Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and sixty-nine. Push 1 step

1469. Push one step

If you pay, you will definitely gain something.

Yan Lingji is helping, but at the same time, she has also gained merit from this world, and it seems that this merit has just begun, and will continue to flow in the future.

In Liu Hao's eyes, there was another halo of light in the golden wheel of merit behind Yan Lingji's head. Even though this halo was very weak and dim compared to the others, it represented the wandering earth world.

It seems that there are already several such circles of merit in the golden lotuses behind Yan Lingji's head. This may be Liu Hao's biggest gain from carrying him around the heavens.

Because not only Yan Lingji is benefiting from it, but as a teacher, Liu Hao has also gained a lot. Even if he doesn't care about it at all, he has to admit that he has benefited a lot from understanding the laws of humanity in the world. .

Perhaps this is why Liu Hao always unconsciously wants to do something when he travels through the heavens.

While explaining his doubts to Yan Lingji, he was also observing Liu Peiqiang.

Obviously, this guy who is like the 'Son of Destiny' wandering around the earth also has the superb talents of ordinary people in this world.

Liu Hao was not surprised at all by Liu Peiqiang's choice, and Xiu Zhen was indeed the best fit for him.

But Liu Peiqiang's next choice forced Liu Hao to invest more observation.

"Puppetry? It's an excellent choice. It may bring unexpected gains in this world, and you can also use real collective wisdom. This guy is quite smart!"

He feels that maybe it won't be long before Liu Peiqiang will lead a group of people to start playing Gundam. After all, they are wandering the earth. Maybe they like building in their hearts.

"No! Is this guy already setting up industry?"

"That's not right! Maybe, but there is another calculation, and that is the employment issue!"

"This guy is interested in the industrial systems that are frozen under the ice!"

“But it’s not easy to dig out hundreds of meters of ice!”

"That's fine. I'm not afraid that you won't have ambitions, let alone that you won't have a palace!"

Liu Hao glanced at the countless star-shaped engines soaring into the sky. Every time he saw them, he couldn't help but sigh. This was to escape with the earth, something that ordinary immortals would not dare to think about, but it was just done by a group of mortals.

This alone is enough for Wandering Earth to leave a prestigious name in all the worlds, and it will definitely make the strong men in other heavens give Wandering Earth more respect.

Yan Lingji helped out without saying anything, which already explained everything.

You must know that with Yan Lingji's character, it is most likely that she will only choose to watch on the sidelines if it is not her own business, but this time she did not. Could it be that Yan Lingji respects this group of mortals from the bottom of her heart?

She got the answer to her doubts from Liu Hao, and immediately devoted herself to modifying these formations. This kind of dedication had never appeared even in the mythical world to help Liu Bang and Zhang Liang. This kind of kindness from the heart was also Not without reason.

It is also inevitable that Yan Lingji will change her state of mind. As she saw the doomsday world for the first time, she saw the most glorious side of human beings. It can be said that Yan Lingji at this time is truly compassionate.

This mentality also prompted a major change in her temperament. Whether it was a cold face or a coquettish outfit, it became an alternative embellishment, pushing her to a new level.

If Yan Lingji before this was still a little behind compared to the queen of the ice and snow tribe, now Yan Lingji could not cover up the brilliance of Yan Lingji even if she stood with her opponent.

In Liu Hao's eyes, Yan Lingji was on the verge of a breakthrough again. No matter how short the time was when she stepped from the eighth level to the ninth level, her foundation was solidified and her whole person had become immortal.

That is to say, she still remembered Liu Hao's instructions and suppressed her own cultivation. But even so, in Liu Hao's eyes, Yan Lingji's system had evolved towards the immortal body and was improving her in an all-round way.

This kind of harvest, among millions of practitioners, it is very remarkable to have one. Almost any one, in any world, must be a proud person of heaven, and will also be a strong contender for the protagonist in the future. .

