Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand three hundred and eighty-two. Aliens

1382. Alien

Among the heavens, there are countless universes and worlds.

Marvel is the typical example.

Even in the Mingyue World of the Qin Dynasty, Liu Hao knew that if Ying Zheng rose, he would probably enter the cosmic era and choose to conquer the galaxy and go to government space.

He also thought about spending some time exploring a certain universe, but later he chose to leave.

Without him, there is nothing that really interests him.

Logically speaking, since this is all delivered to your door, you should be very interested, right?

But after Liu Hao observed it carefully for a while, he became even more boring.

The few surviving alien races that were deliberately spared by the monster race are not much different from the 'Zerg' at first glance.

That's all. The key question is, now that the alien battleships have arrived above your earth, why are the released 'attack aircraft' so lagging behind?

He is a native of the Bald Eagle Planet, and the fighter jets he produces can fight you back and forth, hurting each other. It feels very unreasonable no matter how you look at it, but it happened like this, what can you do?

Shouldn't it be a dimensionality reduction attack?

Even if it can't form a dimensionality reduction strike, it would be more reasonable for other people's space fighters, right? Shouldn’t the so-called air supremacy be readily available?

It seems that if this were not the case, the movie would not go on.

When watching a movie, you don’t have to think about it. No one will take these unreasonable things seriously with you.

But there is already a real world in front of us, why is this situation still happening?

This gave Liu Hao a sense of being out of touch with reality. It seemed that the world in front of him was unreal, and how much research value could such an alien race have?

Maybe it’s just the demon clan that would be interested in participating in the game!

But the addition of the demon clan is not comparable to the "Zerg" that were suddenly dumbfounded by the movie. Once you get started, even if the equipment is not much advanced, the power it exerts is still not something that a bald eagle can easily resist.

That is to say, the demon clan must conduct experiments with the bald eagle, otherwise before Liu Hao came in, the bald eagle under his feet would not say a new independence day, and the only way to destroy the country would be.

It seems that the demon clan is also happy to torment the bald eagle. Also, more than 99% of the demon clan in North America do not have any good impression of the bald eagle. Even if they cross the border and give it to the world, this hatred is still inherited. There is such a one to toss. How can I miss the opportunity?

But besides doing these experiments, it doesn't mean that the demon clan doesn't do other things.

For example, while everyone in Bald Eagle is focusing their attention on the interstellar battleships in outer space, the demon clan has completely completed its layout throughout the American continent.

As long as it is in the wilderness away from cities and towns, as long as it is mountains, rivers, lakes, forests and pastures;

This place has been occupied by the monsters spread by the monster clan.

Groups of poultry and wild beasts that originally belonged to this continent have been migrated by the demon clan and are driven towards the place where Chuanjie Gate is located.

I have to say that the Yaozu is very sophisticated in this operation.

They knew very well that it was very difficult for these poultry and beasts to be demonized in this world, but as long as they crossed the portal and arrived on the earth where Liu Hao was, they were almost standard.

The demon clan doesn't even care how much these driven poultry and wild beasts can survive in the future, nor does it care whether they can have a real big demon appear in the future.

To them, this is the population of the demon clan. As long as they are demonized, they will be the best cannon fodder. Even if they are allowed to return to this world, it will be enough to occupy this world.

As for the American continent, needless to say, it can only be occupied by monsters.

It is also because of this that the demon clan torments the bald eagle so happily.

Liu Hao could tell from the ruins of the battles between all parties and the humans who had managed to survive that this situation had been going on for some time, about a month or two.

It seems that they are still enjoying this. So far, the demon clan has not dealt a fatal blow to the Bald Eagle senior management. It seems that it is just to let the other party still have hope and still hope that the other party can continue to resist.

Liu Hao didn't have any emotional changes at all, but Liu Bang and the other three didn't.

Empathy, especially when seeing fellow human beings suffering, is inevitable. If Liu Hao hadn't been there, they would have helped a long time ago.

Perhaps he also discovered this, and Liu Hao came to his senses. He shook his head in his heart, waved his hand, and then reappeared, having crossed the Pacific Ocean and arrived at the dragon kingdom above the earth.

