Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty Five. Cause and Effect

1455. Cause and effect

Liu Hao was not in a hurry to make a move. Even if he had gathered his own chess pieces, even if he had decided where to place the chess pieces, he still chose to wait.

He needed to see if there was a time limit for this chess game. After waiting for only half an hour, he seemed to find that there was no urging from the player at all, and he was relieved.

At least I seem to have more time to think.

But at the same time, he also discovered that even if he kept his chess pieces unchanged, the mana he invested was constantly being consumed. It seemed that a protracted war would not do him much good.

When he dropped the first chess piece, he discovered that the real difficulties had just begun.

The fallen chess piece cannot escape from his control at all. It seems that once he takes away his energy and mana, the chess piece will disappear without a trace soon.

In other words, once a piece is placed, continuous investment is required. The more pieces are placed, the greater the pressure it will inevitably bring to oneself.

In addition, he also discovered that once his chess piece is close to the opponent's position, he will inevitably bear the pressure from the other side. Once they are adjacent, it is likely that the two chess pieces will fight.

This is no longer just as simple as whether the players will win or lose, but a true all-round confrontation. As long as one shortcoming is suppressed by the opponent, the game will be defeated.

"Ha...are you feeling this way again? You just dropped the first chess piece, and are you reminding yourself that you will definitely lose? It's really bad!"

Now that he has entered the game, how can he retreat? In this regard, Liu Hao's perseverance is not bad at all, and he is not afraid of anyone, even if the opponent he faces is the Great White Tiger.

He thinks he can defeat, but he must not escape!

"Are you really reminded that you will lose all the time?"

"This can only be a suppression force that exceeds my own laws!"

"After all, the art of war is what Great White Tiger is really good at!"

"Ha! It's inevitable to think that, in this case, I might as well fulfill your wishes. Before I can't get rid of this emotion, I might as well defend myself!"

Liu Hao also found that it seemed difficult for him to get rid of the influence of this emotion. After thinking about it, it seemed that he could only fight for a long time.

Moreover, he also understood that even if the chess game in front of him failed, he would still gain a lot from the process.

Because as long as you participate in the game, you must be able to use all the laws of heaven on the chessboard carefully. In the process, you will not only become more familiar with these laws, but you will also be able to learn from the other party's practices. To a lot.

In this case, why fear a protracted war?

With this emotion, Liu Hao himself didn't know how long it had been before he saw the chess pieces of both sides on the chessboard densely packed, and saw that the fight between the two sides was coming to an end.

The concept of failure in his heart became more and more serious. In the end, it was clear that he could not win. The only way was to continue to persevere and see how much he lost in the end.

When there was no space on the chessboard, Liu Hao was kicked out of the place of opportunity in a daze. Only then did he realize that his whole body was covered with sweat.

How long will it take to pursue this last time? It seems like it was during the battle with that guy Garp in the One Piece area, right?

Compared with that time, this time he seemed even more exhausted mentally and physically. Not only was he physically exhausted, but he was also mentally exhausted and couldn't even think of raising his hands to wipe his sweat.

He knew very well that this was a complete failure, almost a complete crushing game, just like an amateur chess player versus a professional.


It seemed that all Liu Hao was left with was a wry smile.

He lay down and simply closed his eyes. He chose to review it in his mind, not wanting to miss any memory. He found countless loopholes in it. Now that he thinks about it, it seems that there is nothing praiseworthy about him. .

"That's not right. Perhaps the only thing that is commendable is that you are thick-skinned. Even if you have already failed, you still have the shamelessness to persevere until the end!"

His persistence has also yielded a lot of rewards, at least his previous considerations have indeed improved a lot.

Thinking about it, he didn't even know when he fell asleep. Forcing a strong man with a sub-sage cultivation level to choose to sleep to recover himself also shows the horror of this chess game.

