Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and fifty-two. Chess pieces

1552. Chess piece

The old man guarding the tomb has been through countless years. What kind of storms and waves has he not experienced?

But the person he saw today was beyond all his life experiences. The person in front of him was sitting in front of him so plainly, not guarding himself at all. But just being so ignorant made all the cells in his body... Shrinking, telling him not to act rashly, otherwise he will be greeted with lifelong regret.

He is not afraid of death, but he has to take care of his responsibilities. It doesn't matter if he dies, but this cemetery and the many gods buried under this cemetery will lose all their protection in the future, which also means that all the things he and his friends have in the past will be lost. The plan will be unpredictable, and it is very likely that because of this one detail, the layout of thousands of years will be reduced to ashes. This is a price he cannot bear.

But he also didn't dare to let the secret that Qinglong Liu Hao just mentioned spread. Once this happened, Chen Nan would be really in danger. At least the Heavenly Dao in the tomb world and those lackeys of Heavenly Dao's will would endlessly hunt Chen Nan. Until Chen Nan breaks his bones and raises his ashes.

If he could, he would definitely be willing to keep Qinglong Liu Hao, but he also knew that even if he risked his life, what he would receive would probably be useless, and he would also completely hate the guy in front of him who didn't know whether he was an enemy or a friend.

He had to admit that he was having a hard time making a choice. Even though he had regained his composure on the outside, only he knew the turbulence in his heart.

After a cup of tea fell into his stomach, it took him a long time to calm down the turmoil in his heart. Then he raised his head and looked deeply at Qinglong Liu Hao. In his eyes, the original turbid look completely disappeared at this moment and was replaced. But there is endless light, and you can feel the other party's unfavorable relationship at a glance.

However, these things still did not make Qinglong Liu Hao afraid at all. As if all the changes had nothing to do with him, he still drank to himself unhurriedly, giving the tomb guard enough to think about his next move.

This silence lasted for a long time, until the old man's eyes became cloudy again, which also meant that the old man made a decision in his heart. Under the situation that he could not guarantee to keep Qinglong Liu Hao, he chose to endure it. They can only count on Qinglong Liu Hao to be on their side.

"Fellow Taoist, there is no need to worry, Pindao has no intention of replacing the beasts of Heaven!"

Qinglong Liu Hao's slow words spread, but this guarantee still did not make the old man at the tomb give up. There are some things that people will not accept just because you guarantee them. As long as there is a slight possibility, it is a risk. It is related to the layout of ten thousand years and several eras. Who is willing to accept that the final fruits of his plan may be picked by others?

Qinglong Liu Hao obviously also knew that his guarantee did not mean much, but it did not prevent him from giving this guarantee, because the difference between giving and not giving was also huge.

Yes, even if people are suspicious, it is just suspicion, and those who should be careful will still be careful.

But not giving it means that it can only be an enemy. If you are not careful, they may give you a fatal sneak attack at any time.

He couldn't bear such a price. Although he wasn't afraid, he didn't want to put a lot of his energy into it. He came here just to compete with the heaven of the tomb world. It had to be at the last moment. He also didn't want to end up personally.

In addition, Qinglong Liu Hao's biggest goal is to stir up the heart of the old man guarding the tomb. Only in this way can it be possible to change the inner determination of an old immortal guy.

He did not do it to conquer the old man guarding the tomb, and there was no need for it, but just to try and see if he could use the old man guarding the tomb as a 'chess piece'.

His efforts are now paying off.


This was the response given to Qinglong Liu Hao by his treasure ‘Heaven and Earth Chessboard’.

Of course, that doesn't mean he's successful.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, a black chess piece was already looming. This chess piece represented the old man guarding the tomb. Under the influence of Qinglong Liu Hao, it was not ordinary difficult to escape.

Similarly, Qinglong Liu Hao wants to put the chess piece representing the old man guarding the tomb into the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard',

But you also need to wait, waiting for this chess piece to take shape completely.

"Zhihei? It means I am the one who takes the lead. That's good, but I don't know that the Tiandao of the tomb world seems to have discovered that there is an additional opponent?"

Soon, Qinglong Liu Hao felt that it was impossible to be so fast. Even though he had his own wisdom in the tomb world, he still couldn't fully control the context of the whole world. It was just a slight change, just like a drop of water in the ocean deviated. He thought How is it possible to discover that quickly?

"There's no rush! One day we have to force the opponent to sit across from the chessboard!"

