Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and twenty-three. Appearances of all living beings

1523. Appearances of all living beings

Obsessed with Liu Hao's sudden epiphany, he did not get much benefit. The only thing may be that many unknown people in the past figured it out in an instant, and his realm improved a little.

But at his current state, even a slight improvement is enough to make people happy.

When the creatures transformed by the mortal aura around Liu Hao are no longer just human beings, when these transformed creatures go from fighting alone at the beginning to large-scale wars between ethnic groups, when the cruelty is no longer enough To describe this battle, it was obvious that his epiphany was coming to an end.

Because of this battle, Obsessive Liu Hao himself was not sure which ethnic group would have the last laugh. Even if his heart was biased towards his own family, he could not let it develop towards his inner thoughts.

I don't know how long it took, but the worldly aura around Liu Hao began to gradually become fainter, and then it was slowly absorbed into his body.

However, even the ancestor of Minghe could feel that Liu Hao's face was calm at this moment of obsession. If you look closely at this calmness, you can see many looks. These looks may be old, Or young;

You can even see the appearance of men and women;

And there are various emotions in it, such as arrogance, smile, sadness, etc., but you can see all the emotions of living beings displayed on it.

This is the ‘appearance of all living beings’!

It already represents Liu Hao’s obsession and has truly entered the field of ‘humanity’!

Don’t underestimate this ‘appearance of all living beings’.

Even if Liu Hao is obsessed with completely putting away his magic power, as long as he does not exceed his level of cultivation, if he sees him at first sight, those who are not very familiar with him will subconsciously ignore him and think that they are just an ordinary person. Just 'creatures'.

This 'creature' includes all the races that Liu Hao has encountered and seen in all the worlds.

For example, when a dragon meets the obsessed Liu Hao on the street, he will think that he has met the same kind. And this kind of person may look ordinary at first glance, but he will unconsciously create a feeling in his heart. Share 'intimacy'.

In other words, Liu Hao, who is obsessed at this time, can enter any other place with his own 'affinity'. Even if he enters the abyss, most of the abyssal races he encounters will not have murderous intentions towards him.

This is almost a perfect 'dress', without any modification or deliberate effort.

Perhaps, this natural attribute will not bring any lethality to Liu Hao, but in the heart of Ancestor Styx, it is unmatched by any skill.

Because the Ancestor of Styx knows best at this time, if he no longer reminds himself all the time, he will probably regard the obsessed Liu Hao as an ordinary member of the Asura clan in his blood sea, and subconsciously want to Give the other person a little care.

You must know that Patriarch Styx has broken through the quasi-sage and has entered the realm of sub-sage, but even he cannot escape this 'kindness'. In other words, except for saints, it is absolutely impossible to see the difference.

Obsessive Liu Hao could vaguely feel these, and he also knew that the greatest value he gained from this enlightenment was here, but he knew better that what he obtained was only the initial level among the 'phases of all living beings'.

In other words, he can enter any ethnic group and 'play' the bottom, but if he wants to further express himself, the effect of this sentient being will be reduced by most.

He was still very happy. It was better than nothing. Although he could cover himself, but hiding and watching, how could it be better to blend in with other ethnic groups and watch closely? And it's not just about watching, can he not know that the bottom of any ethnic group truly represents the future of that ethnic group?

"Congratulations fellow Taoist!"

"Same joy, same joy!" Liu Hao laughed loudly, which was considered to have lifted this layer.

The three of them gathered together again, but just now because of Liu Hao's obsession, he realized that the original picture of the Elf Queen had been put away, and the three of them had no intention of continuing to watch each other.

As Qinglong Liu Hao thought, a new huge picture hundreds of miles away reappeared in front of the three people. This time, it was the Marvel team that entered their eyes.

This group of people, represented by ‘Ancient One’, led a group of high-level and low-level guys tossing around.

That's right, it's just 'torturing', and the three of them all think so in their hearts.

"Buddhist dressing up, but not using Buddhist methods!"

The two incarnations of Ancestor Styx and Liu Hao are also familiar with each other. If they see any doubts, they will blurt them out on the spot, which can be regarded as a different kind of inquiry.