He pointed casually, and saw that the three people's movements began to change. After a few breaths, they had already turned back to their original age. It seemed that they found that the three of them were incompatible with the environment, and he cleaned them up with a wave of his hand. They looked like modern humans. Don't give up until there is no difference.

"Then you can move around as you like and explore the world below your feet first before making any calculations!"

He originally wanted to tell him not to abuse force, but he chose to remain silent when the words came. Since external forces had intervened, there was no need to be secretive. It was better to let nature take its course.

Navigation has been banned in the sky of the Dragon Kingdom under your feet for a long time, and it is not an exaggeration to say that there is a roar of wind and cranes. Only Liu Hao knows best why the demon clan spared the territory of the Dragon Kingdom alone.

Without him, it is still due to the deterrent power of the Yanhuang Alliance. The demon clan is well aware of this, and there is no need to enmity with the Yanhuang Alliance because of this.

In the sky, the occasional fighter planes from aliens are nothing more than the demon clan testing the military level of the Dragon Kingdom.

And it seems that Long Guo is not alone in this approach.

It can also be seen from this point that it seems that the demon clan has no idea of ​​​​completely conquering a world.

The real reason here, Liu Hao can understand after a little thought, is because of the abyss enemies in the north of the earth. Maybe they think these humans are also good cannon fodder, and occupying one North American continent is enough.

Besides, the level of this world is still too low, even from the perspective of the demon clan, it doesn't have much value.

Following Liu Hao's instructions, Liu Bang and the other three went to herd the sheep directly, but he traveled to his hometown in the Wuyi Mountains. He also wanted to see if there was a flower similar to him in this world.

This thought didn't happen once or twice. After traveling through several worlds, he also found that he seemed to be the only one for a long time, and it was the same this time!

It seemed that not only him, but also those who were related to him by blood had completely disappeared from all the worlds.

He didn't know whether this existed originally, or whether it was because of his rise that caused changes in the world in all directions.

Don't think it has to be the former, the latter is sometimes more likely.

You must know that his luck is getting deeper and deeper, which means that the person and those related to him either have his inner permission to share his luck, or they cannot bear to disappear completely in the river of destiny without his permission.

Familiar countryside, familiar faces, even people with whom he has no connection, standing on the mountain peak, he sighed for a long time, this distracting thought may only end here.

Not to mention Liu Hao, on the other hand, Liu Bang and the other three were smart. Liu Hao did not let them take action in North America. This intention was already very obvious. After letting go of this thought, their interest in the modern world suddenly increased to the extreme.

This is almost the sense of every ancient person in the modern world, and they are full of interest in everything they see.

Liu Bang and Zhang Liang were fine, but as long as Yan Lingji's beautiful face appeared outside, no one could resist her. No matter whether they were men, women, old or young, they were attracted to her almost as soon as they saw her.

Yan Lingji's expression was also calm enough, otherwise she would have been watched by everyone who saw her.

If it were a peaceful period, they would still be like that no matter how high-profile they were.

But now there is an alien invasion, and the authorities must pay 200% attention to any slightest disturbance.

The three of them only walked half the street, and were immediately locked up by the Dragon Kingdom security department. The monitors were initially just police officers, but now they are almost a company.

Anyone can see that the three of them are incompatible with the people around them. Whether it is behavior or habits, they are completely out of touch. It is no wonder that the security department thinks that they are aliens acting in order to explore the Dragon Kingdom.

When Liu Hao returned, he also saw the problem, but he did not stop him. It seemed to be very interesting. He also wanted to see what kind of changes a few ancient people would cause when they entered modern society. He also wanted to see what Liu Bang and Liu Bang would do. How would Zhang and Liang react if they knew their history?

He didn't wait long, and another one disappeared. When the three of them found a bookstore and stepped into it, the number of surveillance cameras around them suddenly increased. The people were dispersed. The real army team began to assemble and occupy the surrounding highlands one by one. , seems to have a strong offensive attitude.

But soon Liu Hao discovered that he had guessed wrong. Not long after, a military vehicle arrived, and several gray-haired soldiers walked out of it. Each of them had a determined look on their face. After stepping off, they looked at each other and took a deep breath. After a few clicks, he walked firmly towards the bookstore.

