Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One Thousand Five Hundred and Eighteen. Interpretation

Chapter 1496 1518. Interpretation

1518. Interpretation

Liu Hao's objection made Ancestor Ming He thoughtful.

In fact, Liu Hao's rejection was too certain. If it were anyone else, Patriarch Styx would have just regarded it as nonsense, but Liu Hao couldn't help but think carefully about it coming from Liu Hao's mouth.

After rummaging through many memories, Minghe also discovered that this seemed to be a false proposition. The moral heavenly being who is the leader of the Three Pure Ones is said to be 'the supreme king forgets his feelings', but what is the reality?

When the Taoist sect was weak, didn't I just turn Duobao into a Hu?

Perhaps this matter had been planned for a long time, that is, before the Yin Shang Dynasty became a god, I had already anticipated it and took the initiative, but so what?

This already shows that Lao Tzu is slightly unhappy with Xuanmen's situation and is unwilling to do so. Isn't this a display of emotion?

Thinking about this, Ancestor Minghe also felt that the so-called supreme forgetfulness may be nothing more than absolute rationality after the ultimate suppression of emotions. Indeed, when monks with absolute rationality comprehend the great road, the effect will inevitably increase. The result is not small, but there are still essential differences between the two.

The reason why Ancestor Minghe formed such a concept in his mind before this was because Hongjun was the cause of the problem.

Cutting off the three corpses means cutting off the "good, evil and obsession".

There is no good or evil, and all the obsessions deep in my heart have been cut away, and it seems that there is really no emotion.

But if you think about it carefully, after his Ancestor Styx's good thoughts were cut off, did he no longer have any 'good' emotions in his heart?

How is that possible?

If it really has such an effect, then the first quasi-sage to cut off his good thoughts will be guided by the growing 'evil' for a long time, right?

Once guided, this quasi-sage will definitely do evil everywhere, right?

But in fact, there was no such information spread throughout the whole prehistoric period, and he was not affected by it at all.

At the thought of this, Ancestor Minghe had to smile bitterly in his heart. He felt as if he had been 'dazzled'.

He also knew that the reason why he had such an idea was more of his own imagination. In addition, with the emergence of such a "Tai Shang Wang Qing", he habitually accepted it. At one time, Styx also thought about whether Gotta give it a try.

Fortunately, the ancestor of Styx was a little taboo about the word "Tai Shang", and he was also worried that taking this path would lead to many karma for me, which was not in line with the low-key seclusion he wanted, so he gave up.

This is a good thing, but now that I fully understand it, it is also a bad thing.

If I had tried it myself, maybe it would have had quite an effect now, right?

Styx was in a complicated mood, and felt a bit dumbfounded for a moment.

In the pursuit of the great road, Ancestor Styx had many choices. It was also because of the sufficient time that Styx never gave up on the path of killing, the path of blood, the path of karma, the path of Shura, etc. He was also considered a rare all-rounder.

In the past, there was no need to worry about this matter, but after the breakthrough, Styx also found that he seemed to have to make a choice. Should he choose one of them to go all the way to the dark side, or should he remain the same as before and master all the avenues he had mastered? , or choose one or two of them as the future backbone?

Everything else is fine. Absolute rationality plays a big role in killing, but I don't know if it's too late to pick it up now?

Ming He shook his head slightly in his heart, knowing that this was not a decision that needed to be made immediately, and the long river in front of him was not right, so he simply put aside these distracting thoughts and once again locked his realization on Yang Jian.

In the long river of fate of the two worlds, because of Hongjun's action, both Tao and Fruit blossomed, which is really unprecedented.

With such benefits, Yang Jian's road will definitely be much smoother in the future, right?

At one point, Ming He was also a little bit sour and envious of a guy like Yang Jian who had a lot of backstage support. Fortunately, there would not be a second Yang Jian who asked Taozu Hongjun to help.

If Sun Wukong's fighting mode is violent, he will smash the enemy with a stick and smash it into pulp, then Yang Jian's fighting mode is more technical. Every time he collides, he is always looking for his opponent. He also exposes flaws and traps to the opponent at all times, and is always waiting for the opportunity to kill the enemy with one blow.

The two-sided three-pointed knife flew up and down, and was extremely flexible in Yang Jian's hands, and could almost dance like flowers.

Liu Hao sometimes also thinks about whether Yang Jian, who has practiced the Nine Revolutions Xuan Gong, will become a quasi-sage in the future. Will he still be unable to change his current fighting mode?

