Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and ninety-two. Sacrificing the Tao and transforming it into the Tao

1492. Sacrificing Tao and transforming Tao into Tao

"It seems to be true. The lower the level of the world, the more talented the human race is!"

"That old demon Han in the world of mortal cultivation has become the Taoist ancestor of his own world!"

"In my memory, there are many such demons like Han! Isn't it true that No. 10 in the perfect world is like this? Arbitrary for eternity, this title is enough to move people! In the future, Ye Fan will not be a bad person!

But there is no such human race in the world! "

"Is it really just the result of the saints' deliberate restrictions?"

"Why do saints care about this? For them, as long as they are not sanctified, they are nothing more than bigger ants!"

"Is it because humanity has not emerged before?"

"That's all, why are you thinking about this? It's difficult for me to go to the primitive world in a short time, and it won't be of much use if I think about it!"

Liu Hao shook his head while thinking. He glanced in the direction of An Lan without saying anything, but in the end his eyes were locked on Huo Ling'er.

He also knew that An Lan would definitely pay more attention to Huo Ling'er in the future, but so what?

The scene has been set up for the other party, and you can only see bits and pieces, let alone affect the overall situation.

Next, the foreign land will also usher in a period of turmoil. However, Liu Hao saw in the long run of time that Number 10 would arrive to go wild soon.

He was looking forward to this big show, especially because he also wanted to see the effect of No. 10's practice of the "Talk of Self-Transformation".

You must know that this technique is the biggest foundation of No. 10, and it is also the biggest reason why No. 10 will be able to dominate forever in the future.

This ability, which is almost like stopping the long river of time, even Liu Hao would praise greatly when he saw it.

He doesn't care what the level of the river of time is in the perfect world. He knows that anyone with the title of 'river of time' can only stir up troubles by jumping out of this river.

And No. 10 has not only stirred up the storm in the long river of time, but has also taken a large section of the long river of time as his own. With such ability, it seems that only No. 10 has changed the world. Do it.

Just one point is enough to prove how powerful the ‘Taken of Self-Transformation’ is.

It can simply be described as incredible.

If we use prehistoric terms, it means that we have truly and completely controlled the law of time, which is basically the ability to "see into the sky"!

Liu Hao sometimes thinks about it: If the devil of prehistoric times reincarnates in a perfect world, can he be like No. 10?

At this point, even Liu Hao felt that the possibility was not very high.

Of course, if Liu Hao had ever coveted this skill, that was not the case.

Without him, it is still a question of suitability. Tao has been chosen, so it is not a question of which technique is more powerful, but this technique must be chosen. It is more a matter of compatibility.

As an obsessed Liu Hao, he just wants to see if he can learn from it.

Maybe Liu Hao himself will do something here, but I still want to learn from you.

Liu Hao, who has already chosen the Three Thousand Principles, cannot change his practice just because the "Dharma of Self-Transformation" is so good.

Of course, even so, Liu Hao still had a feeling, that is, No. 10's 'Free Transformation Technique', once absorbed and used by him, the effect must be extraordinary.

This is also one of the reasons why he once again entered the perfect world, and it is also a choice for him to still stay in a foreign land.

It is also because of No. 10's 'self-transformation method' that even the time Liu Hao spent observing the perfect world was a bit blurry.

He had a vague feeling that No. 10 had become one with the entire perfect world.

The hundred thousand years of this arbitrary and eternal time are the years that No. 10 intercepted abruptly.

But one hundred thousand years away, No. 10's figure can be vaguely seen swaying in the entire perfect world's time river, both upstream and downstream.

But it is very difficult to summon it.

In other words, outside of these hundred thousand years, the number 10 summoned at any point in time will no longer be the number 10, but the Emperor of Desolate Heaven.

This information, perhaps in the entire perfect world, only Liu Shen can vaguely feel the difference.

Number 10 is an immortal existence. He is Emperor Huangtian, but Emperor Huangtian does not necessarily have to be Number 10. This is the biggest difference.

