seemed that they didn't know how to answer Liu Hao's questions.

This is basically due to the habit of controlling the continuation of the prehistoric world in the past. If the white tiger Liu Hao hadn't asked, they wouldn't even know that the authentic way is completely different now. sex next.

Seeing their expressions, Baihu Liu Hao also knew that it was a good choice for him to choose this breakthrough point.

Liwei is not only about overwhelming others with power, but changing the past is also a very good strategy. The former emperor of Fengdu couldn't do it. Once he did it, in the hearts of these people, he, Fengdu, The supreme authority of the emperor was truly recognized.

"Looking at your silence, do you think you have broken your promise to come to Buddhism?"

Liu Hao, the white tiger, glanced at them while speaking, and a hint of disappointment flashed in his eyes. He realized that he still had a long way to go in the future, and the first thing he had to do was to establish a completely equal relationship between the underworld and the human world, the heavens, and the West Heavenly Spirit Mountain. relationship only.

Before that, any major or minor matter must be pushed back!

"Hmph! From today onwards, all Buddhist believers who die and enter the underworld will be arrested first, and Xitian will come to inquire. Just let them come to Fengdu Imperial City!"

"Follow the emperor's decree!"

Yan Luo of the ten halls got up one by one and bowed to salute. How could he not know that it was Liu Hao, the white tiger, who took over this trouble? Who didn't know that it was Liu Hao, the white tiger, supporting them?

Even the four judges and the five ghost emperors secretly praised the newly appointed Emperor Fengdu in their hearts.

They also want to see how the new Fengdu Emperor, Baihu Liu Hao, will be different when facing the West Heaven Lingshan? Can we force Xitian Buddhism to back down? Will it lead out the two sages of Buddhism? wait.

Before this event is achieved, even if these people had many calculations in their hearts, they must stop, because at this point, Baihu Liu Hao represents the interests of the entire underworld, and any small actions will be resisted by everyone in the underworld.

And once the white tiger Liu Hao can force the Buddhist sect on the Lingshan Mountain in the West to retreat, then they will stand upright when they go out in the future, why don't they want to do this? Who would want to be inferior to others?

Outside the main hall, two figures entered slowly, but Baihu Liu Hao was also taken aback by those who came.

He thought a lot, but never expected that these two would be the first to arrive.

"Little Douzi, long time no see, you've become a big girl in a blink of an eye!"

"Mingda meets the teacher!" Li Mingda bowed leisurely to Baihu Liu Hao, and then wrinkled his nose. "Teacher, Mingda has grown up, so he can no longer be called by his 'nick name'!"

"Hahaha! Okay, I remember!" Baihu Liu Hao laughed, and then turned his eyes to another visitor; "If you don't want the 'general' to come first, please sit down!"

"Thank you, Great Emperor!"

The general's voice seemed to be piercing through the extreme grinding of teeth. After he came in, he kept walking upright, and he didn't intend to salute Baihu Liu Hao first. He didn't bow to salute until Baihu Liu Hao asked him to sit down. This is definitely a person who is extremely arrogant in his heart.

Baihu Liu Hao also knew that it was probably Li Mingda who came out, so he asked the generals to follow;

One must know that Liu Hao, the white tiger, had already thought of seriously resisting the imperial edict before, and he was going to grit his teeth to make the other party stand up. Perhaps Empress Houtu had already reached this point, which made Li Mingda suffer.

But that's okay, the conversation between him and Li Mingda just now fell into the ears of everyone present.

Li Mingda's "teacher" is real, and the only disciple of Empress Dowager can call Baihu Liu Hao "teacher", which in itself represents a lot.

In other words, just now, no matter the other people or the generals, after hearing Li Mingda's "teacher", some thoughts that should not have had to be restrained.

This is the true meaning of Empress Houtu sending Li Mingda here, and it is also to support the white tiger Liu Hao.

Knowing this, even Liu Hao, the white tiger, was a little flattered, and had no idea what Empress Houtu thought.

"Mingda, come up here, this is the disciple I recruited on Earth, please get to know him!"

It is useless to talk too much if all the personnel are not present. The inside of the underworld has also been hammered before, and the new general is not a talkative guy at first glance. He is more willing to sit quietly by himself. Rukia reconciles.

Sure enough, they were all little girls, and they came from different worlds. They were already very curious about each other. After a while, the two chatted beside Baihu Liu Hao, and there were giggles from time to time, which also made the main hall Much softer inside.

Not long after, there was an alternation of black and white outside the hall, and after a while, a stalwart figure stepped into the hall, but this time it was Zhuolong who came. From Baihu Liu Hao's point of view, it was probably because of his kind greeting before that played a role.

Of course, this is also the fact that Zhuolong knows about the inheritance of the ancestor dragon in the East China Sea. Knowing that Liu Hao has a real dragon child and has also received the inheritance of the ancestor dragon, it has a little bit of his own meaning.

"I have seen the Great Emperor!"

"Fellow Daoist Zhuolong came just in time!"

The two spoke almost indiscriminately, which also made them both feel the respect of the other in their hearts. As soon as the words fell, the two couldn't help but look at each other.

"Fellow Daoist Zhuolong, please take a seat. The two fellow daoists beside me need to take care of them. This one is Kuchiki Lukia, a disciple I took in from the original world, and this one was taken by Empress Houtu not long ago." Personal disciple Li Mingda!"

"Hahaha... the emperor must not be joking, he just came here in a hurry and didn't bring any gifts to meet him, so he is a little ashamed!"

"Where are you talking? If there is no fellow daoist in the underworld, there is no daytime talk in the underworld. For this reason, fellow daoist should also be grateful to all living beings in the entire prehistoric underworld! It is clear that the two of them still need to come to visit!"

"Mindalkia pays respects to Senior Turbid Dragon!"

In this respect, Lukia is much worse than Li Mingda. To put it simply, she doesn't have much political talent. She just met Li Mingda and learned from Li Mingda. Give her reaction time to follow.

"Okay, okay! Please get up! Get up!" Zhuolong seemed very happy, this face is not ordinary;

When disciple Liu Hao of the white tiger pays homage to Zhuolong, it is tantamount to placing Zhuolong on his equal footing.

The meaning is very simple, the competition for the position of the authentic saint is still contested, and no one needs other factors to interfere, whoever wins and whoever loses has his own fate, but this does not mean that the two parties cannot have friendship, even if you will die in the future, this friendship is still friendship!

And Li Mingda's visit is to represent Empress Houtu's gratitude to Zhuolong for this job, and he also hopes that even if Zhuolong does not win the position of authentic saint in the future, he can still continue to do this job for the sake of all beings in the underworld!

Zhuolong understood Baihu Liu Hao's deep meaning in an instant, but this face must also be given, and that's all for Lukia. Li Mingda's salute is the real recognition for him! It is also the great recognition of his turbid dragon from the authentic underworld!

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