Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand three hundred thirty-nine. Yunchao

1339.: Yunchao

This is the world where Liu Hao interferes the least among the heavens.

It was also he who wanted to see what changes would occur in the development of Qinshi Mingyue World after these introductions.

It seems that in the second layer of space that is separately divided in the storage ring, there are hundreds of practice systems deliberately arranged by Liu Hao, which are clearly the foundation for the establishment and stability of Yingzheng's future fortune. Law.

As for how Yingzheng will choose in the future, whether to choose to teach and open this system or to hide it, Liu Hao is too lazy to take care of it. He chooses to bestow this opportunity more, and he does not want to interfere too much with the first possible Yun Dynasty. many.

Because he also wants to get more from the process of fortune that Yingzheng will establish in the future. Of course, this is not luck or the like, but the development of civilization in this process, which is also a reference to "humanity".

Ying Zheng was extremely satisfied with this transaction, so satisfied that he was too embarrassed to make further requests, which were about longevity.

He can only pin his hopes on the next possible opportunity, but he also knows that it is probably impossible.

As the only subject of Ying Zheng's subordinates, how could Wang Jian not know the inner prayer of his own monarch?

He gritted his teeth, trying to offend Liu Hao, and inserted the only sentence he entered into the small courtyard: "Seeing the immortal, I don't know what you need to trade the law of longevity?"

Wang Jian's words were thought for a long time before he opened his mouth. He also knew that such an inquiry was too direct, but he was even more afraid of losing the opportunity, so when he asked the question, he spoke at an unusually fast speed.

In front of him, Ying Zheng's heart was flying high, but on his face he put on an expression of blaming Wang Jian, and then immediately fixed his eyes on Liu Hao, thinking that once Liu Hao blamed him, he would keep it safe no matter what. It's such a critical moment for my old general to protect my courtier so desperately, it's really 'seeing loyal ministers in a tough way'!

In fact, Wang Jian has been smearing himself during this time. For example, the latter often asks Ying Zheng for rewards. To put it bluntly, he is worried that he will be the master of his high achievements, and he will be the generation of "a rabbit who cooks like a dog".

This is also why Wang Jian underestimated Yingzheng. As the first emperor of all ages, the first emperor to rule the world, Yingzheng's prestige is much higher than Wang Jian imagined, and he is not worried about the so-called master of meritorious service. , this can be known from the fact that Yingzheng did not kill the heroes from the beginning to the end.

Perhaps, this is also due to the tacit understanding between their monarchs and ministers,

A mode of military power transfer.

This incident is nothing at this point in time, but after the death of Qin Shihuang, Zhao Gao could have power over the court, and it all explained the problem, that is, the dependence of Xianyang's military power on the emperor. The extended product will become the biggest beneficiary of this share of military power.

This is more or less the failure of Daqin II to defeat the whole Daqin in three years.

Of course, this is all gossip, but Wang Jian's question today, trying to offend the immortal Liu Hao, also made Ying Zheng understand a lot.

How could Liu Hao not know what Ying Zheng and Wang Jian did? Naturally, it is impossible to blame.

But he felt a little funny in his heart. It can be said that it was this problem that caused Ying Zheng and Wang Jian to suffer the most.

Originally, Liu Hao had long thought that when Ying Zheng left, he would hand over the 'Yunchao' practice system as a chance to meet him, but now?

It seems that it can only be used as a trading item, so why not let the other party be so impatient?

"The most valuable thing in the world is not gold and silver treasures, but knowledge. In this world, the only thing that the poor are interested in is the skills created by the people of the world.

Since the two of you are interested, you might as well try to collect them! "

These words were heard by Ying Zheng's ears, but he was very surprised. The most important thing about the information revealed here is that there will be a next time. This is enough for him. Just gather energy.

In the past, Ying Zheng would worry about the rebound of the hundred schools, but now he doesn't care much about it.

"Thank you, Shangxian!"

Liu Hao chuckled. He could feel the change in Ying Zheng's heart. As a proud Ying Zheng in his bones, he called himself from "immortal" to "shangxian", not so much as a low profile, but as respect.