His transformation into the Dharma of Freedom has transformed into innumerable and eternal forms, but in this era, more of them are still manifested as the number ten!

It was also true that Liu Hao had a feeling that the future Emperor Huangtian might really be a strong man who was almost Hunyuan, or a strong man who was delayed by the perfect world.

In the prehistoric world, in the carrying world where Master Xuanwu lives, No. 10, the Emperor of Desolate Heaven, might be nothing more than a casual matter to him.

He vaguely remembered that in the perfect world, above the Immortal Emperor, there was a realm called 'Sacrifice'.

It’s just that we can’t see or understand today’s perfect world.

Since it has been called 'sacrifice to the Tao', it must have the ability corresponding to its name. From the name, it is the sacrifice to the 'Tao'. From the understanding of the prehistoric world, it also has the meaning of 'Tao transformation'. Word.

Taoism means law-based transformation!

Even if he only occupies one of the three thousand laws, he is still in the realm of the Chaos Demon God when he was first born, and he is also a powerful person in the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal stage.

The realm of 'sacrifice' in the perfect world, even if it is just an imagination, has already shown signs and has reached the bottleneck. In other words, even if it is the lowest, it will be the 'sub-sage' that Liu Hao has surpassed the 'quasi-sage' at this time. 'Realm also.

Liu Hao hopes it is the former, because only this means that the perfect world will be restored in the future.

Especially when the perfect world has been connected to all the worlds, this possibility will also greatly increase, and it will also be an excellent help when facing the abyss in the future.

Liu Hao will not underestimate Perfect World at all.

If all the worlds Liu Hao visited outside the prehistoric times were integrated, in Liu Hao's mind, the most valuable one was still the perfect world.

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Here, there are countless outstanding people, and those who compete for destiny come one after another. Since ancient times, it seems that they have never surrendered. This spirit alone has left many worlds at the starting line.

From the passing of the Ten Evils to the still-surviving Willow God, whether it is the Wushi Emperor, the Ruthless Emperor, or the upcoming ones, etc., etc.

They all have the power to suppress any era.

Or maybe it's the villains among them. Regardless of their positions, aren't any of them capable of starting a sect?

It's a pity that they were born in a world with such a fatal flaw. Whether they thought about it or not, they were trying to make up for this fatal point.

Aren't the skills they created one after another leaving more possibilities for this world?

And these, Liu Hao knew very well, all had the possibility of realizing the Taoist Daluo Jinxian Dao Fruit.

No wonder Liu Hao always thinks that the difficult environment has already killed them, and it is also the greatest luck among their misfortunes.

Because, although these people died for various reasons in one era after another, their souls remained firmly silent in the long river of time.

If the perfect world in the future completely makes up for this fatal flaw, the possibility of their return in the future will be huge.

In Liu Hao's opinion, this opportunity will most likely fall within the link between the heavens and the worlds.

Most likely, they have to be snatched from the hands of the visitors from the abyss!

If there is something that is the greatest snake oil in the world, what can be compared with the merits of the Great Dao?

Whether you gather a little to make a big one, or accumulate bit by bit, as long as the great monks like Perfect World can see hope and understand the benefits, Liu Hao also believes that these outstanding figures of the era will not miss it.

Of course, Liu Hao was not in a hurry with these calculations. Before No. 10 truly became Emperor Huangtian, these calculations did not make any sense.

This is like a movie. The real protagonist has not fully grown up. The will and destiny of the entire perfect world will not allow any of the characters to leave the stage.

Otherwise, how come the perfect world has been linked to the heavens but people still don’t know about it?

The aura of catastrophe that has permeated the entire world now needs to be completely eliminated. If these tangled causal lines are not properly sorted out, it will only make the perfect world more uncontrollable in the future. This will On the contrary, it is not a good thing.

Why doesn't Liu Hao understand these?

Didn't you see that he was still so low-key this time?

To put it bluntly, he didn't want to be too involved, and he didn't want to be involved in the cause and effect of this world. Even if he decided to take Huo Ling'er away, he had to let others play his role before doing so.

