Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and ninety-four. Whetstone

1494. Whetstone

Not to mention Jiu, even Liu Hao, who was watching from the sidelines, had to show a hint of shock.

He thought that No. 10 could win against Shangjiu, but the length of time still made Liu Hao have to sigh in admiration.

It is always the privilege of the protagonist to break through before the battle, and this is the case for No. 10 at this time.

From Liu Hao's point of view, the bottleneck between Taiyi and Daluo on the 10th has probably been broken. It is just a matter of whether the 10th is happy or not, and the timing is not appropriate enough.

But Liu Hao still guessed wrong. Number 10, who was fighting, had no idea of ​​covering up this, and he never thought it was a big deal to break through while fighting.

In the eyes of 99% of the monks, this kind of behavior is seeking death, but in the eyes of No. 10, it is nothing at all.

The actions of No. 10 gave Venerable Jiu, who was still struggling to hold on, a little more ability to resist. Naturally, he had to grasp it in his hands, and directly broke out in what he thought was the most powerful state, wanting to take back all the initiative.

As everyone knows, all the efforts of Lord Jiu only bring more pressure to No. 10, and it also makes No. 10's eyes light up. The greater the pressure, the more progress No. 10 can make. Jiu also Little did he know that he had become a whetstone in No. 10's eyes.

On the one hand, due to the distraction caused by the breakthrough, the original ten-point state could only be used half way. On the other hand, seeing hope, he directly burst out with twelve points of effort.

But that's it, within half an hour, the initiative that Jiu had regained began to gradually leave him, and he could only watch helplessly as he was surpassed bit by bit by the other party.

He had to admit that he was really panicked, and he was already impatiently stating the purpose of his arrival, but how could No. 10 let him go?

The whetstone that finally comes is when you make a breakthrough and you are in full swing. You don’t care which big boss sent you here.

Jiu didn't know what he said at all, but it made No. 10 more determined in his goal, which was to accelerate his cultivation as soon as possible, because he knew that the real giant in the foreign land was definitely much more terrifying than the Jiu in front of him. A man who could It is absolutely impossible for someone to casually instigate such an opponent to come, and it is absolutely impossible for his current cultivation level to be able to fight against him.

The vision of No. 10's breakthrough began to spread across the battlefield, but it must be said that even No. 10 did not expect that the vision of his breakthrough would be so huge that it covered a thousand miles in just a few breaths. land.

Seeing this, Liu Hao subconsciously wanted to cover it up, but he quickly smiled sarcastically. Others might need it, but Number 10 in front of him was really fearless. So what if he was noticed by An Lan and others?

No. 10, who is so lucky, even if he is discovered by An Lan, it is just a small crisis. If he can't defeat it, he will definitely be able to escape. It's better not to do anything superfluous.

It is impossible to say that No. 10 was discovered by An Lan and other big guys. When he was hunted down, he could still find many treasures along the way to supplement himself. Isn't this how the children of destiny are treated?

Whether it's An Lan or a foreign land, he is just a slightly bigger obstacle in No. 10's future battles, and he doesn't need Liu Hao's help at all!

He pretended to look over his shoulder and glanced at Huo Ling'er, who was practicing intensively in Sang Lin, and found that his disciple seemed to be having a hard time calming down completely today.

"On a whim?"

"Perhaps, the cause and effect is like this, so it will naturally be pulled!"

He muttered a few words to himself, but had no intention of asking Huo Ling'er to rest, because he vaguely saw that the dark side of Huo Ling'er that had been suppressed by her began to rise. This was obviously caused by the explosion of the causal line.

"Could it be that Tiandi wants No. 10 to see Huo Ling'er turn black, in order to stimulate No. 10's heart?"

Liu Hao also looked a little weird, as if a famous scene was about to happen in front of him, and he was looking forward to it, but he was still very unhappy in his heart. After all, he was still his own disciple, being used as a chess piece by the will of the perfect world. It's strange that my head can feel comfortable.

But he also didn't take action rashly. Instead, he weighed Huo Ling'er's possible gains and losses in his heart.

It is undeniable that once Huo Ling'er turns black, his own willpower will inevitably be divided into two.

