Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand three hundred and twenty one. Surprise

1321. Surprise

Wild beasts and monsters have completely different levels of threat. The measure of their threat is not whether they are powerful or not, but whether they have wisdom.

No matter how strong the former is, it is very limited, but once they have wisdom, that is the real battle of civilizations.

Just like Liu Hao's earth is like today, even if the number of human beings increases tenfold or a hundredfold, it is impossible to wipe out the already intelligent monsters and monsters. This is the reality.

Because compared with the monster race and beasts, no matter how large the number of human beings is, they are just an insignificant part of the ecology of a world.

On the other hand, the monster race and monsters are the real necessities in this ecological chain. If all the monster race and monsters are wiped out, this world will basically come to an end.

Furthermore, no matter how powerful the human beings on the earth are, Liu Hao can really wipe out all the creatures on the earth except human beings, without missing a single bit?

What's the point of knowing that once one slips through the net, it will also prompt them to reproduce infinitely?

Therefore, on Liu Hao Earth, after the rise of the monster race, the competition between humans and the monster race became the only one.

What they can do is to ensure their own safety while regulating the number of monster races through various means to achieve long-term safety of the human race.

Now the invasion of the abyss has actually promoted the further development of the relationship between the human race and the monster race. It seems that there is a real external pressure. No matter how much filth there is inside, they must let go of it and unify with the outside world. Only in this way can they ensure the real safety of their own family.

The demon clan in North America is the biggest proof.

Whether it is the Yanhuang Alliance where the Dragon Kingdom is located or the newly arrived bald eagle humans who are 'hired' by Thor, they must let go of this hatred and vent all their anger on the heads of the abyss spores.

Similarly, in the most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism, the human race who have a deep-rooted hatred for monsters must also let go of this hatred, take up the whip, and train North American monsters on a large scale to guide them into true civilization.

It is also for this reason that among the monster camps that Liu Hao saw, monks from the most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism sit at the core of formations. It's not just as simple as 'respecting teachers'.

It is the true trust that has been established for a long time. Even outside the battlefield, in the city where the North American monsters are located, the Confucian robes of the most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism are also the most sold clothing. This is obviously already a kind of culture of the North American monsters. Recognition, regard them Confucianism and Taoism as a part of oneself, and the result of recognition is produced from the depths of the soul.

It is also Fang Yun's determination that has caused the surge in the number of monks who have stepped into the "half-sage" or even "sub-sage" in the "Zhou Kingdom". The true manifestation of the spread across races.

Perhaps it is also because of this that the monks in the most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism have more recognition for the North American monster race, and truly treat them as their own, pushing this trust level up again, reaching the current level.

You know, even the Dragon Kingdom, which has established the largest trade with the North American monster race, still lags behind the monks who have come to the most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism in terms of trust.

From another point of view, Fang Yun's majesty among the North American monsters is the most prosperous, almost becoming the biggest god idol in the hearts of these billions of monsters, even if the wild monsters come out in full force in the future, Don't even think about conquering them.

In other words, these billions of North American monsters and monsters have been completely divided by the monks in the most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism. They have separated from the members of the monsters and formed a unique civilization. Fang Yun can only be completely defeated, and Confucianism and Taoism must be completely knocked down into the abyss.

In this respect, Liu Hao is also a beneficiary, a trick of taint, sharing some merit and good luck, not much but not too little, who made him the recognized founder of hundreds of schools on this earth?

Liu Hao is also happy about this, not because he has benefited much from it, but

Rather, he is happy about the internal division of the monster clan and monsters, and he is also afraid that the monster clan will truly integrate in the future. Such monster clan and monsters are absolutely terrifying to humans.

When he entered the prehistoric period, seeing Emperor Jun Taiyi return, he was very repulsed from the bottom of his heart, isn't it because of this?

When he communicated with Bai Ze, he intentionally or unintentionally provoked the relationship between Bai Ze and Emperor Jun Taiyi. Didn't he have such thoughts deep in his heart?

After seeing Luo Hao inheriting the bloodline of World Xi and Jinwu, the 'God Slayer', he never told anyone about the secret joy in his heart. Why didn't he want to find a real boss for the earth monster race at that time?

