Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand two hundred and fifty-three. Arrangements

Remember in a second【】

1253: arrangement

In the world of Sword and Fairy, the changes in Shushan cannot be hidden from others.

You know, there is not only one sect of cultivating immortals in Shushan in the world of Immortal Sword, but also the existence of the Heavenly Court. When Liu Hao entered and exited before, he had already noticed it, so how could he not try it out?

It's just that the temptation of the Heavenly Court was blocked by Zhu Bajie, but even so, the shock caused was enough for all the major sects of cultivating immortals in the world to come to their door.

At the beginning, Shushan was still trying to evade, but as time went by, they could only disclose some information, but after Tianting joined in, the matter became uncontrollable.

Without Liu Hao, it is difficult for a Zhu Bajie to hold the field. The Heavenly Emperor of the Immortal Sword World is comparable to Zhu Bajie. Maybe the outcome of a war is unpredictable, but it is easy to find out the source of the changes in Shushan.

With their instigation behind their backs, one can imagine the pressure on Shushan. Zhu Bajie is not a person with superb management skills. After a long time, Shushan also found that such prevarications may cause the whole practice world to stand in a hostile position. If this is the case However, Shushan is not as good as before.

In desperation, Shushan had no choice but to announce the information about the world channel. How could they know that with such a huge benefit in front, others would be willing to monopolize Shushan?

Even the Heavenly Court of the Immortal Sword World also ended up in person at this time, wanting to get a share of the pie.

Seeing this, Shu Shan had no choice but to push Zhu Bajie to the fore, and if he couldn't stand it, he couldn't stand it.

Zhu Bajie was also irritable. He came to Shushan to preach, and he didn't want to participate in these messy things, but he had to prop up a sky if he entered the game, otherwise Shushan might really be doomed.

This is not a joke. Against all other vested interests in the whole world, the future of Shushan will definitely not be much better.

Perhaps because of Zhu Bajie, it is impossible for Shushan to destroy the family, but sometimes it is more terrifying not to fight.

Can't handle you, can't you block it?

Even if there is no blockade, just using public opinion to ruin Shushan's reputation will definitely be enough for Shushan to collapse for hundreds of thousands of years. If you are forced to be anxious, other people will not talk to you about the way of a gentleman. Better than the mind is the most likely to need to face.

Zhu Bajie is not stupid, he naturally knows the situation he may face, and knows how to prevaricate, so he directly pushes the problem to the Yaozu at the other end of the passage.

This really let other people understand that this cake is not so delicious, and it may also be bloody.

If there is no heaven in the fairy sword world, this will be the case;

However, when Heavenly Court got involved, it took a completely different path. They didn't care about the life and death of these practitioners in the world, anyway, it was just a temptation, cannon fodder.

After some fighting, the practitioners in the fairy sword world were killed and injured countless.

The demon clan in the Earth Dragon Kingdom will take it easy when facing the population of the Dragon Kingdom, but humans from other worlds will not be polite.

Moreover, they also think about the interests of another world, and they also know that this is also a fight for the right to speak, so it is natural to contribute.

Liu Hao really didn't know about these things, and Long Guo was just watching from the sidelines. Since there is no way to develop the fairy sword world, it's okay for them to fight for it.

Seeing the horror of the monster race, the practitioners outside of Shushan in the fairy sword world are not fools. Seeing this, the Heavenly Court of the fairy sword world can only go off and talk to Shushan in person, and then there is a long road of wrangling, occupying the passage of the earth Yaozu was also drawn into it.

It's nothing more than interests. If there are demands, they will definitely be able to negotiate. It's just whoever compromises more.

In the final negotiations, the West Shu Dragon Kingdom was naturally on the side, and the agreement was also reached in a series of see-saw negotiations.

This agreement is not that complicated. It is nothing more than taking a step back and allowing both parties to enter and exit the world. Before fully gaining the trust of both parties, no one dares to let go.

Earth's monsters are allowed to enter the world of Immortal Sword, but they are not allowed to stay in the Central Plains. There is also no shortage of land outside the Central Plains in the Xianxia World.

The exchange is naturally that many sects of practice in the world of fairy sword step into the earth, and exchange two sessions of practice methods, skills and other things.