When he woke up again, a surprise was in front of him. It seemed that the opportunity in front of him did not stipulate that there was only one chance. This made Liu Hao very happy. The outcome seemed to have been forgotten by him at this moment. He seemed completely Wouldn't it be nice to use the opponent for leveling and treat it as a simple copy?

Only then did he realize that every opportunity and test are different.

Also, this opportunity was not deliberately left by Great Lord White Tiger at all, but the product of the synthesis of his Tao Yun over countless years, and it has already formed its own operation.

If Liu Hao hadn't discovered it today, after the White Tiger Master's dojo formed the world in the future, a secret realm would inevitably be formed here, waiting for the arrival of those who are destined to do so.

As for other opportunities, some may be similar to this one, and some may only be absorbed by the heaven and earth when the heaven and earth are completely formed, forming a unique product of this world.

The birth of a world of heaven and earth is already full of countless accidents, and there will also be various inevitabilities.

It was as if he had discovered the dungeon in advance and obtained the qualification for the internal beta of this dungeon in advance.

Moreover, he seemed to have thought more. Maybe in the future, after this Fangtiandi is completely formed, he can also mark Feng Baobao. This place really suits this guy. I wonder if there will be countless brushes after this copy is completely formed in the future. Copy opportunity.

"It doesn't matter how many things he has, since we have encountered it, how can we miss it?"

"It's better to have one bird in the hand than to have a hundred birds in the forest! Even if there are countless other opportunities, what do they have to do with me?"

Isn't his choice the choice of everyone who enters here?

Even if Empress Nuwa discovered the opportunity of creation before this, she was not really in a hurry. There is a kind of luck that I get, but the opportunity has not come yet if I lose it.

At their level, their thoughts on this are unusually consistent. This is true even for Jieyin Zhunti.

Just when Liu Hao himself stepped into the chess game of heaven and earth again, a slight change also occurred on the side of Liu Hao, the white tiger.

Originally he could only parry, but now he seems to have the ability to resist. Even this resistance is only in his thoughts. Even if he can only think about the movements and can't keep up, at least he has reached the point where Liu Hao, the white tiger, thinks it is. boundaries.

Don't underestimate this dividing line.

This is what White Tiger Liu Hao gained after absorbing countless scarlet murderous auras. Now his eyes are blood red.

But even so, White Tiger Liu Hao still maintained most of his rationality, just letting himself be a little impetuous.

This is almost the result of his plan step by step, and it is almost the result of his sacrifice.

It is very difficult for anyone, even if this person is Sanqing and the others, to be as rational as White Tiger Liu Hao.

Who told him that his name also had the word "White Tiger" in it? Since he was the first choice to arrive here, it shows that the opportunity here and his compatibility are extremely high.

But even so, it is still difficult to predict how long it will take to get this opportunity!

Like him, there were Hongjun and others, but Sanqing seemed much more relaxed.

Wherever these three people go, the opportunities they get are exactly the same as refining alchemy, weapons, and formations.

What is needed is to proceed step by step, and digesting it bit by bit is originally the accumulation of the White Tiger Master in this regard.

What's more, they are still verifying each other, which not only allows them to indulge in it, but there is no danger at all. There is nothing more satisfying than this!

With Sanqing like this, it seems good to lead Zhunti, especially Zhunti. The place he found is the real place of 'Daojin', and such a place must be found even at the beginning of the prehistoric era. Endless luck.

Even after Taichu, this kind of place has disappeared and is scattered throughout the ancient world. Naturally, it cannot be obtained by Zhunti who came out of the ancient times.

It is also because of this that Zhunti, the dignified saint, has so far only been able to refine his golden body into twenty-four poems.

It's not that he can only refine it to this limit, but that he really can't get more resources in the ancient world to refine it higher.

But now, this opportunity is placed in front of him, allowing him to take it, even if he knows that as long as he indulges in it, all other opportunities in the dojo will inevitably be insulated from him.

Because here, he saw that he could refine his golden body to the limit of thirty-six poems. This was almost the limit that the prehistoric saint could reach. Beyond that, the thirty-six poems must be combined into one, and it must be This can only be done by crossing into the realm of heaven.