"Since this is the case, Pindao might as well teach you the most suitable cultivation system for your lord. As for the value, it is up to you to decide!"

Liu Hao had already made a plan in his heart that he didn't plan to stay in Xianyang any longer. The so-called price was calculated by Ying Zheng, and it was more about giving the other party a step. It was nothing more than establishing a formation in the small courtyard. The exercises of various schools are taken, and they will be collected by themselves.

This may also be a good thing. Over time, this small courtyard is likely to become the largest practice library in the entire Qin Shimingyue world in the future, which can be regarded as adding some background to Ying Zheng's future.

After Liu Hao finished speaking, no matter how Ying Zheng weighed it, he directly raised his hand to touch Ying Zheng's eyebrows.

Liu Hao didn't have 100% confidence in his heart. The so-called "Yunchao" practice system was mostly deduced by himself. It combined the introductions in previous novels and synthesized many outlines to fill in bracket, content.

What is really most valuable is the aura that Liu Hao casually left in it when he taught it. This aura is not for other things, but for the future refining of the "Jade Seal of the Kingdom" by Yingzheng, for the purpose of forcing It is also the foundation to promote the 'Jade Seal of Chuanguo' as the Lingbao of Yunchao.

In the final analysis, everything still needs to be explored by Yingzheng himself, and it needs the cooperation of the officials of the Great Qin Dynasty and the people of the entire Great Qin Dynasty.

But even so, Yingzheng understood in an instant that this was the cultivation system he wanted most, and it was definitely the most suitable method for him, Qin Shihuang.

The country and the king, one body, the king and the subjects, sharing, the country and the people, fellow practitioners!

In this system, it is also a pyramid. As the top member of the pyramid, Qin Shihuang absolutely does not need to worry about the rebellion of the people below, because everyone is the beneficiary of this system.

In addition, what satisfied Qin Shihuang the most was the monitoring of the world. It can be said that he knew the affairs of the world while sitting in the imperial palace. From this monitoring, he could clearly see the actions of local officials.

In addition to these basics, Ying Zheng quickly found a bigger surprise, which was the issue of selecting ministers.

It is the channel for the people to ascend.

Because the national destiny is integrated, as long as there are people who make contributions to the national destiny, he will immediately notice it and promote the other party; and there is no need to worry about the opposition of the subordinates, because at that time, the improvement of the national destiny, everyone is the beneficiary, and the higher the position, the greater the benefit.

In other words, these beneficiaries must all owe the person's favor, and they must admit it, and they all know that they must transfer it, because they also want Daqin to produce more such talents.

As the emperor, Ying Zheng knew too well that the root of everything was profit.

From the perspective of the Great Qin court, it is a struggle for power, just like why do the courtiers maintain the aristocratic system? The root cause is simply not wanting more people to join the competition.

But what are these compared to immortality?

To put it bluntly, as long as people are alive, what will happen? The family has lasted for thousands of years, but it's just sprinkling water!

The great surprise directly activated all the cells in Yingzheng's body, so much so that his whole body trembled a little.

Behind him, the same is true for Wang Jian who also received the message. He knows that from now on, he doesn't need to worry about the high-skilled master of the trouble, and the originally quiet passion suddenly emerges, and even Liu Hao can vaguely see it. The many evil spirits on Wang Jian's body were revealed.

Without waiting for the two to get up to thank, Liu Hao directly waved the two of them out of the small courtyard, and when they came back to their senses, they found that they had returned to the position before they entered, as if everything just now was just a dream.

"Hahaha... this is great luck!"

Ying Zheng laughed loudly, with a strong breath, without any concealment at all.

After he finished laughing, he realized that a huge black dragon in the sky looked down at him, and he didn't need to think at all. He already knew that this huge black dragon was the greatest foundation of his Daqin—the real dragon of luck It is also!

He beckoned, and the Great Qin Luck Black Dragon swayed and swam down slowly, until its head was close to Ying Zheng's forehead and then stopped. Ying Zheng raised his arm and gently put it down on it, a message entered his mind, Then a look of surprise flashed across his face.

"I see!"

