Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand two hundred and forty-eight. Mortal

1348. Mortal

In the Mingyue World of the Qin Dynasty, in the North American World Passage, Liu Bang, Zhang Liang and Yan Lingji looked at the passage door with a height of tens of meters. Their minds were buzzing and went blank. It took a long time to calm down. They all held the They looked at Liu Hao with longing eyes, expecting Liu Hao to give them an explanation.

So much so that they directly ignored the several demon clans sitting next to Chuanjiemen. However, these demon clans were now looking at the little donkey beside Liu Hao with envy on their faces, wishing they could replace him with their own bodies.

Don’t think that just because the demon clan is already a member of the demon clan, it has a very bright future. All monk systems, whether human or demon clan, must follow the laws of the pyramid structure. In other words, these demon clans Among the entire demon race group where Liu Hao's earth is located, they are still just the middle and lower class.

Moreover, they all know that with their talents, they have basically reached their end. If they want to break through, it is almost impossible to achieve a breakthrough without a certain chance.

Under such a situation, the demon clan does not rule out becoming the mount of other great monks. However, even if it is a mount, most of the time it will not be their turn. To put it bluntly, their high-level bloodline is too rare. As for the great monks, they would feel very shameless when riding them out.

But the little donkey on the same level as them now has this opportunity, how can they not be envious?

Even here, the little donkey is the worst, but why did Emperor Ziwei fall in love with him? They were puzzled and thought that maybe one day they would have this opportunity.

It was naturally impossible for Liu Hao to guess the thoughts of these monsters. Facing the eager eyes of Liu Bang and the others, he waved a lot of information to their minds. After they digested it one by one, he rode a little donkey towards them slowly. Walk through the door.

The hearts of Liu Bang and the three of them were almost bursting out at this time. They thought it was just a chance to become immortals, but they didn't know that it would turn into a battle between the heavens and the world in an instant. This was so vast that they didn't even know it for a long time. What word should be used to describe the next experience?

They followed Liu Hao mechanically, and even Yan Lingji was walking hand in hand, because they understood who they were following, the title of 'Emperor Ziwei', even Yan Lingji. The people of Baiyue are also very knowledgeable. At this moment, they finally understand why the monsters in front of them are kneeling on the ground. They are basically kneeling to greet them.

When they passed through the door, the fairy world with floating fairy energy in their imagination did not appear in front of them. But soon, they also understood that this was also a world, but they could also clearly feel the essence of the richness of the spiritual energy. the difference.

It was Liu Hao who laid a solid foundation for them, and now they still felt that they were about to break through again.

This time Liu Hao did not suppress them. The fourth level was indeed not popular on his own earth. He was not even popular at all. The foundation was enough. Following Liu Hao, giving them some spiritual fruits was enough for them to transform. Now that they have entered their own earth , we should also start moving forward on the fast lane, otherwise there will be no chance of following Liu Hao.

Now that he has left the world of Mingyue in the Qin Dynasty, Liu Hao will naturally not miss observing the changes in Liu Bang's luck.

I thought that the canopy above Liu Bang's head should also change, but at a glance, Liu Hao was a little surprised, as if he had transcended the world, it was still difficult to resist the return of Liu Bang's emperor.

He felt that maybe this had a lot to do with him also wanting Liu Bang to change the world and become emperor. After all, he was also the 'Emperor Ziwei', and he still had a great say in the arrangement of the emperor's ownership in the world.

In this case, Liu Hao also felt that it would be better to fulfill his wish. For him, as long as it is the dynasty of the Yanhuang civilization, as long as it is not an emperor who is famous in history and has made great historical contributions to the Yanhuang civilization, he can say something. And decide.

At this time, he was a little depressed. He should have made a good statistics on the situation in the world, so that he would not be so confused now.

As if seeing the three people break through and restrain themselves, Liu Hao then patted the little donkey who sat down. Soon, a white cloud rose, including several people, and rose leisurely towards Liu Hao's intended place. Flying in the same direction, this direction is the Rocky Mountains of North America.

This mountain range was a territory that had been occupied by demons from the beginning. He also knew that even if there were humans in it, there probably wouldn't be much left alive, but now that he was here, it seemed that there was no reason not to take a look.

