Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and thirty-seven. Overcoming the tribulation

1437, robbery

At this time, White Tiger Liu Hao has gained a lot of experience. The white mist formed by evaporating sweat has covered the entire Fengdu Hall, and it has spread towards the Five Directions Ghost Emperor and others sitting cross-legged on the periphery;

The white mist, with the Taoist charm on it, is like the spirit of heaven and earth. Wherever it passes, the spiritual grass and spiritual roots planted in the palace of Fengdu Emperor seem to have been forcibly infused with nutrients, whistling to improve their quality. .

And these are just incidental. Even after White Tiger Liu Hao attains enlightenment, it is not impossible for a wise person to appear among the spiritual roots of these spiritual grasses.

The underworld, the land of the sea of ​​blood, Maozhihualie has been training here since he was brought here by the white tiger Liu Hao. His opponent is the Asura clan in the sea of ​​blood. They fight almost every day. Only Ah Only the guys from the Shura clan who had fought with her knew how terrifying Unohana Retsu's improvement was.

It’s just a matter of cultivation. The key is that its combat power changes almost every day. Maybe yesterday it could crush Unohana Retsu, but today the confrontation will become a back-and-forth, and you have to use all your strength to defeat it. Retreat, and there is no possibility of participating in the war for a third time.

It is also because Unohana Retsu is so terrifying that the top leaders of the Asura clan are very happy to use their clan as a stepping stone to fight against him;

Regardless of whether they can catch up with the improvement, even the loss of this pride can make every Asura member participating in the battle with Unohana Retsu understand that their own development level is not that high at all, let alone pursue it hastily. Realm improvement.

But today, the battle can no longer proceed.

I learned from the Asura clan that when White Tiger Liu Hao was enlightening, Maozhihualie had already left quickly, and naturally the direction could only be to the Fengdu Palace. In Maozhihualie's view, Honghuang was definitely It was dangerous. Even if she knew that she wouldn't be able to make much difference, she still had to contribute her own strength.

Unohana Retsu made this decision without any thought at all, but Aizen, who was brought along with her by Liu Hao, did not think so.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, Aizen made a decision in an instant, but only Aizen knew the choice he made after many considerations. How could he not know that with his cultivation, he could cross the river in the entire underworld? The crucian carp? He also knew that if danger appeared, the probability of his death would be as high as 90%.

But he knew better that he had no choice, because the real great monks of the Underworld all knew that Aizen was brought here by Emperor Fengdu, and he could only be placed under Emperor Fengdu's account.

In other words, once he hesitates and chooses not to act, he may only die faster and more completely.

Aizen's heart was definitely complicated at this time.

As proud as he is, even if he steps into the heavens from the Soul Society, he never thinks that he will be ignored by everyone. This has never happened even in the Qinling Magic World.

But in the prehistoric era, he realized that the level gap between heaven and earth was so terrifying. In the magical world, the god-kings who towered over the world were nothing more than this, and they were even more numerous.

And above the realm of death, there are levels he has never heard of. But today, Liu Hao, who he could crush when he first saw him, has begun to step into this stage. Just thinking about it makes Aizen... I felt uncomfortable all over my body, and I secretly made up my mind;

Thinking that if there is no problem this time, it is necessary to unify these three areas, otherwise they will only become wider and wider in the future until they can never see each other's back. This is definitely something Aizen cannot bear.

But he didn't know how long the journey was, so that before he arrived at the destination, White Tiger Liu Hao had already completed his enlightenment. He still underestimated the vastness of the prehistoric era, not only him, but also Mao Zhihualie. .

However, their choice cannot be said to be wrong. Liu Hao's arrangement for them is in itself a kind of protection, but it is also a kind of confinement. How can they become true practitioners if they don't step out of their true comfort zone?

White Tiger Liu Hao has no intention to pay attention to these. At this time, he does not even have the intention to care about whether other threats will appear in the process, because all his energy can only be invested in the recovery of laws, because if he is not careful, It would most likely make his sermon fail completely.

And those who pay attention to this know exactly that this point in time is the best time to take action.

