1240、Three Major Transactions

It is definitely possible to add tea, but the effect of the second brew is completely different. If the understanding is excellent, it can still be vaguely effective. If the understanding is slightly weaker, the effect will be very low.

Judging from the changes in their expressions, Baihu Liu Hao could clearly see the gap. Compared with the generals, Zhuolong, and Styx ancestors on the side of the ghost emperors of the five directions, they were still more than half a chip behind, especially Yama of the ten palaces. , the second bubble has almost no effect.

But even so, for them, it is also a great opportunity. This kind of effect of directly solidifying their own foundations and sinking into the 'epiphany' is enough to save them hundreds of millions of years of hidden cultivation.

In other words, if there was only a 30% chance for Yan Luo in the Ten Temples to step into the quasi-sage before, after this cup of Enlightenment Tea, the chance should be increased to at least 50%.

Had it not been for the presence of other people, Yama of the Ten Palaces would have almost wanted to bow down and thank him on the spot.

This is the work of Baihu Liu Hao, otherwise how could he be willing to enlighten the tea?

Now it seems that the effect is also significant. If we say that before, Yan Luo of the Ten Palaces and the four judges only dealt with Baihu Liu Hao, the emperor of Fengdu, as a matter of fact, then at least they are doing their best now. , and now it is at least seventy points.

Even the nine ghost emperors from five directions showed admiration when they looked at the white tiger Liu Hao. They were willing to bestow such geniuses and treasures. Are you afraid that you will have no future if you follow such a great emperor of Fengdu?

On the other side, the generals, Zhuolong and the ancestors of Minghe were also full of admiration.

This is the first batch of Enlightenment tea. The whole prehistoric can be compared with it, and even can't be found. If they get it in their hands, they will really not be willing to part with it. These are all competitors, helping the opponent to improve They can't do this kind of thing by themselves.

In the same way, they also found that Baihu Liu Hao's overwhelming self-confidence, it's no wonder that he is surrounded by holy will, and his atmosphere is also comparable to that of a saint!

The level of Enlightenment Tea is too high. If you want to bring out its effects, the bottom line must be Da Luo Jin Xiandao Fruit. The more advanced the cultivation level, the more significant the effect will be.

Why doesn't Liu Hao want to leave them to his closest people?

But now, how can he not understand that this is difficult to do?

With his current cultivation base, wouldn't he be able to see through a person's potential at a glance?

His parents, even if he gave many treasures to fill the foundation, they have already reached the limit. Hugh said that it is almost impossible for Da Luo Jinxian to prove the Dao Dao Fruit in this life. All he can think about is when he will pass by A sage has a chance only after stepping into the realm of heaven.

His brother and sister-in-law are better than his parents, but there are a lot of them. Maybe with the help of Liu Hao in the future, there is a good chance of entering Daluo Jinxian, but it is hard to predict how many flowers will bloom;

According to Liu Hao's guess, whether it is his elder brother or sister-in-law, even if he enters the Daluo Golden Immortal, it is very good to be able to bloom a third-rank flower, and it may even be worth a single petal.

Based on this, he also knew that it was meaningless to keep it. It is also a decision made by him and the deity to use it here today. Even bringing the generals, Zhuolong and Patriarch Styx is just incidental. The real purpose is to collect money. The ghost emperors of the five directions, the four judges, and the heart of Yama in the ten temples.

Now it seems that this goal has been achieved. After this incident, he, the airborne emperor of Fengdu, is no longer in name only.

Don't think that it's just a simple favor, the great cause and effect contained in it is enough to make them dare not openly oppose Baihu Liu Hao even if they are not loyal;

You must know that once the white tiger Liu Hao regards him as one of his own in the future, this karma may become a "connection of luck", and at that time, it will be a real "reward".

No one is a fool, and Yama of the Ten Temples has only proved the Daluo Daoguo, and for them, there is no possibility of competing for the position of a true saint;

Even if the white tiger Liu Hao doesn't give rewards today, they don't dare to take part in the game lightly;

The four judges are better, they are all quasi-sages who cut off their corpses. After thinking about it in my heart, I understand that the most important thing is to participate.

Accumulate a little experience at most;

What about the five ghost emperors and nine people? Four of them are in the same position as the four major judges, and their thoughts are almost the same. For the other five, two corpses must be cut, and a full effort is also necessary.

But even so, Baihu Liu Hao still gave them great benefits, as if telling them clearly that I also support you to participate in the game, but your job must not be neglected in the slightest.

