Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and forty-one. Urgent turn

1441. Sharp turn

However, those who truly understand still know very well that White Tiger Liu Hao's dilemma has never passed.

Even if it is one in a million, even if it is protected by the unconscious treasure of acquired merit, it can only help White Tiger Liu Hao delay a little time, because in the end, even if only one billionth of the power of the law is not recovered, it is still a failure. of.

From the current point of view, the unconscious treasure of acquired merit, the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Hongmeng Merit Ruler, can only be blocked once more. At that time, White Tiger Liu Hao must control it separately. Once this happens, it will also delay the progress of his own laws. The recovery of power forms a complete endless loop, just like a see-saw. It still depends on who can support it to the end.

The nearby Ghost Emperors of the Five Directions and Yama of the Tenth Palace naturally knew this well. They recovered from the shattering of the formation and discovered the situation. They did not care about their own injuries.

They knew very well that Empress Houtu, the real backstage, could never be summoned until the last moment. In other words, they knew very well that they needed a saint level who could truly sit in charge in their own underworld. Only in this way could they truly ensure the authority of the underworld. of Weihe.

This is not only about their little power, but also about the collection of their endless merits in the future, and then about their true future success.

They can't help but not contribute.

I saw them shouting loudly and directly exposing their positions to attract the attention of the reincarnations of the surrounding Chaos Demon God, in exchange for them having to direct the next attack at them, in order to further give White Tiger Liu Hao this The newly appointed Emperor Fengdu spared even a moment more time to preach.

Their approach also gave the great masters of the world who had been watching the scene more ideas.

Why would they want to see a monolithic underworld?

The only thing that comforts them is that the underworld can only occupy the core of the underworld.

They swept outside the underworld and saw that the Asura clan had blocked many reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God. They saw that this group of Asuras seemed to have exerted all their strength. They also knew that this was only for a moment and was just to protect the underworld. mutual benefit.

In other words, without forcing the entire Hades to panic, the possibility of this situation happening to them is also very slim.

They swept across the Underworld Sea where the Zhulong was, saw endless battles in the Zombie Land, and saw many powerful forces working in the Underworld. They still had a bad premonition in their hearts. They always felt that this might be the familiar place they used to be. The real turning point of Hades.

Here, Jie Yin and Zhunti are the most important, especially Zhunti. The originally motionless golden body has been shaking slightly, and it seems that he has reached the limit of his endurance.

He subconsciously glanced in the direction of Lingshan, and finally paused for a breath on the black turtle sitting peacefully outside Lingshan. His face could not help but show bitterness, and he had to sigh in his heart that Liu Hao's plan was stuck in his throat. Inside.

It is impossible for the black turtle to block Lingshan, but it is no problem to entangle him. For Liu Hao, the white tiger, all he needs to do is entangle.

The most important thing is that the Lingshan Buddhists dare not really show their murderous intentions towards the Black Turtle. You need to know that this is a person who has contributed all his limbs to the great power of the world, but he can reap the merits of the world anytime and anywhere. The golden wheel of merit behind the head is no more than the sum total of Buddhism.

For a person with such great merits, let alone killing him, even touching him will be remembered by the world and will cause you a small stumbling block at a certain time in the future. During this great catastrophe, it is very likely that a small A stumbling block would kill a quasi-sage city. Even Zhunti would not dare to gamble with the greatest foundation of Buddhism.

This is also thanks to the emergence of the World Passage, because the emergence of the World Passage represents the opening of another road. For Buddhism, it is not a necessary choice. On the contrary, there are more scruples in my heart, and I dare not let Buddhism suffer huge losses. .

Taken together, it can be said that Liu Hao's fortune is booming. The entanglement of various factors prompted him to restrain himself and suppress his inner impulses again and again.

But these are things that White Tiger Liu Hao doesn't know at all. Even the actions of the five ghost emperors and the ten palaces of Yama around him are unknown to him. He is completely devoted to the recovery of his own laws, because he Understand that compared with these, all external factors are unimportant. Without this possibility, this time's enlightenment of Hunyuan will truly be over.

