Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and forty-three. The true river of destiny

1443. True destiny

The emergence of any big opportunity means big risks.

It cannot be decided in a short while, or even if it is thrown into the underworld, who can guarantee that he can finally seize this opportunity?

It's just a matter of fully weighing the pros and cons before gambling.

In the entire prehistoric period, Ran Deng and Di Jun Taiyi were the quickest to make the decision. As for the power, they can only calculate it in the future.

Just at this time, when White Tiger Liu Hao's aura completely exploded, it still did not stop when it reached the peak of the first level of Hunyuan. It felt like it had just begun.

It has to be said that White Tiger Liu Hao's previous accumulation is not generally strong.

But when I think about it, I feel that it should be like this.

In the past, whether it was Sanqing or Jie Yin Zhunti, when the saints became enlightened, they also advanced by leaps and bounds.

If you don't fully inspire yourself when "heaven and earth all follow the force when you come," you will be a real fool.

At this time, almost the entire world is cheering for you. All avenues and laws that you can understand are open to you at this moment. No matter how much you can understand, they will not give you any obstacles. .

Next to White Tiger Liu Hao, the 'Wind and Fire Futon' and 'Jade Ruyi' that were originally lying there quietly opened and bloomed with light at this time, and a faint shadow was clearly condensed on them. Isn't it Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi? Which one is Tianzun?

It was at this moment that they were waiting. As soon as the two phantoms appeared, they were immediately distorted, as if they were directly transported to a certain space.

This space is naturally a river of destiny.

Taishang Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun originally thought that the river of destiny that they arrived at through the passage should belong to the prehistoric world, but when they stepped into it, they discovered that this was not the case at all.

The river of destiny in front of me is closely related to the river of destiny that I am familiar with, but it also appears to be countless noble. It is filled with all kinds of things that cannot be seen through. If you look carefully, you can find that in every drop of water. , all imply a world.

After discovering this, the two of them looked down and found that beneath their feet, a familiar world unfolded before their eyes. If this wasn't the prehistoric times, what else could it be?

Before they could wake up from the shock, several more figures appeared beside them. They were also familiar with the extraordinary figures. What really surprised them was that they saw Liu Hao himself among them. Beside, who is it if it’s not Tongtian?

They almost came together hand in hand. When they saw Lao Tzu and Yuan Yuan, they just nodded slightly to say hello, and then ignored them, almost instantly sinking into the realization of the long river of destiny in front of them.

Among them, Hongjun, Houtu and Nuwa are the most important. The one who really benefits the least is Liu Hao himself. It is simply a trick to let him. If the enlightened person is not the incarnation of the white tiger, he will not be able to step in. The place before your eyes.

This is the place where the long river of chaos and destiny lies, and it is also where the real long river of destiny lies. It is composed of countless worlds.

As soon as he appeared here, Liu Hao discovered that the infinite power was crushing towards him, as if he were a mortal in the deep sea. This made him understand that he would never be expelled if he stayed here for long. .

Knowing this, he can still control a lot. The only thing he needs to consider is how much he can comprehend before being expelled. Only in this way can he live up to his experience here.

He is obviously extremely lucky, but no monk under Hunyuan can appear in such a real destiny, and it seems that such an opportunity will happen more than once in the future.

Let’s not talk about them, just talk about White Tiger Liu Hao.

The moment he attained enlightenment, the true spirit of White Tiger Liu Hao had already appeared here. Unlike the Daluo Dao Fruit, there was no need to search for a suitable position for him later, and there was no need to condense the so-called Dao Fruit.

This seems to be the collection of the true Tao, and it is also the best time for those who have attained the Tao to quickly improve themselves.

As a person who has experienced it, White Tiger Liu Hao also has the opportunity that others do not have, that is, to condense all the chains of laws that he has understood.

In all the heavens and worlds, the condensation of any law would cause great harm to this world, but here, it seems to be of no importance at all.

This is like the difference between water sources in the desert and water sources in the sea.

The most important thing is how easy it is to condense these laws. It seems that the more you understand, the more you have condensed them in the long river of destiny.

A sense of 'enlightenment' appeared in White Tiger Liu Hao's heart.

"It turns out this is Hunyuan!"

