Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and forty-nine. Everyone has a chance

1449. Everyone has a chance

More importantly, White Tiger Liu Hao found that he seemed to have entered a small corner when he was enlightened. He completely placed himself within the laws of the earth and forgot about his own advantages.

If I hadn't come to the White Tiger Dojo today, maybe I would realize it a long time later, right?

When he thought of this, even the white tiger Liu Hao felt a little ashamed, and he said in his heart that he was right.

Having entered the White Tiger Master's dojo, there is naturally no talk of gathering together. It depends on chance, and whoever finds them will belong to them. Even if they are to take Yin Zhunti, they do not choose to walk together. The White Tiger Master's dojo is not generally huge.

In the dark, perhaps everyone has a direction, especially White Tiger Liu Hao. After he separated from the others, he didn't stop at all and walked straight in one direction. He didn't know how long he walked. Then we came to a high mountain.

Here, it is desolate, and the color is much lighter than other places, changing from golden to light yellow, with a hint of scarlet faintly visible.

"Could it be that I followed my thoughts on the law of murderous intent?"

White Tiger Liu Hao stood there and murmured, and made a choice after weighing it. Since he was already here, there was no reason to change again.

Sure enough, as soon as he stepped in, everything in front of him changed completely. He seemed to appear in another land of blood. Different from the ancestor's hometown of Styx, there was no filth here at all, but more majestic. This was simply the White Tiger. In the world of killing thoughts that the Great Master deliberately left behind, all the scarlet color is just an appearance.

As if he sensed someone intruding, the scarlet 'blood sea' changed dramatically. The sound of tramping footsteps came from the distance. After a while, White Tiger Liu Hao saw a fair-skinned figure appear in front of him.

What shocked him the most was that the fair figure in front of him was a rubbing of his own mold. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was his mirror image.

But compared with himself, the fair-skinned mirror image in front of him has another sublimation that he has to admit, that is, this mirror image seems to be more piercing. It is the greatest manifestation of the law of killing, but it really makes Bai Hu Liu Hao understood that there was no way to expose the law of checkmate.

"Could it be that it has integrated into itself?"

As soon as he had this idea, the fair-skinned figure in front of him launched an attack. A cicada-winged knife appeared in his hand quietly, and even appeared directly across the space within a foot of him, fiercely. Attack him.

All this seems so simple and unpretentious, just like a mortal who is just learning sword skills, just a simple chopping.

But in such a simple chopping, White Tiger Liu Hao saw the use of countless laws;

Just like the law of space, the opponent's space is restricted by many parties, and the control of the entire space changes hands in an instant. If he wants to fight for it, he has lost the upper hand, because once he puts his energy into it, even if he can fight for it, he must face the opponent's hand. Cicada Wing Knife.

On this cicada-winged knife, at first glance, it is just the sharp use of the Golden Law. But if you look closely, you can find that almost three thousand laws are integrated into it, just to better support this simple It's just sharp.

Almost instantly, White Tiger Liu Hao knew that once he was hit, most of his life would be ruined. How could he dare to think too much?

The only thing that can be done is to hold out the 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Hongmeng Merit Ruler' in front of you.

With a slight collision, the cicada-winged knife slid over the white tiger Liu Hao's weapon, making a neighing sound like an autumn cicada, and then disappeared without a trace in an instant.

But just this simple collision caused the white tiger Liu Hao to fly thousands of miles away.

That was all. What frightened White Tiger Liu Hao the most was that he saw a small gap appearing on his 'Heaven and Earth Fantasy Hongmeng Merit Ruler'.

He could swear that this was no illusion!

Even if the gap is only a millimeter, it is still a gap.

Even if the gap was restored almost instantly, it was still hurt.

