Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty Three. Great Transformation of Immortal Sword

1533. Dramatic changes in the fairy sword

After not paying attention for a long time, Liu Hao didn't know that the world of Sword and Fairy was already bustling with excitement.

When monks appear regularly in the world, drastic changes will inevitably follow.

When the Dragon Kingdom and the demon tribes in the Bashu Mountains reached many agreements to jointly develop the world of Fairy Sword and Fairy Tales, they not only spread the practice system outside the world of Fairy Sword and Fairy into it, but also had various ideas.

The latter is often the most deadly.

In the Song Dynasty, Confucianism was used to rule the world.

But Song Confucianism, not to mention decay, is really a question of how much backbone it can have.

It was okay when there were no other ideological systems competing with them, but when hundreds of schools of thought ignored the influence of the Song Confucian court, how could they possibly resolve it with one word?

The resulting drastic changes are inevitably very similar to the contention of a hundred schools of thought in the Spring and Autumn Period.

This is actually the answer given by the senior leaders of the Dragon Kingdom after long-term exchanges with all parties in the Yanhuang Alliance.

Rushly introducing modern ideas into the world of Immortal Sword may not necessarily be a good thing. Instead of doing so, it is better to break the golden body of Song Confucianism and liberate the real thoughts of the people in the World of Immortal Sword before it is too late to make any calculations.

Power has always been earned by oneself. The rewards from high positions can only be in the hands of those in high positions. If you want to take them back at any time, it is just a matter of words.

This is the real reason why it is difficult to introduce modernization ideas rashly into a world of feudal times.

Because the consequences of doing so are very likely to cause confusion in thinking, and actually kill people.

The world of Sword and Fairy is not as good as the Ming Empire in the Zongwu world, which was the ceiling of the emperor's power, Zhu Yuanzhang, but this is the Song Dynasty where the emperor and scholar-bureaucrats co-ruled.

Everyone who knows the state of the Song Dynasty knows that the peak of the power of the scholar-officials was the true "student-officials who cannot be punished" and set the example for the dynasty.

For example, when Su Shi was demoted, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty was eager to kill Su Shi. The powerful officials in the court also had this mentality.

But neither the emperor nor the powerful ministers of the Song Dynasty dared to break this unspoken rule lightly.

Once this hole is opened, it means that the rule of "not punishing scholar-officials" will inevitably be broken. By then, the foundation of the entire society will be in chaos.

Therefore, Su Shi offended the higher-ups all over the place, and all he got in return was various demotions. The emperor and powerful ministers were all thinking of ways to torment Su Shi and give him a different place in exchange for compensation. Who knew that this guy didn't care at all? Consider this a rare trip in your life, and have read many famous stories throughout the ages. Where can you go to reason?

At that time, Su Shi's father and younger brother only thought that Su Shi was living a difficult life and that he must be sleeping in the open air and eating one meal without finishing the next. Little did they know that Su Shi didn't care about Shu at all.

In such a world where the unspoken rules of the ruling class are almost openly revealed, it is almost inevitable that the Iron and Steel Alliance will work together. The Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance are reviving the thoughts of hundreds of schools of thought, and I don’t know how much suppression they have received in exchange.

If it weren't for the hundreds of students who entered it, all of them were monks, they would have been cut to pieces by thousands of times by the scholar-bureaucrats of the Song Dynasty.

At first, the scholar-bureaucrats did not take it seriously. They were used to being proud and believed that this group of students from hundreds of schools could not make much trouble.

But within a year, they discovered that things were vaguely out of their control, and they had to personally change the public opinion. Relying on their ability as athletes and referees, the scholar-bureaucrat class had a pretty good effect at first.

Those local students who were influenced by New Confucianism did not dare to refute lightly even if they had doubts in their hearts when faced with the interests of the court.

But later, under various pressures from the scholar-bureaucrats, the students from hundreds of schools who entered the world of Sword and Fairy still lived well, and even followed this group of vested interests of the scholar-bureaucrats to fight guerrillas. While traveling around the land of the Song Dynasty, They also spread the seeds of hundreds of schools of thought in wave after wave, leaving the scholar-official class to follow them and eat ashes in their wake, in a miserable state.

This lasted for almost two years.

Only then did the scholar-bureaucrats of the Song Dynasty realize that the entire Song Dynasty was no longer the Song Dynasty they controlled in the past.

In particular, the common people have generally become literate. They no longer worry about entering the court and becoming officials, and more common people are studying for their own future.