How could he miss such a huge opportunity?

Once he succeeds, he won't be afraid even if he faces any of the Three Pure Ones in the future. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get rid of his Saint Tail!

That is, only the Great Master White Tiger Dojo has this possibility.

Even Zhunti understands that the 'Daojin' here will always disappear one day. If it is missed, it may never appear again in the future!

His guess had to be said to be very correct. At this time, he was even very nervous because he had discovered that the disappearing speed of 'Dao Jin' was accelerating. For a time, he thought it was the reason for his absorption, but soon he found that it was not the reason. In this way, the speed of operation of this dojo seems to be accelerating.

He didn't know that there was Liu Hao here, and it was because he opened the opportunity of creation in Qingquan that this acceleration was caused. Zhunti also had to speed up his pace, and he didn't have any energy to think about his new life. Are there any flaws in the condensed golden head?

Compared with Zhunti, Jie Yin is much better.

After clarifying the path of his dream and entering the White Tiger Master's dojo, Jie Yin naturally found the place that best suited him.

Now, he was sleeping like a reclining Buddha, but his breathing was not as even as before, and from time to time, his body would throb.

This was an extraneous change in his dream, a change that had never appeared before.

If it were any other site, whether Jie Yin dared to gamble or not would still be a question, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

This is an unconscious external intervention, and it is the place where the White Tiger Master rests. Even a sporadic dream is enough to make Jieyin fully prepared.

In his dream world, billions of incarnations have been directly differentiated. Almost the entire dream world is monitoring this external force, lest the other party has uncontrollable accidents.

Not to mention, the effect is equally impressive.

The method of enlightenment in dreams, as long as it is led into the dream world, once digested by him, it is equivalent to digesting everything, even the soul and the true spirit itself.

He didn't dare to use it like this in the prehistoric era, because once the incorporated true spirit was digested, it would be the same as those monks who were reincarnated by the Chaos Demon God extracting the foundation of the prehistoric law, which would bring not only karma, but also It is the target of the entire prehistoric world.

Therefore, there has been no previous attempt to introduce it because of this.

It was because he found that there was no need to worry about these things here, and there were no real spirits, and he was faced with the temptation of the dream of the White Tiger Master who was so terrifying that he didn't know his realm, that he dared to take a gamble.

Because he understands that once he gains something, it is likely to be the kind of improvement that will make him a leap forward.

He didn't even expect to digest the dream of Lord White Tiger here, and he thought that he couldn't do it with his cultivation level. But as long as he digested the slightest bit, his visit would be worthwhile.

It has to be said that whether it is a lead-in or a direct mention, the rewards of entering here are beyond everyone's imagination.

Here, there is also a cause and effect.

When the ancient world was opened, the Great White Tiger was already located here, and the impact on the entire world could not be that small.

A typical point is that the prehistoric west has become much more desolate, and Great Master White Tiger has contributed a lot here.

Similarly, for example, the location of Suzaku caused the undying volcano to appear in the southern direction of the prehistoric world. The Qinglong sat in the east, making the eye of the East China Sea the most terrifying. Only now can the remains of the ancestor dragon be suppressed.

The north where Master Xuanwu is located is called "Beiming" for the same reason, and even the sea water is slightly black.

This in itself is a cause and effect. Now that the prehistoric West has fallen into the control of Jieyin Zhunti, this cause and effect must be repaid to some extent. This is the reason why the two of them entered and the benefits were greater than those of Sanqing.

But it was only this time that the opportunity was given to them. If the income was less, it would be no wonder that the Great White Tiger was responsible.

It's like receiving a guide, the majestic White Tiger is resting, and someone's cultivation is placed there, how can he dream? It's not like it's already here today, it's just left behind on purpose.

Otherwise, this trace of a dream would be enough to completely destroy the world in Jie Yin's dream. How could it be controlled by his comprehensive monitoring?

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