This is an acquired treasure, and it is also a treasure of merit. It is also the only treasure awarded by the Second Great Dao after Pangu opened the world. It seems that it is in the hands of the white mirror image in front of him. It is no different from ordinary weapons. As long as it touches it, it must bear the damage, even letting the white tiger Liu Hao had the illusion that once the other party risked his life, the treasure in his hand could not be destroyed.

This shocked White Tiger Liu Hao. He shook his head hard and drove this idea out of his mind. He knew that this was definitely not the time to think about this, or the more he thought about it, the less likely he would be to defeat. The opponent in front of you.

And if you can't defeat your opponent, then this inheritance from the White Tiger Lord will definitely have no chance with you.

He doesn't think he has repeated challenges.

White Tiger Liu Hao threw away all his thoughts, and at this moment he released all the laws of practice in his body. Instead of spreading these laws out, he chose to wrap them in his arms to strengthen this pure 'martial arts' confrontation.

He had a feeling that the battle in front of him would only be the purest collision, which was what he really lacked.

The path of spiritual practice is sometimes interesting to think about.

In the beginning, the lack of means led to the monks often only having a few tricks when fighting, and the majority were straight forward.

As the monks' cultivation level increases, the skills they are exposed to will naturally increase at this time. From the perspective of outsiders, this means that the monks' methods begin to become unpredictable. If they are not careful, they may fall into the opponent's way. A body of strength often fails due to lack of means.

At this time, the monks are also the most crazy in their pursuit of various skills. It seems that they don't want to miss out on all skills, because they will think that once they don't understand certain skills, they will probably be restrained because of it.

However, as the monks' cultivation level further improves, they will understand that too much but not enough skill will hinder their progress.

At this time, monks often return to the mainstream and continue to hone their most proficient skills again and again, returning to the original period when they only relied on a few simple methods to conquer the world.

These are almost the three stages that monks must go through.

But many monks may not understand that this is not just three stages, but five stages, with the beginning and end cut off.

The first is naturally the method of fighting enemies before becoming a monk, or when you have just started practicing, and you have not yet learned various immortal cultivation skills.

The tail is the result of the battle between White Tiger Liu Hao at this time.

If you observe, you will find that the beginning and the end seem to be very similar.

It seems that they are all the simplest collisions. It seems that all the skills of cultivating immortals are irrelevant at this moment. It seems that they are just savage chopping.

Only those who are truly involved will understand the real difference.

Just like White Tiger Liu Hao, he has condensed all his proficient laws into one point. The effect of this blessing is definitely not detectable by others, and it can only be truly inspired at the most primitive moment of collision. come out.

Just like the sudden and instant control of the battle space by the white mirror image before, it is the same reason.

What they pursue is often not a long-term battle for control of space, and there is no need to invest so much energy, because for them, this is a huge waste, and they must concentrate their strength and energy on a 'point' to do It is this kind of subtle to the extreme operation.

To put it bluntly, no one will understand the real threat of the other party until both parties have actually harmed the other party's body.

The only thing that competes is the amount and detail of the control over what one has learned.

Therefore, to outsiders, it seems that they have returned to the original competition, and all the gorgeous tricks of cultivating immortals have disappeared in the eyes of the audience.

Such a battle would obviously be a disadvantage for White Tiger Liu Hao, who had just realized Hunyuan. Therefore, White Tiger Liu Hao chose a protracted battle and simply gave up on counterattack. He took the opponent's whetstone on the spot, bit by bit. Learn the opponent's fighting methods.

Just like the opponent's instant control over the battle space just now, only by truly experiencing it can you understand how to do it.

During his test, everyone who entered the White Tiger Master's dojo also found their own opportunities.

For example, Tongtian, he came to the place where the White Tiger Master used to learn formations in the dojo. There were many formations that the White Tiger Master arranged casually here.

In Tongtian's eyes, these formations are no different from treasures.

Because these formations are closely related to the prehistoric world, but they also seem to be vaguely transcendent of this world, achieving independence from the prehistoric world.