He also knows the Thirty-Six Tiangang and Seventy-two Earthly Demon Skills of the Nine Transformation Mysterious Skills. However, these skills can still support the overall situation at the immortal level. After reaching the quasi-sage, who is not borrowing the power of heaven? Which one is not taking advantage of the laws between heaven and earth?

But these are a bit difficult for Yang Jian. He majored in physical education, so whether Liu Hao is good at this aspect or not, Liu Hao has no one to compare with.

It seems that the only way to go on the road of 'proving the Tao through force' is that even a beggar version of 'Pangu' is enough to trouble most of the world. Thinking about it this way, it seems that it is not a big deal.

Liu Hao is still thinking about another question, and that is whether to look for opportunities to pass on the 'Nine Secrets' he obtained from the perfect world to Sun Wukong and Yang Jian. In truth, they are indeed the most suitable.

During this period of time when Liu Hao was obsessed with Liu Hao, Yang Jian disappeared from the camera, and what appeared one after another were naturally the Jade Cauldron and Huanglong Zhenren who explained the teaching. The former is not bad. Although there are gains, there is no essential change. The latter, that is, Huanglong Zhenren, has left the ancient world and is somewhat at home. Maybe it won't be long before he kills the first three corpses.

This famous one from the beginning of time, one of the Three Wus and Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao, is pitiful to say the least.

After worshiping a master like Yuanshi Tianzun, I never asked him to 'look at me differently'. If it were Liu Hao, he would have rebelled long ago. Even if he followed Cihang and others into Buddhism, this guy would not be like this.

But it cannot but be said that perhaps it was also because of Huanglong's low profile that he relied on his teachings to escape countless catastrophes. This is the so-called gain and loss.

After countless eye rolls, I finally found my own 'spring'.

In Liu Hao's home planet, he is a 'Huanglong' who was born from the ancient times, and there is no doubt about the nobility of his bloodline.

In this world where even wild beasts can fully awaken due to the attachment of spiritual energy, the ancient Yellow Dragon bloodline in him can naturally be maximized, and there is no need to worry about the karma of the ancient dragon clan due to the Long Han catastrophe affecting his Huanglong Zhenru body. .

After being washed away by the great merits gained from slaying the Abyss Demon God in the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation in front of him, the karma that he had to bear due to his identity as a dragon has now disappeared. In other words, it won't be long before , a brand new Huanglong Zhenren will appear in the world.

Once Master Huanglong takes back his dragon identity represented by the "yellow" in "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang", it also means that he has regained his original identity of "prehistoric innate demon god".

By that time, his talent will be one of the best even among the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao.

Crossing the realm, killing three corpses, and going straight to the quasi-sage, for the real Huanglong at that time, it was truly a matter of course!

It can be said that even if Yuanshi Tianzun's decree comes at this time and wants to recall Huang Long, the real person, to the ancient times, this guy will probably think carefully about it, and then either directly refuse, or pretend not to know, anyway, he will return to the ancient times. Absolutely not going to do it.

Perhaps it is also because of this that this guy's hard work is almost the best among everyone in the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation. He cherishes every minute and every second, and also cherishes every enemy who comes, because he knows , the more you do, the shorter the time will be to break away from the 'shackles'.

This sense of accomplishment and benefit ratio are all obvious in front of him. It is a goal that can truly be achieved as long as you work hard. Anyone placed in front of Master Huang Long will make the same choice as him.

In fact, after Master Huanglong entered Liu Hao's earth, he was not only happy about this.

As an innate demon god of the Dragon Clan, but a foreigner who worshiped the Chan Cult, whether it was Zulong’s private arrangements or his own wishes, it was destined that the real Huanglong had little relationship with the prehistoric Dragon Clan, and his only disciple was the sage. The id that can be represented.

This makes Huanglong Zhenren never interact with any of his fellow dragons in the wild, and he will even avoid those who can be avoided in many cases, lest it embarrass both parties.

But if you say that Master Huanglong has completely forgotten his identity as a dragon, that is absolutely impossible.

Monk, monk! The more he wants to forget, the more often it will turn into an obsession in the monk's heart. Normally, such an obsession is nothing, but once there is a critical breakthrough moment, such an obsession is likely to become. The fatal factor of this monk.

After all, Master Huanglong is also a second-generation disciple of Chanjiao, so how could he not know this?

In the primitive world, he had to worry about these things, but after leaving the primitive world, who would care about these things?