But he had forgotten that there are some worlds that the demon clan cannot occupy if they want. Even if these worlds belong to the mortal world, there are still the existences of the previous generation above them, and the demon clan cannot do anything wrong.

The world passage that Liu Hao is rushing to now is such a world, and he is not even familiar with this world.

In the eyes of the monsters in the Rocky Mountains, his arrival was simply the appearance of a giant dragon in a small pond. They could sense the aura from a distance, and the big monsters sitting in it were already standing on both sides, like high-ranking people in the world. When I came to inspect, the people below greeted me in a very low-key manner.

This scene also made Liu Hao stunned, wondering, when did the demon clan become so easy to talk to? Are you so polite?

After thinking about it in the blink of an eye, I realized that it was probably the demon clan who wanted something.

Sure enough, when he landed, the group of monsters pushed out a person to pay their respects, and this person was also someone Liu Hao was extremely familiar with. He was clearly the demonized Chinese Li Guye who he rescued in Maple Leaf Kingdom before he became an immortal. This person Now that humans have completely integrated into the demon clan, they seem to be doing well.

Also, after meeting twice, Liu Hao casually gave him opportunities both times. If he still did poorly, it would not be justified.

"Greetings to Emperor Ziwei!"

Emperor Ziwei was almost the title Liu Hao used when he was outside. It was also news deliberately released by the Dragon Kingdom and even the Yanhuang Alliance. Naturally, they knew it very well, and Liu Hao was naturally not surprised.

"You're not bad! Now that I've met you, I'll give you this fruit too!"

It was another opportunity given casually. After all, his predecessor was a human from his own Dragon Kingdom. With such an 'undercover' placed among the Bald Eagle Monster Clan, Liu Hao would not miss it, and he could also give these monsters a great impression. , it may be possible to achieve unexpected gains in the future.

He gave it to him casually, but Li Gu's mood immediately soared. You must know that this is a 'ginseng fruit', and even if you don't know how many generations it is, it is definitely not something he can get.

"Thank you, Emperor!"

"It's okay, tell me, what's going on?"

"Back to the Emperor, although our demon clan initially occupied the Rocky Mountains and gained several world passages, one of them is of a much higher level. So far, our demon clan has only been able to gain a foothold;

However, perhaps the powerful people in that world will soon notice this world passage. The emperor is coming today, and he is requested to lend a helping hand;

If it can be done, if there is an assignment in the future, we will definitely rush to be the first! "

I have to say that what Li Gu said was very accurate. When the other demon clan heard this, they all felt that they had chosen the right person today.

It should be noted that there is a premise of 'if it can be achieved'. It is really uncertain whether another demon clan would dare to say this in front of Liu Hao.

Who knows if Liu Hao will get angry and hit you directly?

But Liu Hao knew why Li Gu said this, presupposing a precondition. It seemed to be to gain a better status for the demon clan, but in fact it was not there at all. Others may not know it, but they are abnormal to the Yanhuang civilization. How could the well-versed Li Gu not understand the awesomeness of 'Emperor Ziwei'?

In Li Gu's view, this preset condition is simply to finalize this 'contract'. At that time, there will be no objection from the demon clan, and no one will dare to object anymore.

And he, Li Gu, risked his life to obtain this 'condition' for the monster clan here. It can be said that these big monsters must recognize Li Gu's favor and support him in the future to improve himself among these monster clans. The position in the middle is another great achievement, and it is more logical.

"You are smart and know how to get rid of these little tricks!"

"The little demon doesn't dare. It's just that the same clan pushed the little demon to the front. I have no choice but to do it. I hope the emperor Haihan will do it!"

These words were neither humble nor arrogant, but Li Gu knew that Liu Hao knew his plan and was cooperating with him in acting. However, this gesture was recognized by other demon clansmen, and even led to a lot of admiration and empathy. , if I were to go up by myself, I would probably kneel down.

The dialogue between the two families has achieved their goal. It can be said that the next spokesperson for the demon clan around the Rocky Mountains will most likely fall on Li Gu.

Since he is acting, he must perform well. After listening to Li Gu's answer, Liu Hao looked at Li Gu for three seconds. To other monsters, these three seconds were like ten thousand years, and he was unconscious all over his body. He was sweating profusely. In contrast, Li Gu was still strong even though his body was bowing more.

