Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and sixty-three. Awakening

1463. Awakening

"One step is fast, and every step is fast!"

Fuxi's sigh is also the biggest dilemma in everyone's heart.

White Tiger Liu Hao's realization of Hunyuan brought more pressure to them than Liu Hao expected.

It's like everyone is waiting for the college entrance examination. In the past, they all found that their scores were equal, but suddenly they found out that someone was directly recommended to Qingbei and was directly promoted to professor. This group of top academics was really shocked.

Can we still be friends?

What makes them even more depressed is that Liu Hao is basically a transfer student. When he first entered their class, he was still ranked last. Their visible progress almost caught up with them. This time, he directly surpassed and directly surpassed them. They were completely left behind.

That's all. If you want to surpass, just surpass. You are just a clone. Are you looking down on us?

Even the good man Fu Xi's sense of urgency is not as strong as usual.

"Amitabha! Brother Xuangui seems to have not arrived!"

Tathagata also knew that he could not continue to delve into this topic, otherwise his mentality would collapse sooner or later, so he quickly changed the topic.

"Speaking of how Brother Xuangui blocked your Lingshan gate, don't you have any other ideas?"

The best way to get rid of depression is to open up other people's scars and see them become even more depressed. Haotian is obviously the best among them.

Tathagata didn't even bother to give Haotian a look, they were all human beings, how could this provocation make his mind tremble?

But the slight fluctuations in the Buddha's light gathered by many quasi-sages of Buddhism not far away told him that even if he could calm down, he must admit that something was wrong.

If it were anyone else, Buddhism would just look for trouble, but if it were Black Turtle, it would not be a good thing.

"Fellow Xuangui just owes Emperor Ziwei a cause and effect. The Buddhists naturally understand that even if they really want to find trouble, they can only go towards Emperor Ziwei. How can the Buddhists not know this?"

Tathagata had no choice. Haotian himself was a conspiracy and had to accept it. He also regretted turning the topic to Xuangui.

But he did not regret it, and even emphasized that Emperor Ziwei was not Fengdu Tianzun, which was also a step forward for other quasi-sages in Buddhism.

As for how to find trouble, isn't it the Tathagata who has the final say?

He didn't think that this group of quasi-sages from his Buddhist sect would foolishly go to the Ziwei Star Territory to cause trouble. Emperor Ziwei and Tianzun Fengdu were originally one body, and anyone who really separated them completely would be a fool.

Haotian also knew that the matter was over, and found that nothing could be done and had no intention of further investigation.

"Xuanwu Continent has been transformed into the Taoist Temple of Master Xuanwu, and it is naturally the most suitable place for Taoist fellow Xuangui to practice, but he made the best choice!"

"It seems that fellow Taoist Xuangui has found his own way!"

The one who interrupted was Taishang Laojun, who had always been quiet, but his words were obviously not just sighs.

It was this sentence that directly caused the others to fall into silence, unconsciously thinking about their own path.

This is especially true for Tathagata and Haotian.

Don't look at it. One of them is the Great Heavenly Lord, and the other is the Buddha of Buddhism.

But they all know that there is a real decision-maker above their heads. In other words, they are not completely sure whether this road will work.

In the prehistoric world, if Haotian wants to realize the Tao as the Great Heavenly Lord, he must truly achieve the "one word and nine tripods" and become the supreme being in the three realms.

The same situation applies to the Tathagata, who must be "the only one in heaven and on earth"!

But what about the facts?

He is just a quasi-sage, so what if he becomes a sub-sage?

Are you still an ant in front of the saint?

How is it possible to achieve this achievement?

This almost put the two of them into a dead end. They had almost reached the end of this road, but they saw an insurmountable wall.

Whether to break this wall directly or choose to take a detour, it was completely clear under Taishang Laojun's words, and there was no way to escape.

Tathagata thought of the reminder that Tongtian gave him not long ago. Thinking about it now, maybe this was what his master had expected, right? Have you been worried about yourself for a long time?

He seemed to have seen the time when he was still Taoist Duobao. At that time, what was the path he had planned for himself?

Yes, it is not only the path planned by oneself, but also the intentional or unintentional promotion of one's own master. That is to truly gather the strengths of the three schools, that is, to gather the three pure ways in a true sense and become the true third generation of Xuanmen. Respect each other!

