Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Seven. Resurrection

1557. Resurrection

"I would like to sit down with Tianzun!"

Faced with Qinglong Liu Hao's inquiry, the longevity turtle was considered a trick. Think about it, who was lucky enough to survive the last catastrophe, who is not a smart person?

Moreover, he himself does not have much desire for competition, and choosing stability is in line with his oppositional character.

In this regard, Qinglong Liu Hao didn't take it seriously. He took out a drop of the three-light divine water and poured it directly into the longevity turtle's body. After a while, the originally silent upgrade in the longevity turtle's body also gradually rose, but Qinglong Liu Hao didn't seem to let him recover here. idea.

He stretched out his hand slightly along the space that the longevity turtle had penetrated just now. The passage that the longevity turtle had previously spent a lot of effort to open was now like an obedient child in the hands of Qinglong Liu Hao, smoothing out a wide path.

After doing this, he waved his hand and put away the huge body of the longevity turtle using the technique of "The Universe in His Sleeves", and slowly walked through the passage and entered the hiding place of the golden-winged roc.

"Let me fly, five hundred thousand miles today, even if I vomit blood to death, I won't stop for even a moment!"

Before anyone arrived, the sound of the golden-winged roc roaring loudly could be heard from afar.

"It seems that Chen Nan has started to spread the 'Tai Shang Forgetting Love Record', and a disaster is coming to the Buddhist land!"

"Tianzun, that boy really dares to use Buddha soil as a stepping stone?"

"What dare you not do? Love is the most elusive word. There have been so many people who have died for this life throughout the ages, and there is no less than one more. You are not even afraid of death, so what is there to be afraid of?"

"That's right! I underestimated that boy!"

"Don't think that he just has no origin, his surname is Chen!"

"The most mysterious 'Chen' family in the world?"


"It turns out it's that family. It's understandable if someone is at the top! Ordinary forces really don't dare to do anything to him!"

They followed the footsteps slowly, but did not hide their figures. When they walked into the Golden Winged Dapeng Mountain Gate, the master was already waiting for them, and his expression was very solemn. He knew that if the visitor had not made a deliberate noise, he would probably not even pay attention. It’s difficult, it’s not an exaggeration to say that we are preparing for the battle with all our strength.

When he saw Qinglong Liu Hao, the warning in his heart rang louder, and every cell in his body was telling him to be patient. When his eyes met Qinglong Liu Hao's, his body trembled even more. A trace.

Regardless of how the opponent reacted, Qinglong Liu Hao directly flew out the longevity turtle from his sleeve, causing the golden-winged roc to exhale heavily.

"Meet the Heavenly Lord!"

"The golden-winged roc is a rare sight!"

The green dragon Liu Hao's mythical beast was in vain, and the golden-winged roc felt a boundless force lifting him up, and he felt a little more horrified in his heart.

"Heavenly Lord, please come this way!"

"It doesn't matter, that kid is in trouble now, you should go deal with it first!"

"Yes! Tianzun!"

The golden-winged roc didn't dare to hesitate at all, but he couldn't help but think about Chen Nan's identity. After answering, his body turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

"The speed is unparalleled!"

"In the whole world, only the golden-winged roc is unmatched!" On the side, the awakened longevity turtle added. At this time, the upgrade in his body had been consolidated, and the hidden wounds of countless years had long since disappeared. He did not dare to ask What exactly did Liu Hao give him? Vaguely, he felt that it would be easy to restore his original cultivation level in a few years.

"A mere copy of 'The Record of Forgetting Love by the Supreme Being' can cause all the gods and kings in the heaven to compete for it. How can all living beings escape with just one word of profit?"

Neither Changshou Gui nor Ao Qing could interpret his words, but he was thinking about you. Which of the other God-Kings can really endure it when they get this news?

There is no end to the practice of cultivation. Which of those god kings has not stayed in this realm for countless hours?

Such an opportunity is right in front of us, why don't we fight for life and death?

Buddha Land has already been undergoing a series of wars. Chen Nan's chance to release the demon king sealed within it is the key to his narrow success. Of course, at the last moment, the stimulation of his own Chen family bloodline is also something that other god kings cannot do. Lack of scruples leads to escape.

Not long after, two streams of light came from the end of the sky. Qinglong Liu Hao waved his hand towards himself and covered the three of them. Obviously, he did not want to talk to Chen Nan early.

The returning Golden-winged Dapeng immediately understood Liu Hao's arrangement and pretended to be unaware of it, but in his heart he was thinking that the Heavenly Lord in front of him was also a member of the 'Chen Family'?

The wait didn't take long, and the group started to change scene again, this time it was the Holy Land of Toad Platform.

“It’s a good place!”

Qinglong Liu Hao was naturally talking about the 'Starry Sky and Moon Palace', but in his heart he was thinking about whether this tiny 'heaven and earth' in front of him was the most suitable for his disciple, sister.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later!"

But there was a mark in his heart, and he had already decided that the future belonged to him. It was a rare trip, so he had to bring a gift to his disciple, right?

"If the Western Goddess of Life joins in, the certainty of resurrection is not impossible to reach 100%!"

