Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One Thousand Five Hundred and Sixteen. Buddhism

1516. Buddhism

Both Qinglong Liu Hao and Obsessive Liu Hao lack confidence in Buddhism to save abyssal species.

In fact, even if force is used to completely annihilate the opponent's thinking and refine it into a 'puppet', the risk is still not small.

In Liu Hao's view, any species in the abyss is like a virus, naturally capable of polluting all heavens and worlds. It can even pollute the world, let alone mere creatures.

They may not be afraid if Jieyin Zhunti really does it, but what about the other Buddhist disciples in their Buddhist kingdom? Perhaps if you are not careful, it will be completely polluted, causing the collapse of the Buddhist kingdom.

Such a huge risk is obviously impossible for Guanyin to do at this time.

Liu Hao and the other three also understood that it was impossible for Guanyin to conduct only such an experiment for such a long time, and it could only be said that it had failed in the past.

But this persistence still made Liu Hao secretly praise him.

If it were Guanyin before being influenced by faith, he wouldn't have thought it would be so laborious and thankless.

This belongs to the overflow of kind thoughts under the influence. Even if Guan Shiyin did not release his three corpse incarnations, Liu Hao and the others understood that the incarnation of Guan Shiyin's good thoughts, that is, the incarnation of 'Great Compassion', was bound to have the upper hand, and that's why Guan Shiyin came to be. The emergence of general experiments.

"This is how good leads to evil!"

On the side, Ancestor Styx spoke leisurely, but he pointed out the hidden purpose of Guanyin's experiment.

In the prehistoric times, the way to kill three corpses was passed down by Taoist ancestor Hongjun. The easiest way is to rely on the innate spiritual treasure as a sustenance. As long as the thoughts are together and the way is in place, it will often come naturally.

However, this approach also has many hidden dangers, that is, depending on the level of the innate spiritual treasure, it will often be difficult to break through the upper limit of the three corpse incarnations.

The three thousand mortal guests of Zixiao Palace also obtained destined spiritual treasures from Hongjun Fenbaoyan. Cihang, one of the twelve golden immortals who explained the teachings, naturally also received rewards from Yuanshi Tianzun, such as the jade purification bottle. one.

But Liu Hao would not believe that the spiritual treasures given by Yuanshi Tianzun are all top-grade innate spiritual treasures. Without him, there are still countless top-quality innate spiritual treasures in the ancient times. With so many disciples, there must be a balance, even with Yuanshi Tianzun I don't want to have so many.

This is destined to determine whether a quasi-sage who can kill two corpses will always be superior or inferior.

With the same level of cultivation, Avalokitesvara could only be regarded as average in front of Patriarch Minghe, and even if he risked his life, it would be difficult to defeat him.

The deep meaning in the words of Patriarch Minghe revealed the purpose of Avalokitesvara. Now that good thoughts are booming, it is possible to break away from the shackles of the innate spiritual treasure of killing three corpses, and use good thoughts to drive evil thoughts. It's not easy to break through two restrictions in one fell swoop.

Because, there are two levels here, and the second one is stronger than killing three corpses. Zhen Yuanzi is a typical example of it. He killed one of the ten spiritual roots of the ancient world like the ginseng fruit tree.

And because it is also a kind of living being, although there is an additional shackle, there are also opportunities for improvement.

The highest one was Liu Hao's method of killing three corpses. He killed them directly with great perseverance without resorting to any external force.

The difficulty of jumping directly from the third level to the first level can be imagined, and it also requires the help of good thoughts to prevent evil thoughts from arising in the heart. Although Patriarch Styx opened his mouth to explain, he did not have much respect for Guanyin in his heart. promising.

"This is a shortcut!"

Qinglong Liu Hao, who had been silent until now, said lightly. Although he didn't show any emotion, his words were contrary to the views of Ancestor Minghe.

He believed that Guanshiyin might really be able to seize this opportunity, but it was because there were too many experimental products that he could try again and again, that is, accumulation bit by bit, as long as Guanyin did not give up this hope, One day it will be possible to achieve full success.

Ancestor Minghe didn't know that Guanshiyin has countless followers in all the heavens and worlds. How could he, Liu Hao, not know?

Having support is nothing more than whether you can endure loneliness.

In the same way, isn't Guanshiyin's approach eliminating the hidden toxicity in sentient beings' beliefs?

After being trained again and again, the countless hours of adaptation alone were enough for Guanshiyin to maintain his inner firmness.

Ancestor Minghe was not unhappy with Qinglong Liu Hao's objection because of their different opinions. On the contrary, he was very interested. He didn't think he would be worse than Guanyin. Since Guanyin could do it, he couldn't sing a chorus?