However, Liu Hao would not tell anyone about these things. If there was really one person in the perfect world who could understand, this person might be Liu Shen.

But Liu Shen's understanding was mostly based on speculation, and he probably thought that Liu Hao simply didn't want to get involved too deeply.

Haven't you seen that Liu Shen now spends almost all his time immersed in cultivation?

And it is the kind that sinks directly into the long river of time. This is obviously waiting for the complete rise of No. 10, and it is also clearly decided to throw most of the pressure, or even all the pressure, to No. 10.

Isn't this due to the tacit understanding between Liu Hao and Liu Shen?

Time went by, and both Yan Lingji and Huo Ling'er were living very comfortably.

This is especially true for Yan Lingji and Huo Ling'er.

When Yan Lingji was brought out of the Mingyue World of the Qin Dynasty, there was a girl who had been traveling around with a group of men. If you say that she didn't want someone to talk to, that would be a lie. She had just traveled so many heavens. , I still haven’t met a suitable one.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t have developed feelings for the group of secretaries she collected in the first page.

Now that we have Huo Ling'er, we have a companion who has a special talent for the way of fire. The communication is even more perfect, and we have to say that they are very good at mutual promotion.

During this period of time, if Huo Ling'er is more improving his cultivation, then Yan Lingji is honing her combat skills, absorbing what she has learned from all over the world, picking and choosing, and choosing what she thinks is the best. That part of yourself that suits you.

Since it is training combat skills, it is naturally impossible to do it behind closed doors.

The result of this is that Yan Lingji goes out almost every day, looking for someone to fight with, and naturally it can only be people like these from foreign lands.

Not to mention, the effect of this approach is not very good. You must know that in a perfect world, the combat effectiveness of monks of the same level is often one point higher. It is also destined that Yan Lingji's cultivation level has not improved a lot during this period. There are many, but the combat power is improving step by step. Up to now, it can even compete with the same level in foreign lands.

If all these can only make Liu Hao reluctantly nod, then getting started with Yan Lingji's "Xingzi Secret" is Liu Hao's greatest gratification.

This shows that even if Yan Lingji encounters a strong enemy and cannot defeat her, she can still outrun her. The greatest luck is that she has a worry-free life.

Where's Huo Ling'er? It can be said that since being robbed here by An Lan, it has never been as relaxed as this period of time.

With his master arriving and by his side, Huo Ling'er didn't need to worry at all, and he didn't even think about what Liu Hao would do next.

More importantly, she understood all the teachings of Liu Hao one by one, and she did not miss almost any practice system.

She also did not abandon her practice model of the perfect world. Liu Hao reminded her to integrate various practice systems and combine her own advantages. Whether creating or summarizing, it is best to make herself unique. This is the only way. , she will be able to go further in the future.

Huo Ling'er remembered these words clearly.

Without any pressure, the effect is very good.

Originally, Liu Hao thought that Huo Ling'er would take a long time, but now he discovered that the effect of Huo Ling'er's fusion was much shorter than he expected.

He could also guess to some extent that there was the blessing of the will of the perfect world here. After all, Huo Ling'er was also one of the heroines in this world, and she was not blessed with any luck.

By now, Liu Hao had already seen that Huo Ling'er's cultivation had taken shape.

Just as he expected, with the perfect world's own cultivation system as the backbone, the most integrated system is still the prehistoric Qi practitioner system.

Not to mention the future of Huo Ling'er after the fusion, one thing Liu Hao knew very well was that once Huo Ling'er succeeded, other monks who would come out of the perfect world in the future would learn from Huo Ling'er's path to some extent.

Because the will of heaven and earth in the entire perfect world will inevitably record this and mark this path. Those who come after coming out of the perfect world in the future will inevitably vaguely see this path when they are enlightened, and then no matter whether they come out Whether it is based on trust or intuition, as long as you embark on this path, it will definitely contribute to Huo Ling'er's future luck.

Perhaps by then, even No. 10, who will create the 'Zhetian Cultivation System' in the future, will learn from this. If this is the case, then Huo Ling'er will really make a lot of money.

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