1266、The River of Destiny

It is extremely difficult to cross the world and imprint the six reincarnations. Once selected, it is impossible to change it again.

Even the old man Yamamoto knew this well. Baihu Liu Haoyi said, how could he not know the biggest advantage of the soul world in the future?

But I have to say that old man Yamamoto thought too much.

Perhaps in another world, Baihu Liu Hao wouldn't spend any effort on it, but on his own earth, he would not be willing to hand over such a core to others, even if he is very familiar with old man Yamamoto and has a decent relationship.

But Baihu Liu Hao won't talk about these things, and even if he does it in the future, he won't follow up quickly.

In his mind, in the territory of his own Dragon Kingdom, it is necessary to establish a local government agency to operate, and he must also take back this jurisdiction.

But outside of this, Baihu Liu Hao has other schemes.

He feels that the earth is able to link the heavens and worlds together, so it must have its particularity.

I even wondered if I could try to establish a place of reincarnation near the world passage, so as to control other ways of reincarnation in the heavens.

Of course, this is just an idea, whether it can be done or not will only be understood after trying it.

And it doesn't make sense to think so much now. How to imprint the six reincarnations of the prehistoric world on the earth through the soul world is the most important thing to complete. Only when it is done here, it is meaningful to imagine other things.

How to do it, in fact, Baihu Liu Hao really didn't have a clear method, but he also knew that it was important to get the approval of the old man Yamamoto. Now it seems that this matter has been accomplished, and it can be regarded as the achievement of the original goal.

In the prehistoric Netherland, Baihu Liu Hao also thought of many methods, but after much deliberation, he found that there seemed to be only one way to go through the space crack;

Just like the chaotic abyss, lock the anchor point of one world, force it through like a drill, and then find a way to fix this space crack.

Fortunately, compared with the chaotic abyss, the limited one is much easier. Among them, the most important thing is this crack channel, which only needs to allow the soul body to pass through.

It sounds simple, but actually trying to do it is not so difficult.

At least Baihu Liu Hao knows that he can't do it if he wants to, even if he is a saint, it is probably impossible.

In other words, in the end, Empress Hou Tu must take action herself, and only in this way will no possible confusion be caused.

After getting the old man Yamamoto's permission, the two of them were not in a hurry. The key to melting the Spirit King's battery into the Soul Realm was that it wasn't too difficult.

After Baihu Liu Hao took action, he discovered a big surprise.

Even if the world of the god of death merged into the earth as a plane, it was still a world before. As the core of this world, there are still many laws in the corpse of the spirit king.

These laws are extremely fragile in the eyes of Baihu Liu Hao, let alone him, even if any quasi-sage comes, he can melt them away very well.

But the real surprise is that in the process of melting, one can also comprehend the laws of it.

These fragile laws are like a tiny seed of law. To most quasi-sages, they are the difference between zero and one, the gap between being and nothing.

Even Baihu Liu Hao, the trusted Fengdu Emperor, still benefited a lot from it. The most important thing is that Baihu Liu Hao discovered the "Law of Reincarnation" from it.

Perhaps compared with the law of reincarnation in the prehistoric world, the law of reincarnation in the body of the spirit king of the corpse soul world is like fireflies compared to the sun and the moon, but this extremely small reincarnation seed is enough to make the white tiger Liu Hao save his life. Go thousands of years.

This is the gap between wandering outside the door and entering the door. Before entering the door, you can never see the scenery inside the door. Everything can be imagined, but after entering the door, even if it is still difficult, you can already cross the river by feeling the stones .

It has been a long time since he took over as the Great Emperor of Honghuang Fengdu. Even if Empress Houtu let go of the law of reincarnation to enlighten Baihu Liu Hao, he is still the one wandering outside the door.

This point alone is enough to prove its difficulty, and it can fully describe the high harvest of this unexpected arrival!

It is impossible for the corpse of the Spirit King to have a perfect seed of three thousand laws, but relatively speaking, he is also an operating mechanism of the underworld. Even if it is small, there will be some laws that belong exclusively to the underworld. This is the real benefit of Baihu Liu Hao today. .