But these were things Tongtian had never seen before, and it made him understand where his formation practice should go. What could possibly surprise a saint like Tongtian?

It can be said that at this time, Tongtian has long forgotten everything and devoted himself wholeheartedly to it. If he does not understand it thoroughly, he will not leave even if the world is destroyed.

If Tongtian is like this, why aren't others like this?

Even the three of them, Hongjun, still gained a lot.

When the Great Lord White Tiger left, he might have only reached the peak of the Heavenly Realm, but his peak of the Heavenly Realm was recognized even in the chaos, and he was able to reach his peak without resorting to any power from the ancient world. of.

In this regard, both Hongjun and Houtu are very lacking, and this will be the direction they really need to move in the future.

On the contrary, Liu Hao himself is still wandering around today.

He reached his own destiny faster than anyone else, but he was also the only one who gave up directly.

Because he found that this did not seem to be the best choice, and it was also the first time he discovered the real disadvantage of fully practicing the Three Thousand Principles.

This seems to be something that no one before you can learn from, and it seems that you can only adapt it bit by bit yourself.

In addition, he also discovered that these inheritances seemed to have great discrimination against him, the only person who had not attained enlightenment.

It was as if there was a voice in the dark telling him that you are not qualified yet. Even if you enter, there is a high probability that you will fail.

This made Liu Hao himself very depressed. After passing by three or four opportunities, he became a little skinny and seemed to accept his fate, so he simply chose to wander around.

Perhaps it was also because of his mentality that he found a completely different place after walking around.

In front of me, a clear spring gurgled out, with a radius of only three meters. It looked like a small well located in the desert, and seemed out of place with everything around it.

As Liu Hao, who is familiar with the Three Thousand Principles, after careful observation, he discovered that this well did not seem to be deliberately opened by the Great White Tiger, but seemed to be more like acquired.

After a long time, Liu Hao finally had an idea.

"Could it be that the dojo was born on its own after the Great White Tiger left?"

He felt that this possibility was not impossible.

After Lord White Tiger left, this dojo became independent and no longer any different from a small world.

Since three unexpected formations of defense can be formed outside the dojo, it is logical for self-operation to occur inside the dojo.

Liu Hao himself did not rush into it, he chose to conduct a detailed exploration of the surrounding area.

After traveling almost thousands of miles around, and returning again, he strengthened his guess because he vaguely discovered a natural formation gradually forming around him.

"Among the four spirits, the White Tiger is the master of killing and the way of death! In this case, it is bound to be difficult for creatures to be born in his dojo.

The clear spring in front of us is full of life. Over time, it is not impossible to form an oasis!

Could this be the ultimate transformation? "

Liu Hao actually felt a little depressed in his heart. He felt that if the person who came in today was not himself, but Qinglong Liu Hao, perhaps the harvest would be even greater.

It's a pity that I have no choice anymore, and I can only rely on myself to realize it.

While shaking his head slightly, he raised his steps and walked towards the clear spring. After taking this step, he realized that the retreat was not that simple. It seemed that he had returned to the feeling of following the White Tiger Liu Hao into the presence of the Great Master, and it was the last three steps. Perception.

This added a smile to his face. If it were other people, he might have given up, but he was different. Even if White Tiger Liu Hao had become independent, he was still born from one body, and he was cut off from his own body. The exchange of feelings between each other is just a matter of glances.

In other words, if White Tiger Liu Hao wanted to pass on his insights to the deity, it would be difficult for even Hongjun to detect it. As for such an important method of entering and exiting the White Tiger dojo, it was naturally impossible for White Tiger Liu Hao to hide it from the deity.

Therefore, this test is a big help for Liu Hao himself, and it is also a natural protection. As long as he enters, he does not have to worry about others discovering and destroying possible opportunities.

Sure enough, after Liu Hao stepped according to his memory, he was directly submerged into the clear spring three steps away. In an instant, a stream of enlightenment appeared in Liu Hao's mind.

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