In other words, it will definitely be detrimental to Huo Ling'er's subsequent practice. A typical point is that whether it is to comprehend Taoism or skills, the speed will be greatly reduced.

Of course, this is not the most difficult thing. The most difficult thing is that it may cause Huo Ling'er's personality to change drastically. Once it lasts for a long time, it is likely that Huo Ling'er will truly lose himself because of this. Then The roads created as a result are likely to disappear completely.

That's the bad side, but the good side is also huge.

As a plot arranged by the fate of heaven and earth, it is bound to be a part of the general trend. As long as you participate, you will definitely receive a lot of luck from heaven and earth.

What Liu Hao values ​​​​more is that Huo Ling'er can use this luck to sort out his dark side.

Only by bringing his dark side into order can he be able to successfully incarnate the Three Corpses in the future.

This is equivalent to ensuring a long-term future, and will also be the biggest benefit from this destiny arrangement.

In the ancient world, how many people have been stuck at the peak of Daluo Jinxian for a lifetime. No matter how hard they train, they can only get here in waste!

The biggest reason is that he cannot touch his three corpse incarnations?

As Huo Ling'er, who was not born in ancient times, it is almost inevitable that if he wants to go further in the path of killing three corpses in the future, the difficulty will be much higher.

In other words, if there is no prerequisite, Huo Ling'er will most likely end up like many powerful people at the peak of Da Luo Jinxian in the prehistoric times.

This is also something Liu Hao doesn't want to see.

Moreover, since such a sign has appeared, it will not be justified not to take advantage of it in the future.

He sent Rukia Kuchiki into the wilderness to follow the iceberg of White Tiger Liu Hao. Didn't he have this expectation?

It makes no sense not to seize the benefits when they appear in front of you.

Seeing that the dark energy on Huo Ling'er could no longer be suppressed, Liu Hao raised his hand several times and endured it. After a long time, he sighed softly and made a choice.

He chose to let go, but that didn't mean he didn't do anything.

valley lining

As he raised his hand, Liu Hao shot out a ray of white light from his fingers, which instantly disappeared into the hair that had been entangled in Huo Ling'er's hand. It also replenished the energy of the hair that had been left on Huo Ling'er's wrist. In this way, in case of an accident, It can also be suppressed immediately.

After doing this, he turned his attention to No. 10 again.

The vision of this guy's breakthrough has expanded thousands of miles, and it is like a huge change in the world, spreading out an unknown amount of space.

What is certain is that in the foreign land, there must have been a powerful person who noticed this place, but since he still hasn't taken action yet, it also proves that the powerful person who discovered it still wants to see the effect.

This is definitely sad for Lord Jiu. He already understands that he has probably been given up.

Before setting off, he was so proud, but now he found that this was his dead end.

The desolation in his heart made him understand that he had no choice but to fight with his life. The blood-burning technique, which he had always restrained before, was also put on the agenda by Venerable Jiu.

He felt calmer than ever before and put all distracting thoughts behind his mind. While resisting No. 10's attack, he was also looking for possible breakthroughs.

Because he understands that he only has this opportunity. If he succeeds, his life can be saved. He can also find a quiet place to practice quietly and return to his current level of cultivation. But in the future, he will most likely be stuck in this realm and will no longer be able to move to higher possibilities. .

Burning blood is burning the essence and blood in one's heart. It is also burning one's future. It is betting on the present with one's real future. Even if one succeeds, one's talent will inevitably decline.

Are there any options?

Jiu has resigned himself to his fate. He is completely calm, and his combat effectiveness has also been improved a lot in the eyes of No. 10, but these are still not enough.

"Huh? An Lan's sight has finally arrived. Fortunately, No. 10's breakthrough has come to an end, otherwise it would be really troublesome!"

Liu Hao chuckled. As expected, An Lan confirmed the identity of No. 10 almost instantly, but the arrogance in his heart still did not take action. In Liu Hao's opinion, this was An Lan's only chance to lose. He didn't know whether An Lan would think of today in the future. Will you regret it?

But he also understood An Lan, and the character of the other party also determined that An Lan could not take advantage of others. In other words, An Lan had never put No. 10 in his eyes, at least he did not think that even No. 10, who had succeeded in breaking through, would not be able to do it. He managed to survive.

