Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and thirty-nine.Whose overall situation?

1439. Overall situation

It is impossible for only one single species to exist in a world or within an ecological environment.

Liu Hao never believed that the human body must be the only 'heavenly body'. The reason why it has become the largest mainstream among all the worlds he saw, he believed that it was mostly because of the 'Matthew Effect'.

The "Matthew Effect" here is not that those with strong characteristics become stronger, but more because the "number" of practitioners who embark on this path is getting larger and larger.

It is also because of this that among this huge number, the largest number of techniques based on this were born.

This prompted latecomers to look around and think that instead of letting themselves embark on a specific path and spending a lot of time on this path to create things that suit themselves, it would be better to go directly to the popular route, because this In thinking about the road, there are many things we can learn from.

Over time, perhaps it became Liu Hao's idea.

Today, these reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God completely released their true form of the Chaos Demon God. The 'perfect state' they saw in them also proved what Liu Hao was thinking to a certain extent.

But there is one thing that Liu Hao is not sure about, and that is whether this transformation should be firm from the beginning, or whether it needs to be considered after entering chaos.

Fortunately, he doesn't need to put more thought into this problem, because he has been a human race from the beginning. From the beginning, he has no choice and no need to choose. On the contrary, he has no possibility to be depressed.

He pulled his lips and scanned the reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God one by one, memorizing every appearance of them. He also tried to deduce their appearance and the laws of their own practice, trying to find out what they were. to real commonalities.

Unfortunately, his attempt completely failed in the end, and it was completely helpless.

It was as if there was no way to get started. He could only choose to wait and see what differences these guys would have when they fought.

Liu Hao felt that this might be important. After he really stepped into chaos in the future, he would not be left in the dark.

Of course, this is a later story, but the most important thing at hand is White Tiger Liu Hao's Hunyuan Tribulation, and it has reached the real critical point.

With the appearance of more than a hundred reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God, even the entire high-level monks of the Underworld had to stand on the side of White Tiger Liu Hao and chose to block this group of people. However, the number was still not in good contrast. Nearly half of them were blocked, and the rest were blocked. More than half of them have crossed many spaces and appeared around the palace of Fengdu Emperor. Everyone is eager to try, just like hyenas surrounding the outside.

They had ferocious eyes and various scrutiny. Even when they reached the position, they did not take action immediately, but applied pressure, which seemed to force White Tiger Liu Hao to devote his energy to them. Once this happened, White Tiger Liu Hao would definitely be forced to reveal his true true self. Breakthrough comes.

Liu Hao from the Ziwei Star Territory was also very confused. It seemed that this group of people did not pay attention to the Five Directions Ghost Emperor and the Ten Palaces of Yama, and almost ignored them. This was obviously too unreasonable.

He didn't think that the Ghost Emperor of the Five Directions and Yama of the Ten Palaces would collude with this group of people early. It would be fine if there was no Empress Houtu in the Underworld. In other words, even if this possibility existed, it would be impossible for everyone to participate.

Then it can only be other reasons. Before Liu Hao could think of the reason, Tongtian on the side gave the answer leisurely:

"Your incarnation's previous calculation did work, but there are gains and losses!"

Liu Hao glanced at it in confusion. Seeing this, Tongtian had no reservations. He also seemed to see that Liu Hao was not used to looking for answers from heaven.

This is also Liu Hao's problem. The reason for this is that he has not practiced for long enough. Tongtian did not take it seriously and said slowly:

"Your incarnation left a way for them to escape, and they were fully aware of it and made a choice, just like they chose to besiege your incarnation today;

But before that, each of them had already sworn an oath to the ancient way of heaven! "

Liu Hao understood it immediately.

These guys are definitely not fools. On the contrary, they are all very smart and they definitely know how to analyze the pros and cons.

Also, they are intelligent beings after all. They have failed several times before. Why don't they understand that today's prehistoric times are no longer what they want?

In this case, it is inevitable for them to make such a choice.

It's like leaving a suicide note for yourself before going to the battlefield.