When peasant knowledge became rampant in the territory of the Song Dynasty, and when the Mohist workers let go of their hands and helped the people refresh their productivity again and again, the drastic changes in the entire Song Dynasty became unstoppable, and the general trend was already surging among the people.

At this time, if the scholar-bureaucrats still cling to their previous power, they will only face death.

Afterwards, this group of scholar-bureaucrats in the Song Dynasty began to divide, and students who took over the new thinking appeared. There were still many die-hards who were conservative and unwilling to give up any power in their hands.

The former was naturally the target of the hundreds of students who entered the world of Sword and Fairy, but for the latter, they did not rush to suppress them. Instead, they placed this group of people there so that the progressives could have an excellent comparison in front of them.

This move is very subtle, and such a strong contrast is sometimes much more effective than any 'persuasion'.

From beginning to end, in just five years, the entire Song Dynasty had been completely transformed.

The emperor of the Song Dynasty was still the emperor of the Song Dynasty, and his power was still the same as before. A large part of it was controlled by 'literary officials'.

It was just a tacit understanding in the past, but now it was announced to the world in the form of "law". The entire Song Dynasty also entered the era of true "chief and assistant" rule, and the constitutional monarchy appeared for the first time in a world of Yanhuang civilization.

Innovation must not be gentle.

But this time, neither the Dragon Kingdom nor the Yanhuang Alliance wanted to cause boiling water internally, but to leak the real pressure. Therefore, the always cowardly Song Dynasty opened its fangs and successively annexed Jin, Liao, Xixia, tlf and so on.

Now, the soldiers of the Song Dynasty have gone straight to Nanzhao, which is Zhao Ling'er's territory.

No wonder Zhao Ling'er felt something and decided to return to her home world.

This cause and effect is what Zhao Ling'er must bear. Who makes her the real leader of Nanzhao Kingdom?

Liu Hao was not worried at all that something would happen to Zhao Ling'er.

The so-called biggest threat in the world of Sword and Fairy - the Water Monster, has been destroyed by someone now, right?

Zhu Bajie is not stupid. On the contrary, he is the shrewdest one among the four members of Journey to the West. Otherwise, Taishang Laojun would not have left a part of the world to Zhu Bajie.

Zhao Ling'er's identity destined Zhu Bajie to be extremely willing to help.

The identity of Nuwa's descendants is not something you can just talk about casually.

Even if this 'descendant of Nuwa' has nothing to do with Nuwa in the prehistoric world, since he has the identity of a 'descendant of Nuwa', the cause and effect is destined to be unavoidable. At this moment, why wouldn't Nuwa want to have such a perfect excuse to take action?

To put it bluntly, even if Empress Nuwa is not happy with Zhao Ling'er, she can only kill or behead her. No one else has any power to do it, and they have to protect Zhao Ling'er. Send it to Empress Nuwa and let her arrange it.

This is reality.

It also means that when Zhao Ling'er returns from the Great Song Dynasty's conquest of Nanzhao in the World of Sword and Fairy Tales, he must step down and stop all actions because they cannot afford to offend him.

The only good thing may be that Liu Hao brought Zhao Ling'er to his home planet, which enabled Zhao Ling'er to understand the true modern thinking and how the people should develop in the future.

In other words, this can still be discussed, but another boss in the original Sword and Fairy world had to leave the stage before he even appeared.

Shi Jieren, the leader of the Moon Worship Sect, could be considered a complete deflection of fate. After being taken down by Zhao Ling'er, he was imprisoned for a few days before being released again. Then he was handed over to Zhu Bajie by Zhao Ling'er. After Liu Hao returned, Without knowing it, this guy has now entered Liu Hao's Earth and went directly to study at Zhonghai University.

But it has to be said that this may be the biggest way out for Shi Jieren's Moon Worshiping Cult Master.

In fact, when the territory of the Song Dynasty expanded and the character of the Song Dynasty was truly established, the world of Sword and Fairy has already given rise to the opportunity to truly enter the world.

Even the first one who couldn't wait to do so was Shiran, the Emperor of Heaven in the World of Sword and Fairy Tales.

Before Liu Hao knew it, the emperor of the world of swordsmen and heroes who had stepped into all the worlds had been quietly recovered by the Great Heavenly Lord Haotian.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Faced with absolute crushing in terms of cultivation, so what if you are arrogant?

After being intimidated, a huge "sweet date" fell from Haotian, and he realized that his so-called emperor of the world was just an "arrogant" king, and it was difficult to maintain his high spirit.