In this case, why rush?

An Lan almost chose to watch like Liu Hao. Soon, almost all the giants in the foreign land turned their attention to this place. They hesitated, but they all chose to wait tacitly.

Perhaps An Lan also had a share of the credit here. After all, before this, the task of killing No. 10 was assigned to An Lan by these foreign giants.

In the future, foreign lands may no longer exist. Those surviving foreign monks, thinking of today, will regard everything as a coincidence, but Liu Hao knows that this is simply driven by the power of fate, and all the details are determined. Only by taking control can you do it.

It not only calculates every flower and plant, but also thoroughly analyzes all the characters and methods of any living being, and then arranges the plot accordingly. Once the arrangement is completed, it becomes the real general trend.

At this time, even if many of the small trends have changed, the general trend is still unstoppable.

Only in this way can we truly realize that ‘small trends can be changed, but big trends remain unchanged’!

In the battlefield, No. 10 became more and more at ease. Lord Jiu could no longer put any pressure on No. 10, and No. 10's interest plummeted, and his attacks became much sharper.

This change was absolutely fatal to Jiu. All his original plans had to be reset. He could no longer wait until the moment No. 10 made a complete breakthrough, and he had to start fighting with blood.

Lord Jiu, who had made this sad decision in his heart, shouted loudly, his face turned red instantly, and his whole body seemed to be filled with a dance of blood, and his combat power instantly increased several times.

This put a smile on No. 10's face. It must be said that this guy has a bit of fanaticism about fighting, and his talent in this area is absolutely amazing.

The enemy exploded in an instant. No. 10 didn't seem to panic at all, and even subconsciously chose the optimal mode. While resisting, he was also familiar with it, but he also cut off many of Lord Jiu's escape routes and directly killed the opponent. Sticking to the spot, unable to leave, unable to enter, I could only watch my burning essence and blood being exhausted bit by bit.

How sad is this!

It also forced Master Jiu to burst out the condensed essence and blood in his heart again and again. From the red at the beginning, to the scarlet red now, there was even a trace of paleness in it, which also announced that the end of Master Jiu was in front of him.

Liu Hao was also wondering why Venerable Jiu's superior didn't come to the rescue, but he didn't think more about it. It wasn't that they didn't save him, but that it was too late to take action.

A Venerable Jiu whose essence and blood has been burned has no rescue value at all. It is better to let the other party radiate the final glory, which at least allows them to observe No. 10 more.

In his peripheral vision, he also saw An Lan's arrangements. This guy's pretentious attributes have not fallen behind at all, especially when traveling. The five-color sacred bull mount belonging to An Lan has also been arranged by his followers, waiting for ten No. Complete breakthrough.

He also noticed that An Lan's consciousness glanced at Sang Lin, and he understood that the other party would probably take Huo Ling'er with him on this trip.

This guy not only wanted to kill No. 10, but also psychologically attacked him. This bad taste made Liu Hao complain a little.

The dark aura around Huo Ling'er was also gathering more and more, and Liu Hao didn't even need to check nearby to clearly see that there must be constant battles in Huo Ling'er's sea of ​​consciousness.

The battle between the dark side of oneself and the bright side of oneself is also a war deep in the soul, but this war is also unsolvable. Even if both sides want to fight to the death, it is impossible to do so.

This was also the reason why Liu Hao chose to stay out of the matter and let Huo Ling'er's own soul separate into you and me.

After all, such a war has many benefits.

For example, in reality, there are many unfamiliar skills and methods, but at this time, they are already quite large-scale within Huo Ling'er's sea of ​​consciousness.

Whether it is the dark side or the light side, they are one and the same. Once one has learned it, the other can also use it. It is said that it will never end, but in the constant "life and death" battle, all the methods it has learned will be used. A sublimation!

If it were anyone else, Liu Hao would not dare to let it go, but Huo Ling'er was really fearless at this time, and the power of fate would not let Huo Ling'er have any accidents.

In this case, it would be a pity not to make good use of such a good improvement method. How could Liu Hao stop it?

He was almost certain that Huo Ling'er's combat power would be greatly improved when he woke up later. No matter whether the dark side or the light side won, these seas of consciousness would definitely not be lost.

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