1264. Remigration

When a truck full of goods is driving at high speed, even if it enters a side road, if you want to brake at this time, you will face the end of car crash;

What's more, there is also a taxi coming towards you at high speed on the opposite side of this fork?

Such was the scene of the Great Lich War in ancient times.

In the later stage of the war, no matter whether it was the witch clan or the monster clan, they already vaguely understood in their hearts that there were people around them who were promoting them, and they also vaguely knew that this was the saints, and it was the scheme of Zixiao Palace.

But so what? Who dares to stop at this point in time? The only way is to step up the accelerator and have a violent collision with a large truck of the same size on the opposite side to see who is tough enough.

They know very well that doing so is also likely to result in car crashes and fatalities, and both sides will suffer.

But they still did this, and they had no other choice. How much they survived was entirely up to God's will.

Whether it is Bai Ze or Xing Tian, ​​who is in the monster battle in the Xuanwu World, they are all the fish that slipped through the net of this Lich catastrophe. They know the cruelty of the Lich catastrophe best. Even if the resentment in their hearts is still there, this restraint must be .

They couldn't afford to gamble anymore, even if they knew that there were saints in the catastrophe of the Lich and the instigation of Zixiao Palace, they could only grit their teeth and admit it.

hate it?

Bai Ze didn't know how to describe this emotion, it must have been resentful at first, and he even wanted to die with those scheming people.

But with the passage of time, Bai Ze's resentment gradually disappeared, and the more he thought about the deep meaning, the more he could only face it with a wry smile.

What else? Even if the entire monster clan of Honghuang was filled in, it would not be enough for a few saints to kill, let alone Zixiao Palace.

Didn't see that even Emperor Jun Taiyi who came back never mentioned it?

They are not fools, and they all know how to choose.

Bai Ze looked down and Xing Tian slammed his fist hard at the monster's head. The huge force directly acted on it, causing a deep depression to appear in the hard skull of the big Luo Jinxian monster. He unconsciously thought of the Lich War During the period, he felt the fear when he faced the ancestor witch.

He can see that Xing Tian has almost reached the peak of the great witch, and the reason why he can't go any further is more limited by his blood, and now, these monsters from the Xuanwu world may be his biggest breakthrough;

He had a feeling that the Xing Tian in front of him might be the new ancestor witch of the Wu clan in the future.

He was a little rejoiced that the population of the Wu clan could never return to the past, and he felt a sense of relief deep in his heart.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the real losers in the Primordial Lich War are the Witch Clan.

The source of the witch clan comes from Pangu's hard work, but Pangu's hard work always has an end;

Up to now, there have been no new witches, and they have no choice but to learn to reproduce, but even so, it is extremely difficult.

The more advanced the cultivation base, the harder it is to conceive offspring. This is the law of heaven and earth, and it is the same for the monster clan and the witch clan.

Who made their starting point so high that the races despaired? There are gains and losses.

From this point of view, it is impossible for the current witch clan to form a bipolar relationship with the monster clan. Thinking of this, Bai Ze's deep fear of the witch clan disappeared without a trace. In the end, only a sassy smile was left It's a feeling of grieving with a smile.

"After the Great Witch Xingtian has tasted the meat of these monsters, fellow Taoists don't worry about them sneaking around again?"

"This is indeed something that Pindao never expected before! But it's okay, they really want to sneak in, there is plenty of land around the Dragon Country Australia base!"

"It seems that Fellow Daoist has already made plans!"

"There is no plan at all. It is also decided by other incarnations at this time. Pindao is just dealing with the beginning and the end. Fortunately, they are only 30,000 people here. Where is it not resettlement?"

"It's just like this, the monster race in the land of Australia will feel uncomfortable!"

"Fellow Daoists don't need to worry, since Xing Tian has tasted the monsters in the Xuanwu world, let them hunt the monster clan, hehe..."

Bai Ze was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded his head in approval. It's like after eating delicious food, you always feel that there is something missing in ordinary food.

With better options available, it's natural to be more picky.

Bai Ze is not really worried about the monster races on the land of Australia. There are countless monster races on the earth, and it is impossible for Bai Ze to collect all of them. If this is the case, both Liu Hao and Long Guo will be worried.

He didn't touch the demon clan in the land of Australia, and he didn't want to touch this taboo, it was all due to the tacit understanding in everyone's heart.

But in the same way, it is not entirely true to say that he doesn't care about the monster race in the land of Australia at all.

