Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty.Altar


When the Black Dragon King and Ying Zheng fought, and the energy spread poured into Novice Village, a huge energy shield would flash out, blocking the affected energy and protecting it tightly.

Almost every time, it arouses cheers from the newcomers, but more often it inspires their inner burning ambitions.

Here, Yi Xiaochuan and Gao Yao are also one of them. They were brought here by Liu Hao at the beginning, but now that Cui Taoist has left, Cui Taoist who already had a foundation, nourished by the rich spiritual energy, can increase his speed. Many of Liu Hao's native staff on Earth are a bit out of reach, and naturally they won't stay in this novice village for long.

In fact, in Liu Hao's view, Yi Xiaochuan and Gao Yao have exceeded Liu Hao's expectations in Novice Village and have left the mythical world. The original luck of these two people still exists, and they should not be so shameless. Stay in this novice village for a long time.

Here, the factor of Gao Yao is really not small. Gao Yao, who has regained his roots, is no longer the 'Zhao Gao' in the mythical world. The original fiery ambition disappeared without a trace the moment he regained his roots. Return to the true nature of a 'cook'.

In Novice Village, Gao Yao considers it to be the safest place. After hard work, the hotel under his plate is all his future wealth. As for fighting against the sky and the earth, what does that have to do with him?

Gao Yao's choice once made Yi Xiaochuan a little confused. He couldn't follow, and he felt very lonely if he didn't follow. He missed everything in the mythical world, but he also knew that the mythical world had nothing to do with him anymore, and he could not return to it. in the past.

As a result, a waiter appeared in Gaoyao Hotel who helped from time to time. He kept messing around day and night, and instead became a big part of the scenery in Novice Village, seeming to be out of tune with the other staff.

This was something Liu Hao never expected, or it could be that Liu Hao had completely forgotten about them after placing them in Novice Village.

Liu Hao is definitely qualified to say, "Don't bother me with trivial matters."

So what if Yi Xiaochuan and Gao Yao are the protagonists of the mythical world? Being forcibly taken away from the mythical world, they have no foundation. Even if they catch up in cultivation in the future, it will only be a small fighting force, and it will not change any overall situation at all.

On the contrary, instead of caring about them, it is better to see what changes Liu Bang and Zhang Liang can make in the mythical world.

Above the sky, the Black Dragon King and Ying Zheng moved again, crossed the land, and began to move towards the ocean. Li Si and others beside Qinglong Liu Hao were in conflict with each other in their hearts. The dragon returned to the sea, and the strength it could display It is bound to increase greatly. Can the two people, who are already evenly matched, continue?

But they had no way to notify Ying Zheng, and they could only watch as the two men's fighting positions gradually entered the sea.

They still misjudged one thing, that is, Black Dragon was also arrogant in his heart. Even though the home court had changed, he still didn't bother to use this advantage to help himself.

In addition, after this period of fighting, the two have developed more feelings, and they have long ceased to accept the situation where they had to win.

As a bystander, Qinglong Liu Hao clearly understood the changes in their mentality. He also understood that if they continued to fight like this, they would probably still be in a stalemate within a few months. He did not have the leisure to watch for several months.

He wanted to intervene directly, but in the end he still chose to let go, because once he appeared, even if the Black Dragon King made a choice, there would still be a flaw in his heart. One day in the future, when he thinks of today, he may not think about his original choice. Is it because of Liu Hao's 'order'?

Similarly, in the future, as Ying Zheng's cultivation improves and his inner arrogance becomes more and more intense, he will also think that the Black Dragon King's original choice was out of deterrence. Do you really agree with him in your heart?

And this kind of suspicion seems nothing now, but in the future it may become a sharp thorn in the hearts of both of them, making it impossible for them to achieve true 'trust'.

That being the case, why do you need to do that thankless thing?

He made a decision in his heart, and regardless of other things, he waved directly to Li Si and the others and sent them back to the Great Qin Empire's "New Xianyang City". He left a message saying "no need to worry", then tore open the space and stepped into it, and then appeared again. By then, we had arrived in the Amazon rainforest.