Qinglong Liu Hao put aside his thoughts and looked up at the old man guarding the tomb again. A faint smile flashed across his face. From the beginning to the end, this was the first time that Qinglong Liu Hao showed a change in his expression, and it was also this change. , which made the old man guarding the tomb less suspicious of Qinglong Liu Hao.

Because in his impression, in addition to being indifferent to all sentient beings, the consciousness of heaven in his world only has endless "evil". How can it show a kind smile to all sentient beings?

Having ‘kind thoughts’ means that the person in front of him, shrouded in mist, is more likely to be a living being.

Qinglong Liu Hao didn't care about the changes in the old man's heart. He now returned to his original indifference. Seeing that the old man didn't answer his words, he said again:

"Fellow Taoists should also notice that there is an extra change between heaven and earth!"

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, all the thoughts of the old man guarding the tomb were completely wiped out, except for the curiosity about the changes in the world.

The tomb world, connected to the heavens, will naturally change. Even if the consciousness of heaven does not dare to leave its own world, it will inevitably control the puppets to step into Liu Hao's earth. Otherwise, it will not be possible for many monsters and monsters from the Amazon to sacrifice themselves.

Stepping out of the world that originally imprisoned oneself, regardless of other things, the growth of one's vision is enough to make the world of the tomb a lot clearer.

Feedback to the heaven and earth also means that the original shackles on the peak cultivation of all living beings will inevitably be loosened.

The old man guarding the tomb in front of him is the biggest example.

For countless years, Ben has reached the end of his cultivation, and has no longer expected to continue to improve. However, in the recent period, even if he still has not made a breakthrough, he understands very well that it seems that the original restriction on his own cultivation has changed, and he feels as if he only needs to Keep working hard and one day you will be able to break through yourself.

He knew that this was an illusion, and he had tried it many times, but it still didn't change at all in the end. But he also knew that even if it was an illusion, there must be a "hope", which was the biggest compared to before. Changes too.

No matter what the gravekeeper's biggest goal is in this life, he is still a monk, and his pursuit of realm is equally unstoppable.

The golden light flashing in the eyes of the old man guarding the tomb in front of him was the biggest proof. He looked at Qinglong Liu Hao intently, looking forward to Qinglong Liu Hao's further explanation.

Qinglong Liu Hao naturally couldn't tell the other party that this was because of the connection between the heavens and the world. He just expressed his guess in a casual way:

"Based on Pindao's estimate, it's probably because the beasts of the Heavenly Dao have improved, which can be regarded as opening the way to a higher realm for all sentient beings in the world!

Good fortune and misfortune depend on each other, that's what they say! "

As soon as he said these words, even the heart of the old man guarding the tomb was as strong as iron.

The previous awareness of the way of heaven was extremely difficult to deal with. Countless heroes had been planning for thousands of years, but they didn't dare to say that they could succeed. But now someone told themselves that the enemy had made progress again, and the enemy's progress was actually beneficial to themselves and all living beings. If you need to accept a favor from the other party, where can you go to reason?

For the first time, a sense of urgency appeared in his heart. This was the first time he felt nervous in the tens of thousands of years he had been guarding the tomb.

All the words were blocked in my throat, and I couldn't move up or down. It was very uncomfortable.

Within Qinglong Liu Hao's sea of ​​consciousness, the black chess piece representing the old man guarding the tomb seemed to follow closely. Its color increased and its brightness increased a little, which made Qinglong Liu Hao feel happy again. He seemed to feel How to start.

In fact, if Qinglong Liu Hao uses the laws of humane emotions, the emotional changes of the old man guarding the tomb will only become more intense.

But he would not really do it. He would do it secretly. Even if the old man guarding the tomb did not notice it today, after Qinglong Liu Hao leaves, if he thinks carefully, he will realize that he has been fooled, which will have the opposite effect.

He is not obsessed with Liu Hao. He also majors in the Law of Heaven and knows how to use it, but that's it. It's hard to be proficient. If he can't follow it flawlessly, he won't mess around.

"Is this the reason why fellow Taoist monks came out?"

The old man guarding the tomb asked doubtfully, but inside and outside his words, he was asking about the origin of Qinglong Liu Hao.

Qinglong Liu Hao glanced at the old man guarding the tomb, then slowly shook his head and said: "It doesn't count!"