"She is also a member of the 'monk', and she is more interested in studying 'Zen'! She focuses on the state of mind rather than practicing Buddhism!

Looking at her methods, you seem to be familiar with her, right? "


"Just like Qi practitioners have their own branches, magic also has many systems!"

"So that's it!" Styx nodded slightly. After taking a closer look, the interest that originally arose gradually dissipated. What he didn't say was that he still couldn't get into the eyes of Ancestor Styx. Just take a look and that's it.

"If the Buddhists know about it, they will probably win over her!"

"Hahaha! After all, he is also a person who has realized the Daluo Dao Fruit. Buddhism does not reject anyone who comes, so how can you miss it if you see it?"

"Zen sect, even poor Taoists have heard of it, but it is like a seedling in the ancient world, and it seems to be developing well in all the worlds.

It's just that it's difficult for them to form a branch of their own, and they don't know whether they will be classified by Buddhism in the Mahayana or Hinayana system in the future! "

"The Zen sect doesn't know how to accept the Tathagata. They only recognize the Tathagata! However, it's hard to say whether the ancient one in front of us will believe in the Tathagata!"

Obsession Liu Hao did not explain further. Gu Yi shaved his head, put on a monk's robe, and dressed up as a Buddhist disciple, but it is really difficult for outsiders to know what kind of attitude he has towards Buddhism in his heart.

At least Obsession Liu Hao felt that Gu Yi was more like a guy without any ideals. When he was in the Marvel world, he would use whatever was good for him, even the energy of the dark dimension, without any hesitation.

If you say that such a person has a firm belief, even Liu Hao will not believe it.

The reason why he did not give a definite answer was because Gu Yi had already attained the Daluo Dao Fruit. He had not peeked into the Da Luo Dao Fruit. Naturally, he had no way of knowing whether there was any Buddhism among Gu Yi. figure.

Compared to the Styx Ancestor who focused entirely on Gu Yi for realization, Liu Hao was more obsessed with looking at Natasha and others.

It's been a long time since I last saw these guys who were brought into their own earth by Gu Yi for training. They have indeed grown a lot, but they still seem to be unable to hold up a world. To put it bluntly, they are still insignificant.

Steve, who was holding the shield, was still a human shield. When facing the abyssal species, he could only defend himself continuously.

Fortunately, he and Natasha now cooperate very well. One is in the front to resist, and the other is in the back row to output large magic, which also has the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

Compared with Steve, the green guy who originally only used violence to fight has become much more mature, and has undergone changes that even the obsessed Liu Hao is a little surprised.

"A way to use anger?"

"Most likely Gu Yi helped develop it!"

"But, since Ancient One can help the green guy develop anger methods, why did he ignore the Shield Man?"

"Hmm...could it be a genetic problem?"

"It's not just the Shield Man who has been injected with genetic medicine!"

"No, Natasha has been cured by me a long time ago, but this guy has not! It seems that there is not much that Ancient One can do!"

"Of course, it is not ruled out that the influence of the will of the Marvel world will continue. Compared to Natasha, this guy is the protagonist among the protagonists, and it is not easy to change!"

"Forget it, I don't have much expectations for him anyway, so why should I put too much thought into it?"

"It's a big deal. Let him know that people from the Marvel world will come here in a hurry when they enter their own earth!"

"It's time to let him go for a walk!"

Obsessive Liu Hao had many thoughts flashing through his heart for a moment, and then his eyes left the muscular man with the shield and stayed on Natasha for a while, before falling on Thor.

That is to say, Odin has not arrived. If he sees this guy running away from his team to fight with Natasha and her group, he will probably vomit blood.

"Odin is not dead. It will probably be difficult for Thor to have the qualifications of a king!"

"Ha, this can be considered a gain and a loss!"

"On the other hand, Odin has been able to endure it and still hasn't come yet, out of anticipation!"

"There has been considerable progress in condensing energy, but it still has to be precise enough. It seems that this situation is common in all Western civilizations, which is strange!"

He muttered in his heart, but on the other side, Thor, the God of Thunder, and others were extremely happy.

This is also the heart of almost all the monks who fight against abyssal species in the Zhoutian Star Formation.