Even if the formation was broken and the Five Directions Ghost Emperor and the Tenth Palace Yama were slightly injured, they were not easy to mess with. They used what they had learned and had no problem blocking one by one. But even so, It was still only able to block a small half, and it still allowed the attacks of about thirty reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God to hit the treasure of merit above White Tiger Liu Hao's head.

But it has to be said that the methods of the Five Directions Ghost Emperor and the Ten Palaces of Yama are absolutely effective. Losing half of their attacks seems to be just right, and the 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Hongmeng Merit Ruler' can easily block the attacks of these guys. Still guarding the white tiger Liu Hao's head.

This was just right, but it also gave White Tiger Liu Hao a further opportunity to directly withdraw his own laws to a three-meter radius around him, almost at the last critical moment.

At this scene, the eyes of the reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God were absolutely scarlet, especially the group blocked by the Ghost Emperor of the Five Directions and Yama of the Ten Palaces. They could not help but increase their attacks, and seemed to kill their own people intentionally or unintentionally. The intention is revealed, and they also know that maybe this will be their last chance, and if they don't succeed, they will have no choice but to succeed.

At this moment, in the place where the eighteen levels of hell are located in the underworld, a monstrous demonic energy spread out. It was so pure that everyone had to turn their eyes away;

But when they found that their original plan was disrupted, they looked back and found that the power of the three-meter rule around White Tiger Liu Hao had gathered again, almost fitting to the appearance of the robe, and it seemed that it could be achieved with just one breath.

They hated those who unleashed demonic energy on this unexpected moment, and this hatred made them seem inconsistent again; one group of people seemed to be thinking of directing their attacks at the treasure of merit above White Tiger Liu Hao's head, while the other group did not. They even wanted to kill the person who sent out the demonic energy they interrupted;

Such incongruity also allowed White Tiger Liu Hao to seize the last chance. A huge pressure was completely activated before they could get close, directly dissipating all their attacks, as if everything they had just could not fight. It's just a dream.

Has Hunyuan been enlightened?

Not really, but it also allowed White Tiger Liu Hao to step into the Hunyuan realm with half a foot. This realm is no longer something that the monks under the Hunyuan can resist, as if the coercion they unconsciously exuded just now can wipe out all of them. The attack seemed to be completely wiped out, directly chilling the hearts of all the reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God who participated, and they were even more at a loss for a moment.

At this time, White Tiger Liu Hao's eyes opened slightly. The eyes were as dark as ink. As long as he looked at each other, it was as if his soul had been sucked in. All he could see was endless darkness. It seemed that all his efforts had failed. Can't get away even a little bit.

"Just watch from the sidelines!"

There was no emotion in the eyes of White Tiger Liu Hao. It could be said that he was indifferent to the extreme, and he could also be said to have seen through the essence of everything in front of him. He was neither sad nor happy. It seemed that he was not the one who was attacked just now.

However, his words also wiped away the hesitation in the hearts of the reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God who were originally at a loss. White Tiger Liu Hao did not take action to kill them, which also meant that he did not care about what they had just done and seemed to know them. It's just 'following orders'.

In the past, if they were ignored like this, they would definitely revolt, but that is not the case now. They have already taken a step back, and there is nothing wrong with taking another step. They seem to have accepted their fate!

Then, a group of onlookers in the prehistoric world saw an incredible situation happening before their eyes.

A group of guys who had been fighting life and death just now sat down quietly, with no intention of escaping or taking action again, as if everything just now was just a joke.

In the Imperial Palace of Nuwa, Empress Nuwa burst out with a smile. In an instant, all the flowers bloomed in the open world. But as Empress Nuwa's smile faded, the blooming flowers also began to wither, and then turned into dust and mud and merged into the heaven and earth. It was like experiencing It's like a cycle of four seasons.

The Fuxi family on the side realized that his sister's cultivation level was beyond what he could see through at all. It was at a height that he couldn't clearly see even from looking up.

Empress Nuwa did not notice the change in Fuxi's face. She opened her red lips lightly, but she also explained to Fuxi:

"This guy is quite smart! But..."

Nuwa did not continue to explain in depth, but glanced towards the west, where naturally Jie Yin and Zhunti opened up the world.

The chess game fundamentally changed at this moment.