Seeing that the old man guarding the tomb still had doubts in his eyes, he gave a rare explanation: "Changes in the world are the root cause. All worries ultimately require your own strength. If you catch up with the progress, why should you be afraid of the changes in the beasts of heaven?"

He said it lightly, and the old man guarding the tomb had to complain in his heart. Didn't he try hard? But what about the effect?

Soon, he realized that he had always ignored the problem, which was that the cultivation level of the visitor in front of him had already surpassed his own. Didn't this mean that he had caught up with the progress?

He opened his mouth several times, but didn't know where to start. He also knew that even if he asked, the person in front of him would probably not tell him. It was just the first time they met, but he had never regarded the other person as an 'enemy'. If you cross this column, how can you expect greater goodwill from the other party?

Furthermore, even if the other party gives guidance on the way forward, do you really dare to believe it?

This is still unsolvable, but one thing makes him endlessly happy, that is, the road ahead is clear. Even if he cannot break through, it does not mean that his old friends are really helpless. Those people are truly ruthless. People too.

Moreover, there is also that boy Chen Nan. After all, he is the result of the fate of countless gods and demons over the past ten thousand years. He is a person who lives towards death. Without this shackles, this boy should be able to do it, right?

Thinking of this, the old man guarding the tomb felt a lot more relaxed. This didn't mean that he was Ah Q's spirit, or that he wouldn't try hard in the future. After all, he still had responsibilities that he couldn't get rid of, and it wasn't that he was gambling. At the time of death.

So far, Qinglong Liu Hao has achieved his goal, that is, he has conducted an experiment on the old man guarding the tomb. Although it is not particularly successful, it is satisfactory enough;

In addition, he also sent the message he wanted to convey through the old man guarding the tomb. As for who the old man would pass the message to in the end, Qinglong Liu Hao did not want to interfere too much. He also believed in the limited number of peak experts. For example, as long as the Demon Lord and Dugu Baitian can definitely get it, the others are not within his expectations at all.

He walked away casually, not caring that the old man guarding the tomb was in high spirits. It seemed that the tea had just lost its taste.

The old man guarding the tomb was so upset that he almost scolded the good girl.

On the other side, Qinglong Liu Hao didn't care much. He walked out of the cemetery of gods and demons and disappeared in front of the old man guarding the tomb. The spatial fluctuations did not exist at all, which directly poured out the anger in the old man's heart and almost opened his mouth.

"It's strange, why do you always forget this guy's level of cultivation!"

"The ability to travel through space is invisible and waveless, as if it is one body, and it is not as good as the beasts of heaven!

Why have you never heard of such a person?

Could it be that the harvest of the beasts of heaven is so much greater than before that those old guys who have lived in seclusion for countless epochs have to come out of the mountains to survive the calamity? "

Countless thoughts flashed through the heart of the old man guarding the tomb, but none of the questions could be answered accurately. After a long time, he let out a long sigh, and his body slumped momentarily, just like a dying man returning to the graveyard where he was hanging with only one breath. Tomb of the old man.

The cemetery seemed to have returned to the world amidst his changes.

Qinglong Liu Hao has no intention of paying attention to these. At this time, he has traveled through countless spaces and appeared in Shenfeng Academy.

"Has the timeline already crossed here?"

Qinglong Liu Hao came here not for anything else, but out of curiosity about the 'Holy Dragon Baby' in Kamikaze Academy. He loved this most adorable pet in the tomb world when he first read the book, but the fate seemed to be lacking. Quite a bit.

"Well, it's no coincidence. It's probably because of Chen Nan. I don't know what the ruffian dragon is like. In comparison, the Purple Gold Divine Dragon is more in line with my aesthetics. It is also an Eastern dragon after all!"

As he spoke, he scanned countless areas and quickly locked onto the Purple Gold Dragon.

"It's just right!"

It's not anything else, but Qinglong Liu Hao discovered that the Purple Gold Dragon was not following Chen Nan at this moment, so it was just the right time to step in and meet.

As soon as he appeared, he could hear the Purple Gold Divine Dragon calling "a hundred times, a hundred times".

This guy was fundamentally different from any dragon clan he had seen. He was definitely an alien among aliens. Perhaps it was because of this that Qinglong Liu Hao was deeply impressed by him.

"Holy shit, are you on that path?"

I finally saw the Azure Dragon Liu Hao, but this sight almost frightened the Purple Gold Divine Dragon to the point where his soul ascended to heaven. It was really too terrifying.

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