"No wonder those Chaos Demon Gods who were born in Chaos clearly knew that extracting the laws of heaven and earth was harmful to the world, but they still chose to do so."

"This has happened again and again. It's not that they don't understand the pros and cons, but they understand from the bottom of their bones that this is their only way to enlightenment, right?"

"What is the difference between creatures of chaos and creatures of the world!"

"If it doesn't have its own rules, it can never be called a true Hunyuan!"

"Hunyuan is not a saint. A saint can only bend and stretch his own world, but Hunyuan is the Hunyuan of all worlds!"

“It turns out that’s the real difference!”

Many enlightenments flashed in White Tiger Liu Hao's heart, but they did not stop him from understanding the law. On the contrary, these enlightenments gave him a better understanding of the road to Hunyuan and prompted him to speed up. The speed of understanding the great ways and laws.

This is also seen by outsiders. The Hunyuan aura on White Tiger Liu Hao's body is like a flood rising step by step, and the invisible pressure impacts the bodies and even the souls of the surrounding quasi-sages one after another.

Others, even Hongjun and others who came through the tunnel, could not discover the location of White Tiger Liu Hao at all. This was Chaos' protection of White Tiger Liu Hao, and it was also the real privilege of White Tiger Liu Hao during his enlightenment period.

It was as if the entire river of destiny was celebrating him, and was already 'reflecting the heavens' without him even knowing it.

This kind of 'reflecting the heavens' was not done with much fanfare. Instead, it seemed that with the blessing of the long river of destiny, it left a mark unique to White Tiger Liu Hao in many heavens and worlds.

If one day in the future, White Tiger Liu Hao chooses to surrender, then in all the worlds where White Tiger Liu Hao remains, there is a high probability that a new 'Liu Hao' will be born.

Just like Confucius appeared in many worlds and left behind Confucianism and Taoism, it is just like Lao Tzu is still the Supreme Heavenly Lord in all the worlds.

These are the true essence of Zhengdao Hunyuan, but they are not something White Tiger Liu Hao can know at this time.

He doesn't have time to understand this. At this time, there are countless chains all over his body shooting towards the river of destiny. Whenever these chains of laws come into contact with the river of destiny, they can extract countless nutrients from them and they will immediately become solid. , will also become stronger, and will become White Tiger Liu Hao's real means of keeping the bottom of the box in the future.

If you really want to count them, you will find that the chains of laws that White Tiger Liu Hao shot into the river of destiny are almost all authentic laws, and none of the authentic laws has escaped. These are what White Tiger Liu Hao really puts his energy into, and the others are just incidental. That’s all.

But this kind of incident is also a huge support for Liu Hao himself.

They are one body, and within the long river of chaotic destiny, the relationship between them also determines that these laws must interact with each other.

In other words, the chain of laws other than the authentic laws of White Tiger Liu Hao is actually more like what Liu Hao has learned through his own understanding. The fact that it is intermittent, bumpy, but strong and does not break is the best proof.

For this reason, after Liu Hao was immersed in it, he did not realize that he was expelled at all. They crossed time and space. Although they did not merge, they also shared because they were one.

This is the final reason for enlightenment planned by Liu Hao himself.

Because before that, he vaguely felt that he didn't need to worry. Although he didn't know the reason, he followed his heart. This choice can now be regarded as the first real harvest.

Because of sharing, Liu Hao's realm has become Hunyuan in the long river of destiny. The connections between various avenues and countless laws that were impossible to detect in the past now seem so satisfactory at this time, as if they should be like this. , this is the only one!

It's a pity that after all, it's just a realm. After all, Liu Hao is still not the real Hunyuan. After all, it's just a trick. It's like peeking into the truth. The countless gains he feels in his heart are really nothing in front of the real Hunyuan.

As the parties involved, whether it is Sanqing, Hongjun, Houtu, or Nuwa, their understanding of the Tao is definitely not comparable to that of Liu Hao himself.

What they gained today, once they escape, they can comfortably condense their own chain of laws in the chaos.

But don't think that this is the only gain. This is almost the only possibility for them to escape from the shackles of the ancient world, and it is the only way to realize the Hunyuan Dao again after becoming a saint.