It is impossible for them not to fight for it, because they understand in their bones that fighting is the mainstream and the path that they must go through. Otherwise, they will have no real value of existence, and they will not be able to become a "living clan".

Struggle is inevitable, but that doesn't mean they can't find loopholes.

In the opinion of Liu Hao, these over a hundred reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God are probably a group that has been 'forced'. Because what they have learned is part of the laws of the earth, it is understandable that they are forced to enter the underworld. .

Of course, the 'force' here involves other reincarnated demons, as if forcing this group of people to become cannon fodder in this battle is the same thing.

They even knew that they were almost certain to die. After seeing the white tiger Liu Hao leaving a way out for Huang Quan, they immediately got the answer they needed. Compromising with the world and making this vow was more reasonable than anything else.

"So it seems that these reincarnated demon gods of chaos have completely given up on themselves?"

"Of course! This battle is dangerous!"

"Because of their oaths, the Five Directions Ghost Emperor and the Ten Palaces of Yama are not just restrained, but they need to worry that these people will die with them. Once this mentality comes out, it will put them in a more dangerous situation!"

Liu Hao muttered in his mouth, but his mind was spinning. He needed to come up with a way. In the underworld, the Ghost Emperor of the Five Directions and Yama of the Ten Palaces were the real mainstays;

It may not matter if they lose one or two, but once the loss is too large, it is likely to cause the underworld to truly lose its balance. That is the greatest suppression for him, White Tiger Liu Hao, the great emperor of Fengdu, and may even force Fengdu to Emperor Du's fortune was greatly lost.

Once this happens, the possibility of failure of this sermon is really high!

The calculations of these people are really one after another.

Fortunately, Liu Hao himself also knows that the real purpose of these reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God is White Tiger Liu Hao. They do not really want to kill the Five Ghost Emperors and the Ten Palaces of Yama, because once this happens, even if they continue Reincarnation, I don’t know when I want to come back in the future.

This in itself is also a kind of gamble. Everyone is shouting to charge to the death, but everyone understands that this is for the opponent. It depends on who retreats in the end.

And all the pressure will still fall on White Tiger Liu Hao, the Great Emperor of Fengdu, in the end, and he must make a choice, otherwise he may really lose the loyalty of the Five Directions Ghost Emperor and the Ten Palaces of Yama in the future.

Liu Hao had a headache, but he also understood that he had to make a decision quickly. After a few breaths, he sighed and sent a beam of white light in the direction of the underworld. On the side, Tongtian smiled, but did not give any words from the beginning to the end. Anyone who gives any hint seems to be very impressed with Liu Hao's choice.

Liu Hao did not let the Ghost Emperor of the Five Directions and Yama of the Ten Palaces retreat. There was no need to do so. It was not beautiful, because they also had appearances and dignity.

Therefore, Liu Hao himself just asked them to continue to sit still, which meant that they continued to maintain their formation protection. Once a crisis occurred, it would not be too late to disperse the formation.

He was also telling the Ghost Emperors of the Five Directions, Yama of the Tenth Palace and others that this Hunyuan catastrophe was something White Tiger Liu Hao, the Great Emperor of Fengdu, had to experience and face directly. Their actions were enough to truly and completely help White Tiger Liu Hao, the great emperor of Fengdu, blocked everything, but instead harmed the white tiger Liu Hao.

But no one is stupid. The Ghost Emperor of the Five Directions and Yama of the Tenth Palace don't understand that this is clearly a step for them. Liu Hao himself did not choose to hide this message, but completely manifested it in the heavenly secret, just like passing through it. Once on the forum, everyone can see it and everyone can understand the Ghost Emperor of the Five Directions and Yama of the Ten Palaces.

It seems that he is still worried about the stubbornness of the Five Directions Ghost Emperor and the Ten Palaces of Yama. Liu Hao himself also made a point at the end, that is, the stability of the underworld is the greatest support for White Tiger Liu Hao, the Fengdu Emperor, and they must also stabilize the underworld!