Such pure demonic energy just now was naturally initiated by Ksitigarbha, who was deep in the eighteenth level of hell. Not many people knew the reason for it, and Nuwa was naturally among them.

The devil is unwilling to be lonely! This was the inner thought of Empress Nuwa, but she also had to lament that the demonized Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva seized the best opportunity and directly gave White Tiger Liu Hao a great cause and effect.

With this cause and effect, as the Great Emperor of Fengdu, White Tiger Liu Hao would naturally not be able to use the power of the underworld to suppress the demonic space under the eighteen levels of hell.

In other words, it is time for the great demon monks who have been suppressed under the eighteen levels of hell to enter the world.

Empress Nuwa was also keenly aware of the further stimulation of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. The thought of the Great Tribulation of Buddha and Demon after the Journey to the West had to be brought forward, which pushed this great tribulation to a new level.

The only good thing is that it still hasn't reached the level of immeasurable calamity. It's still okay and it's still under control!

Empress Nuwa didn't care, but the expressions of the two men who received, Yin, and Zhunti changed drastically, and they almost cursed out of their mouths.

It's not that they didn't expect this possibility, but they never thought that the demon monk would appear in such a posture, and they would directly reveal it in front of all the great monks in the entire prehistoric era.

Only truly smart people will understand why the demonic monks under the eighteen levels of hell are like this.

When the great war comes, if you want to survive, you have to face the difficulties. The more difficult the disaster, once you overcome it, the benefits will be absolutely immeasurable.

This group of people in the Demonic Abyss were previously blocked from access to the outside world, but now that they have learned this information through the demonized Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, how can they be willing to miss it?

For them, the so-called life and death are more indifferent than anything else, and they have to say that they have seized the best opportunity.

As the Emperor of Fengdu, it is difficult to release them, but once White Tiger Liu Hao attains enlightenment, it is just a casual matter. Such a huge cause and effect can be repaid immediately. How to choose to accept Zhunti is the clearest choice.

The Tathagata Buddha in Lingshan has already shouted "Amitabha" loudly, and is almost preparing for the upcoming Buddhist catastrophe on the spot;

Of course, Tathagata is not just depressed.

If we wait for this catastrophe to be over and then start a catastrophe of Buddhas and demons, it will be like the trajectory of fate. Not only can we not avoid it, but we must follow the trend.

But now? Many disasters have been mixed together, and everything has become attainable.

In this regard, while Tathagata was depressed, he felt that it was no big deal. It was just fighting and plotting against each other. Who could he be afraid of?

In the ancient times, the secrets of heaven were already in chaos, just like many viruses appeared in a good forum. Countless garbled codes were densely covered on it, and it became difficult for even a saint to get a glimpse of it.

They are like this, so why not other enemies?

Tathagata thought of the message that Tongtian had just sent to him, and he made a vague decision in his heart. Even if he did not choose to go there in person, he must release the incarnation of his three corpses. At this time, it is no longer the time to worry about the three corpses becoming more difficult in the future. Yes, some choices must be made.

As the instigator, Liu Hao himself didn't know that just because of his unintentional words, he had introduced a huge variable to his own earth and even the heavens and worlds connected to his own earth. Whether it was good or bad, no one could predict it.

Netherland, the core of the underworld, where the palace complex of Emperor Fengdu is located.

The life-and-death situation just now disappeared without a trace. To outsiders, it looked like playing house. Only those who truly understood the reason would realize that this was not the best choice for both parties.

As soon as the war here stopped, the wars between the local powerful men in other areas of the underworld who attacked the reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God also gradually began to subside. If you die, you will die. This is a great disaster.

The prehistoric world has already experienced many such catastrophes. Who is the fool? If you don't know how to exercise restraint, you are destined to not be able to go far.

Even if hatred rises in the hearts of both sides at this time, they must stop when it is time to stop, otherwise in the end both sides will suffer losses, or even death is the only way back.

Not long after, these reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God, who had been sniped by Asura senior officials, the Nether Sea Dragon Clan, and others, gradually arrived across space. After arriving, they did not make a sound, directly found a place to sit cross-legged, and closed their eyes one after another. Waiting quietly, only they know best what they are waiting for.

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