For this reason, the Yaozu deliberately opened up a passage between the passage and Chengdu, and Longguo also benefited a lot here.

Not to mention other things, at least for Dragon Kingdom, the trade between the two worlds has taken shape, and it is not impossible to establish a real trading market near the entrance of this world in the future.

It was against this background that Baiyue walked out of the world of fairy swords, knowing that Zhao Linger, the descendant of Nuwa, whom he had always been obsessed with, had been taken away long ago, and also knew what a terrifying existence Nuwa Empress was.

He appeared in Shushan, and found Zhu Bajie in a shameless manner. Zhu Bajie's scalp was numb when he saw it, but he really didn't dare to kill Baiyue.

Even if it is clear that Empress Nuwa will probably run over to death when she sees Baiyue in the future, that is Empress Nuwa's business. If Zhu Bajie is really required to do it for him, Empress Nuwa may turn her anger on him at that time.

After much deliberation, Zhu Bajie had no choice but to sell Liu Hao, and Baiyue arrived at Liu Hao's hometown because of this, and waited quietly for Liu Hao's return for a long time, but he was very honest during this time.

Baiyue is very interesting, a typical smart person, so smart that he becomes too confident, so confident that as long as he thinks, it must be correct.

In the plot of the fairy sword world, Baiyue is stubborn and wants to clean people

^0^ Remember in a second【】

This is where the world comes from. I feel that the world is not worth it, so I might as well just clean it up and restart the world.

Liu Hao thinks that the reason why Baiyue got into this corner is because of the amount of knowledge.

Worshiping the moon is definitely untimely.

If he was born in a feudal society, a feudal society without extraordinary strength, he would definitely become a generation of philosophers, asking 'Who am I? ’ ‘Where do I come from? ’ ‘Where am I going? ’ Such far-reaching thinking.

If worshiping the moon appears in the modern technological society, maybe he can also become a scientist. You must know that this guy is the guy who put forward the theory that the world of fairy sword is a "planet". This spirit of exploration is rare in the feudal era And less.

Therefore, worshiping the moon is a tragedy. I was born in a feudal era that lacked knowledge, limited my thinking, and gradually became a 'crazy', heading towards the road of extinction.

Moreover, it seems that they really have this ability, what can you do?

But now, the ability to worship the moon has also become weak, and suddenly he realized that the place he lives in is just a well, and what he sees is only the sky the size of the well mouth, so naturally he will not be willing to be trapped in one place.

Zhu Bajie thought that Baiyue came to look for Zhao Linger, but Liu Hao understood that this guy was looking for him with the help of 'Zhao Linger'.

It's not for apologizing or something like that. Baiyue's personality also determines that he can't do such a thing. Fear of death will never appear in his mind. He still wants to use Liu Hao to see it. Take a look at this vast world.

It is also because of this that even though Liu Hao's cultivation base of worshiping the moon is nothing more than an ant, when people pay homage to him, he is still neither humble nor overbearing.

This actually made Liu Hao think highly of him.

Zhu Bajie thought that Liu Hao and Empress Nuwa would crush Baiyue to death, but in fact neither Liu Hao nor Empress Nuwa would do such a thing.

How could a dragon care about an ant? This is the pattern! Since it didn't happen, even if you feel upset, you won't say it out loud, let alone put it into action.

Although people like Baiyue are rare, Liu Hao can also understand that it is nothing more than not being able to see a higher sky, which leads to a deadlock in the soul. As long as Baiyue is given a higher ideal, it can really inspire Baiyue A greater passion within.

Liu Hao doesn't need to think about this 'ideal' at all. There is a very suitable one in front of him, and that is the abyss.

Of course, before that, Baiyue needs to be sent to Zhonghai University for a good training.

"Have you seen Linger?"

"Go back to the emperor, pay close attention to me from a distance, lest the princess will dislike me, don't dare to disturb me!"

Liu Hao smiled slightly, and listened to these words, he knew that worshiping the moon was more to avoid suspicion.

"Forget it, since you have made your decision, I will give you a chance. As for the future, it depends on you!"

"Thank you, Great Emperor!"

Baiyue bowed this time more sincerely, Liu Hao just smiled, and casually sent a white light towards the north, and after a while, he saw Monkey King coming again.

"Junior brother, why are you calling my grandson?"

