Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred. Cao Mengde’s choice

1500. Cao Mengde’s choice

Discussing with Liu Shen and being listened to by the wild monsters may naturally add support to the monster clan, but these will not affect the overall situation, and it seems that Liu Shen also has other arrangements for this, and Liu Hao can guess a little bit.

Since we want to cultivate the eight realms of the Great Wilderness, we also need people who can practice their skills. There is no better opponent than these monsters of the Great Wilderness.

Regarding the future transformation of Perfect Wilderness, Liu Hao made an estimate in his mind. After predicting that the problem of dimensionality increase would not be big in the future, he did not go into the details in detail. After discussing with Liu Shen, he gave some answers, and then led the leader. Huo Ling'er and Yan Lingji returned to their home earth.

Australia is still the same Australia, and the human race has spread throughout the northwest. Within the feedback of Liu Hao's spiritual consciousness, the population of nearly 30 million even made him feel shocked.

Taking a closer look, I discovered that there was also a world passage within the scope of the original casting by the human race. This makes sense.

This world is lucky.

It's still the small courtyard by the sea, and the surroundings are still as peaceful as before.

As Liu Hao's residence in Australia, this place seems to be restricted by paintings. It can be regarded as the greatest respect given to Liu Hao by the base. He also knows that it is the result of his increasingly advanced cultivation, so he does not say much about it. , there are many things that he can do regardless of others.

Liu Hao was surprised that Luo Bing was not transferred. After being overseas for such a long time, what would Long Guo be worried about?

But when I thought about it again, I felt that I was being too preoccupied.

When spiritual energy is revived, the ones with the highest say are not the ones with the strongest cultivation levels? Even if Liu Hao is not like this? Once he speaks, can the higher-ups really ignore him?

In other words, it doesn't matter where Luo Bing sits? He didn't dare to have any inappropriate emotions. On the contrary, he became more and more familiar with this place and became more proficient in various arrangements. Long Guo may not want to change it rashly, and he must be very satisfied with this place.

Also, today's Dragon Kingdom's Australia base is not simple. It is almost the Dragon Kingdom's largest external point of contact in the Pacific. It is not only Naruto and King Haize, but also many people from the surrounding areas who are connected to the heavens where the earth is. The largest transfer station.

In the future, the perfect world will invade the earth on a large scale. Isn't this a perfect place to stay? It will also be the best way for these heavens and worlds to become familiar with their own earth.

These factors prompted Luo Bing to stay here for a long time, and his prestige was enough. In terms of cultivation, he also crossed Taiyi and entered Daluo. Even if he is just a Daluo Celestial Immortal now, he is enough to intimidate him in a short time.

Perhaps he also thought about the cultivation issue, which made Liu Hao feel embarrassed and a little worried.

Daluo Tianxian, for some low-level worlds, is already very high above the ceiling, but for some truly high-level worlds, it is just that.

It's like perfection. If the arrogant An Lan comes, they won't keep a low profile. Maybe the first thought is to think about whether they can occupy it?

This group of people who have become accustomed to whoever is stronger has the final say will be the biggest destabilizing factor in the future base.

Perhaps the only idea is to drive these people to the front line of the North American Abyss. However, this drive is not something Luo Bing can do.

Liu Hao also felt that his Dragon Kingdom was still lacking in advanced practitioners.

Dao Fan, the old Taoist in Wudang, was already the highest one below him, and was only at the peak of Da Luo Jinxian. On the contrary, it was Zhang Zhiwei, the old Celestial Master who was beneath him, who broke through the shackles and proved the Da Luo Dao Fruit.

As we get to the later stages, if we get stuck, we are likely to be stuck for countless hours.

This is something that almost all monks in the world know very well.

Liu Hao also felt that his earth's human race might have made breakthroughs in cultivation too quickly, and that the foundation might even be more or less inadequate.

But what can be done? In the past, even if you knew it, you still couldn't make a breakthrough?

He already had a premonition that his own earth was about to face a real impact from the heavens and the world.

It's like the fortune of the sage of Confucianism and Taoism. Didn't it already occupy one place when it arrived on earth?

Cases have already appeared, and other masters from all over the world will only follow the same example.

For example, if Han Lao Mo, a mortal cultivator in the future, enters the earth, the central part of the beautiful country will only be taken over by others, and Han Lao Mo is also not a good person.