Liu Hao inevitably compared Yan Lingji and Liu Peiqiang. Suddenly he found that Yan Lingji had surpassed many people unknowingly. Even Liu Peiqiang, who had the support of one side of the world, could not really suppress Yan Lingji's strength. Brilliance.

This discovery made Liu Hao think a lot.

He knows better than anyone else how much support one world has for a living being.

This is an all-round support, from talent and foundation to the most noble luck.

And with the support of such a world, the so-called 'Children of Destiny' often have a future that others can hardly imagine even after they leave this world.

On the other hand, if you lack the support of your own world, you can only fight for it from endless opportunities, and most of them can only gamble with their lives. If you succeed, you will reach a higher level. If you fail, there will be endless opportunities. Hell cycle.

Yan Lingji may have surpassed many ordinary people, but she was nothing more than a small supporting role. Liu Hao clearly remembered Yan Lingji’s bleak luck when she left Qin Shi Mingyue World. .

But now?

Already comparable to some real ‘Destiny’s Children’!

This is equivalent to saying that in the process of walking through the heavens, as long as you give support to these heavens and earth, you will definitely get feedback from these heavens and earth. The most important thing is that this kind of feedback is infinitely accumulated. If you continue to walk, you will surpass the so-called 'son of destiny'. 'It doesn't seem to be difficult.

In Liu Hao's opinion, this is the best way to create a 'lucky person'.

With great luck, almost everything is possible. This is a truth that is valid in all heavens!

Liu Hao was also weighing it, wondering if he needed to find someone else to try it, but he quickly rejected it for himself.

Without him, because it doesn't mean much to him. Rather than letting himself spend countless hours trying, it is better to reveal this guess. By then, there will be some unwilling practitioners to collect data for him.

This is what the big boss should do, and there is no need to work hard.

Of course, his emphasis on Yan Lingji has also been raised to a higher level. Since he has made some guesses, he will naturally let Yan Lingji take action during the next journey in the world.

Just when Liu Hao was thinking wildly, Liu Peiqiang also ended his first cultivation journey. He was promoted from a mortal to a foundation builder. This kind of promotion would definitely cause a lot of turmoil in the world of cultivation, but in Liu In Hao's eyes, this was Liu Peiqiang's ability to resist the temptation of his soul.

He clearly saw that Liu Peiqiang was unable to control his own merits at all when he was practicing. He also unconsciously absorbed these merits into his body during the process of absorbing spiritual energy. With these merits, he was just building a foundation. There was no bottleneck at all. ?

If he really let go of his hands and feet, Liu Peiqiang arrived at Nascent Soul all at once, and Liu Hao didn't think it was a big deal.

Anyone who is new to spiritual practice will inevitably be addicted to it once they step into it. From this aspect, Liu Peiqiang’s spiritual firmness is far superior to that of all living beings. Liu Hao can still see the other person’s inner belief. , this belief is also what Liu Hao values ​​​​the most about the other party.

He also thought about giving a magic weapon to the other party, but gave up after thinking about it. Since the other party chose the puppet technique, the refined natal magic weapon would be more appropriate for this connection. In this regard, large-scale efforts are obviously needed. Trying is the best way.

In the following time, as expected, Liu Peiqiang became the busiest one, from collecting materials to dismantling any machinery for freezing and thawing, just to get started. But when he had time, he let go of farming and observed every step. The germination of a grain crop will never rest until you are tired.

This ruthlessness, this method of pressing oneself to the extreme, even spread to Yan Lingji unconsciously.

But Liu Hao saw an unprecedented light of hope from the other party. He knew very well that Liu Peiqiang would murmur about his children during rest, but before seeing real hope, he chose to endure again and again.

This persistence also allowed Liu Hao to let go of his last worry. He also understood that he had truly chosen the right 'chess piece' in the wandering earth world, and it was the most special one. Even he could not help but have a more favorable impression of the other party. Come.

