Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty Six. The First Emperor

1536. First Emperor

Facing the monsters and monsters, America can still tolerate them because they know that the monsters and monsters are just a need for living space, and the land on them is not so much an occupation but a collision for survival. .

But if it were the human race, looking at the entire army of hundreds of thousands, once these lands were occupied, they would have no choice but to say goodbye to them in the future.

Their first idea was to send experts to test it out, such as collecting some intelligence, taking a look and chatting, and jointly targeting monsters and monsters. For example, they also thought about whether they could share the world passage and bring them together. Some of them, America, were introduced into the world's survival flow at the other end of the passage.

It has to be said that they were a bit imaginative. They met Qin Shihuang. They were new to the country. Ying Zheng was lacking someone to establish his authority. Now that he had come to his door, he just used the excuse that the other party looked down on him to kill him with his sword.

A ray of light streaked across the sky on the sword wielded by Ying Zheng. In an instant, it arrived in front of the American master who came to investigate. Without giving him any time to react, he directly cut his body in half. , a wave of passion spreads in the sky.

This scene tells all the world that Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng is here!

"Wind! Wind! Wind! Strong wind! Strong wind! Strong wind..."

Hundreds of thousands of troops shouted loudly, and the sound spread thousands of miles away, shaking the sky. The white clouds in the sky were completely shattered by the loud sound waves, becoming cloudless.

Liu Hao, who had penetrated the space of the formation, saw this clearly, and raised his hand to send a message to Ying Zheng, which contained the strength of various forces in his own earth, etc., which could be regarded as a message to Ying Zheng who had just stepped into Qin Shihuang, who has entered all the worlds, has a "congratulations".

"No matter what, you have arrived, so you can't be stingy. After all, you are also a 'senior'. No matter whether it is the Dragon Kingdom or the several worlds in the Yanhuang Alliance, they all need to respect you. It would be more appropriate for them to come to you for discussion. !”

Just when Liu Hao made the decision to send the message back to the Dragon Kingdom across half the planet, a slight tremor came from the edge of the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation. However, someone ignored the threat of the formation and entered it. His consciousness swept over it. After discovering who was coming, I felt relieved.

Not long after, a figure appeared in front of him under the guidance of Liu Hao. The person who came was Fang Yuye who occupied Central America.

"You are quite leisurely!"

Liu Hao joked, laughed, and then continued: "Are you worried that Ying Zheng's arrival will force chaos in America?"

"That's not true! Who is Qin Shihuang? Even if he overwhelms a universe and enters all heavens and realms, he will not lose his wisdom! What is there to worry about?

If America seeks death, it's none of my business! "

Fang Yun was relaxed, but Liu Hao could feel that the deterrent on Fang Yun was becoming more and more obvious now.

"Could it be that you have already captured the 'Qing Dynasty World'?"

"It's just luck! I expected that there would be various kinds of rejection in the world of heaven, but when I actually did it, I found that it was far more harmonious than I imagined!"

"It's because you had a plan a long time ago and you just gave it up!"

Liu Hao had to admire Fang Yun's great wisdom. He even felt that before the world of 'iron teeth and bronze teeth' appeared,

Fang Yun already had many plans, but when the time came, he just chose one of them!

You must know that in a world as dangerous as Confucianism and Taoism, Fang Yun was able to reach the top smoothly and get everything he needed. Only he, a scholar, knows how many calculations there are.

"I have no intention of refining that world. We each get what we need, and we also fulfill each other's needs!"

Fang Yun said it was easy, but how could Liu Hao not know that it was dangerous?

This is a matter of forcibly relying on one's own abilities and calculations to create a great avenue.

Fang Yun's success is equivalent to telling the latecomers that there is such a way to 'trick' to break through the pinnacle of quasi-sage and step into the realm of sub-sage.

If this method spreads, not to mention other people, even Zhuang Zhou will probably try it after he understands it. Almost none of the other quasi-sages will be able to escape!

The cause and effect of this 'travel' alone is enough to keep Fang Yun well-fed for countless years to come.

This method, to put it bluntly, is only slightly different from the method Hongjun passed down to kill three corpses.

"I think you also let Xiao Heilong, Di Ting and others try it, right?"

"I have informed them of the method. If there is a need for a breakthrough in the future, it is up to them how they choose! Whether it is a crisis or an opportunity, everyone will be at peace with their destiny!"

Liu Hao didn't think that Fang Yun would really stay away from Xiao Heilong, Di Ting and others. After thinking about it for a moment, he could understand that there might be taboos that he didn't know about, but since Fang Yun didn't mention it, it would be difficult to explain. Naturally, I won’t make it clear.