As far as the generals are concerned, he is considered the most sober one. Before he came, he knew clearly that he had no possibility of participating in the game. Based on the call of the Empress Houtu, he sold the white tiger Liu Hao to save face, but he did not expect that he would have such a huge benefit when he came. , this friend has been settled, and his heart has tilted. From completely staying out of the matter before, he has now supported Baihu Liu Hao in his heart.

Don't underestimate this point, zombies are no longer in the three realms, not in the five elements, if you really want to seal off your own territory, even Emperor Fengdu can only watch.

But now that the general has this support, it means that even if the zombies in the underworld are not in the three realms and five elements, they are also willing to be restrained by Emperor Fengdu.

Of course, this does not include the general himself, and Baihu Liu Hao will not foolishly give orders to the general.

Being able to restrain the zombies from Jiang Chen's Dao site was already beyond the reach of Emperor Fengdu before. If this kind of prestige spreads, the entire underworld must carefully measure itself.

This point, even Baihu Liu Hao did not expect it, he just felt that these three old fellows were giving him face so much, so he might as well take out his best genius and treasure to entertain them.

Here, it is still a conceptual problem caused by Baihu Liu Hao who is not a native of Honghuang. He knows that this is a cause and effect, but he never thought that this cause and effect may be huge.

The general is like this, and so is Zhuolong. He originally thought that today would be a formality, but how could he know that he would get such great benefits?

He even felt that after the decline of the Dragon Clan, he received the real respect from Baihu Liu Hao today.

Originally, he was still thinking about whether he would cause some trouble for Baihu Liu Hao, the new emperor of Fengdu, such as pretending to be tired and turning the underworld upside down, but now it seems that he is too stingy, and he really wants to do this. He also despises himself from the bottom of his heart.

How can he be stingy when his opponent is so arrogant?

He is even more convinced that the hint given to him by Baihu Liu Hao before that "the battle between gentlemen" is not just talk, but the real thoughts deep in his heart.

The last Patriarch Styx was different.

Since he avoided the White Tiger Liu Hao's succession ceremony, it has proved that the ancestor of Minghe has a lot of rejection of Liu Hao, a junior in his heart. Asura.

If it is said that the one who benefited the most from this cup of Enlightenment Tea belongs to his ancestor Minghe, and he thought that Zhuolong's seniority must be the highest.

Ancestor Minghe may have been born later than Zhuolong, but he is a real comer from behind. Whether he created the Shura clan or established the Shura Dao, he has received many merits from the prehistoric world. , There is also no shortage of suppressing luck, it is nothing more than a lack of opportunities, otherwise why is he not a part of the saint?

In Zixiao Palace, he made one of the top six futons.

Even now, Tathagata Haotian dare not say that he is really better than Patriarch Minghe, this is already a limit quasi-sage, after drinking this cup of enlightenment tea today, he even feels that he will be able to reach a higher level in a short time , to touch the real 'Yasheng' level.

Such a huge benefit also bears a huge karma.

How could he not understand this truth?

Therefore, while he was rejoicing, he was also entangled in his heart, already thinking about how to pay back this karma.

He knew that if he couldn't repay this karma quickly, he would have to bear this obstacle, this obstacle deep in his heart, if he competed with Baihu Liu Hao for the position of a true saint in the future.

"I heard that the 'Twelve Grades of Fire Red Lotus' is in the hands of Fellow Daoist Minghe. I wonder if I can get a lotus seed from fellow Daoist? My apprentice has just entered the prehistoric wilderness and his foundation is still shallow. I want one!"

When Patriarch Minghe was thinking, he was overjoyed when Baihu Liu Hao said this, and he sighed even more in his heart.

However, he thought that Baihu Liu Hao didn't want to embarrass him. This was not a wrong guess, but more because of the different concepts between the two, and there was a huge difference in the magnitude of the 'cause and effect' they thought.

In truth, this opportunity to 'enlighten the Tao' is much higher than a mere karmic red lotus seed.

Patriarch Minghe naturally understood this, so he thought that Liu Hao, the white tiger, just wanted to ask for a karmic fire red lotus seed to eliminate this cause and effect, and it was inevitable that his heart would be touched;

Don't say it's him, it's the Zhuolong and the generals sitting next to him who have this kind of thought, which makes them look up at Baihu Liu Hao, and feel that his grandeur really deserves to be valued by Empress Houtu, who will take over as Emperor Fengdu , in charge of the entire prehistoric underworld.

"Hahaha, it's the Styx's luck to be favored by the Great Emperor!"

Ancestor Minghe's claim is completely different from what he said just now, when he called himself an "old way" just now, there is no lack of relying on the old to sell his old thoughts, but now he directly calls himself the way name, this is the real respect for Baihu Liu Hao, and the future The two are truly placed on an equal footing.