As soon as these words came out, this group of reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, but their hearts at this time were also complicated.

When Pangu opened the sky, the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods were all crushed by Pangu.

However, there are not many of them who can really arm-wrestle with Pangu. In other words, after counting, there are only fifty-five. Others, there are even many who have been affected by the war without even seeing Pangu. And turned into gray.

Obviously, the hundreds of reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God who appeared in the underworld are the existence of that group of cannon fodder. You can say how much resentment they have towards Pangu, or you can say that their resentment towards Pangu is just a murmur in their hearts.

Only they themselves understand that as long as the great catastrophe of chaos appears, it will be impossible for them to avoid it, and they will definitely be able to turn into ashes.

Their feelings towards Pangu were complicated. While they were resentful, they were also grateful to Pangu. At least Pangu did not really destroy them, but gave them repeated opportunities to continue to restart in the prehistoric era after the creation of the world. It just failed before.

But who can blame this? Isn't it because they simply don't understand that the rules have changed, and that Honghuang is no longer the kind of person who can only rely on his fists to make the final decision? There is also the so-called flow of luck here, as well as merit and karma. Taken together, their failure is no longer difficult to face.

When they returned this time, their mentality was much better, but soon they also discovered that returning this time did not seem to be the best choice. Even before they were fully familiar with themselves, they found that they were already in a new catastrophe in the wild and had been marked. He became one of the protagonists of the disaster and could not escape at all.

What else? In order not to become cannon fodder again in this catastrophe, we can only think of all ways to improve ourselves. In this way, extracting the ancient law has become inevitable.

But after extracting it, they realized that this was the point of no return, and it was too late to regret it. The despair in it can be imagined.

After many calculations, they also got tempered, thinking that since the chance was gone, when the war came, they might as well be more thorough, such as blowing themselves up when they were about to die.

This is what they thought, and they made various plans in their hearts, but they were still as calm as water.

They originally thought that this was all they could do, but the appearance of White Tiger Liu Hao gave them new hope, that is, Huang Quan's death. They saw that White Tiger Liu Hao, the new Fengdu Emperor, did not seem to discriminate against them because of this, and even more The underworld was not completely wiped out, but a new underworld was reborn in the land of underworld.

This discovery directly put an end to their self-destruction mentality. This in itself was also a new hope born in despair. It was like a life-saving straw that naturally needed to be grasped tightly.

They were observing, and when they saw the underworld gestating, no one had any desire to covet it. Even Queen Houtu in the underworld seemed to acquiesce, and they were completely relieved.

It was also at that time that they swore an oath, truly looked at themselves, and truly wanted to completely become a part of the world.

Don't think their oath is no big deal.

This is like having an ID card. Even if Pangu gave them a permanent residence permit before, they are still not their own people. But after this oath, even if they extract many laws of the prehistoric world, they are still in the prehistoric world. Internal matters.

Then their appearance at this time has already shown their attitude. They are here for this catastrophe. They have different positions. No matter life or death, whether they are pregnant again in the future or reincarnated, the previous grievances must be eliminated!

Both the saints and Liu Hao knew that there was a collective temptation among the reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God.

It's as if I have decided to integrate into the ancient world. If you don't choose to accept it, then the remaining reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God will be able to do anything in the future. Once there is a problem in the ancient world, you saints will also have to bear a share of the blame. force.

It's true, but isn't it a threat?

In fact, they underestimated the saints.

Since Pangu chose to accept them, how could the saints have other ideas?

The Three Thousand Principles have been integrated into the ancient world, and the difference between passive and active is essentially different.

To put it nicely, this group of Chaos Demon Gods took the initiative to merge with the ancient world. In the future, the chances of saints understanding the laws of heaven and earth will be much higher. They are eager to do this.

Liu Hao thought about it for a while and understood the truth. The message he sent to the Ghost Emperor of the Five Directions and Yama of the Ten Palaces was not giving an explanation to the saints, nor was it telling the saints that he would not choose to destroy the prehistoric times. The real 'big picture' too!

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