But from Fang Yun's words, Liu Hao also heard that the danger was still not small. Perhaps it was because of this that Fang Yun sighed "luck" before.

Nothing is ever simple on the path of cultivation, let alone creating your own path.

There is never anything to get without paying. The price is always unavoidable. It is just a question of how much it is and what it can afford.

Obviously, from Fang Yun's expression, Liu Hao could feel that there were many hidden secrets in it.

But he has no intention of interfering or asking. This is the same as the patents obtained through hard work of scientific research. All the profits in the future can only belong to the other party. But he cannot interfere because of the irreconcilable relationship between him and the other party. First hand, besides, he really has no shortage of merit, luck and so on.

"Today Ying Zheng steps into the heavens, and tomorrow other emperors will appear. In this world, strife is inevitable, and it is nothing more than the survival of the fittest!"

Liu Hao suppressed the curiosity in his heart and changed the topic directly. Fang Yun also let go of the last trace of relaxation on his face. He smiled in agreement and then replied:

"In the world of the First Emperor, you must be the one who fell in love, right?"

"It was also a coincidence. Since we met him and I respect and appreciate him very much, I am naturally happy to have him come true!

Are you worried that my action will disrupt the balance in the future? "

This is also what's strange about Liu Hao. Logically speaking, Fang Yun shouldn't ask like this.

"Not at all! There are many emperors and geniuses in Yanhuang history. When they meet people who appreciate them, even I will not stay out of it.

What I'm worried about is whether America can survive the First Emperor's army in the future! "

"It seems that you are still worried that Ying Zheng will introduce the flames of war into the 'Zhou Han' you created!"

"Let's not hide it, you also know Ying Zheng's character. Once he gets angry, he won't care whether you are a fairy or a devil!"

Fang Yun then expressed his worries. Obviously, he also wanted Liu Hao to find a time to chat with the First Emperor and persuade Ying Zheng not to be too promiscuous in the future.

It's not that Fang Yun is afraid of Ying Zheng, so how could that be possible?

More importantly, he still didn’t want to let the human race or the Yanhuang people suffer internal strife in the future. As for America, Fang Yun just mentioned it casually.

But since Fang Yun mentioned it, it naturally has deep meaning.

That is, once the Great Qin Empire and America fight a series of battles, it will inevitably affect the surrounding areas, especially the connected worlds, such as the Marvel world that has established a good relationship with Liu Hao's Earth. Sgard.

"It doesn't matter!"

Liu Hao had already been reminded of his luck, but he had other considerations. It would not be a good thing to stop some things before they happened, and the result would probably be dissatisfaction on both sides.

In this case, it is better to let them struggle for a while. Only in this way can both parties understand which level they are positioned at. By then, it will be much easier for Ivory to persuade.

Fang Yun quickly figured out Liu Hao's thoughts. After being stunned, he raised his slightly frowning brows and nodded, which was regarded as acknowledging Liu Hao's arrangement.

"Furthermore, before you entered the formation, I also sent a message to the Dragon Kingdom. I believe that the Dragon Kingdom has already informed several worlds of the Yanhuang Alliance about this message. Maybe it won't be long before they send envoys to visit First Emperor."

"That's good!"

The smile on Fang Yun's face finally relaxed. In fact, this is not because Fang Yun also has a lot of respect and appreciation for Ying Zheng. If it were any other emperor in Yanhuang history, he would probably not be in this situation;

The First Emperor's position in the hearts of any Yanhuang people is irreplaceable and must be respected. No matter how high the Yanhuang people's cultivation is, Fang Yun is naturally one of them.

Both parties were no longer worried, and Fang Yun had no intention of continuing to be entangled in it. The conversation between the two still revolved around the First Emperor, but they were still chatting more;

"Aren't you afraid that the Great Heavenly Court will be displeased when you Taoist fellow Taoist teaches Ying Zheng the method of 'unlocking a dynasty'?"

Fang Yun was talking to Liu Hao, and since he mentioned it, he already had the idea in his mind to resist the pressure from the ancient heaven together with Liu Hao in the future.

This hidden meaning made Liu Hao look at Fang Yun with a hint of gratitude, and then he laughed loudly:

"No problem! If Hao Tianzhen is not happy, we have to wait until he attains Hunyuan!"

"Oh? It seems that the deity that my fellow Taoist left behind in the primitive world has already attained enlightenment?"

"No, it's another three-corpse incarnation of this deity. With Empress Houtu's approval, she has already attained the Hunyuan Dao and has taken over the post of the authentic Fengdu Emperor!"