It’s nothing more than time, nothing more than trying again and again! Will his Ancestor Styx still be afraid?

Isn’t it possible to survive the immeasurable and insignificant progress before?

Anyway, I have just made a breakthrough, and it is impossible for me to break through again in a short time. In this case, why not take advantage of this favorable time and place to give it a try?

The thoughtfulness of Patriarch Styx was noticed by Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Liu Hao would not be jealous just because many powerful monks in the ancient times had broken away from their shackles. There was no need for it. He even wished that there were more quasi-sages who could take a step further. More combat power would be the safest thing.

In his heart, he hopes that Guanyin can succeed, because only in this way can more latecomers imitate and find a real path.

But not every monk can cut off his own three corpse incarnations without using any external objects.

If the success rate of killing three corpses with the help of innate spiritual treasures is 80%, then it is not an exaggeration to say that the difficulty of a monk who kills three corpses with great perseverance is ten times higher. Otherwise, why would many quasi-sages in the prehistoric times take shortcuts? Member?

At this time, Liu Hao was already considering more monks outside the prehistoric times, such as Zhang Sanfeng and Zhang Zhiwei who had realized the Daluo Dao Fruit. Those who had almost integrated many of their world's fortunes could also have the opportunity to use their own The talent was exchanged for 90%.

And if they want to go one step further, want to step into the quasi-sage, and want to kill three corpses, in Liu Hao's opinion, there is even a one-in-a-thousand chance.

Perhaps the best thing to do is to just farm the Abyss Demon God alone during the Starry Formation this week, accumulating bit by bit the merits of the last time on the avenue, and accumulating more luck for yourself.

Even if he was optimistic about the two of them, he would not be able to help the other party find one innate spiritual treasure after another. If he really gave it to them, would others also be rewarded in the future?

You can't just plunder within the wild world, right?

The best way is to help a group of monks who have realized the Daluo Dao Fruit to find a few pieces, and after letting them kill them, the scholar Avalokitesvara does everything he can to get rid of this shackles, and then pass them on to others.

In this way, only a few innate spiritual treasures can help all possible monks break through.

Liu Hao also knew that the Enlightenment Lingbao also had this effect, but the Enlightenment Lingbao could not be refined just by refining it.

Just a single accumulation that makes it 100% consistent with oneself can block more than 90% of the monks.

Neither Zhang Sanfeng nor Zhang Zhiwei have succeeded in refining weapons. How can they be good at refining weapons?

Once they are distracted, a lot of time is invested in refining their own magic weapons, which still drags them down and greatly reduces the possibility. Is Liu Hao happy to see this?

The camera stayed on Guanyin for a long time, and then changed to Manjusri and Samantabhadra under the transformation of Qinglong Liu Hao.

Qinglong Liu Hao didn't care whether Patriarch Styx still had more to say, but he also took this opportunity to observe more.

Be it Manjusri or Samantabhadra!

It is obvious that Avalokitesvara has been left behind a lot, even if Manjusri was the first to set foot on his own earth, this is still the case. From this point of view, how significant is the role of faith?

"Manjusri, what a pity! Buddhists always think about three measures of gold, which is not a good thing!"

"I heard that this matter was decided by the Tathagata?"

"Shan Ye!" Ancestor Minghe's information in this regard was more accurate than that of Obsessed Liu Hao and Qinglong Liu Hao. With his endorsement, a trace of 'sarcasm' appeared on both their faces.

"The person most affected by this incident is the Tathagata himself. He is a majestic Buddha, but in the hearts of all living beings, he is too high, and those who keep him at a distance are even more immeasurable!"

"Believers, if they see the statue of Tathagata, they will light three long incense sticks, but what they want in their hearts is still given to Avalokitesvara! It was like this in the past, and it is like this now, and it will never be improved in the future!"

"If Tathagata knew about it in the future, would he become angry and angry?" Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, rarely changed his words.

"He has already stepped into the heavens, and there is still no response from him. Even if he doesn't like it, he will probably let it go. But Xiu has underestimated Tathagata!"

Ancestor Minghe listened to Qinglong Liu Hao's indifferent explanation and nodded: "He was able to suppress most of the ancient world with three generations of monks, and it's not just as simple as the title of Buddha!"

"Hmph... Tathagata can let it go, but what about other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas? In the past, Manjushri and Samantabhadra didn't have the comparison of Guanshiyin, so maybe they didn't think anything of it. But when they see it in the future, they will probably be unwilling to accept it!