It is also for this reason that when Baihu Liu Hao melted the corpse of the Spirit King, he slowed down consciously. While melting, he dragged it into the space of the corpse and soul world, while comprehending it one by one, completely immersed in it.

In a daze, he seemed to be in a long river of fate. This long river of fate looked very narrow, like a small stream, but the power of fate in it was still intoxicating.

That is to say, Liu Hao, the white tiger, is already very familiar with this, but within a few breaths, he understands where he is deep. This is clearly the time and the long river of fate in the world of death.

He subconsciously compared the long river of fate in the Death God world with the long river of fate in the prehistoric world, and then quickly shook his head and gave up.

There is no comparison between the two at all. Even the subsidiary tributaries of the Great Destiny River, in the eyes of the Death River, are like the vast Yangtze River. It is clearly just an irrigation ditch passing through farmland.

Putting aside his thoughts, Liu Hao, the white tiger, did not continue to wait and see, but walked directly towards the source of this small river of fate. After walking, he discovered how weak the resistance was. Don't say it was him, anyone Daluo Jinxian came here, and most of them can also prove the fruit of the Tao.

This discovery made Baihu Liu Hao understand that there must be an endless gap between Daluo Jinxian Daoguo.

Think about it, is it the same as proving the Daoguo of Daluo in this long river of fate like a small stream, and proving the Daoguo of Daluo in the long river of fate?

It is obviously impossible, such a tributary of the long river of fate, if any Hunyuan monk comes, it can be completely wiped out at some cost.

This means that in such a long river of fate, it is obviously of little significance to prove Daluo Daoguo, and it is no different from cheating.

The narrowness of the river also means that this small stream cannot be very long. The white tiger Liu Hao has already come to an end in just half a stick of incense time.

Standing at the end, Baihu Liu Hao suddenly realized.

Why are you?

Liu Hao, the white tiger, is clearly familiar with the majestic waves in front of him. This is clearly the fate of his own earth world;

And the God of Death world has been integrated into the earth, and his long river of destiny is bound to be a tributary of the long river of earth's destiny, attached to the long river of destiny where his own earth world is located.

That's all, it's the same after understanding, but Baihu Liu Hao's attention is not here.

He found that the fate of his own earth world seemed to be much wider than the last time he entered.

After careful comparison, he was more certain of his guess. If before, the river of fate for his own earth was only about ten miles wide, now it is more than thirty miles wide, and it still seems to be widening continuously.

This is obviously caused by more inheritance input from their own earth world. In addition, the resistance to the chaotic abyss must also have a force invested in it.

However, compared with the long river of fate in the prehistoric world, it still seems very small.

Perhaps Hunyuan monks want to destroy the long river of fate in front of them, and they have to die together, but for the monks of the "Heaven Dao Realm", it doesn't take much effort.

The only good point is that there is no doubt about the growth of the long river of destiny in his own world. During the time Baihu Liu Hao observed, he already felt that the width has expanded by about three meters. Long River White Tiger Liu Hao doesn't know, but compared with other worlds, it will definitely not be so small.

After a long time, Liu Hao, the white tiger, tapped lightly at the junction of the two rivers of fate, and a lavender lotus quietly appeared on it, floating between the two rivers of fate, turning slowly, letting you torrent thousands of times, don't let it Move an inch.

This point is the location chosen by Baihu Liu Hao as the anchor point for opening the prehistoric world and the world where his own earth is located in the future.

After doing this, Baihu Liu Hao also thought about whether to check the source of the long river of destiny on the earth, but finally chose to be patient.

He didn't know whether his decision was right or wrong, but a voice told him not to worry, he chose to believe it, and finally left after taking a deep look at his family's fate.

In the Corpse Soul Realm, within the Linglingting Headquarters, Baihu Liu Hao slightly opened his eyes, which also meant that the corpse of the Spirit King would no longer exist. He slightly sensed the space of the Corpse Soul Realm, and found that it was much more stable than before. few.

To give an example, before this, the space of the Soul Realm was stable, even if the Daluo Jinxian came, it could be collapsed under desperate efforts, but now it is difficult to do it even if it is self-destructed. For the moment, it is enough.