Obviously, I and Yuanshi Tianzun made the right bet, but they lost their best opportunity.

From another perspective, it means that the incarnation of the three corpses of Sanqing is about to have an essential improvement. It is no longer the quasi-sage in the past, and it has truly broken away from its original prehistoric limit.

This alone is enough to make Jie Yin and Zhunti deeply regretful when they step into all the worlds in the future.

Of course, this is not mentioned for the time being.

Just talking about the present, no one knows how much time has passed, Sanqing seems to have reached the limit of their stay, and they exited here one after another, followed by Empress Nuwa, then Empress Houtu, and Hongjun was the last one. Only Hongjun knew that the time between him and Empress Houtu was not as long as he thought.

In other words, Hongjun also discovered that he was not as able to crush Houtu as he thought.

But how long has it been?

The last time he saw Hou Tu, it was not like this. It was just a little while ago, and Hou Tu's cultivation was already making great strides, almost approaching his Hongjun level.

He could understand this, or he was mentally prepared for it, but it was Liu Hao who really made him feel the pressure.

When Hongjun had to leave, he saw that Liu Hao was still in the process of enlightenment.

In the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun's first thought when he woke up was to look towards the underworld. This sight shocked him again. The Hunyuan aura on White Tiger Liu Hao was already so strong?

It has obviously skipped the fourth level of Hunyuan, and judging from the situation, it seems that the time is right.

In contrast, whether it was the original Sanqing or the Yingyin Zhunti, they all began to be unable to continue at this stage.

Does this mean that the accumulation of a mere Liu Hao incarnation of White Tiger Liu Hao has already caught up with the Sanqing and Jie Yin Zhunti of the enlightened saint at that time?

Obviously even Hongjun had to believe it. If he thought about it carefully, it seemed that even he had underestimated White Tiger Liu Hao before.


"Perhaps a trip to the abyss is the greatest gain for Emperor Fengdu?"

"It seems that I have to go through it again in the future!"

Hongjun thought to himself, this was his guess, and it was also his certainty. At his level, what he thought in his heart was often very close to reality.

This is indeed where White Tiger Liu Hao’s greatest accumulation lies.

The abyss is the place where the chaotic world returns to ruins. It is the most dangerous place in the entire chaos, but because of this, it contains opportunities that no other world can imagine.

For example, the manifestation of laws in the ancient world is so rare that it is completely impossible for non-enlightened people to manifest;

However, these can be seen everywhere in the abyss like cabbage.

Perhaps the manifestation of laws in the abyss is not as comprehensive as that in the normal world. Even the manifestation of a single law is intermittent, with no preface and follow-up. But even so, it is the manifestation of laws, and it is also an excellent book. Any monk who reads this textbook will be able to understand the principles of heaven and earth.

Otherwise, why are the monks in the abyss so terrifying?

Even among the monks at the outermost level of the abyss, there are so many quasi-sages, and they are all in the Hunyuan realm. Isn’t this delayed?

The white tiger Liu Hao who traveled in the abyss discovered these benefits and stayed in the abyss for such a long time. It was also the white tiger Liu Hao who chose to avoid all troubles and concentrate on understanding the benefits brought by these laws.

Therefore, he can have such a solid foundation in Hongjun's mind, and he is even surprised that he has accumulated more than Sanqing and Jieyinzhunti for countless years.

From the comparison between Liu Hao and his three major incarnations, we can see how powerful White Tiger Liu Hao is.

Now White Tiger Liu Hao has achieved Hunyuan, but whether it is Green Dragon Liu Hao or Obsessive Liu Hao, he still doesn’t know how many years it will take to achieve Hunyuan, and he still doesn’t know when he can achieve it.

Maybe you would think that if White Tiger Liu Hao has such an opportunity, even if he only comprehends the tunnel, it will be of great benefit to Qinglong Liu Hao and Obsessive Liu Hao.

The reality is indeed not like this. After proving Hunyuan, White Tiger Liu Hao can no longer fuse and split with other incarnations at will like before.

In other words, it is more practical to expect White Tiger Liu Hao to understand the laws of heaven and humanity at this time than to expect Liu Hao himself.

This may also be Liu Hao's biggest benefit from making all his incarnations independent, right?

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