Before the spiritual energy was revived, this land was already the most mysterious place on the earth. Now it is even more unreasonable. If it was said that before the spiritual energy was revived, the Amazon rainforest was a forbidden land for humans, it was just an exaggeration. Now this sentence is actually the opposite. became their real 'title'.

When Qinglong Liu Hao's consciousness swept across most of the Amazon rainforest, he didn't find a single human figure, which made him frown unconsciously.

"Among them, the demon race is much crueler in temperament and wildness!"

He could only think of this. From the information obtained from Obsession Liu Hao, he also knew that the Amazon demon clan was bound to occupy many worlds, especially those worlds with insufficient levels. Most of them have now become the incubation of the Amazon demon clan. Are you ready?

In other words, among those heavens that are connected to their own earth, as long as the level of these heavens is not enough and the level of cultivation cannot break through the blockade of the Amazon Monster Clan, it is almost impossible to even think about stepping into the heavens in the future. The greater possibility is to just It will become a food source for the Amazon demon tribe.

From the perspective of the human race, this is absolutely unimaginable cruelty. No wonder Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, would intervene. For example, when he saw the Yanhuang people in it, he took it away directly, but what about other ethnic groups? Most likely we have no choice but to give up, right?

Qinglong Liu Hao, as the incarnation of cultivating the laws of heaven, frowned when he thought about this, which can be regarded as a manifestation of compassion, but it is difficult for him to take action, because this itself has violated his inner pursuit of the law, the jungle of the jungle. This is the way of heaven, so I left such a sigh.

Fortunately, his trip was not for this purpose, but to enter the 'grave world' and target the way of heaven that had developed self-awareness in that world.

With a wave of his hand, he covered his body and gave himself a change. The original human aura on his body disappeared in an instant. Anyone who saw him would think that he was a member of the demon clan. Without him, now The demonic aura in Qinglong Liu Hao is too strong.

The reason why Qinglong Liu Hao used such small moves to cover up his body was because he did not think that when he stepped into the tomb world, the self-awareness of Tiandao would be ignored.

For a consciousness of heaven that controls the entire world, isn't heaven and earth his real body? How could anyone not record any outsider who entered his body?

Because of this, when Qinglong Liu Hao appeared at the entrance to the tomb world, he did not step into it immediately. Instead, he chose to wait until the Amazon demon tribe organized a new group of demon beasts to cross. , he then took one of them, changed his body and followed closely.

Even so, he still found that he seemed to have arrived at the wrong time.

The crushing cultivation brought him insights that were definitely not comparable to those of the fellow monsters. Qinglong Liu Hao could almost see at a glance that the place where they were being carried was basically a huge altar, and This group of Amazon monsters and beasts are basically just meat used for sacrifices.

Qinglong Liu Hao didn't know whether there was any collusion between the Amazon monsters and the Heavenly Dao of the Tomb World here, but one thing he was sure of was that it was impossible for all the top Amazon monsters to know it. .

Don't think that the great monsters of the monster clan can willingly surrender to the strong, otherwise they would not be called monsters, otherwise they would not be considered difficult to teach by the saints.

In a flash of thought, Qinglong Liu Hao made an estimate, that is, some of the Amazon's top demons were bribed by the consciousness of heaven in the tomb world, or were simply replaced and became the puppets of the consciousness of heaven in the tomb world.

As soon as this thought came out, Qinglong Liu Hao felt a little happy in his heart. The Amazon monster clan that was made of iron barrels was also not something he was happy to see, because it meant that Liu Hao was obsessed with the "Magnificent World of Ming Dynasty" and " The layout of the mythical world will greatly reduce the space that can be used in the future, and it is very likely that it will not be able to play much role at all, and will be wiped out by the Amazon monster clan.

For this reason, there must also be some internal conflicts within the Amazon demon clan, so that they cannot devote their greatest energy to expanding their territory.

After thinking about this, Qinglong Liu Hao did not shout out loudly, but calmly used the 'bloodline resonance technique' to spread the information that the ground under his feet was an altar to the demon beasts who entered together.

