Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand two hundred and eighty-six. The cards are frequently played

1286、Frequent Hole Cards

Liu Hao can't be considered proficient in the way of formation, but he can't be said to be a layman either.

The reason for this is more due to Liu Hao's lack of time accumulation. Compared with those monks whose lifespan units are hundreds of thousands of years old, he doesn't have that much time to study.

Therefore, Liu Hao still spends more of his time comprehending formations on studying several formations, among which the 'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Grand Formation' is the most important.

Because this itself has many foundations, it can be said that even Emperor Jun Taiyi among the prehistoric monks may not necessarily surpass him in this respect.

This made him not think about other formations when he was refining the formation and folding the flag, especially when he gave his disciples such a pass as Du Jie.

Being able to fuse the entire 'Zhoutian Star Dou Formation' into one banner is no longer comparable to others, even if the power of this 'Zhoutian Star Dou Great Formation' is infinitely smaller.

There are only 365 stars in the banner of the "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Formation" set up by Huo Ling'er, and the other auxiliary stars were directly omitted by Liu Hao, not because he didn't want to, but because even he couldn't do it. arrive.

In other words, if we really want to do it, it will be really hard to do it without dozens or hundreds of years.

But don't underestimate the "Zhou Tian Xing Dou big formation" composed of only the main stars. Facing the thunder calamity with its own destructive aura, it can be said that it is the right time. If you want to destroy this big formation, you must completely destroy the three hundred and sixty flags. Fifteen stars are enough.

This is tantamount to directly dividing the thunder of destruction into 365 parts. After these thunders destroy the stars in the formation flag, even if there are still many remaining, it is difficult to continue to gather again.

Whether it's time or distance, it's not enough for these remaining thunderbolts to continue to merge into one.

In the end, only the few thunderbolts closest to Huo Ling'er could pose a threat to her, which was far from a frontal confrontation.

The formations are also developing well in the perfect world. The monks who play the rules themselves have a lot of advantages in this respect, but the formations such as the Zhoutian Xingdou Great Formation are still not something they can comprehend after watching around. .

They knew it was a formation, and when the thunder was about to approach Huo Ling'er, a vague protective shield appeared, with dots inside it, and then the thunder seemed to be pulled, and it was directly divided into three hundred and sixty. Five ways, and there is almost no gap in each way.

As soon as these thunderbolts appeared, they immediately disappeared towards their own targets, as if hundreds of gray-black thunder dragons were methodically cracking in a formation.

Most of these brontosaurs, after a stalemate with those dots, quickly wiped them out. In the end, the originally thick body was also thinner, like a sheep that has been forcibly shuffled, looking much thinner up.

The vast majority of the meritorious thunderbolts, the number is three hundred and sixty-two. After destroying the arranged stars, they instinctively want to gather next. Compared with the last three stars, his star is still just an assistant.

Unable to break free from the imprisonment of the formation, he could only move forward downwards. In the end, apart from the three or two strikes falling around Huo Ling'er, which brought her a lot of stinging pain, everything became cannon fodder.

The last three thunderbolts were aimed at the Sun Star, Lunar Star and Ziwei Star in the "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Array".

In Hong Huangdi Jun Taiyi's version of the "Zhoutian Xingdou Great Formation", the sun star is almost the only formation eye, but in the hands of Liu Hao, he gave the largest formation eye to Ziweixing, and let the sun, the sun, and the moon to assist, Therefore, when they face the thunder of the same power, it is naturally impossible for them to persist for the same amount of time.

That is to say, the Taiyang Tai gold in Liu Hao's hands is very scarce, otherwise the formation he gave Huo Ling'er today might last longer.

After most of the thunderbolts had completely disappeared, the two thunderbolts that fell on the sun and the moon completed their mission. However, in the end, compared with the previous thunderbolts, they looked much thinner. When they fell again,

I don't know if it was controlled by the will of the perfect world, and it almost fell to Huo Ling'er's side dangerously, and the damage caused by it should not be underestimated.

Liu Hao also knew that this was related to the destruction of most of the formation flags, in other words, the controllability became weaker. The last thunderbolt that faced the eyes of Ziweixing's formation took a few breaths before it completely wiped out the formation and completely moved towards it. The top of Huo Linger's head fell down.