After the scene was completed, Liu Hao smiled brightly and nodded slightly towards Li Gu, as if he recognized the other party's integrity, and also signaled the other party to state everything he knew.

As Li Gu finished telling the information about that world, Liu Hao felt more interesting.

He has visited many worlds, but there is really no real world of cultivation, and now he has finally found it.

This kind of world where sects are everywhere and where all kinds of cultivation arts are rampant may seem very simple to Liu Hao, but the inheritance they have accumulated from generation to generation over countless years is absolutely terrifying. If they can be introduced to their own Earth Dragon The National Yanhuang Alliance, not to mention other things, at least the bottom of the pyramid will be more solid and there will be more opportunities for improvement.

Such a world, now that you have seen it, there is absolutely no reason to miss it.

To him, dealing with the difficulties faced by the demon clan was nothing.

When the demon clan entered this place, didn't they want to get more? It's just that they are naturally not recognized by the human race and have no one to endorse them. The so-called communication is almost impossible, so his arrival seems to be an excellent opportunity.

"Since you proposed it, then follow me for a walk!"

"Thank you, Emperor!"

The other demon clans all thanked them one by one after hearing this. They all seemed to be in a very beautiful mood. From this, it can be seen that they are not under great pressure. It is no wonder that so far, few demon clans in North America have participated in the battle of the northern abyss. The source is most likely here.

Think about it, even if the earth's spiritual energy tides come one after another, it is still pitiful compared to the foundation of one side's cultivation world. The fact that it has been concealed until now is probably the result of their extremely hard work.

Under the courtesy of a group of monsters, Li Gu led everyone into it. In an instant, Liu Hao felt many differences. The repulsive force began to appear on him again, as if suddenly The whole will of heaven and earth began to be wary of him.

He knows very well that once he exerts too much force, he will probably attract many old monsters in this world to target him, and there will always be a lot of inexplicable unhappiness for reasons that he does not even know. This is under the deliberate guidance of the will of heaven and earth. inevitable.

Fortunately, he was familiar with this, and with some kindness, the repulsive force did not continue to accumulate, but the caution was never eliminated.

There was nothing he could do about this, and he had to put away his original idea of ​​scanning the entire world with his spiritual consciousness, and instead scanned the surrounding area for a million miles.

At this glance, he really discovered a huge problem, and vaguely heard a very familiar name, that was 'Han Li'.

This name should not be too familiar to him before he traveled through time. The "Old Demon Han" holding the "Sky Palm Bottle" has been with him for a long time, and it is definitely not something he can forget just because he wants to.

You know, at the beginning of his time travel, when he knew about the recovery of the earth's spiritual energy, he was very looking forward to having such a 'plug-in', and also thought about whether to learn the path of 'Old Demon Han', but he didn't know that he actually encountered it today. .

Or he had heard it, but he knew that as long as he calculated along this causal line, he could definitely find it quickly.

Liu Hao was not in a hurry. He had just entered. If he couldn't wait to recruit the children of destiny in this world, he would only cause more rejection by the world's will. That would be more gain than loss.

Instead of doing this, why not choose a sect to settle down in? With his cultivation level, wanting to conceal it is not something that can happen in an instant?

It just so happens that we can give Liu Bang and the others more accumulation to see how they will choose and whether they can find the path that suits them best.

"Is this the spiritual world?"

"Back to the emperor, it's true that the place where the passage appeared at the beginning was the human world, but I don't know when it was changed to this place later. Fortunately, this place is also desolate. We have subdued the nearby demon clan, and there is nothing else to do. As long as we walk out This wilderness is often rarely returned to, and over time, we dare not go as we please;

It’s just that recently, there have been many immortal-level monks walking around. You must know that this is just the spiritual world, and the upper level is the immortal level. It is not that we are afraid of them, but once the war starts, maybe..."

Li Gu did not continue to explain, but Liu Hao also understood their real concerns. The demon clan was more sensitive, and there were probably many demon clans who felt that once a war started, it would be extremely dangerous;

Even if the passage changes hands, it is uncertain whether the opponent will counterattack their Rocky Mountains. That is their real base camp. Who dares to gamble lightly?

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