It was also at this time that Liu Hao discovered that this world seemed to be at the turn of the 20th century. It was no wonder that shops like bookstores still existed.

He followed in with great interest, concealed himself, and calmly watched the subsequent exchange between the two parties.

It seems that he still underestimated the calmness of the visitors from the Dragon Kingdom. Even after entering, they still did not choose to interrupt the three people's reading.

After half a stick of incense, when only the two of them were left in the entire bookstore, they headed towards Liu Bang and his trio.

Even if they were immersed in books, the consciousness of Liu Bang and the three of them also discovered the problem, or in other words, they had already discovered it when the security team was monitoring them, but they just did not choose to cover it up.

"It seems that the three Your Excellencies are not humans on this planet?"

This straightforward decisiveness, combined with the sharp eyes of the speaker, brought a lot of pressure, but he still chose the wrong person.

Yan Lingji didn't even raise her head. She was immersed in a 'history guidance book' at the moment. She was also the only one among the three who got a history book. Her mind had been completely attracted by this book. As long as there is no crisis, it will be difficult for her to have any reaction.

On the contrary, Liu Bang and Zhang Liang, one took the biology class and the other took the mathematics class. Although they were very interested, they were not completely attracted by it.

Facing the inquiry, the two looked at each other, and then Liu Bang came forward to answer:

"How did fellow Taoists find out? It's so obvious?"

The title "Fellow Taoist" was a habit of Liu Bang and his two brothers after they came out of the mortal world of cultivating immortals. However, just such a title stunned the few people who came.

It's just that he speaks fluent Mandarin. At least he suspects that the other party is an alien. The other party's technological means have crushed his own, and he can understand it if he has a stronger learning ability.

But the title 'fellow Taoist' is a unique label for our own civilization, right? What's more, the ancient speech habits revealed in the words of the people who responded can be clearly felt even by them as soldiers.

Such changes made them no longer know how to speak.

Fortunately, there was a voice in his ear, and Liu Hao on the side heard the changes in the instructor, and smiled slightly on his face, becoming more interested!

"Are the three of you cultivators?"

"Okay!" How could Liu Bang not know that this was clearly the other party trying to test the information of the three of them?

"I don't know what to call you two?"

"Liu Bang, Zhang Liang!"

Liu Bang had not changed his name originally, but Liu Hao directly helped him out of convenience. But as soon as these two names came out, the few who came were completely stunned.

"Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty? Zhang Liang was left as a marquis?"

It was almost a subconscious question, but neither Liu Bang nor Zhang Liang knew this history, and they didn't know how to answer.

It just so happened that Yan Lingji finished reading the history guide book in her hand, looked up and noticed the change, and threw the book to the two of them.

Not long after, Liu Bang and Zhang Liang suddenly stood up, looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

“So that’s it, it turned out that I overthrew the Qin Dynasty?”

The two of them had a thousand words on their minds at this moment, and they didn't even realize that their fate had been completely changed. This feeling seemed a bit uncomfortable, but when they thought about it carefully, there seemed to be nothing unacceptable.

What about becoming an emperor? After a few decades, won’t there be only a pile of dry bones left?

Thinking about it this way, it seems that I have made a lot of money. Although I still have some "hope" in my heart, that's all.

Their changes speak for themselves.

"The teacher brought us out, probably to give the emperor a chance!"

Zhang Liang's long voice came, and Liu Bang's doubts were cleared away. He had to admit that compared with Qin Shihuang, his rank as the emperor of the Han Dynasty was still far behind. Perhaps only his descendant, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, could compete with him. It's comparable.

It's a pity that I can't seem to see the appearance of my descendant, and it seems uncomfortable to think about it.

But soon, he suddenly understood. So what if he disappeared in his own world?

In all the worlds, the reputation of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is still widely spread. Isn't the book in his hand the biggest proof?

And as the founder of the Han Dynasty, he is also a famous person in history, so he doesn’t have to go through it himself, right?

That's what he thought, but Liu Hao knew that he was probably unwilling to do so. What man didn't want to change the general trend of the world?

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