Ying Zheng didn't know that his Daqin Dragon of Luck had already received many benefits from Liu Hao long before him, and it was at this time that Ying Zheng let go of his last guard. He straightened his robes and bowed He bowed in the direction of the small courtyard, and then greeted the army to return to the palace.

He knows that he has countless things to do next, the first priority is to collect the exercises of various schools of thought, and getting it first is also a burden, even if he has not entered the real Yunchao practice system, he also knows the theory of cause and effect , I also know that if you want to improve faster in the future, this cause and effect must be eliminated.

As the supreme commander of the Great Qin Empire and the emperor of the Great Qin Empire, Yingzheng's every move has attracted the attention of all. He didn't choose to hide it during this trip, and naturally everyone knew about it. Now who doesn't know the mystery of the small courtyard.

It's a pity that even if the small courtyard is placed there as usual, you can only watch. Many forces have sent dead soldiers to try thousands of times, but they have never succeeded. It seems that this small courtyard is isolated from the world, and you can only watch. All can't be done, let alone break in.

How did they know that after Ying Zheng and Wang Jian went out, the entire small courtyard had been changed by Liu Hao long ago. own some favorites.

For example, there are many books from my own earth, even primary and secondary school books.

For example, Liu Hao almost never let go of some martial arts skills from the Zongwu world that are closely related to Qin Shimingyue. bigger.

Another example is some simple immortal cultivation techniques from the prehistoric world. After Liu Hao thought about it, he still chose to place the part.

He could feel that even if Yingzheng successfully established Yunchao in the future, it was not impossible to join other practice systems.

After placing tens of thousands of books, Liu Hao drifted away. This time, he chose to dress up, intending to observe the people at the most basic level, and understand the foundation of Yanhuang civilization from the most basic point.

He did not choose Xianyang, but went to Peixian County where the Great Han Emperor Gaozu would be located in the future.

In other words, he also wanted to observe Liu Bang by the way, to see the charms of Han Gaozu, who also had mixed reputations in history.

When he arrived in Pei County, Liu Hao didn't release his consciousness at all, but after walking around the street, he heard a lot of news from Liu Bang. The reputation is mostly bad, but in Pei County, there is really no one higher than Liu Bang.

"One side is powerful!"

After doing a lot of observation, Liu Hao came to such a conclusion, and also discovered the weakness of the Great Qin imperial power in the localities. It can be said that the powerful locals here are the real local emperors.

It's no wonder that Duke Lu of Pei County will marry his daughter to Liu Bang in the future, otherwise it would be really difficult for such a fleeing guy to gain a foothold in Pei County.

But from another point of view, Liu Hao also discovered many shortcomings of Daqin, that is, even if he unified the world, he still hadn't completely settled it ideologically, so this was the heavenly skill of the future Emperor Wu of Han's ideological unification.

In addition, there are already signs of class solidification, just like the officials in Peixian County who will follow Liu Bang in the future, their talents are not inferior to those in the Great Qin Dynasty, and even the limited few except Li Si are beyond that. many;

But even so, it is still difficult for them to climb upwards, without him, and without a road.

To put it bluntly, the 20 ranks of the Great Qin Military Merit are only prepared for soldiers. Now that the war has ceased, there is no one way for this one, and problems will inevitably arise over time.

People need hope. Once they find that their talents can't be used, these people will definitely have to go above and beyond to let themselves play. It's no wonder that when Qin Shihuang died, the world was in chaos. How can something like ambition be suppressed? ?

Liu Hao also knows that once the Yingzheng Yunchao is established, these problems will not be a problem.

However, Liu Bang's fate must have completely changed. Under the technique of looking at Qi, Liu Hao also saw the colorful canopy above Liu Bang's head, which gave him a new idea when he didn't want to make a move.

It's not that I want to help Ying Zheng eliminate a hidden danger, but I'm thinking that since Liu Bang's luck is like this, will he have a chance to rise in another world?

With these luck, is it true that there is only one way to go to be the emperor?

Can it be reflected in cultivation?

"Maybe it can be done! Liu Bang is like this, Zhang Liang seems to be a good experiment!"

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