As soon as the ancestor Minghe finished speaking, he immediately took out four lotus seeds. The lotus seeds were scarlet all over, and there were faint flames twining on them. Each one was the size of a fist and contained majestic energy.

After he took it out, he pushed it directly in front of Baihu Liu Hao, which also made Baihu Liu Hao slightly stunned. What he wanted was just one, but he gave it to four in such a grand manner.

Liu Hao, the white tiger, didn't even ask, he was very arrogant, so he naturally didn't want to postpone it, but after taking it, he realized that the lotus seeds of the four karmic red lotus were not trivial;

Two of them are the first batch of ripe red lotuses. Once they find a treasure and plant them, they will distribute the luck of the "karmic red lotus". How can such things be given away?

He looked suspiciously at Patriarch Styx, and when he saw the other party nodding with a smile, Baihu Liu Hao accepted it, but he had to respond to the kindness he had shown;

He took out the two most precious lotus seeds and threw them at Li Mingda and Kuchiki Rukia respectively. Before the two could react, he directly helped them digest it, completely eliminating the possibility of planting these two red lotus seeds. .

Patriarch Minghe also heaved a sigh of relief with his actions. He was willing to give it, but it didn't mean he was really happy to see Liu Hao, the white tiger, take it for planting.

"Thank you Patriarch Styx!"

"Hahaha, just a few foreign objects!"

In the main hall, Baihu Liu Hao and Patriarch Minghe looked at each other and smiled again. The cause and effect of this matter can be considered to be completely understood, and both of them are very satisfied.

Liu Hao, the white tiger, then turned his attention to Zhuolong: "I think fellow Taoist Zhuolong should know that a few days ago, my child was in the eyes of the East China Sea, and by chance, he got some inheritance from Zulong?"

"Hahaha, at this time, Pindao also knows from Ao Guang, but it's a chance for the emperor's child!"

"My child is still too young. I have a little inheritance from the ancestor dragon. I don't know when I want to digest it alone. I am not a dragon, and I can't do it if I want to train it. On the contrary, I am the second ancestor of the dragon clan. One, when my child arrives here in the future, he will need the help of fellow Taoists!"

"This inheritance of the dragon clan was hand-picked by the ancestor dragon. How can the turbid dragon stay out of it? Whenever the emperor's child comes, the turbid dragon will definitely welcome him!"

These words came from Zhuolong's heart, and he didn't think it could repay the karma of Baihu Liu Hao's "Enlightenment Tea" just now. Liu Hao could understand this answer, and he continued:

"It's a great fortune for my child to be a real dragon outside the prehistoric world, and to be able to obtain the inheritance of the ancestral dragon. I originally thought of looking for opportunities to repay the dragon family in the future, and today I got a promise from a fellow Taoist. This is my child's luck!"

"Great goodness!"

This answer can be regarded as eliminating the cause and effect of the "Enlightenment Tea" just now, and there is still a subtext hidden in it, that is, Liu Hao does not want Xiao Long'er to carry the banner of the prehistoric dragon clan after receiving the inheritance of the ancestral dragon.

If only Xiao Long'er got the inheritance of the ancestor dragon, Zhuolong would not agree even if he died today. Fortunately, there is still Ao Bing, so that it can avoid future competition, which is also a good thing. After thinking about it for a while, Zhuolong is happy to agree .

"This old man, I may keep it in my heart, but I can promise one thing, as long as the zombies leave the old man's territory, I will trouble the emperor to rule!"

Seeing that Baihu Liu Hao reached an agreement with the ancestor Minghe and Zhuolong one by one, the general said this. He knew that he had nothing to trade with Baihu Liu Hao, but the point he made was still sincere.

It can be said that the zombies of the Three Realms were directly handed over to Emperor Fengdu. This kind of control fully recognized the power of Emperor Fengdu. However, all the methods of the underworld can restrain the zombies who committed crimes. But it is absolutely impossible.

Didn't you see the expressions of ecstasy on the faces of the five ghost emperors, the four judges and Yama of the Ten Palaces on the other side?

Baihu Liu Hao even wondered if it was because he had reached this agreement with the general that various methods of restraining zombies appeared in the world? This was not much different from digging his own grave, and this sincerity even moved Baihu Liu Hao a little.

"The order of the underworld and the three realms have their own rules, and I can guarantee that the zombies of the three realms can also get the same status!"

"Follow the emperor's decree!"

As soon as Baihu Liu Hao finished speaking, before the generals returned, the ghost emperors of the five directions had already stood up and walked, bowing to accept orders!

How could they not know that it was Baihu Liu Hao who broke up with them? To get more power, you must also get more constraints, not to mention there are still generals who are testing.

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