There has been a lot of time in this process, and it is enough for Huo Linger to respond. In fact, when the thunder was first affected, the pain that seemed to be piercing into his own bone marrow was enough to make Huo Linger 100%. The only thing that makes her uncomfortable is that even she doesn't know how to face it.

She felt that her strongest Suzaku treasure technique might be effective, but the effect might not be more than that. In the end, when she propped up the wings of the Suzaku on her back, she still took out a long knife Lingbao and pointed towards it. The last thunderbolt that fell down on him chopped off.

This kind of coping method made Liu Hao frown a little, but he also knew that it was caused by his own apprentice's lack of experience, so the effect would not be much better.

He watched as Huo Ling'er raised the long knife Lingbao was wiped out bit by bit by the last thunderbolt, and it even had the effect of pulling the thunderbolt, causing it to completely chop down on him.

He watched Huo Ling'er's Suzaku wings being destroyed in just two or three breaths, and in the end he could only face the damage directly with his small body in a daze.

He saw that Huo Ling'er's pretty face became completely ferocious the moment the thunder struck, as if countless punishments from hell had been imposed on him, and he even rolled his eyes countless times. They were all worried that such shaking would make Huo Ling'er completely fall apart.

As the person involved, Huo Ling'er is most aware of how much pain she has suffered at this moment. This kind of extreme physical injury is almost incomprehensible, because they have a destructive aura, as if they came here to completely obliterate everything. She even felt her whole body They have all melted away, but it still starts from the bone marrow, then to the bones and then to the flesh and blood.

Countless times in her heart, she thought that it would be better if she fell into a complete coma, but she also knew that if this was the case, it was very likely that she would never be able to wake up after falling asleep.

She didn't know how to deal with it, so she had to turn her eyes to her master in the endless pain, and saw a big gesture in the master's hand, which relieved the greatest fear in her heart.

At this time, the 'ginseng fruit' reserved by Liu Hao must be used. At this time, who cares whether Huo Ling'er can completely digest it?

The key is to continue to introduce third-party energy to resist the continuous damage of Destroying Thunder.

You must know that even a thunder with a trace of destructive aura is enough to obliterate any substance. Once the opponent is allowed to continue, it is likely to hurt the root of Huo Ling'er, and that is really not worth the loss.

After receiving Liu Hao's gesture, Huo Ling'er didn't hesitate anymore, but her body self-control was still so pitiful that it was extremely difficult to stuff the 'ginseng fruit' into her mouth. This process lasted for nearly half a minute There were so many, but as soon as the ginseng fruit was stuffed into her mouth, it melted in her mouth, countless gentle energies poured into her body in an instant, and began to repair the cells that were damaged by the destructive breath just now.

This process is also extremely uncomfortable, because the repair process also brings endless 'itch'.

On one side was the seemingly endless stabbing pain, on the other side was the itching from the heart, which forced Huo Ling'er to gnash his teeth, but he couldn't control it at all.

How else? He could only grit his teeth and endure.

But this is still not the most uncomfortable. At the beginning, the energy of ginseng fruit was just to repair the damage. In the end, after coming into contact with the destructive breath, you fought each other, stinging and itching back and forth, using Huo Ling'er's body as a battlefield, Huo Ling'er wished she could die straight away.

Outsiders don't know how uncomfortable Huo Ling'er is, they can only watch Huo Ling'er shaking there like a convulsion, and the amplitude of the shaking is getting bigger and bigger, almost feeling like an afterimage.

Seeing this scene, Liu Hao even had a strong smile in his heart, but he also knew that he must not laugh out loud. Fortunately, he was standing at the front, and the back and forth twitching of the corner of his mouth could not be clearly seen by others .

The energy of ginseng fruit is so great. The first generation of ginseng fruit is said to be able to make people go straight to the Daluo Jinxian, and it is not something that others can taste if they want to taste it.

What Liu Hao gave to Huo Linger was, of course, that he got it from Zhen Yuanzi and kept it until now, and there are not a few left. If it were someone else, he would really not be willing to give it to him, that is because Huo Ling'er happened to be crossing the catastrophe, so she left an insurance policy, and now it seems that she really used it.