The underworld is where the authentic base camp is, and there are naturally a large number of reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God here.

These people may have been able to stir up some trouble before, but that was it. Most of them chose to settle completely, because they knew that once they were noticed, such as White Tiger Liu Hao, the Fengdu Emperor, would probably be punished. The attack was like a violent storm, until they were completely defeated, and the laws they extracted from the ancient world were released into the world.

This in itself is also a kind of protection for the ancient world, and it is bound to be rewarded by the ancient world, such as luck, merit, etc.

It is also for this reason that once among the reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God, those who practice the law or extract the law from the ancient world are discovered by the powerful natives of the ancient world, most of them will fight to the death, and they are naturally hostile.

In the eyes of this group of people, once White Tiger Liu Hao proves Hunyuan, they will have absolutely no chance of survival in the underworld.

Maybe you will think that there is Empress Houtu in the underworld. For a strong person in the realm of heaven, how can you hide it from Empress Houtu when you live in seclusion?

This is also true, but even if Empress Houtu knew their exact location, she would not do anything.

Because the two occupy different heights.

To Empress Houtu, these people are indeed harming the ancient world, but as long as this group of people have not escaped from the ancient world, they are still ensuring that the energy in the ancient world will not disappear;

Moreover, isn't she thinking about raising Gu?

The entire cultivation process of these people has been in the eyes of Empress Houtu. It can be said that no detail has been missed.

This is like an observer. She is even happy to see more people like this, because she can learn some knowledge from their cultivation process that she has not thought of. This knowledge is the most important thing to Empress Houtu. valuable.

No matter what, they are all Chaos Demon Gods, and each one has two brushes, even if they have been reincarnated several times.

Similarly, these reincarnated demon gods of chaos, whether in Hongjun or Houtu, or even in the eyes of Nuwa Empress, are just trivial matters. As long as they are placed in a controllable place, that little bit of trouble will The storm was nothing at all, it was just a drama at most, and they were happy to see such a drama in the endless months.

In turn, these people can more or less guess the thoughts of Hongjun, Houtu and Nuwa Empress. Rather than guarding against these three people, they might as well be guarding against the saints, because the saints discovered it and saw that it was not of much value. If they do, they will probably notify their subordinates to find them, kill them, and obtain the required value.

Liu Hao can be regarded as an anomaly among the prehistoric world. He comes from outside the prehistoric world. As soon as he appeared on the scene, he contributed great value to the prehistoric world. He directly pulled the prehistoric world back from its decline, and even pushed the world to move towards Advance from the beginning of time.

In fact, after staying in the ancient world for such a long time, he did not give up the method of cultivating the laws. Naturally, Liu Hao also tried to extract the laws from the ancient world.

And his action was the real reason why the Chaos Demon God was born directly from his reincarnation. It can be said that he was the source and the real executioner who directly catalyzed this great catastrophe, and the one who suffered was precisely This group of reincarnated Chaos Demon Gods.

Perhaps there are only a few people who really know this reason, but even if they don't know it, these reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God are naturally hostile to Liu Hao, as if they don't like him no matter what.

In the past, when the Penglai Islands were opened, when the Taoist saw Liu Hao, he immediately became furious, and his murderous intention broke out in an instant. This was the norm, and it was also the product of the influence of the great catastrophe of the prehistoric world.

In the same way, it would be unreasonable for White Tiger Liu Hao to attain the Dao of Hunyuan today if the reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God hidden in the underworld do not appear. This is also the hardship that White Tiger Liu Hao must go through to attain the Dao of Hunyuan.

It's just that these reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God don't know that they have lost the real best opportunity.

They saw that this was the best opportunity to take action, but in fact it was not.

yes! This is the time when White Tiger Liu Hao must not be distracted, but it is also the time when White Tiger Liu Hao is already familiar with the recycling laws. Not to mention that he is able to do it with ease, but he is definitely not as capable of being beaten by them as they imagined.

Here, we have to admit the role of the Five Directions Ghost Emperor and the Ten Palaces of Yama. Their appearance will definitely not be less of a deterrent.