Even now, Luo Hao is in the world of Xuanwu Dazun, deep down in his heart, Liu Hao is still very much looking forward to Luo Hao's practice in the world of Xuanwu Dazun within the sun star, looking forward to the other party's early proving of Hunyuan, and truly sharing the golden crow of the Great Desolation Day. The luck of the blood of the Yaozu emperor.

He kept thinking in his heart that one day there would be an excuse to kill Emperor Juntai in a fair and just manner, but it was a pity that it had appeared before but could be caught because of strength issues;

After losing again and again, he also found it difficult to have a third chance, and knew that no matter whether it was Di Juntai or his wife, he had already taken precautions to the bottom of his bones;

I also know that even the prehistoric sages have vaguely seen their own thoughts. There may be a third chance in the future, and most of them will obstruct it openly and secretly.

For this, he was also prepared in his heart, pinning more hopes on Luo Hao, and pinning more hopes on those heavens and worlds where the Great Sun Golden Crow did not appear, such as the perfect world and so on.

To use an analogy, in the perfect world, there is no so-called blood of the monster emperor, which means that even if the monsters in the perfect world see Emperor Jun Taiyi, the blood will not be completely suppressed, because they What is recognized is the ancient ten evils. The lack of this recognition also means that it will be difficult for them to be conquered by Emperor Taiyi in the future.

At that time, when Liu Hao saw Xiao Suan Ni, why didn't he make a bet?

Is it really impossible for him to completely reverse Xiao Suanni's way of cultivation? That's not the case, it's nothing more than how much effort it took.

Obviously, Liu Hao has considered it at all. Letting Xiao Suanni still take the extreme way of the perfect world as the main body, and introduce the prehistoric system to assist him, isn't it because he has a divine plan for this?

Since the entire Perfect World only recognizes the ancient ten fierce monsters, why not choose to breed one?

After he brought Little Suanni into his own earth, he stayed directly around Shicun, and even told Shicun to take care of him. He didn't want to guide him too much in his bones. After leaving some spiritual fruits and treasures, he let Xiaoxiu himself Isn't that what growth is for?

It can be said that Liu Hao has never really ignored the little 狻猊. When he passed by the Australian base of the Dragon Kingdom, he also took the time to observe it. Not to mention other things, the further purification of the ancient real dragon blood on the little 狻猊 is enough. Make him very happy.

As for the small force that Xiao Suanni is most entangled with, it is just a surprise by the way.

Liu Hao also didn't expect Little Suanni to make this force bigger at all, and he didn't expect Little Suanni to provoke a war among the demon tribes in Western Australia, because these were no longer within his expectations, and definitely not The main problem.

In addition, Liu Hao has a hidden plan, but he didn't really think about making use of it in a big way.

This scheme was the disciple Liu Hao recruited by coincidence, and she is also the only disciple "Sister" who has been recruited in the prehistoric world.

Previously, his cultivation base was still shallow, and he didn't know that "Mei'er" was special. Now he is still close to Hunyuan, how can he not see the specialness of "Mei'er"?

It's no wonder that some saints would give face blessings when they saw my sister. At that time, he thought it was because of his own face, but now it seems that the most important factor is not here, but because 'meier' is a lunar star at all. The reincarnation of 'Wang Shu'.

This 'Wang Shu' is the true first being of the Lunar Star, and before Honghuang Xihe (Honghuang Xihe belongs to the Lunar Star, and Xihe from the Godslayer World belongs to the Three-legged Golden Crow) and Chang Xi, she is the real one. Lord of the Lunar Star.

It's just that the Lord of the Lunar Star was really unlucky. He had already fallen at the time of the Dragon Han's first calamity. After endless reincarnation, he was discovered by Liu Hao by chance and accepted as his disciple.

This is also Liu Hao's last insurance, but when he is not really helpless, Liu Hao will not make such an idea, nor will he push the deserted and indisputable 'Wang Shu' to the stage.

In fact, now, Liu Hao also thinks that the chance of using this hole card is getting rarer and rarer. Once he proves the Hunyuan, what if Dijun Taiyi is so fierce?

They are not the Emperor Jun Taiyi who was in the Lich Tribulation back then. After dying once, their cherishment of life will inevitably increase, and their scruples will inevitably increase. Otherwise, why would Bai Ze feel vaguely disappointed in his heart?