At least, Bai Ze knows the status of those high-level demon clans in the land of Australia, and even who they are, and he knows where the cave is.

Once it is time to use it, Bai Ze will soon be able to take these big monsters into account one by one.

Just like just now, he discovered that leading the monster army to hunt and kill the abyss spores can also gain merit. The first thing he thought of was these big monsters in the land of Australia.

If the Witch Clan really moved to the Australian mainland, his idea would most likely come true. The reason why he raised his worries in front of Liu Hao was to plant this seed. Once he tried it, if he chose to No need to say much at all.

Today's Alaska has long been occupied by monster races. Most of these monster races come from polar bears in Asia, and in addition, they are in the northeast of Dragon Kingdom.

Further east is the grassland, the Siberia region. In these areas, there are also a lot of monster races.

But there is one thing that makes Bai Ze have to be cautious, that is, there are world passages in these two regions, and a similar civilization fusion has been established in the past.

For example, on the outer grassland, with the rise of the orc civilization, they have established mutual trust with the monster race in the grassland. For example, the intimacy between the wolf head man and the wolf race in the grassland even exceeds that of the monster race itself.

If Bai Ze wants to get in, it means a big battle is needed, which means that Bai Ze needs to collect all the orc groups into his account, which will also cause a chain reaction in the Dragon Kingdom.

It is also because of this that Bai Ze has not taken any action, and has been weighing whether to do it or not.

Naturally, Liu Hao couldn't know about Bai Ze's thoughts. From Bai Ze's questioning, he could also feel that Bai Ze started to attack the monster race in Australia, and it seemed that he could not give it.

In the Australian mainland, the number of human races is still too rare compared to the monster races. If they don't gather in one place, whether they can survive is a problem.

According to Liu Hao's estimate, the number of demon beasts on the Australian mainland is at least one billion. It is a question whether the speed of human hunting can catch up with the speed of monster reproduction.

That being the case, it is not impossible for Bai Ze to open a hole and let the other party recruit some.

He also believes that Bai Ze will not make trouble in the Australian mainland, and will not break the tacit understanding between the two.

It's just that he also knows that he can't raise this matter, the initiative must be in his own hands, so waiting is what he needs to do most now, just wait for Bai Ze to speak one day.

From below, a loud scream came, and then Xing Tian's wild laughter rippling on the sea;

This guy really held back for too long. After smashing the big Luo Jinxian level monster to death, Xing Tian still looked around there, as if waiting for the next opponent. After a long time, he found that there was no other one, so he smacked his lips and put away the harvest angrily. Fly towards the white clouds.

"The Witch Clan is too belligerent!"

"This is the case in the inheritance bloodline. Most likely, when Pangu opened up the prehistoric world, the battle with the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods aroused the fighting spirit in his bones, so that it affected the Wu Clan!"

"There's still this theory?" Bai Ze was taken aback, but then he felt that Liu Hao might really be fighting for this theory.

"Who knows? But Pindao thinks that this guess may be the only possibility!" Liu Hao paused at this point, seeing that Bai Ze did not deny it, he continued:

"The law of Pangu's inheritance power is also one of the three thousand demon gods. Even if the combat power is crushed, how can it be possible not to stimulate the own combat power to the extreme while opening up the world and dealing with the enemy?

This blood will not be extinguished even when they are transformed into heaven and earth. Maybe this is the reason why the Wu Clan is warlike? "

Out of his own position, Bai Ze didn't nod, but he didn't deny it either. Xing Tian had already approached, and the two of them stopped tacitly.

"Will the Great Witch of Xingtian gain anything from this battle?"

"Hahaha, thank you Dijun for giving me this opportunity! It's been a long time since I've had such fun!" Xing Tian didn't care about the blood on his body, and the smile on his face was from the heart.

Originally, he thought that he led the team into the earth, and it was more because Empress Houtu wanted to stay away from the prehistoric and avoid the continuation of the karma with Haotian, but now it seems that it was a blessing in disguise.

"Emperor, can you let the Wu Clan sneak in here? These monsters are a great tonic for the Wu Clan!"

This guy is definitely an honest person, he can say whatever he thinks, no wonder Hong Huang feels that the Wu Clan are all idiots.

Liu Hao chuckled, and didn't care about it. On the contrary, he liked to deal with the Wu Clan. He was sincere, and nothing was a big deal. Besides, wasn't he prepared in his heart before? Bai Ze on the side didn't feel any surprise about it.