"This is the month of worship. Ling'er is in charge of the Nanzhao Kingdom in the world. You can take him to Zhonghai University to study!"

"Oh? It's you! How dare you show your face in front of my grandson, you are quite brave!"

"Don't dare!"

Baiyue was affected by Sun Wukong's breath, and his body froze, but he quickly adjusted. It was because Monkey King didn't really want to do anything with him, otherwise how could he share a lot with him?

Seeing the worship of the moon like this, Monkey King snorted coldly, turned to look at Liu Hao, with a questioning expression in his eyes.

"Ling'er's matter will be handled by Ling'er in the future! The so-called 'water monster' in the world, since it started with the blood of the empress, it will be ended by Ling'er, and it will be counted!"

"Junior brother's words are reasonable! It's cheaper for this kid!"

"It's just that you don't know enough. If you are upset, you might as well let him go to the abyss battlefield to fight for a while in the future. It can be regarded as atonement for the human race!"

"That's fine!"

Sun Wukong nodded and finally agreed, he squinted at Baiyue, snorted again, greeted Liu Hao, and disappeared in a flash;

But he didn't return to Zhong Hai, but since he came, he had to meet Zhao Ling'er anyway. This has been a habit Sun Wukong has developed for such a long time.

This monkey really regards Zhao Ling'er as a relative, his own sister, so he worships the moon. No matter how he looks at it, he is not happy. He can bear his temper today. Let it be handled by Empress Nuwa.

"You have been on Earth for a while, and you can see the difference between the two worlds to some extent, but where the core problem lies, you still need to study deeply.

I give you the opportunity, on the one hand, I don’t want to waste your talent, on the other hand, I also want to see what changes you can bring to the human race when you return to your Nanzhao kingdom after you have learned knowledge on Earth! "

"Yes! Great Emperor! Worship the moon in my heart, and I will definitely live up to the Great Emperor's expectations!"

Liu Hao didn't care how much of what he said was true or false, but it was just a random move, and he might not even be able to remember it in the future.

When Sun Wukong returned, Liu Hao didn't think much about it. Seeing that the two had left, he returned to the small courtyard and thought about his next plan.

Today's Liu Hao, it will take some time to absorb the gains from the three incarnations, but he also knows that if he wants to step into the Hunyuan, he is somewhat powerless. Many laws need to be comprehended, and it is not so easy

^0^ Remember in a second【】

can achieve.

Moreover, there is another problem that he must pay attention to, that is, the current self has not improved at all, and the spiritual energy required is also extremely large.

If he cultivates secretly in the earth, it will probably cause a lot of impact. The more spiritual energy he absorbs, the greater the harm he will bring to the creatures on the earth. Tier is a huge problem.

After thinking about it, I feel that only Hong Huang is the place he must stay next.

After all, he is also the Great Emperor Ziwei, the Lord of Zhoutian and Stars. He sits in Ziweixing.

This is irreplaceable in any world.

He glanced at the younger sister who was playing with his little niece in the small courtyard, and the smile on his face increased.

It is definitely a wise choice to bring this little disciple of himself back to Earth.

The younger sister likes to read, and when she was put in the prehistoric age, he, the master, has no time to play with her. Instead, reading has become the only leisure she can do, but on Earth, getting along with friends of the same age is the most important thing. It won't turn his disciple into an iceberg in the future.

Even if my sister already has this trend now, at least this 'iceberg' will be postponed for a while, right?

Now that I have joined Zhao Linger, I have another partner. Even if I go to Honghuang in the future, in Liu Hao's view, Zhao Linger will most likely be taken by Nuwa Empress. As for truly cultivating a house girl disciple.

In Liu Hao's heart, he already had a guess, that is, the disciple he took in by chance was probably the reincarnation of a certain power from the Taiyin star. With her cultivation, this "power of Taiyin" It also became more and more obvious.

It's just that Liu Hao is not sure which lunar star is the reincarnation.

It's not about fear, she has already cut off cause and effect, and even abandoned the Daluo Daoguo who proved the way in the past. Naturally, it is a completely new personality, and everything in the past has nothing to do with her;

With him as a master, he is not afraid of others looking for him.

He thought more about how his disciple would walk in the future. After thinking a lot, he finally chose to let nature take its course.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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