I don't know how long it took before the swaying body of Huo Linger in the picture eased down, but even so, one could still see the ferocious look on Huo Linger's pretty face from time to time, and the center of her eyebrows never loosened. It feels completely connected as one.

Liu Hao knows very well that those destructive auras cannot be completely expelled in a short while. With Huo Linger's cultivation base, even with the participation of ginseng fruit, it will not be possible to completely eliminate them in a few years, but now the last thunder disaster is immediate It's coming soon, how can there be time for her to do it safely?

Above the sky, in the dark clouds that are as black as ink, it seems that countless light sources have been forcibly inserted, giving people the feeling that countless light bulbs are hidden in it, revealing a glimmer of light from time to time.

With the passage of time, these rays of light became more and more vast, and in the end even completely dyed the dark clouds that were originally as dark as ink into white.

In the last state of the thunder, Liu Hao let go of the last worry in his heart. Others may not understand it, but he knows it very well.

On the last thunderbolt, the sacred aura that comes with it has already explained everything, which is basically for the sake of liquidation.

To put it bluntly, this thunderbolt is no different from the judgment of heaven and earth. For those with deep karma, this thunderbolt is the greatest poison, and it will definitely arouse the karma in the body of the monk who has crossed the robbery, and even magnify it a hundred times. , until the cultivator who had crossed the catastrophe was completely burned to ashes.

But for monks whose karma is rare, this lightning calamity is just a bit more powerful.

Conversely, once a monk possesses merit, this thunderbolt is the greatest tonic. It will draw out the merit of the monk, and then, like the law of good fortune, it will be your weight, such as completely eliminating the damage caused by the previous tribulation , such as continuing to stimulate the ancient blood in your body and so on.

It can be said that there are many benefits, which is why Liu Hao was completely relieved. Huo Ling'er has no karma to speak of, how old is she? Similarly, Huo Ling'er didn't have much merit to speak of, and even Liu Hao bestowed much more merit than she herself.

But the merits bestowed by Liu Hao are innumerable. At least Liu Hao thinks so.

He wasn't worried that Huo Ling'er would be wiped out by the last thunderbolt, the battle armor on Huo Ling'er was Liu Hao's last means of protection;

You must know that even in the face of the Thunder that had a destructive aura before, Huo Ling'er's battle armor still did not show any scars. Absorb it into the brain at once, and leave it to be digested slowly in the future.

But these Liu Hao will not inform Huo Ling'er in advance, otherwise the little guy will have to drift away completely.

Originally, Liu Hao thought that this last resort was unnecessary, but after the last thunderbolt was brewed, he realized that he still underestimated the will of heaven in the perfect world.

"Do you not want this inheritance to spread quickly?"

Such a thought flashed in Liu Hao's mind, and after thinking about it for a while, he felt that this possibility accounted for most of the factors.

Before Huang Tiandi's Zhetian method was created, with such an inheritance being greatly promoted, can the Zhetian method still become the mainstream in this world?

This is obviously not impossible.

The power of the method of covering the sky is enormous, but there is one fatal factor that still cannot be compared with the prehistoric inheritance, and that is the issue of longevity. The more future supreme beings, the more intolerable it is, otherwise, how could there be a "dark era" This kind of thing?

These supreme beings were the most admired members of all living beings during the time when there was no problem in Shouyuan, but why did they become the source of the dark era in the end? Or is it because Shouyuan is approaching?

For them, there is nothing in the whole world that they need to worry about. All their relatives and friends may have died long ago. What is left of being alone besides wanting to become immortals and live longer?

Liu Hao can also understand this kind of thing. There is a great fear between life and death. The longer you live, the more you are afraid of death. This is no joke.

When they first launched the Dark Era, their human nature had already disappeared at this moment, and only this last obsession remained, even if they were enemies of the entire world.

In the final analysis, in this world in the future, it is inevitable that the method of shrouding the sky will occupy the mainstream. This is the real root of this world. The will of the world can tolerate and accept other inheritances, but it does not mean that it is willing to give up the greatest luck.

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