At that time, although Duobao's cultivation was low, he was the only disciple he accepted when the Three Pure Ones were united in Kunlun. If you have any doubts, you can ask any one of the Three Pure Ones, and you will definitely get unreserved teachings. .

At that time, didn't Sanqing want to push Duobao onto this path?

"When did it start to change?" Tathagata thought carefully in his heart, "Yes, it was after the three pure states all had disciples, and it was after the three pure states went their own paths. Because their paths were different, they also changed. I was deeply affected, and I already had a stance without realizing it, which greatly reduced the number and time I spent asking the two masters!"

Tathagata sighed deeply in his heart. He knew that this was his fault. Even if the Three Pure Paths were different, he still had no reservations about him. Just like his method of refining weapons is still ranked among the top in the world, it was not because Yuanshi Tianzun was meticulous. Because of teaching?

But what happens now?

He finally understood why the Supreme Being selected him to enter Buddhism.

In the final analysis, I still understand that the path originally planned for him Duobao is still impossible. Based on the principle of no waste, I simply let him transfer to Buddhism, and simply use his hands to introduce the Xuanmen Avenue of Sanqing into Buddhism, directly It also opened up Mahayana Buddhism.

It seemed like there was nothing more than a wry smile.

Tathagata's heart was turning over and over, and he had a dream that lasted for a hundred years. This thought seemed to make him completely let go, and it seemed to make him truly understand his future.

He knew more clearly that he had to make a choice next, and it was also the path chosen by his master, Master Tongtian, for him. Leaving the prehistoric world might be the only choice.

He had made a decision in his mind, but he was not ready to act immediately.

The Great White Tiger Dojo was right in front of him. This opportunity was not to be missed. He calmed down and put aside all his thoughts. His whole body seemed to become much more relaxed, which even caused the Supreme Lord beside him to nod slightly in admiration.

In turn, Haotian's brows furrowed even more.

Compared with Tathagata, Haotian's choice is not that easy.

Taozu appointed him, and he was Haotian's biggest supporter before, but now he has become Haotian's biggest hindrance. It's not something he can just let go of.

This is already a big mountain that he has to bear, and it is also the key to the stable operation of the entire prehistoric world. Once it disappears, the possibility of chaos in the prehistoric world is not ordinary.

At that time, all the karma caused by the chaos will need to be borne by Haotian, and it will also hinder his other chosen paths to enlightenment.

"I wonder how my incarnation Zhang Bairen is doing now?"

Unable to find a shortcut, Haotian naturally thought of Zhang Bairen, who was arranged by him to cross the world. Suddenly, he found that he seemed to have taken the wrong path in the past.

Is the so-called Emperor of Heaven just a spokesperson for Heaven's arrangements?

Since the Great Heavenly Lord claims to rule the three realms, how could it be possible that he only rules the way of heaven?

When the earth and humanity had not yet manifested themselves, this was okay in the past, but what about now?

How can we still be entangled in the way of heaven?

Obviously we have to go deep into the tunnels and humanity, right?

Isn’t there a template in front of us that we can learn from?

Haotian immediately thought of Liu Hao. This was the guy who directly transformed the three corpses and released them completely. In the past, he never thought of this. Now it seems that he had made all the arrangements before killing the three corpses. Incarnation, one incarnation chooses one, heaven, earth, man, three realms of cultivation, and then merges into the original body, people are basically heading directly towards the realm of Taoist ancestors.

Compared with others, maybe you are the real ‘clown’, right?

Thinking that he has seen through everything, he still laughs at the possibility of backlash in the future because of this, but little does he know that his vision has already transcended the Hunyuan and the saints, and points directly to the essence of Tao.

If Liu Hao knew what Haotian was thinking at this time, he would definitely laugh and then solemnly nod in approval.

How could he have thought so much?

It was simply because he knew that compared with other masters, he lacked real knowledge and accumulated time, so he made this choice, but it was just a mistake.

But the facts are facts, but it is impossible to admit them. Isn’t it good to make others feel a bit inscrutable?

It is impossible for Haotian to know this, but it has to be said that he has seen the biggest advantages and disadvantages.

Of course, it was still impossible for Haotian to do this with Liu Hao, nor did he dare.

Even at this time, he was also worried that Zhang Bairen would be difficult to take back after he released it. This wariness had already penetrated deep into his bones.

