Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand two hundred fifty-eight. Walking in the sky

1258 : Go With The Sky

What are you most worried about in the quasi-holy battle?

It is falling into other people's spiritual treasures or formations.

Honghuang, the combat power of the quasi-sage can be divided into two sources, one is himself, and the other is the world.

The self is the result of one's own practice and comprehension of the Dao, and what is displayed is also the means of the Tao under one's control.

Heaven and Earth refers to the quasi-saint monks' understanding of the laws of heaven and earth, and then they use the power of heaven and earth to fight.

This is the case with Lord Jin Xingdao at this time. As the reincarnation of the Chaos Demon God, he has more and more familiar sources of power from the latter.

But now that he is besieged by Xuandu with the "Cosmic Map", his strength has dropped by half, and he has been completely reduced to the food in the hands of the great master Xuandu.

This was obviously a method that Xuandu had planned long ago. Even Baihu Liu Hao doubted whether Xuandu had simulated the choice after this battle in his mind. During the whole process, Xuandu almost completely controlled the initiative. The opponent will be settled by dividing five by two.

Many of the quasi-sages who were onlookers felt sympathetic, especially those who were also the reincarnation of the Chaos Demon God. Compared with Lord Jin Xingdao, they all found that even if they substituted themselves, it would not be much better.

It is also to blame for the short time they returned this time. On the one hand, the realm of re-cultivation is still a level behind Xuandu, and on the other hand, they really don't have any spiritual treasures in their hands.

This is why Mr. Jin Xingdao couldn't wait to get the line draft as soon as he saw Feng Baobao got the Lingbao. Unfortunately, today he lost his life because of it.

Everyone knows that it is impossible for Xuan to bypass the other party. He is here to stand up. Today, even if the saint came forward, he would not be able to escape. You must know that I am still watching in the chaos. Compared with the background, Xuan is really not afraid of anyone. .

Similarly, Xuandu's shot this time also made these quasi-sages who watched him put him among the top competitors, and he was clearly on the same level as those veteran great powers, such as Styx, Kunpeng and others, such as Tathagata Haotian and his party.

In the underworld, Baihu Liu Hao thinks more. He feels that with Lao Tzu's wisdom, he can't fail to understand that it is impossible for Xuandu himself to be the human saint this time, but even so, Lao Tzu still asks Xuandu to put on a The appearance of striving for it with all his strength is clearly for the purpose of showing off to Empress Nuwa.

This is taking advance as retreat, with Xuandu's participation this time, implicitly telling the newly promoted Lord of Humanity that he has a lot of power to speak among the human race.

In the future, Xuandu may retreat to advance again at a certain period of time, so as to help Lao Tzu fight for a real power in the human world, the power to directly participate.

In Baihu Liu Hao's prediction, Empress Nuwa will probably not refuse, but she will definitely not grant too much authority. The specific amount depends on the game between the two, and how the Great Master of Xuandu can compete in the future. Which level to go to.

This belongs to the tacit understanding between the two, and other saints may understand to some extent, but compared with Lao Tzu, they can only envy them.

Baihu Liu Hao even has a feeling that it is very likely that Lao Tzu will step into the realm of "Heavenly Dao" because of this. It is very hard to say whether Hongjun is contributing to this.

Compared with Hongjun, both Empress Houtu and Empress Nuwa are not the kind of people who like to do things by themselves. To put it bluntly, they don't like to seize power, so they have a higher tolerance for decentralization of power.

Why don't many quasi-sages in the wild know this?

It is also because of this that even if they find that the chances are slim, they are happy to participate in it. Who knows that it will be done if they are lucky?

To use an analogy, if Liu Hao, the white tiger, wins the sage of reincarnation in the future, his authority will be almost equal to the sum of several saints in the heavenly way. first half sentence.

Such a huge power also means that you will get a lot of luck, and you don't even need to spend a lot of time to practice, and your cultivation will definitely rise up. Who won't drool when seeing it?

In the East China Sea, because of the "Cosmic Map", outsiders can no longer see clearly what the besieged Jin Xingdao is like.

But they all knew that the other party was just struggling.

What can be seen is nothing more than the Great Master Xuandu often smashing into it with the 'Taiqing Divine Thunder', and occasionally waving the 'Tian Fuchen' in his hand.