This is just like those small countries on Liu Hao's earth that are only half a day's drive away. Even if their boss is sitting high in the clouds in his own small country, he can only lower his eyebrows and blink in front of a big country.

The weak is the weak, and the law of the weak and the strong is also one of the laws that all living beings must abide by in all the worlds.

The Emperor of Heaven in the world of Sword and Fairy, perhaps after surrendering to Haotian, he was still unwilling to give in, and he still thought that one day, when 'I' rise again, I can arm-wrestle with you, Haotian, and then seize what I have fallen to the ground. Dignity, so I endure it.

But Haotian didn't care at all.

All he wants is this 'surrender', and he doesn't even have the slightest interest in accepting the so-called 'Heavenly Court' in the world of Sword and Fairy.

Just like a rich man who is used to living in big villas, it is impossible for him to see that Tongzilou is trying to make sense.

Surrendering and accepting means that Haotian has truly continued the prehistoric heaven in all the worlds. Isn't this expanding the majesty of Haotian, the 'Great Heavenly Lord'?

That's enough!

This can already slowly improve his Haotian's luck, and it's the kind that continues continuously!

What could satisfy Haotian than this?

What he wants is just a ‘name’, so what should he be like as the ‘Emperor of Heaven’ in the world of Sword and Fairy Tales?

It is not an exaggeration to say that everyone is happy. This simple surrender, in exchange for the "Emperor" in the world of Sword and Fairy, is also the improvement technique that people have been thinking about for hundreds of millions of years. It is a real ladder to the sky.

It was Haotian's early action that made the human world independent and stable in the world of Sword and Fairy. Otherwise, how could the "Heaven" in the world of Sword and Fairy endure such huge changes?

That guy has a very strong desire for control, but he is also the 'Emperor of Heaven' who is restricting the world all the time.

But he still doesn’t know that when he surrendered to Haotian, it became absolutely impossible for him to obtain the ‘Heavenly Emperor’s Path and Fruit’ among the Daluo Path and Fruit, because he cut off his own path with his own hands. , lowered his high head, is the Emperor of Heaven still the Emperor of Heaven?

Isn't this the wonder of fate?

From this point, it can also be seen that Haotian has made his own choice and faced his inner fear of the saint. However, whether he can achieve it in the future can only depend on God's will, and whether Hongjun will be out of love for the two of them. Cause and effect between help.

Having said that, when Zhao Linger returns to the world of Sword and Fairy, what worries Liu Hao most is not these so-called hardships and dangers, but whether she and Li Xiaoyao will still be connected by marriage?

In the way of cause and effect, Liu Hao also understood that he was just a mere person.

There is no control at all. I can only say that the understanding is okay. It is a typical wandering and watching. Although it is not looking at flowers in the fog, but because there is no real understanding, I can only watch from the outside.

The cause and effect between Zhao Ling'er and Li Xiaoyao is basically one of the biggest causes and effects in the world of Sword and Fairy. It is fate that intertwines the two people, and it is also the true meaning of 'love' shown to all living beings in the world of Sword and Fairy. This causal arrangement, and How could it be possible for Liu Hao to take Zhao Ling'er away from this world and disappear without a trace?

To be blunt, even if Zhao Ling'er does not return to the world of Sword and Fairy this time, Li Xiaoyao will inevitably encounter Zhao Ling'er when he steps into Liu Hao's earth in the future, and then the spark of love will be wiped out and he will be out of control.

Isn't this the fate they must experience?

Is it also a hardship they must face together?

However, this time, the love and marriage between Zhao Ling'er and Li Xiaoyao are no longer facing the moon worshipers or water monsters. They will most likely face Empress Nuwa. Without Empress Nuwa's permission, Li Xiaoyao wants to Don't even think about marrying Zhao Ling'er.

It was Liu Hao who thought of this, and now his appearance is very exciting.

This can almost be said to be a direct leap from the Novice Village to the Demon King War. It is no longer a matter of strength to solve the problem.

"The prehistoric red hydrangea was in the hands of Empress Nuwa, who cut off the incarnation of 'Yue Lao'. She must not have thought that she would have to face such a situation, right?"

The corners of Liu Hao's mouth couldn't help but tremble, as if he wanted to laugh but didn't dare.

He knows very well that once he laughs out loud today, when Empress Nuwa enters her home earth in the future and sees Zhao Ling'er, his laughter will definitely flash in Empress Nuwa's mind. If she is angry at that time, Empress Nuwa, she really wanted to take it out on him.

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