They are all four great Bodhisattvas, but now they have been surpassed by many. Who would be happy? "

Minghe nodded slightly again: "As soon as we step into cultivation, cultivation is everything. It is clear at a glance. We are in the wilderness. Although the saints still call us fellow Taoists, why don't we know it in our hearts? It's just because of the It’s just a little face-saving due to past friendship!”

Manjusri and Samantabhadra lacked much to see, and Qinglong Liu Hao didn't stay too long. When the camera turned, it was given to Tang Sanzang.

"This guy is lucky!"

"Who says it isn't?" Even Ancestor Minghe felt a little sad in his heart.

This is a junior who was forcibly pushed to be a quasi-sage. He just took a trip to the scriptures in a mortal body. The whole process was almost clearly arranged. With the power of the great tribulation and the washing of merits, it was basically a Unofficial decision.

Compared with Tang Sanzang, monks like Patriarch Minghe racked their brains in order to become a quasi-sage and waited until Hongjun opened the Golden Mouth before they were filled with endless joy. But what happened to Tang Sanzang? ?

Maybe it was just for fun at the time?

"Unfortunately, it was too clever after all!" As soon as Liu Hao said these words, the ancestor of Styx suddenly broke out in cold sweat on his back.

Suddenly, he found that he was almost confused.

This is the side effect after a breakthrough in cultivation. When the cultivation level goes up, one thinks that one has reached the realm. In fact, the Taoism is still not stable. It is also at this time that it is often easily affected by various external factors. Once something goes wrong, the future is likely to be... I can stay in this realm forever.

"Why do I need to compare myself with others? My cultivation is the result of my hard work. What are the opportunities of others? What does it matter to me? Is there any need to be jealous?

Moreover, Tang Sanzang was a typical example of getting rich overnight. Although his cultivation had improved, his steps were still in vain. Without countless years of accumulation, this state of mind alone would be fatal. "

Ancestor Minghe thought silently in his heart, exhaling a long breath. Between closing his eyes and opening them, he had calmed down. For him, this was also a sublimation of his state of mind. This small pass It’s been through!

He didn't express his gratitude verbally, and he also knew that Liu Hao's words were unintentional. On the camera, Tang Sanzang's fighting method had already made the three of them dumbfounded.

Isn't this the result of overthrowing the talent?

A typical person who has power but doesn't know how to use it.

When Tang Sanzang faced the quasi-sage of the abyss at the same level, he spent almost all the time on defense. He just sat cross-legged on the ground, clasped his hands, chanted thousands of sutras in his mouth, and let the Buddha's light emitted by chanting the sutras counterattack on its own. It seemed that It seemed as if they were motionless, but in fact the three of them could see Tang Sanzang's embarrassment at a glance.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of spiritual treasures for this guy. Whether it is the Buddha Gate on his body or the Zen staff in his hand, they are enough to protect him, but this stalemate has lasted for who knows how long.

Obsessive Liu Hao thought of this possibility and subconsciously looked towards Qinglong Liu Hao.

"Since Tang Sanzang stepped into the formation, he hasn't moved at all, and the Abyss Demon God still hasn't changed!"

"Ha...he is quite patient!"

"Perhaps this is Tang Sanzang's greatest advantage?"

"Why not put him and Sun Wukong together?"

"Why bother the monkey?"


The camera turned again, and the Sun Wukong just mentioned appeared above. Compared with Tang Sanzang, it seemed that it had changed from extremely quiet to extremely dynamic.

This is also Sun Wukong's typical fighting mode. He doesn't care much about you, and will only trust the golden cudgel in his hand to catch the opponent's flaws, and the continuous attacks will never stop.

One blow after another, Sun Wukong seemed to be breaking the space of the formation. His grinning teeth and fierce eyes aroused the tyranny in his heart to the limit.

"It's a pity that it still needs to be accumulated after all!"

"He just cut off his good thoughts, and now he has evil thoughts born. What else do you want?"

"The Great Catastrophe continues to this day. The aura of calamity in Tang Sanzang has dissipated, but this monkey is still strong until now. He is the real protagonist of Journey to the West!"

"This is a fact, Tang Sanzang, to put it bluntly, he is just a pawn used by Buddhism to get a piece of the pie with the help of Sun Wukong.

However, the aura of disaster in the prehistoric era is still left on Sun Wukong through the world channel. It seems that the prehistoric era is not peaceful now! "

"Under the catastrophe, how can there be peace? Whether it is the Lich Catastrophe or the Yin Shang Gods, it almost broke the ancient world. Now the catastrophes are escalating again and again. Even if it affects the sub-dimensional world in the future, I will not do anything. Accident!"

Ming He's words shocked Qinglong Liu Hao and Obsessive Liu Hao.

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