Liu Hao would only pay attention to the Dragon Kingdom itself and the overseas bases collected by the Dragon Kingdom. In other areas, there were not many human races anyway, and it didn't matter if the monsters and monsters were attacked. He also felt that the number of humans on his own earth was too large. It's too rare, so it would be a good thing to introduce more.

At the Australian base, Luo Bing also had this thought.

Australia, whose entire land area has expanded tenfold, has plenty of land for resettlement, and it doesn’t matter how much comes.

What's more, among the more than 30 million people, there are more and more people from the Mythical Three Kingdoms arriving.

"Huh? Cao Mengde was actually willing to send Xun Yu here. Could it be that something happened in the mythical Three Kingdoms world?"

Within his consciousness, Liu Hao saw the current managers of many cities in Wei and Han, which made him slightly stunned. He did not choose to analyze by himself, but directly detained Xun Yu from the Wei and Han headquarters.

"Meet the King of Qin!"

Being directly detained from one place to another without anyone noticing, also means that there is no possibility of resistance at all.

Compared with others, Xun Yu was very calm and calm, and even did not appear to be in a trance at all. It must be said that in this aspect, Xun Yu was far better than many monks with advanced levels of psychological quality.

There are not only one or two people like this in the Three Kingdoms world.

Even Liu Hao had to admit this, and he felt that he had underestimated the world of the Three Kingdoms.

This world is very different from the other heavens, but it was forcibly inserted into the earth by a certain great master. Its special features, even so far, Liu Hao has not discovered the second one.

That strange stone hanging high in the mythical Three Kingdoms is a rare treasure that has the ability to pull all living beings into visualization. He has only experienced such a treasure within the Kunlun ancestral lineage.

On a deeper level, in the entire world, anyone who steps into the practice can almost obtain their own unique talents.

In his opinion, such a situation would be difficult to handle even if Hongjun personally controlled it.

Does this mean that there is another chess player behind the scenes in the mythical Three Kingdoms world?

Maybe it was just an experiment, but why had I always ignored this influence before?

He was somewhat thankful for the choice he made today, which allowed him to regain this memory.

Valley flowers

Liu Hao suppressed this thought, but in front of him, he needed to have a good inquiry with Xun Yu.

"How could Cao Mengde be willing to send you here?" Liu Hao didn't hide it and asked directly.

After Xun Yu heard this, a wry smile appeared on his face: "Gong Cao has been crowned king!"

So it turned out that Liu Hao suddenly realized that Xun Yu in front of him was a Han sect with a very firm stance. He could tolerate Cao Cao coercing the emperor to order the princes, but he could not tolerate Cao Mengde replacing him.

This is the belief in Xun Yu's heart, or it is an ideal in itself. Even if he has been reminded of it many times deep in his heart, he will still make his own choices, such as opposition, when things arise.

It was a choice that he would still make in his heart even if he knew that even if he opposed it, he would not be able to achieve his goal.

This has nothing to do with anything else, but Xun Yu's inner belief. If he didn't do this, he would not be Xun Yu.

But compared with Xun Yu in history, the Xun Yu in front of him is lucky. At least Cao Mengde did not kill him, but directly released him to the earth. Is it out of sight and out of mind? Or is it simply recycling waste?

Of course, Liu Hao also knew that Cao Mengde cherished talents, and did not want such a 'talented Wang Zuo' to be ruined like this.

Thanks to having such a choice.

"Your Xun family has also established your own family's city here, right?"

"Back to King Qin, that's right!" Xun Yu's face showed a wry smile again, as if he had no other choice besides this reaction.

Cao Mengde has done the best for his direct descendants.

Why didn't Xun Yu himself know?

There is no right or wrong here, and there is no interest at all. The Xun Yu in front of me has finally let go of everything since he arrived on Earth, right?

"The wheels of history are rolling, and the general trend is like this, so you don't have to blame yourself!" Liu Hao finally gave him a word of comfort, "Tell me, your world must have more than this change, right?"

"Back to the King of Qin, this is exactly what happened. Liu Xuande of Sichuan and Shu also proclaimed himself the King of Hanzhong, and Sun Quan of Jiangdong also called himself the 'King of Wu'. The Three Kingdoms have become the real Three Kingdoms!..."

As Xun Yu slowly spoke, Liu Hao also gained a fuller understanding of the mythical world of the Three Kingdoms.