"Ten thousand miles south of here, there is a continent where the human race has also set up a large base, and there is no shortage of land nearby. The great witch Xingtian just needs to use it if he wants to sneak in!"

"Well...thank you, Dijun!"

Liu Hao immediately knew the reason for Xing Tian's hesitation. This guy probably wants to get closer, and he has his eyes on the Red Earth Continent, right?

It's just that the Red Earth Continent is really not the ideal place for the Wu Clan, not to mention that Liu Hao had assigned it to Tang Sanzang a long time ago. It's going to be turned upside down.

If it was the beginning of the revival of spiritual energy, Liu Hao might be so happy, but now forget it, he has no intention of explaining to Xing Tian immediately, he just said that the Red Earth Continent is not a place under his control, and the distance of thousands of miles is not enough for the Wu clan. It's just a few more steps.

In fact, Liu Hao also breathed a sigh of relief, at least in a short period of time, the problem of the Wu clan will be resolved, and it is also a good thing that they don't need to compete with the Shennong clan for the problem of the human race in the wild world.

As for the future, let's wait until we have to deal with it. According to Liu Hao's estimation, at least until the Wu Clan has not sneaked into the earth on a large scale, this problem will not be a problem.

Sometimes things are like this. Before facing it, everyone has a headache, but after facing it, you will find that it is nothing more than that.

Be it Bai Ze or Xing Tian in front of him, they are all very satisfied with this.

If the Witch Clan really settled in the west of the Kunlun Mountains, it would inevitably impact the civilization structure established by the Yao Clan in the Three Kingdoms, which is inevitable.

But in mainland Australia, both Xing Tian and Bai Ze are very satisfied, and it seems that they have a common enemy, so the matter is so interesting.

Xing Tian is definitely not a procrastinator, and he reached an agreement with Liu Hao, and he didn't care whether Bai Ze would express his opinion, or he didn't take the Yaozu's opinion into consideration at all.

As soon as Liu Hao agreed, Xing Tian immediately lost the intention of continuing to sit. After laughing, he said goodbye in a low voice, as if he didn't want to wait for a moment.

Liu Hao couldn't do anything about it. It wasn't until after Xing Tian left that he and Bai Ze looked at each other, and then burst out laughing.

"Compared to the monster clan, the witch clan is more like a victim of the Lich catastrophe!"

Liu Hao's sigh was also due to the personality of the great witch Xingtian. Bai Ze couldn't help but fall into deep thought after hearing this, and he sighed after a long time:

"Back then, the entire prehistoric demon clan was terrified of the witch clan, fearing that their own group would become the rations of the witch clan. Pindao didn't think much about it at the time, but now it seems..."

"How huge is the prehistoric land? The land that the witch clan can occupy, but it is not enough to go to the east, and the worst is to go south. Even if there are hundreds of millions, it is just a drizzle for the monster clan at that time. Even if the monster clan let go It is impossible for them to hunt and wipe out the monster clan!

It's just that it's Dijun Taiyi who spread it, or those saints, but it's hard to tell! "

"Thinking about this matter now, you can find countless loopholes, but when you were in the middle, you never doubted it!"

Bai Ze's exclamation made Liu Hao chuckle, but he didn't point it out directly.

Liu Hao doesn't believe that Bai Ze didn't promote it, or that he might have thought of it at the beginning, but he didn't stop it, and was even happy to push it. In the end, it was just ambition.

Emperor Jun Taiyi wants to rule the prehistoric world, and Bai Ze, as the important minister of the monster clan, isn't the tide rising?

In the face of such a huge power, who can calm down?

That is to say, it failed completely. After the failure, it was completely understood that the Yaozu could not rise again, and this ambition was completely wiped out, so it was possible to deal with it so indifferently.

Not to mention obsession with Liu Hao and Bai Ze's sad age here, but to say that Baihu Liu Hao left the Kunlun Mountains, entered the area of ​​​​the world of death, and directly stepped into the world of corpses and souls.

The majestic spiritual pressure on Baihu Liu Hao almost caused the corpse soul world to collapse directly. Fortunately, Baihu Liu Hao moved fast enough and his strength was strong enough. He forcibly took over the power of the original "Spirit King" battery by virtue of his own strength. On the contrary, from the source, the world of corpses and souls became stronger again.

This action was completed almost in an instant, but it brought endless fear to the soul world. Even when an old guy like old man Yamamoto appeared in front of Baihu Liu Hao, his eyes that were always squinted would stare. It's the boss, and you can vaguely see the panic in it.

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