Even in the entire prehistoric period, it was basically the norm, but not everyone dared to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai like the Supreme Being.

Otherwise, there is no such thing as a saint. Only Laozi differentiated himself into Taishang Laojun and stayed in the wilderness for a long time.

Didn’t Patriarch Bodhi appear because of his journey to the west?

Once the mission is completed, shouldn't Zhunti take it back immediately and then dare to appear again?

I didn’t mention this, but said that the more Haotian thought about it, the more he felt that he should choose this path.

Perhaps this is even the only feasible path for him.

Because the position of ‘Great Heavenly Lord’ as the Heavenly Emperor cannot be abandoned just by him if he wants to.

In this case, why not temporarily abandon the word "big" in "Great Heavenly Lord", and first seat the real "Heavenly Lord", that is, the true supreme throne of heaven and earth. Once seated firmly, Hunyuan will be enlightened when the time comes. Well, even if you are a saint who has attained enlightenment, you will have lost your biggest obstacle, right?

It has to be said that the return of the prehistoric world to the beginning caused drastic changes in the entire prehistoric world and promoted everyone's progress.

In the past, neither Haotian nor Tathagata would have been able to figure out these principles. In other words, it was also the biggest sign of progress in the prehistoric world.

Because he let go of the restrictions on the Hunyuan Dao Fruit, after White Tiger Liu Hao broke it, this ceiling was truly broken, making it possible for latecomers to travel through.

Under such circumstances, whether it is a Tathagata or a Haotian who has accumulated countless years of experience, it becomes natural for him to move up to the next level.

Similarly, the two of them were able to understand their own path at this time, thanks to the emergence of the White Tiger Master's dojo, because for the prehistoric world, this is the addition of a thousand worlds, and it is a true sense of the prehistoric thirty-three days. The perfection above.

In the future, when the hidden dojos of Master Suzaku and Master Qinglong are transformed into the Great Thousand Worlds and integrated into the prehistoric world, that will be the true perfection of the thirty-six heavens, and that will be the true perfection of the prehistoric world.

And these must obviously be the layout that the Four Spirits Great Master had already made.

It's just that these matters have not been truly manifested yet, but no one knows about it. Even Hongjun Houtu and Nuwa are only aware of it and know that it will be of great benefit to the ancient world. But they also knew nothing about the specific reasons.

Not to mention the many quasi-sages gathered here.

When they arrived, Hongjun and Houtu inside could see clearly.

But they have no intention of taking action. Obviously, in their opinion, it is not the time for the quasi-sages to enter this undeveloped world.

This group of people are all 'locusts'. Once they are allowed in, among other things, it is certain that the evolution of the White Tiger Dojo will be set back.

Resources are the biggest foundation for the successful evolution of Yifangtiandi. It is definitely a taboo for this group of people to enter. How could they let go before they could stop it?

Fortunately, there is no need for them to worry this time. The natural obstacles are enough to leave them with no choice but to wait quietly.

Furthermore, it is not that these people cannot benefit outside the Great Master White Tiger Dojo, but the amount of benefits requires them to really calm down and observe, because when the Great Master White Tiger Dojo evolves into the world, there must also be many Taoist charms. Leaked to the outside world, for them, these are the real things that are within easy reach.

Sometimes people are always like this. When they see greater benefits in front of them, they tend to ignore the real benefits.

Just like gold mining, in the end the real fortunes are often made by those who develop the surrounding areas.

It's just that everyone will be so blinded by gold that they can't calm down and think at all.

But now, such people have begun to appear. At first, there was only Taishang Laojun, but now there are several more such as Tathagata, Haotian and Fuxi.

After completely calming down, they woke up from their confusion, truly saw the difference in front of them, saw the lost traces of Taoism, and began to understand it carefully.

As their silence gradually affected other people, for who knows how long, the entire originally noisy space became extremely quiet, and everyone began to immerse themselves in it without caring about other external objects.

After all, Tao is their biggest obsession and their only pursuit!

If anyone is happiest about this scene, it must be Hongjun and Houtu.

This group of people represents the true future of the Great Desolate, and their promotion is the greatest luck of the Great Desolate, and it is also the only thing that can truly push the Great Desolate to a higher level. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is common prosperity in the true sense.

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