It's as if every effort can be rewarded, even if it's a bit of progress, this sense of accomplishment will inevitably urge them to move forward.

Compared with other monks, they still have Gu Yi guarding them, so there is almost no danger at all. They are basically the ones leading them to gain military merit, and they naturally progress faster than others.

Whether it was Thor, the God of Thunder, Steve and Natasha, or the middle and lower level magicians like Kama Taj brought here by Ancient One, during this period of time, everyone felt that they had cultivated their own power. The double-layer improvement of combat power is obviously addictive. As long as they are not physically and mentally exhausted, no one will flinch.

They were happy, but for Gu Yi, it was a big drag.

They are all cultivating merit. There is an essential difference between killing a small evolved spore of the abyss and killing a real creature from the abyss. The difference is often thousands or tens of thousands of times.

Merits are universal lubricants. It is not impossible to consume them even to forcibly comprehend Taoism. As far as Liu Hao knows, there are many monks who use them in this way.

"That's right. The Ancient One has been guarding Marvel Earth for hundreds of years in the Marvel world, and he has accumulated a lot of merit during this period!"

"In contrast, he still chooses to do this, and he is only worried about the war between the heavens and the world. Seeing many monks who are far superior to him, does he feel insecure in his heart?"

"Or are you just thinking about cultivating these 'protagonists' and then really choosing to let go?"

"But judging from their situation, it will probably only last until the end of this abyss invasion! If Ancient One continues to protect them next time, he will have to ask carefully!"

Obsession The reason why Liu Hao made such a decision was still a matter of his own inner direction.

He doesn't care how many of these Marvel guys are left in the end. What he cares more about is how high the fighting power of the remaining few can be improved.

In this case, he naturally dislikes the flowers watered in the greenhouse.

It makes no sense for him to let his Dragon Kingdom army go through a brutal battle while these guys are doing meritorious deeds under the wings of Ancient One, right?

In the picture, Gu Yi's ten fingers were each wrapped with silk threads, spreading for thousands of meters, covering almost all the surrounding groups. These threads were also hidden by him, but they could not hide them from Liu Hao and the others.

Wherever these threads pass, none of the enemies evolved from the abyss spores can escape. That's all. The key is that these threads seem to recognize who is the enemy and whose teammate. Even if they encounter their own people in the coverage area, they will not be able to escape. Not hurt at all.

At this glance, one can see the exquisiteness of Gu Yi's energy control.

Obsessed with Liu Hao, he felt that Gu Yi did it deliberately. Even if the responsibility given to him was to protect the group of people he brought with him, he did not really give up his own practice.

Seeing Gu Yi's contact with energy control, Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, inevitably thought of Ming Ge in the world of One Piece, how similar the method of using the Thread Fruit was. Waiting for Gu Yi to reach the limit of this control one day, It is not impossible to step into the law with this.

No wonder in the Marvel world, Ancient One can suppress one side with a small human race on earth, forcing the strong men of all major races outside the earth in the Marvel world not to dare to enter lightly. This talent is considered even in all the worlds. Rarely.

He was lucky enough that Liu Hao entered Marvel just before his death and preserved his current body.

Like the Ancient One, there will definitely be many people who change their own destiny in the future of the Marvel world.

He has a premonition that perhaps in the near future, members of the gods in the Marvel world will also appear on the stage of all the worlds. The goddess of death who controls the omnipotent death of the Marvel world will not be invisible in the future. arrive.

However, at that time, once the goddess of death is seen by Empress Houtu, it will be difficult to stand on her own feet. If she is not included, she will only end up in disgrace. Don't think that Empress Houtu will show mercy in this regard.

When it comes to his own future, no monk who has entered the path of spiritual practice will be sentimental. As long as it is about competition, he will never show any trace of indecision.

In other words, in the future, even if the heavens and worlds fight to the death with the Abyss, the integration within them must still exist, and they must only move in the direction of unity;

In the end, as long as it is within the omnipotence of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, Empress Houtu will not miss it and must kill decisively. Whether it is the future God of Death in the Marvel world or the so-called Anubis of other civilizations, they can only crawl on the ground. At the feet of Empress Houtu.

This is the real battle between the heavens and the worlds in Liu Hao's heart!

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