It's like a cat playing with a mouse, which puts a lot of pressure on Mr. Jin Xingdao and at the same time makes the other party feel that he can get out of the cage with a struggle;

As everyone knows, it is because of this that Jin Xingdao-Jun's last hope was ruined. If this guy finds himself in the siege of the "Qian Kun Map" at the beginning, he assumes an attitude of dying together, even Xuandu must rely on it. , Do you want to damage your "Qian Kun Map" Lingbao for the sake of a mere quasi-sage?

But now, even if Jin Xingdao-Jun really does this, there is not much hope. The Master Xuandu who has controlled all the situations has long been on guard against this, and it is impossible for this guy to blow himself up.

When the thunder in Xuandu's hand turned purple, all the audience knew that it had come to the real end. No matter how lethal it is, there is no problem in disrupting the opponent's self-explosion.

Sure enough, after the third "Zixiao Shenlei" in Xuandu, in the space imprisoned by the "Qiankun Map", the fluctuation of the space has become very slight;

Afterwards, Master Xuandu shook his hands, and the map of Qiankun flashed out again. Although he didn't see Jin Xingdaojun's body, the result was already known to all.

This battle seemed to last for a long time, but in fact, all the quasi-sages watching were very complicated. While raising Xuandu's expectations, they were also thinking about whether to find some opponents to form a short-term alliance.

Baihu Liu Hao can imagine that the quasi-sage battles in the prehistoric world will be more frequent in the future. Those with a slightly lower cultivation base will inevitably make some alliances if they want to avoid being eliminated in the first round. Many have joined forces to target those true peak quasi-sages.

This is the case in the prehistoric world, so why not in the underworld?

He, the Great Emperor of Fengdu, has already put a lot of pressure on the other participants. Seeing the changes in the prehistoric world, the quasi-sages in the underworld will probably have that kind of thought, right?

In the past, the hatred between them might be difficult to get rid of, but in the face of the monstrous interests of the saint, any hatred is nothing, and it is bound to be a matter of unity sooner or later.

Baihu Liu Hao wouldn't worry about it. With his current cultivation, he really doesn't worry about it. As long as the quasi-sages of the underworld are not united, he won't worry at all;

What's more, before that, he had already wooed a lot. At the very least, even if the five ghost emperors in the underworld were not on his side, they would not join forces with outsiders. What did he have to be afraid of?

In fact, Baihu Liu Hao had been weighing in his heart whether he really wanted to win the position of this true saint before this.

Prehistoric saints also have advantages and disadvantages. Compared with other saints, Baihu Liu Hao is just an incarnation of three corpses. Once he gets the position of saint, he can't make an avatar to wander around, and he may completely lock himself in the prehistoric world. Within the underworld.

This is also the biggest reason why Baihu Liu Hao is unhappy.

But after he comprehended the 'Law of Reincarnation', Baihu Liu Hao's thoughts faded a lot.

The sage of reincarnation is not Emperor Fengdu.

The former is freedom, the latter is a duty.

The sage of reincarnation, to put it bluntly, is the last line of defense against the six reincarnations of living beings, ensuring that this reincarnation will not be affected by others.

Previously, this was what Empress Houtu was doing, but now it is just delegating this 'power'.

When Empress Houtu was in charge, didn't she devote almost all her time to suppressing the prehistoric 'kun' position?

The six reincarnations are related to the order of the prehistoric world, who dares to really mess around?

When you see those gods sending the souls of their disciples into the six realms of reincarnation, at most they are just saying hello. Do you really dare to transfer people who should have been sentenced to the "beast way" into the "heavenly and human way"?

The higher the position, the more jealous they are about it. At their level, who doesn't know that there are some bottom lines that can't be messed around?

Those who want to mess around don't have the strength, they can't even influence the institutions of the underworld, let alone the places of the six realms of reincarnation.

In this way, it seems that the position of reincarnation saint is really not a busy one.

He sort of understood why Empress Houtu dragged him into the underworld to take up the post of Emperor Fengdu. Without him, it was just to use him to expand reincarnation to other heavens.

Empress Houtu knew very well that her true self would not be willing to be a mere sage, so she turned her idea on herself, which happened to be a good fit, and it was more of a win-win situation.

Once he can achieve the effect expected by Empress Houtu, perhaps this reincarnation saint will really have no opponent at all.

It's just that, other competitors can't know about it at all. They thought it was an audition. Even the entertainment 'audition' in the previous life was tricky. How could such a high position not have any internal decision?

