1330 fifth and sixth

Maybe you think that monks have divine consciousness, and remote detonation is nothing at all.

That is true, but there is still a big difference between the two.

In other words, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Divine consciousness, to put it bluntly, is still the supernatural power of the soul and primordial spirit. Facing ordinary monsters and even many monster races, it is more advantageous to detonate with divine consciousness, and it is even irreplaceable.

It's like today's eight trigrams array on the fourth floor, where explosives are also planted according to the time difference, but the spiritual consciousness is attached to it, and once those abyss spores step into it, the sensitivity of their souls is already superb, and they can kill them in an instant. catch;

Even in many cases, although these abyss spores don't know why, they still subconsciously spread out their own consciousness and entangle them.

As a result of this, many times the talismans and seals detonated by the divine consciousness can only be used for a small part.

In addition, there is another big flaw, that is, any cultivator who detonates these talismans will inevitably have damage to his soul to varying degrees.

Even if Liu Hao introduced the Sanguang Shenshui into the Zhoutian Xingdou formation, the recovery time has been shortened countless, but it still involves the soul, and no one can predict whether such a loss will be an advance payment for the future.

Conversely, if a robot is used to replace the consciousness with a signal, even if the abyss spores who step into it are aware of it, it will not cause much impact. With their cultivation base, it is impossible to modify the signal. When he was still in doubt, he had already detonated and caused enough damage to them.

It sounds like using a robot to detonate the effect is much better, but in fact it still has its own flaws, that is, no matter how powerful the explosives are, more than half of them are caused by physical damage;

In other words, it looks very powerful, but no one can predict how much damage it can actually cause to the abyss spores. Even if robot operations are promoted on a large scale in the future, the probability of detonating the consciousness will still be preserved. Just drop sharply.

The combination of the two is the best way to deal with it.

Liu Hao didn't mention these estimates, and he thought it was unnecessary. If he said too much, it would give people a feeling that it must be so. Don't underestimate Liu Hao's influence. Now his words and deeds represent Supreme authority, which is why he seldom or never speaks out.

As for Tony Shi Dake's establishment of a group company, neither Liu Hao nor Mr. Dage had any worries.

they all know

If given a choice, Tony Shida would prefer to build a factory in the bald eagle range of the earth.

It doesn't matter if you think it doesn't mean that, today's bald eagles don't even have decent factories, let alone a complete industrial chain.

His only choice is the Dragon Kingdom, and there are only a limited number of them, such as Zhonghai, who must go to Chang'an.

In addition, no matter where it is, it will make him feel very inappropriate, even if it is the Australian base of Longguo.

Because in addition to the complete industrial chain, a large number of professional engineers are needed, so Tony Shi Dake chose and chose, and finally landed in the Mediterranean Sea.

However, Liu Hao did not continue to follow, and in the end he just promised Tony Shi Dake to bring his little pepper and daughter from the Marvel world.

After finishing these, Liu Hao returned to the front line of the battlefield, but he was always thinking about the effect of the last four layers of the gossip formation, and wanted to see if it could be improved again.

This time, he entered it in person, and the problems he could see were also much higher. Compared with a divine sense, the simple crushing of cultivation base was enough to see more problems.

After careful observation, he also found that these problems themselves were not flaws in the formation, but rather problems with the understanding of the monks at the core of the main formation.

Just like the same pistol, if it falls into the hands of different personnel, the power it can bring is completely different. The sharpshooter almost shoots one shot, and those ordinary people are likely to finish a box of bullets, but it will only bring a little fear to the enemy. That's all, the so-called harm probably didn't happen at all.

He also found that there is almost no solution to this problem now, and it is impossible for him to help other people understand it. He can only have these people continue to explore and continuously strengthen the power of the formation.

Fortunately, it will only get stronger and stronger in the future. Maybe one day, the abyss spores of the Celestial Rank will be gathered and suppressed by them, and that will be enough.

The fifth floor of the Eight Diagrams Array is the position of 'Dui', which is also 'Ze'.

After entering, Liu Hao discovered that the real main force of this layer is basically driven by the monster race, and they are those monster race who are used to living on the swamp.

Almost the entire fifth floor was subcontracted to them, causing the miasma to permeate the interior, and the toxin covered the entire space, filling it with a rotten atmosphere.

In such an environment, if you were a native creature of the abyss, you would feel at ease. However, as the abyss spores catalyzed by the abyss, it seems that it is still a bit dark about it. Fortunately, they themselves have a lot of resistance to these miasmas and toxins. can adapt.

Then, these abyss spores will follow their inner desires and explore towards the vitality they sense.

But they also fell into the trap of these monsters and monsters, because most of these meats were deliberately arranged by them, and the blood on them was like lights in the dark night, just to let these meat eat Abyss spores swarmed.

As long as they come, there will be a huge firework immediately, and the swamp itself will gather countless swamp gas. It has human teachings, and it is not lacking in wisdom. Naturally, these monsters are fully utilized.

Or control the swamp to drag them into the mud, and then kill them.

What Liu Hao sees is not this, this layer of space is nothing more than using the miasma to diffuse and delay the speed of the abyss spores, even if it is to kill, the effect will not be much in the end.

What he valued was the participation of the monster race. To be able to do this, he must have given great trust to the human race.

But after thinking about it, he also guessed that this probably had a contribution from Bai Ze, and also had a great connection with the Dragon Kingdom teaching all the gossip formations to the Yaozu.

But no matter what, this cooperation can't help but make Liu Hao happy, which shows that even the monsters are very clear in their hearts that the biggest enemy is definitely caused by the abyss.

The Yaozu are not stupid, almost as long as they come here, they can understand the threat of the abyss, and how to choose is naturally clear.