When the prehistoric reincarnation is reflected here in the future, the stability of the space will continue to improve, but how far the upper limit can be reached depends on future opportunities.

The old man Yamamoto was very satisfied with this. Just as he nodded in approval, a spatial fluctuation came, and several figures landed. There was a trace of fear on the faces of the visitors.

These guys are members of the Zero Team of the Soul World, and they have been stationed in the Spirit King Palace of the Soul World, guarding the corpse of the Soul King, who is known as the "King Key" of the Soul World.

It's no wonder they were able to notice Baihu Liu Hao's attack. When the corpse of King Ling disappeared completely and Baihu Liu Hao was no longer covering up, they suddenly realized and rushed to old man Yamamoto in a hurry.

But before they could ask, Baihu Liu Hao glanced at their bodies, and all the words disappeared at this moment, and the panic in his eyes was even worse, but the fear between the two came from different senses.

As the emperor of Fengdu, the prehistoric underworld, even if he crosses the world, even if the seal is not carried with him, the power of the white tiger Liu Hao has a dimensional crushing on the soul and body.

He glanced at it, and it felt like a mortal facing a hungry tiger. The so-called resistance was just the struggle of the five.

As soon as this feeling came out, how could there be a chance to say what was originally full of words? Compared with his own life, the battery of Ling Wang's corpse is really nothing.

"That's it for this time, come again next time, maybe it will be able to take shape!"

Baihu Liu Hao is not a person who likes to be lively, and he absolutely stays away from troubles. Seeing these guys coming, he lost the interest to stay any longer, and after explaining to old man Yamamoto, his body disappeared without a trace.

After a while, these guys let out a breath of foul air, and the eyes they looked at the old man Yamamoto became more respectful.

They were full of questions and wanted to raise them several times, but they didn't know how to speak when the words came to their lips.

"The theory of the heavens and worlds, you all know it after thinking about it, right?"


Not to mention how the old man Yamamoto and the monk Zhenhuming are separated, but it is said that Baihu Liu Hao left the courtyard of the old man Yamamoto, but did not leave the soul world directly. When he reappeared, he was already in the 12th squad. , you can't justify not going to see Tony Stark.

Not to mention, Tony Stark is still living like a fish in water in the world of corpses and souls, and it is only a scientific madman like him who can get along happily with a weirdo like Sui Yuli.

Baihu Liu Hao observed for a while, seeing that the two were busy and did not show up, he shook his head and turned to leave. When he reached the west of the Kunlun Mountains again, he found that the Wu Clan had long since disappeared.

"Interesting! Is the Dragon Kingdom Australia base?"

After calculating with his fingers, Baihu Liu Hao was relieved. He didn't care about the Wu Clan, but since he moved here, he had to be responsible, and he had to give an explanation to Empress Houtu.

Now it seems that the Wu Clan has found a good place, and most of them have the permission of the Dragon Kingdom's high-level officials, so it can be regarded as a crooked one.

"Could it be that the widening of the fate of the earth world has something to do with the Wu Clan?"

Liu Hao, the white tiger, couldn't help but think otherwise. Compared with inheritance, the changes brought about by the integration of a new ethnic group into the earth are always much greater;

Seeing the widening of the river of fate seems to be the only explanation. Otherwise, why did it take so long for the river of fate to widen by twenty miles?

"If that's the case, with the integration of the Wu Clan into the earth, maybe it's not impossible to see a hundred miles wide!"

Don't think that Liu Hao, the white tiger, is just imagining. Even if the witch clan declines in the wilderness, the luck on it is not comparable to that of ordinary ethnic groups. This is the dimensional crushing of higher-level world ethnic groups.

Compared with the witches, the elves from the Nordic forests are nothing more than ants. A hundred elves have integrated into the earth. Compared with one witch who has integrated into the earth, the luck brought by the latter is enough to make the earth eat. A full meal.

Thinking of this, Baihu Liu Hao always feels lucky. He also knows that all kinds of things here are bound to be in the calculations of Empress Houtu. The only thing that makes him feel strange is why Hongjun and Empress Nuwa didn't take action to stop them?

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