He thought that with his help and the many historical records of the Mythical Three Kingdoms introduced from his own Earth, Cao Mengde would be able to unify the Central Plains.

But actually, somehow?

Cao Mengde went south several times, but various changes always occurred. He was either bumping while walking or his home was on fire. There were always a few bad things that prevented Cao Mengde from staying in the north.

Almost all members of Cao Cao's side have entered the field of spiritual practice. After these several changes, why don't they understand that there is an inexplicable reason behind this that is stopping them?

At first, Cao Cao thought about resisting, such as choosing a route and landing in Jiangdong from the sea. However, he chose the landing point many times and still failed due to various winds and waves on the sea.

After many attempts, Cao Mengde also understood that it was God's will.

Only then did Cao Mengde impose the "King of Wei" method on himself.

It seems that in the Three Kingdoms world, Wei, Shu and Wu must be separated, and unification is far away.

The only good thing is that the Shu Han and Soochow could not be destroyed, and there was still a lot of land to occupy in the world, which did not make Cao Mengde depressed.

Cao Cao is aggressively enclosing land, and Luzon and Aozhou in the Three Kingdoms world have now been captured by him one by one. The entire army has marched towards the Western Regions, and will probably go all the way east to capture everything that can be captured.

Liu Xuande and Sun Quan were also not idle;

A continuous southward expansion, that is, Sun Quan of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, with the support of Lu Su, Lu Xun and others, took over most of the Indochina Peninsula and has completely digested it.

They also formed a navy, and although they were the only ones to occupy the southern seas, it was not much different.

On the other hand, Liu Xuande, with the help of Pang Shiyuan, regained the Nanman Menghuo, entered the mountains and forests of Myanmar, and marched all the way to the west. Now he has entered the Ganges River area, and he is equally high-spirited.

This itself is an expanded version of the world of the Three Kingdoms. Wei, Shu, and Wu have conquered the world all night long, and there is no chance of letting it go.

Liu Hao had already expected this, but that was not what he cared about. He could more or less guess the obstruction that Xun Yu mentioned. It was nothing more than restrictions imposed by the person behind the scenes from the beginning.

It was definitely not something that Cao Mengde, Liu Xuande, and Sun Quan could break through, but he didn't declare it, and there was no need.

He was concerned about another thing at this time: "So, Cao Mengde, Liu Xuande, and Sun Quan have met?"

Xun Yu seemed to have deduced Liu Hao's question a long time ago. When asked, he only nodded slightly. As for more, he, a 'marginal person', had no way of knowing. Perhaps he had been sent here by Cao Mengde at that time. .

"He is quite grand. If you say so, maybe Liu Xuande and Sun Quan will also step into this land soon, right?"

"Wen Ruo thinks like this too!"

Liu Hao didn't think anything about this. He knew Cao Cao's character to some extent, and he also knew that the blow this time would be huge. It would take a lot of time to figure it out. Since they can't be unified, they are also one ethnic group. In Cao Mengde's case, It seems that if you can't compete in your own world, you might as well just open up the channel and change the world to see who is the hero in the world.

Of course, there must be various conditions here. For example, in order for Liu Xuande and Sun Quan to further liberalize their markets, changes must be made.

Cao Mengde, who has entered his own earth several times, knows very well that in a feudal era, an era where the bottom class has no hope, it is impossible to truly gain a foothold in the world.

He is also a descendant of the Yan and Huang Dynasties, and has been greatly influenced by Liu Hao. The height he stands must be more impressive. This choice may be difficult for many officials under Cao Mengde to figure out, but Liu Hao is not the same. Instead, he feels that this This is Cao Mengde, and this is the Cao Cao in his heart.

Liu Hao is also happy to see the outstanding talents of Shu Han and Soochow enter his own earth. There are many rare talents here. It is not just a waste to let them stay in one area.

They are all a group with their own unique talents. He is even more looking forward to whether this group of people can continue the legend of the Three Kingdoms era after entering the world.

This is probably what Cao Mengde had in mind, right?

After this guy takes over the Western Region, and after taking over more land to the west of the Western Region, it will probably not be too far before he can enter his own Earth.

At that time, Cao Mengde will probably pass the throne of the Three Kingdoms world to Cao Pi, and perhaps Liu Xuande will also make such a choice. Why don't they imagine a bigger and broader world?

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