Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand two hundred and seventy.

1270.: 狻猊

When Bai Ze talked about the "Witch Slaying Sword", he was not trying to explain how unlikely Bai Ze was to win the position of a human saint this time, but to tell Liu Hao that the monster race at this time was in the eyes of Empress Nuwa. It's not very welcome.

Especially Emperor Jun Taiyi and Empress Nuwa's inner emotions are definitely complicated now.

If it is said that Emperor Jun Taiyi failed to return again, it would be fine. They are all dead, and they can only let go of how many resentments they have, and even because of this, there will be a sense of guilt from the Emperor Wa. For example, Empress Nuwa's care for Lu Ya one of them.

But as soon as Emperor Juntai returns, Empress Nuwa will have another feeling. The resentment that was put down in the past will gradually rise. Perhaps these resentments are much less than when the "Sword of Slaughtering the Witch" was at the beginning, but they are also Definitely not going away.

As long as this resentment exists, no matter whether it is Emperor Jun Taiyi or Bai Ze who also served in the ancient demon court, it is impossible to be recognized by Nuwa Empress and win the position of this human saint.

This is the reality, and it is also what Bai Ze secretly told Liu Hao to the obsession.

Speaking of it, Bai Ze was also depressed. He really didn't participate in the "Witch Slaying Sword" at the beginning, otherwise it would be impossible to escape from the Lich catastrophe. This is the reality.

But Empress Nuwa doesn't count who is involved and who is not. Since the blame is to be blamed, everyone must bear it together. This is where Bai Ze is really depressed.

When he mentioned this to Liu Hao, he was telling Liu Hao that he was not involved in this matter, and that there was no such monstrous hatred between him and the human race.

In fact, he also succeeded. Liu Hao already had a recognition for Bai Ze, and knowing that there is no hatred between him and the human race, he naturally got closer.

On Earth, Liu Hao is a well-deserved local snake, no one wants to leave a knot in Liu Hao's heart, and Bai Ze is no exception;

Don't look at Bai Ze's ability to unify the monster races of the entire earth, but in fact, the big monsters he brought from the prehistoric are really his confidantes? How is that possible?

Dijun Taiyi would not allow it either, who knows how many of them came here to monitor Bai Ze?

From another point of view, if Bai Ze really controls all the monster races on the earth, Liu Hao must be the first to offend, and Liu Hao will inevitably be on guard against it, because threatening is enough, even from The other quasi-sages of Honghuang will also join in, looking for trouble for the unified monster clan from all aspects.

Bai Ze knew this clearly,

He just pretended to be lazy, even the assembled monster group in Alaska today was done under Liu Hao's reminder, this is the real smart person.

In addition, Bai Ze is equally clear that even if he unifies the monster races on the earth, he will not be the one who will benefit in the future. Isn't he acting as a vanguard for Emperor Jun and Taiyi? Even Bai Ze, who offended him, was offended, but he wasn't the one who reaped the benefits in the end, so he wouldn't do it.

Today's earth is not big, but it is quite complicated, and as the forces of the heavens and myriad worlds step into the earth, it will only become more complicated. If you are not careful, you may become the target of public criticism. Don't say that Bai Ze is a saint The door has arrived, isn't it very careful to test it?

The same is true for Xing Tian today, obviously that ax came with a lot of power, but after finishing it, it seemed that it was just an illusion.

He put away his prey, and didn't even mention it when he returned. If he really wanted to treat this group of witches who had gone through hardships as they were in the past, he might not know when he was sold by them.

It is not unreasonable to say that suffering can give birth to human wisdom.

Xing Tian returned to Yun Duo, Bai Ze also received his spiritual consciousness, but Liu Hao had other plans when he was obsessed.

Now the threat of the monsters in the Xuanwu world below is nothing compared to before, and it is coming to an end. The necessity for him to sit here is much less, and with the arrival of Xingtian, there are Bai Ze and Tang Sanzang standing by to deter them. There is no need to bind yourself here anymore.

As Liu Hao's obsession, the person who is closest to modern thinking, Liu Hao's obsession with Liu Hao has long since lost his mind.

Of the heavens and worlds connected in the earth, if Liu Hao himself and the three avatars are the most curious, it must be Liu Hao who is obsessed with it.