Liu Hao mentioned this a little bit, and the topic just happened to lead to White Tiger Liu Hao, which reminded him that there was Ying Zheng in the ancient underworld, and there was also an army of Great Qin Army Souls.

He didn't wait for Fang Yun to congratulate him, and immediately started talking, explaining the matter and Fang Yun.

"Haha, that's interesting! The First Emperor's status in the human race is a great achievement in any world. It is only reasonable to be accepted by the ancestral land of the ancient human race. Now he has become a quasi-sage and transformed into the underworld. I think he will step into the world in the future. The possibilities are equally huge.

At that time, what should we do? Call as one? "

"Of course it is! Maybe the First Emperor will use this to directly kill the second and third corpses!"

"If this is the case, there is a high probability that it will be the case!" Fang Yun clapped his hands and smiled again; "If two corpses have to be killed, even if he faces Haotian directly, the First Emperor can deal with it calmly. It seems that the Taoist friend has made a plan earlier, and No wonder you can sit on the Diaoyutai!”

Liu Hao shook his head slightly and did not explain too much. He also knew that even if he said it, it was just a casual arrangement, and Fang Yun would not believe it at this time. In this case, why waste his own words and just pretend that he was really so awesome in the first place.

"Haotian has now emerged from the haze of most saints. In other words, he also understands his future path, but this road is not easy. We will wait until he has settled the prehistoric period before mentioning it.

He is a smart man, and he has tolerated this in the past, so it is not unwise to take advantage of Ying Zheng to establish his authority.

Furthermore, the prehistoric way of humanity has manifested into heaven and earth, Empress Nuwa has taken over as the lord of humanity, and Emperor Fuxi is supported by Empress Nuwa. In the future, it is still unpredictable which of Haotian or Fuxi will be the first to realize the way of Hunyuan, and there is no need to worry! "

"It's best this way! I don't want to have a series of battles near the 'Zhou Han' that we finally established. The heavens with new links are still waiting for us to develop. How can we waste so much combat power in internal consumption?"

"Don't worry, Haotian's incarnation Zhang Bairen is still within the Zhoutian Star Formation. Even if he feels it, it is very weak. The First Emperor's cultivation level is only just Taiyi, so how can he be much of a threat?"

"The method of luck is really too 'aggressive', otherwise I wouldn't be in this situation today!"

"That is, the First Emperor can use it, others...hehe!"

"It seems that fellow Taoist disciples have already made plans to push the First Emperor to the throne of the 'Human Emperor'!"

"It's just an attempt! Besides, even if Ying Zheng fails, there won't be much loss. The First Emperor is still the same First Emperor, and the ancestral land of the human race still has a palace for him. I think this attempt will be made even if the First Emperor of the ancestral land knows about it and will not refuse!"

When Liu Hao saw that Fang Yun had guessed what he had in mind, he admitted it without blushing and even spoke openly.

"Fellow Taoist seems to be ready for the arrival of the prehistoric saint!"

"You guys, can't you save some face for me?"

"What are you afraid of even if you do it? A saint is no more than a saint from the ancient world. He stepped into the heavens and was no more than a monk of Hunyuan. He lost his immortality and read a book. After all, they don't dare to be too rampant, right?"

Fang Yun twisted his mouth. How could he be prepared in his heart? The reason why I took the risk to try to create a method was probably because of the pressure. Now that I have succeeded, my morale is much higher.

"There are several saints in the prehistoric times, including Laozi Wuwei, who already has the leader of the human religion in his body. Even if he is unhappy in his heart, he will still watch;

Tongtian Jiejiao's transaction means "a glimmer of hope for the world". He likes the birth of change most, and until there is no threat to him, he stays out of it and watches the show for most of the time;

But Yuanshi Tianzun is the one who needs the most prevention! "

"Fellow Taoist seems to have forgotten to invite Zhunti. The two of them are not good people. Even if they don't care about their business, they will probably come forward!"

"I expected that it would probably be Zhunti when we arrived. Buddhism is not as good as Sanqing. Without the saints to take charge, once an accident occurs, it is very likely that they will be uprooted. Zhunti and Zhunti do not dare to gamble;

It was only mentioned for some benefit, and calculations at this time were of no use;

What I said was just a calculation in my mind! "

"I feel relieved that my fellow Taoist can realize this! The world is not a prehistoric place. I don't want the saying 'All saints are ants' to be placed on me!"

This is the true attitude in Fang Yun's heart. Isn't it the true inner thoughts of the monks of the Baijia Cultivation System?

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