He understood thoroughly that his 'internal decision' was equivalent to that of the humane sage Fuxi, who had already been placed among the finalists before it even started.

Maybe the sages can guess a little bit, maybe they can't be sure, but Hongjun, Houtu and Nuwa must be well aware of this.

Honghuang, where are there so many opportunities?

Hasn't the previous saint been determined a long time ago?

Could it be an exception this time?

Baihu Liu Hao was a little puzzled, didn't these participating quasi-sages have any scores?

He thought about it for a long time, and finally he was able to guess a little bit.

Perhaps these quasi-sages are also well aware of this, and perhaps they also know that this time it will probably not be their turn, but even so, they still have to participate.

It is not to fight for the position of saint this time, but to leave the best impression on Empress Houtu and Empress Nuwa, and it is also their biggest expression of their support for the two.

In exchange for the next quota of humane and authentic saints.

He doesn't know if his guess is correct, and that remains to be seen, too.

Above the East China Sea, Master Xuandu had already finished work, and he didn't chat with Feng Baobao and the three of them.

"Sister Bao'er, when did you become a master?"

"Bang a master uncle?"

"It's the saint Laozi!"

"Oh! Master is Master, who knows when?"

Zhang Chulan rolled her eyes, but she was sure that Sister Bao'er is now awesome, and she was also happy for Sister Baoer from the bottom of her heart.

"Find a place for Feng Baobao to refine the Lingbao! We can't stay here!"

Zhang Lingyu interrupted the conversation between the two, and the two nodded when they heard it. They thought they were cautious, but they didn't know that there were countless eyes staring at them. It's just that this time, there will be no such crisis again. Now who doesn't Do you know that this trio can't be offended?

Feng Baobao is like this, so why not Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu?

Master Tongtian has managed to accept disciples again since he became a god. If something happens to them, Master Tongtian will not care whether you are a quasi-sage or not, and you will definitely have your cramps stripped of your skin. It is the consensus of the entire prehistoric powers.

But he said that after Master Xuandu left, he went directly to the Bajing Palace in Laozi's dojo. Without him, he found that after he killed Lord Jin Xingdao, the map of heaven and earth became more and more difficult to control;

He didn't know the specific reason, and didn't have a perfect solution, so he could only ask his master for help.

When he arrived at the Palace of Eight Views, he found that Lao Tzu was already waiting there. Before he could answer, Lao Tzu waved his hand directly, took out the picture of Qian Kun in his hand, and with a flick of his hand, he saw a fragmented chain of the golden law unfolding in the Palace of Eight Views come out.

Not only that, this fragmented law chain obviously still has a great meaning of struggle, even if it is Lao Tzu's dojo, it still wants to go towards the prehistoric.

This is not because there is still the soul of Jin Xingdao Lord, since Xuandu has already made a move, there will be no hidden danger left behind, and the only ending for Jin Xingdao Lord is the disappearance of the soul.

"The true spirit has already entered reincarnation, but after the soul is crushed, it directly merges into the chain of laws, so that's how it is!"

When Laozi's voice came, Xuandu was full of doubts. Seeing this, Laozi also gave an explanation.

"The reincarnation of the Chaos Demon God this time is to continue to improve the laws of the prehistoric world!"

"Master, is it for the prehistoric return to the beginning?"

"Of course! The prehistoric world has gone through several catastrophes, and has entered the late stage. If Liu Hao hadn't appeared and introduced the way of hundreds of schools, the prehistoric world would only continue to have countless catastrophes in the future, marching towards immeasurable catastrophes!

This time, with the opportunity and the Silingbuzi, Honghuang has the tendency to return to the beginning. It is understandable that the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods were taken out by Honghuang to sacrifice their flags! "

"Could it be that the will of the wild world wants to completely deprive the law of the three thousand demon gods and integrate it into itself?"

"Exactly! The Emperor Fengdu pinched to death the ghost mother of Huangquan, and the underworld of Huangquan expanded a lot. This is also the reason. This chain of laws cannot be left to you!"

"Yes! Master, disciples dare not be greedy for merit!"

"Since the prehistoric world wishes, if you see the reincarnation of three thousand demon gods in the future, since you have an excuse, you don't have to show mercy, and you can be regarded as following the sky!"

"Yes! Master!"

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