After weighing it, he came up with an idea. Xing Tian said a few words here, and he was happy to take over. He also knew that the number of high-level monsters coming from the Xuanwu world was rare, and they needed to be snatched, and they were more happy without Liu Hao present See the results.

If Liu Hao was obsessed with Liu Hao before, he was still worried that Xing Tian and the monster war would have a huge impact, but now there is no need to worry, and it is time to let go of this responsibility. He even feels that it is the best way for Xing Tian to sit here in non-critical times .

At Bai Ze and Tang Sanzang's place, Zhuannian Liu Hao also said something separately. After receiving the response, he couldn't sit still any longer, and turned around and left with a smile. The direction was the western part of the Australian mainland, the entrance of the perfect world.

For Liu Hao himself and other incarnations, it is just one of the heavens and myriad worlds, but for Liu Hao who is obsessed, it is a very special memory of his previous life, and he has long wanted to go through it.

The perfect method and the sky-shading method, but obsessed with Liu Hao, he once thought about whether he could compare it with the ancient sage's skills. If he didn't try it, he always felt that something was missing.

This deity is rational, but he is obsessed with Liu Hao, but he is not. Otherwise, why would he be called "obsessed"?

Being able to endure until now is already a very remarkable thing.

Furthermore, Obsessive Liu Hao really thinks so. The reason why he failed to catch up with the prehistoric world is probably caused by the ceiling of the world, and it is also the result of the suppression of that drop of 'dirty blood' from nowhere;

If possible, he wouldn't mind at all to see where that drop of 'tainted blood' came from, and where it was left by the gods.

The place where the perfect world is connected to the earth line is located in the western region of Australia. This place is already very desolate, and it has been here for a long time. When he came again, Liu Hao also found that this place has become a little unfamiliar.

The land, which was originally a desert structure, is now covered by endless forests. There may be reasons for the recovery of the earth's aura, but in the final analysis, the real important factor may still come from the perfect world channel.

But after landing, Liu Hao's guess of obsession with Liu Hao changed again. He found that the most important factor for the desert to become a virgin forest may be the willow god.

"Is it the loss of vitality that causes the environment to change?"

Obsessed with Liu Hao, he walked around, and the guess in his heart became more certain. Willow God proved Da Luo Jinxian at the entrance of the world. Even if he leaked a little breath, he would transform the surrounding land countless times. proof.

"It's interesting! Liu Shenzhu accidentally changed a piece of land, can he get the merits rewarded by the earth world?"

His guess is really not a wild idea. Destroying the world is the most repulsive thing of any world will, and it is also the biggest source of monk karma. In turn, transforming the water and soil of one world will also be recognized by the world will.

Even if Liu Shen acted unconsciously, those who should be rewarded will still be rewarded.

This is also the biggest reason why Yuanzi in Honghuang Town can transcend the world.

During the Westward Journey, when Tang Sanzang's master and apprentice entered, he saw the memorial tablet that Zhen Yuanzi placed on the hall for worship, which was the biggest proof.

In the entire prehistoric world, who dares to respect heaven and earth like Zhen Yuanzi, and even boast that "earth" is just incidental. See you all week.

If it is said that the ancestor of Styx made the saints not want to trouble because "the sea of ​​blood does not dry up and Styx will not die", Zhen Yuanzi definitely won the respect of the saints by virtue of his ability. Do you want to deliberately send an invitation to Zhen Yuanzi?

This is the biggest difference!

The obsession with Liu Hao is not because he wants to learn from Zhen Yuanzi, and it is impossible for him to do so. He does not have the innate treasure of Zhen Yuanzi's calligraphy, so he can't learn it even if he wants to. But seeing the changes in Western Australia today, There is an idea in my heart.

There are still many deserts on the earth today, especially in the central part of Asia. Even though a lot has changed after the recovery of spiritual energy, there are still many deserts. He wondered if he would try it in the future and when he passed by?

Walking to the world passage, Liu Hao let go of this thought. He didn't disturb Shicun, and only stepped into the passage after watching their changes.