What's more, the benefits of joining it are also real. You won't be paid less because you are a monster. The monsters also like this 'record mode' very much. How much credit you contribute, you can share as much profit , To put it bluntly, if you want more, you have to fight for it yourself.

In this regard, the Yaozu never thought that they were inferior to humans, and they even thought that they would only get the most benefits in the end.

If Liu Hao enters the north of the line of defense, he will see that the demon clan gathered in Alaska by Bai Ze is almost as if they have been beaten to death.

For them, this way of killing the enemy and immediately getting rewards is what they want to see the most.

Even if the Yaozu are not shallow in wisdom, their experience often limits them. The same book of exercises falls into their hands, and it is very good to be able to understand the third and fourth achievements.

But now? As long as I kill the abyss spores, I can clearly feel that my understanding of the exercises is more thorough, and the use of the skills is more rounded, as if it has been hacked.

Where can such benefits be found? They are afraid that they are not good enough, so that Boss Bai Ze will not call them in the future.

It is also because of this that the loss ratio of the demon beasts in Baize's side is much greater than that of humans.

Naturally, Bai Ze was not happy to see such a scene, but he would not be able to restrain his subordinates for a while. If he really did this, maybe they thought that Bai Ze didn't want them to get more credit.

It is also because of this that large-scale monster races and beasts have joined the gossip formation of all parties and took over the fifth layer of the formation. Otherwise, it would not be possible to find so many swampland monster races purely on the North American monster race side. .

Now, these swamp demon clan monsters have the opportunity to regard this space as their own home. After entering, they seem to never think about going out again. This is why Liu Hao saw many lairs when he observed it.

Above these lairs, there are large and small formations to cover up, or the monks who are the core of the main formation take action, or simply the monks who have a certain level of cultivation in the formation to help.

Now it seems that the effect seems to be good, the environment is suitable, and the aura is not lacking. The descendants of the monster clan bred in these lairs seem to be no less talented than the monster clan monsters outside, even because of the merits of their parents. , obviously more than that.

With the combination of many benefits, it is no wonder that these swamp monsters are always happy.

They have discovered that even if they do nothing in this space, they can still share some benefits;

This in itself is also the result of their mission. To limit the speed of the abyss spores, the gray miasma space is enough to make the opponent uncomfortable. With the blessing of the formation, it is difficult for even the abyss spores to find the right direction.

After taking in everything, Liu Hao stepped into the sixth floor of the space, but this floor is full of endless hurricanes, one after another spreading throughout the entire world, as if there is only the sound of howling wind in the entire space, matching the endless hurricanes. In the Gobi desert, the lethality is still not to be underestimated.

These hurricanes have no effect on Liu Hao. He can see at a glance that there are many people gathered in the eye of each hurricane. They also have a lot of authority over these hurricanes. When the hurricane sweeps across, countless wind blades will be formed around the opponent, cutting every inch of their body until they are completely wiped out.

Liu Hao didn't even need induction at all to detect the aura of the four elephants'white tigers'. That's why the wind blades formed contained a strangling force aimed at the soul, which seemed to be physical damage , but once contaminated, you will find that the annihilation of the soul is the mainstream.

And this effect is also very significant, those abyss spores often only understand the horror when they are really infected, but by then it is already too late.

That's why Liu Hao didn't care about those abyss spores when they were swept away by the hurricane, but they were wiped away little by little afterwards.

Compared with thunder and fire, this layer of space may be much worse in the number of strangled abyssal spores, but it also has a great advantage, that is, as long as the abyssal spores are swept by these hurricanes, there is almost no escape. possible.

However, this layer seems to have its own limitations, that is, most of the monks in it need to have wind attribute talents, and this requirement also determines that he almost wipes out all wind attribute monks.

Fortunately, this is also an excellent place for practice. Compared with building a car behind closed doors at home, as long as you come here, you can quickly improve your wind control, and many people are willing to teach them one by one what they have learned.

It is also because of this that among the monks here, Liu Hao saw a lot of bird monsters. Of course, compared with the fifth floor, most of these bird monsters are from the North American monsters themselves;

This is almost a tacit understanding that can be seen at a glance. Obviously, this kind of cooperation has long been known for a long time.

Moreover, Liu Hao believes that each team within the hurricane probably has already cooperated for an unknown amount of time, and it is almost a glance to determine who will take the shot and which few will cooperate.

It was also because of this that Liu Hao hardly saw a single monk die because of this for half an hour.

This all shows that each of them is a mature team, but when they see a dangerous situation, they often choose to give in, let the abyss spore escape, and hand over the opponent to the next hurricane to continue strangling.

This kind of gain and loss without competing for one city and one pool is also their greatest security. In terms of sustainability, it is the highest space.

The way they do this also does not mean that there will be fewer abyss spores that they strangle. Based on Liu Hao's observation, if the abyss spores that have stepped into this layer want to enter the next layer, they have to leave 60% of them to go up. This ratio is only lower than the first two floors, and slightly higher than the third floor.

You must know that those who can enter this level are often the masters of the abyss spores, and those who are inferior are often difficult to pass even the first three levels.

The data speak for themselves.

In addition, Liu Hao also discovered that monks at this level know how to use their own advantages better.

For example, he often sees in the eye of the hurricane, a monk often takes out a four-spirited 'white tiger' talisman and ignites it. No matter how powerful it is, it is obviously adding power to the hurricane he is in, attracting the four images in the gossip formation The arrival of the white tiger.

This all shows that most of these guys have already mastered the drawing of this talisman. Before entering, they probably hoarded a lot. They are probably working hard for it every time they change guards. Much inventory.

Liu Hao even guessed that maybe it won't be long before each of their teams is likely to recruit professional 'fuzhuan monks', who will continue to replenish their needs while fighting.

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