Perhaps for this reason, when Liu Hao was explaining Taoism to Yan Lingji that day, he detained the other party to listen. As for how much the other party could digest, it was beyond Liu Hao's control. The opportunity was given to the other party, and he could get as much as he wanted. It depends on the other party’s chances.

You know, what Liu Hao is explaining this time is the real Dao. He has never even done it before with Liu Bang and Zhang Liang. Even if Liu Hao has some control, when he explains the Dao, there will inevitably be some over-the-top tricks. flow.

When the sound spreads, whoever hears it will inevitably have some enlightenment, or it may lead to the path of spiritual practice, or it may simply wake up from the ice and become a member of the demon clan.

And all of this happened one by one under Liu Hao's gaze. Especially when Liu Hao discovered that a killer whale was breathing steadily and the ice around its body was melting, he frowned slightly and felt It seems that I have done something bad.

But soon, he let it go. Everything was a matter of fate. Since it came about because of his own preaching, it must have been caused by God's will.

Furthermore, it seems that the killer whale is not far away from the World Passage. Perhaps when it really wakes up, it will also discover the existence of the World Passage, and then directly pass through it and cross over to its own earth today. And such a monster is between our own earth. Zhongke can only be regarded as the bottom.

In addition, what if there is an additional demon clan in the wandering earth?

It’s already like this, it’s just one more danger, it’s not a big deal.

Isn't it a kind of gain from these monsters?

As long as you kill them, you can harvest more than just meat.

When humans discover that there is a threat from the demon clan in this little broken ball, they may be able to extend their unity for a longer time. Isn't this a different kind of support?

Spiritual energy has been poured into the wandering earth. As long as the surviving creatures are alive, they will be born like this sooner or later. Liu Hao does not think that this is entirely due to his accident.

Once humans are frozen, the loss of life becomes inevitable, but many animals, especially many fish, have much more tenacious vitality in this regard. In other words, even in the wandering earth, sooner or later humans will still have to Faced with these threats, if this is the case, what does it have to do with Liu Hao?

The great war in the world is just a threat. If you really can't get through it, there is no need to give any hope. Otherwise, in the future war between the heavens and the world, the human beings wandering the earth will not even be able to reach cannon fodder, and it is not worth investing. Any resources too.

He also believed that a human world that could take the earth to wander would not be defeated by this threat.

You know, Liu Hao had thought about telling Liu Peiqiang the information about the world passage before leaving. Sometimes, to broaden the horizons of a person or a world, all it takes is to give him a future.

Even if there is an Antarctica with the same ice and snow at the other end of the passage, there is still endless land outside the Antarctic to settle down. With such news, he does not think that the surviving humans on the wandering earth can withstand the temptation.

Similarly, Liu Hao also hopes that the humans wandering on the earth will enter their own earth this morning. Even if they get involved too early, the danger will be increased countless times. In the process, even if they will lose more population, he would not choose to hide it.

It is much better than knowing nothing, much better than happily entering another world only to discover that danger is always present.

In fact, this is not news that Liu Hao has told in many worlds.

Furthermore, the Antarctic land of our own planet cannot continue to be left deserted. Once this happens, there will really be no place for the human race to have a foothold on this continent in the future.

In such a huge continent, how many connected worlds are there?

There is no need for statistics at all. Liu Hao also thinks that there will be no less than any continent. And the heavens on the other side of these passages obviously cannot be closed forever.

In this case, what if he pushes it?

He even hopes that humans wandering around the earth in the future can discover other world passages around their own passage, and then join forces with possible companions, or through various competitions, truly select real chess pieces that can be used by themselves in the future.

Don’t think that Liu Hao’s practice of humane principles means he will focus on human beings with his ‘great compassion’.

When he reaches this level, he stands at a height that no one else can understand.

In contrast, the true "great compassion" is to do what he is doing now and not to raise any greenhouse flowers, because that is what really harms the other person and is absolutely useless.

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