Compared to them, White Tiger Liu Hao and Liu Hao himself were more worried about the actions of the local saints and their disciples, especially the saints.

Thinking that even if the saint just makes a random move, it represents the entire world. This is the "will of God". This is the biggest obstacle to White Tiger Liu Hao's enlightenment!

Sanqing expressed his position, but Jie Yin Zhunti did not. Liu Hao himself was very clear about Jie Yin Zhunti's inner struggle at this time, because the pros and cons were equally obvious.

On the positive side, as has been said before, Sanqing's statement is the biggest proof.

But what about the drawbacks? It is also remarkable.

After taking action, if there is still no obstacle to White Tiger Liu Hao's realization of Hunyuan, then the pressure on Buddhism will be absolutely terrifying in the next time.

They don't dare to set foot on the underworld, which is the real territory of Queen Houtu. Once Queen Houtu doesn't like it and suppresses you for tens of thousands of years, it will really be over.

How could they not know that today's prehistoric era is in the most critical era, where all the heavens and all realms are connected, and the benefits are huge. Once Buddhism loses the blessing of the saints, not to mention how many benefits can be obtained from it, it will not be crazily suppressed. It's already very good.

On the other hand, even if White Tiger Liu Hao is blocked from attaining enlightenment, the disadvantages will be obvious. Perhaps in the wild world, Buddhism will completely lose its right to speak with the tunnels, underworld, and underworld.

But at the other end of the world passage, before saints like them are unable to cross, Buddhism is likely to lose as much as it has gone.

You have blocked people from preaching, how can you expect Liu Hao to be polite to you?

If it were them, they would definitely fight to the death!

The disadvantages are so obvious that they are so entangled in their hearts that they can only think about taking a look first.

In the underworld, in many inconspicuous places on all sides, auras have begun to rise. After a slight sweep, Zhunti glanced and found no less than a hundred people. Each one was a quasi-sage, and every aura around him was as good as Buddhism. Several great Bodhisattvas, this made them have to frown.

They thought that the reincarnation of the Chaos Demon God could improve their cultivation extremely quickly, but when things came to pass, they realized that they still underestimated this group.

Think about it, one is that it takes a long time to understand the Tao, and only after you understand it thoroughly can you improve your cultivation.

But it is not the case for the reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God. When they retrieve their past memories, even if a lot of this memory has been lost, there is no obstacle at all before Daluo Jinxian. They only need to run their skills, inhale energy, and then Break again and again.

When they reach the peak of Daluo Jinxian, they are not like other quasi-sages who need to find the ones they really like and are good at among countless laws and avenues, because they have already known clearly what they are most suitable for, and many of them are still good at it. There is no need for enlightenment, just extract the laws you need from the entire prehistoric world.

This is almost no different from a plug-in. As soon as it appears, it goes directly to the expressway. This time, hundreds of them appear at once. No wonder the connection guide feels threatened.

We must know that Buddhism is the largest force in the ancient world. At this time, they discovered that this group of reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God had already crushed Buddhism. That is to say, they were not united enough. Otherwise, it would not take much time to conquer the entire Lingshan Mountain. How could they not be frightened to be completely wiped out in the wilderness?

Both of them couldn't help but shout "Amitabha", and then looked at each other. They both saw in each other's eyes greater support for suppressing the reincarnation of the Chaos Demon God. Once these people become powerful, it will be a big blow to Buddhism. That’s the real root digging.

As soon as the many auras in the underworld appeared, almost the entire prehistoric world was shocked.

The three thousand avenues and three thousand laws correspond to the three thousand reincarnated demon gods.

Perhaps among them there are monks who abandoned their identity as reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God and chose to integrate into the ancient world, but this number is only 50-50 at most. In other words, there are still 1,500 quasi-sages who are about to appear or have already appeared in the ancient world.

The key is that this group of people had been so low-key before that they had no idea where they were hiding. It was as if they were silently accumulating their own strength, and when the time was right, they would subvert the entire prehistoric system in one fell swoop. When you think of this, who can truly feel at peace?

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