Naturally, the effect of this little technique cannot be as good as that of the Law of Sound, but it is the safest way to avoid being discovered by the Tomb World. It has to be said that Qinglong Liu Hao is cautious enough, and he also deeply understands the true sense of the consciousness of Heaven in the Tomb World. as an opponent.

Sure enough, after this group of monsters and monsters were stunned for a while, they immediately became noisy. They couldn't care less about whether they would be discovered because of their discussion, let alone whether it was because they wanted to confirm that they aroused the vigilance of the planners, but this was also the case. What Qinglong Liu Hao wants to see.

In just a few breaths, the keen Qinglong Liu Hao discovered that a breath not far away was locked towards this place. Its cultivation level was even higher than that of Daluo. What was even more incredible was that there was a hint of heavenly talent in that breath. Some charm.

"It seems that in the tomb world, there are many people who have taken refuge in the consciousness of heaven. If you seek skin from a tiger like this, you will probably only become a part of the altar at your feet in the future!"

Qinglong Liu Hao was disdainful in his heart, but the movements in his hands did not stop at all. A 'Ji' character script has been formed. This is an improvement of the Perfect World's 'Ji Zi Secret' combined with Dao script. Most of them are disposable items. It is a method to stimulate the monk's combat effectiveness, but this method has a fatal flaw, that is, it almost overdraws the monk's entire future, and even his vitality.

Therefore, he had never used it before, but today, he discovered that this method was the most suitable.

Among the monsters who entered the tomb world with him, the smallest one was just a small Taiyi True Immortal. Facing the Daluo level, he was unable to resist at all. Instead of doing this, it would be better to use the waste for good. Other companions buy some time to escape.

As for how long it can be delayed and how many demon clans can finally escape from this altar place, Qinglong Liu Hao doesn't care much. He just gives himself an excuse to leave this place, a reason for tracing back the heavenly consciousness of the tomb world.

In a moment, the monk with the aura of heaven also appeared in front of them, and he looked like an immortal, but the gloom on his face had told all the demon clan that the information transmitted from his bloodline could only is true.

The demon race is not like most human races, who have to figure out the essence. Most of them will make a choice as long as they believe in their hearts. This is what is happening in front of them. When the immortal wind bone monk was about to raise his arms, a group of The demon clan has already swarmed up.

"They are just a bunch of sacrifices, how dare you resist the law of heaven!"

The other party was so disdainful, not only because he had a big backer behind him, but also because of the absolute self-confidence brought by his own cultivation. Therefore, he soon suffered the backlash of this self-confidence, and the leader who was blessed by Qinglong Liu Hao The demon, the power exerted at that moment had the destructive power that only Da Luo could have. By the time he reacted and wanted to block it, it was already too late, and he could only bear the attack forcefully.

In the eyes of Qinglong Liu Hao, there was a spurt of blood. The immortal spirit bones that were originally retained had long since disappeared at this moment, leaving only endless ferocity and gloom, which attracted the attention of the void. There was a slight sound of thunder.

"Because it carries the aura of heaven, will the anger cause the will of heaven to respond?"

From beginning to end, he just murmured something in the heart of Qinglong Liu Hao, who was so busy with soy sauce. He swept the void with his peripheral vision. There, he vaguely felt a greater breath of heaven brewing, and he also understood that he was probably going to seduce the will of heaven in the tomb world. Arrival, continuing to wait here is not a good thing.


Qinglong Liu Hao used the mouth of one of the demon clan to shout out this word. This made the originally somewhat superior demon clan wake up, and they still didn't know how to choose?

It can be said that except for the big demon who was given the 'All Character Secret' by Qinglong Liu Hao, all the monsters and monsters scattered in an instant, and they didn't care about the other monsters. They found a direction and immediately used their own speed. soar to the extreme;

They are not fools, and their own animal instincts are also telling them what to do at this moment to finally save their lives. As for the so-called sorrow of being betrayed, it is not a question that they should think about at this moment.

Liu Hao, the green dragon who was mixed in, also had no intention of looking back. He didn't feel that he was outside the scope of the altar until he flew tens of thousands of miles away. This shows how big the altar is.

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