Today, Liu Hao's son Xiao Long'er is not the only dragon clan in Liu Hao's earth. In the world of Confucianism and Taoism, Fang Yun has brought Ao Huang, and the four-legged little black dragon, the Confucianism and Taoism's sage, has also arrived. Yes, there are quite a few dragons who came with them.

Even if these dragons have no blood relationship with Zhenren Huanglong, they still have a very close relationship with the race. Now that he knows about it, how can he not get in touch with them?

With contact, all kinds of communication will naturally come naturally.

This kind of communication across the world, and because they are both Dragon Clan individuals, have enabled the two sides to achieve many complementarities, which not only helped Huang Long get rid of the obsession that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time, but also made him more open-minded than ever before.

To put it bluntly, even if Yuanshi Tianzun scolded him for wearing fur and armor in front of his master Huanglong, he would not have any emotions in his heart. This was a complete recognition of his identity as a dragon. There is no longer any thought of escape.

What was reflected back to the obsessed Liu Hao was the real Huanglong in such a state, and Liu Hao's prediction that he was about to become a quasi-sage.

"It's good luck to teach you!" Styx was sore again. He regretted that he came alone. Why didn't he think about thanking him and bringing some of his subordinates?

It's okay now. Even if you want to do it, it will probably be difficult, right?

Perhaps more assistants have been added to the two ends of the passage, right?

Liu Hao chuckled and then said: "I won't miss anything when it comes to cutting off teachings!"

His words were like a switch. Qinglong Liu Hao on the side immediately changed his target again. This time, it was Sanxiao!

"A new round of conferred gods has arrived, and Saint Tongtian is the happiest one!"

"Hahaha... He is not ordinary happy!" Obsessive Liu Hao followed, and then said: "This time Tongtian is considered a sensible person and has not taken over the previous outer disciples, otherwise the new seal this time If God opens up, it will still be difficult for these people to escape, right?”

"What fellow Taoist said is true! If Saint Tongtian really makes this choice, those who regard Jiejiao as a thorn in his side must be Buddhists, and even Chanjiao will most likely still add insult to injury!"

"Yuanshi Tianzun may be able to tolerate the disciples of Tongtian Sect exceeding the disciples of Chanjiao, but once it exceeds too much, he will feel that he has lost the face of Pangu's authentic sect! This character was already destined when Pangu was three years old, unless Yuanshi Tianzun stepped into Hongjun Daozu’s realm, otherwise it would be difficult to change!”

Ming He nodded slightly. There were some things he knew but couldn't say, but Liu Hao didn't care about this. As long as he didn't reveal his shortcomings in front of Yuanshi Tianzun, Yuanshi Tianzun wouldn't care either. Besides, among all the information in the world, those who Which high-level monk really doesn’t know?

"This Yunxiao can be regarded as a blessing in disguise! I was suppressed by the Supreme Saint within Qilin Cliff, so I could only cultivate in hiding, and then cut off my evil thoughts. Now the three corpses' incarnation of good thoughts has left the list of gods, and the only shackles have disappeared without a trace. But it’s not impossible to catch up with our ‘seniors’ if we have the chance!”

"What Taoist Fellow Taoist Minghe said is true! In this regard, even Pindao has to admit that Tongtian is still very good at training disciples! Everyone shows his talent! Even if Jiejiao is an outer sect among the outer sects, which one has it? A Tao method unique to itself?

When the Yin Shang Dynasty conferred the title of God, almost all the formations were set up by Jiejiao! Let’s not talk about Sanxiao’s ‘Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation’, which was destroyed by me and Yuan Shi personally;

Even the Ten Jue Formation, wasn't it broken by burning lanterns and offering sacrifices to many disciples of the Chan Sect? "

"Good! If this were not the case, it would be impossible for Saint Tongtian to preach, and thousands of immortals from the East China Sea would flock to him! He teaches students in accordance with their aptitude. Starting from the Taoist ancestor Hongjun, the only one who truly inherited the Taoist ancestors is Saint Tongtian! He even teaches without distinction!

Today, Confucianism and Taoism, a branch of the Taoist Hundred Schools system, still originated from this! "

Liu Hao could not deny the words of Styx. Confucianism in ancient times was transmitted from Confucius, the reincarnation of Kong Xuan, and its source is still in Tongtian.

Didn't the prehistoric Buddhism also introduce this 'concept' into Buddhism because of the addition of Duobao?

To a certain extent, the role of "teaching without distinction" accounts for nearly half of the prosperity of Buddhism, because it is really very attractive to talents!

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