Coupled with the various layouts he had intentionally or unintentionally before, he believed that he didn't need to use his disciples, and this confidence was even more profound now.

To put it bluntly, Liu Hao is still worried about the threat of the abyss, and he is no longer worried that if he really breaks his face with the monster race, it will lead to the collapse of the battle against the abyss. At that time, the real loss will not only be the North American front, but the entire earth , all the heavens and myriad worlds.

He also knew in his heart that Di Juntai was violent again and again, and this rationality should exist, but he would never place this expectation on the rationality of Daodi Juntai and the other two.

Maybe because he sensed the changes in the North American monster race and monsters, and saw the integration of Confucian and Taoist monks from the most holy world, Liu Hao subconsciously turned his attention to Fang Yun himself in the starry sky, which surprised him too.

Why are you, but Fang Yun brought Liu Hao a great surprise.

Before that, Liu Hao taught Fang Yun the way of beheading the three corpses in Honghuang, and also let Fang Yun directly step into the quasi-sage from Daluo Jinxian Daoguo, and behead the two corpses in one go.

Originally, he thought that Fang Yun should also cut off the obsession with the third corpse in a short time, but now he found that Fang Yun had directly embarked on another path.

This guy directly merged the method of beheading the three corpses with his own Confucianism, and made a complete change.

In other words, the further development of the three corpse incarnations has embarked on a brand new path, and opened up an advanced method that truly conforms to Confucianism and Taoism.

Fang Yun in the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation, Liu Hao saw at a glance that he was nothing more than an incarnation of Fang Yun's three corpses, and he had good thoughts.

But now, in this benevolent thought, it is like a brand new individual, only the Confucianism and Taoism are left.

Behind him, five phantoms vaguely appeared, that is, Liu Hao, the founder of the Way of the Hundred Schools of the Earth, so that he could see the essence of these five phantoms at a glance. If it were someone else, he might be able to feel a little difference. But it is difficult to see these five phantoms.

Because these five phantoms are fundamentally the manifestation of the "Tao" in Fang Yun's incarnation of Confucianism and Taoism, which is the most essential core of Confucianism and Taoism, "benevolence, righteousness, ritual, wisdom and faith".

But even phantoms should not be underestimated. Liu Hao feels that every phantom has the power of this incarnation of Confucianism and Taoism, just like the manifestation of a law, living alone in a corner, monopolizing one, once it is shot, It is like the ultimate way of the perfect world, sublimated to the extreme, and can crush the opponent into ashes in one fell swoop.

For Liu Hao, this surprise is not because of how terrifying the means are, but because of the path that Fang Yun has explored, because it can be spread, and it also means that latecomers can learn to imitate, and only more hundreds of schools have emerged. Master here.

You must know that today's way of a hundred schools of thought has almost reached a bottleneck. Liu Hao, the so-called founder, has neither the time to explore nor the understanding to pursue it, but it is absolutely impossible for him to say in his heart that he is not in a hurry.

This may also be due to the new road, bumps and bumps are inevitable, the more difficult it is to walk towards the upper level, this difficulty is not as good as compared to the prehistoric immortal system, even the extreme system of the perfect world.

But now this situation seems to be completely broken by Fang Yun.

Refining the "core" of a hundred schools of thought, and allowing multiple choices, this is an advanced mode, and it also avoids the reason why the perfect world can only choose the ultimate way. It is really terrifying, and it makes Liu Hao even more A kind of thought of entrusting Fang Yun with all the knowledge of the hundred schools of thought on his own earth.

Because compared with Fang Yun, he himself, the founder of the Way of Hundred Schools, is really unqualified. Even himself, he has never regarded it as his main practice. It can be said that he only benefits from it, but his contribution is scarce.

He restrained his mind and calculated along the path of Fang Yun's deduction, and soon the smile on his face became even wider.

It seems that Fang Yun's attempt is already very mature, not to mention that he must be at the stage of quasi-sage or Da Luo Jinxian to refine the core of 'Tao'.

Judging from the results of the deduction, as long as you can become a saint, that is, the semi-sacred stage of the most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism, you can light up your own 'Tao', and then continuously invest in nutrients towards this light spot;

In the end, he condensed his own Confucianism of "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith", his own legalism of "to the public, clear rewards and punishments" and so on.

"Great talent! I'm not as good as many!"

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