Stone Village has become very different. Being in the place of two sessions has natural benefits, not only can intercept the resources of the two sessions, but also has the choice and integration of different cultivation methods of the two sessions, which has prompted the name of any village in Stone Village today. not to be underestimated

There is no need to worry about the safety of the natural barrier left by Liu Shen before he left. It is no wonder that Shicun has never thought of moving to another place so far, and his small life is not as comfortable as usual.

Most of the monster races around also know that Shicun is not easy to mess with, and they even avoid it. This is why so far, many creatures on the earth have no idea that a group of other monks from the heavens have arrived in their own territory.

Obsessive Liu Hao also discovered the cleverness of Shicun. They seemed to not care about any creatures that entered and exited the two passages. They acquiesced that anyone can enter and exit. The biggest reason for only one eye!

Maybe there is God Liu's order here, or maybe there is not, but this acquiescence makes the future prospects of Shicun more and more optimistic to Liu Hao. He even thought that if there is more than "Kongming Stone" in the future, he might as well build a stone village in Shicun. teleportation array.

In Liu Hao's cognition, the benefits of the perfect world are not small at all. Compared with the world of the same level, the completely different cultivation system of the perfect world is the greatest wealth.

It is different from the magic world, and has a natural fit with the Dragon Kingdom civilization. It can learn from it even without changing its own cultivation system, and it will not feel much rejection even if it is transferred.

But the worst thing is that it is too far away from the Dragon Kingdom, so that it is difficult to use it even if it knows that there is such a world.

Although the Dragon Kingdom Australia base is on the same continent as this world channel, there is also a considerable distance between the two. Within this distance, the endless monsters are the biggest obstacle, which can only be seen but hard to eat to this benefit.

So far, Liu Hao also knows that there must be many people stepping into this world, but so what? It is easy to enter, but it is not so difficult to get out.

At the other end of the passage, there is the real wilderness in the perfect world. It is still a question of how many of these monks who finally entered it can survive in the wilderness, let alone those who want to return safely after getting out of the great wilderness.

The danger of this world is no lower than any other world, even worse, if you don't pay attention, you may die.

It is also for this reason that Longguo never publicized it, just worried that the monks would see the benefits, and a hot blood would pour into it, ruining Qingqing's life.

This is really not a joke. As soon as Liu Hao walked out of the passage, he found a huge monster walking towards the passage.

On this monster, Liu Hao could tell at a glance that the opponent was not simple, and the faintly revealed trace of 'Suan Ni' blood was telling the coveters around him to be careful.

It is more than ten meters high and thirty meters long. Its shape is vaguely inclined to a lion. On the top of the head, two small horns can be vaguely seen trying to stand out. The sharp claws between the toes clearly carried a lot of blood, and one could tell at a glance that this guy had killed countless creatures along the way.

It is also because of this that this 'Suan Ni' with thin blood has a lot of scars on his body, especially there is still a wound nearly one meter long on his abdomen, and a few drops of blood are dripping from time to time.

Not far behind it, there are also many monsters following it. Its low cultivation level can't do much harm to it, but it is a group of people who can't help but pick up trash.

This group of monsters are already at the bottom of this wilderness, and the blood dripping on the ground is the greatest tonic for them. Even if it is mixed with the soil, there are still countless blood dripping everywhere. Monsters fight and snatch.

For them, this is the destiny, the greatest opportunity to purify their own blood, and they will not hesitate to pay even their lives for this.


Xu saw Liu Hao, and there was a sense of fear unconsciously in this guy's eyes. His blood told him that the human being in front of him was definitely not something he could resist, but he also didn't back down immediately. The roar was not so much a reminder Liu Hao, it would be better to say that he is boosting his morale and courage.

After doing all this, this thin-blooded 狻猊 realized that he had made the biggest mistake in his life. It was only then that he realized that Liu Hao was never easy to mess with, but when Liu Hao turned his eyes away from those monsters who snatched the blood dripping from the ground behind him, The beast retracted, and when it looked at it, it realized that Liu Hao was a mountain that it could not cross, and it was ten thousand times more terrifying than the strongest man it had ever seen in its life.

With just one look, and without any murderous aura, Suan Ni has already realized that his body is out of control, just like it used to hunt, and it shocked the prey it saw on the spot with its blood alone, and did not dare to resist at all.

In the past, it enjoyed this feeling very much, but today Lun realized that it was far more terrifying than beheading himself on the spot.

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