The slightly sharp Holy Response of the Golden-winged Dapeng pulled Qinglong Liu Hao out of his thoughts, but Chen Nan was extremely decisive, and soon turned into a stream of light and wiped it towards the western heaven.

Seeing Chen Nan disappear, he released the concealing spell. His appearance also made the other God Kings widen their eyes.

"Meet the Heavenly Lord!"

No matter how shocked everyone was, no one dared to be rude.

Qinglong Liu Hao only nodded slightly in greeting them and waved them away, but his eyes never left the Starry Sky and Moon Palace.

With his gaze, the one who was most nervous could only be Chantai Xuan.

"It can connect ancient war spirits with laws, but the formation still has some flaws!"

Little did he know that his words had fallen into the ears of Chantai Xuan, no less than Hong Zhongda Lu. If others didn't know it, how rare was it for her to not know it?

After taking over the business and studying for countless years, this flaw was vaguely discovered, but who knew that the person who came here would explain it clearly after just a few glances. This made her pride disappear in an instant. She wanted to go forward and ask, but she also knew This is absolutely impossible, but it is the first time we meet and there is no connection at all. How can we help improve it?

She doesn't think that perfecting the ancient formation of the Starry Sky and Moon Palace does not cost anything. She doesn't know the exact amount. It is even possible that the entire Toad Platform Holy Bottom may not be able to be emptied, so she can only record it in her heart and wait for the future. Let’s calculate again when the opportunity arises.

After Qinglong Liu Hao sighed this sentence, he didn't say much. He still watched the distribution of the starry sky and moon palace in front of him with relish. His spiritual consciousness penetrated into it, looking for its context. For a moment, he also saw the restrictions within it. After a brief look, he was slightly stunned. Stunned.

"All heavens and realms have their own laws. It is understandable that there are some differences in restrictions, but this difference seems a bit big!"

This was the reason why he was slightly stunned, but now was not the time for enlightenment, so he had to let it go.

"That's all, just treat it as a chance!"

The corner of his eye glanced at Chantai Xuan, but he was weighing in his mind whether he needed to make a deal with the other party in the future. But after the repair, it would be even harder to get it as a gift for his disciple.

"Perhaps we should also look for other treasures in this world. This treasure cannot be the only one with different restrictions!"

With the decision made in his heart, he felt much more relaxed, and then turned towards the God Kings.

"That boy from the Chen family is a disaster. You must be mentally prepared for a big fight!"

If it were anyone else, these god kings would still be suspicious, but from what Qinglong Liu Hao said, everyone could not help but be more vigilant, but even so, no one gave up. It has to be said that the monks in the tomb world are 'loyalty' This aspect is rarer than many heavens.

Also, if this were not the case, it would not be possible to lay out a ten-thousand-year-defining situation with just a few people. But once one of the planners is not determined enough, the success will definitely be defeated.

It was not difficult for Chen Nan to convince the goddess of life. It was nothing more than giving some free promises, but the follower of the God of Light was something that even Liu Hao did not expect.

"Haha, God of Light, I seem to remember that the incarnation of obsession said that there is a God of Light in the heavens who owes me a cause and effect. Now that I have met him, I can only give him back!"

This means that there is no need to make any effort. The God of Light is destined to be Qinglong Liu Hao's chess piece, but this guy cannot notice it at all. Of course, it is equally unpredictable whether it is a blessing or a disaster.

When they returned, outside the Holy Land of Toad Terrace, several god kings were already surrounding them. The battle was about to break out. However, Qinglong Liu Hao took Ao Qing and Longevity Turtle to hide aside, leaving only a small table of melon seeds to laugh and watch.

Those god kings also knew that it was impossible for Qinglong Liu Hao to come forward for this trivial matter. The absolute crushing of ranks was a big deal in their eyes, but in the eyes of Tianzun, it was just playing house. This difference, they As the mastermind of a force, this is very clear.

At first, knowing that there was such a Heavenly Lord watching from the side, they were somewhat reluctant to let go. However, as the war continued, this scruple was thrown away, and they had no time to think about it.

"This kid Chen Nan has completely risked his life. With so many treasures exposed, he will never be able to think about peace in the future!"

"Tianzun, as the tenth member of the Chen family, does it mean that the resurrection of the ancestor of the Chen family has come to an end? Can the Demon Summoning Sutra really do it?"

It was Ao Qing who asked this question. Following Qinglong Liu Hao these days, he has already returned to the peak of the sixth level. In the tomb world, one step further is the immortal realm. I have to say that he is indeed very talented. For countless years The background is not just talk.

"I won't tell you this until you reach the realm of the God Emperor! With your current realm, you still don't have to think about it too much. This is not a good thing!"

Qinglong Liu Hao's words were almost equivalent to answering Ao Qing's question. The longevity turtle beside him inevitably felt a sense of urgency in his heart. Originally, he thought that returning to the realm of God King would save his life in the possible drastic changes. , but now it seems that it is not enough.

"That Corpse Emperor is a pity!"

"Master, why did you say this?" Only the longevity turtle called Qinglong Liu Hao this way. He hugged this thigh firmly without any hesitation.

"He was born from the corpse of an ancient god that nourished spiritual wisdom, but he did not have the intention to travel to the ancient identity in his mind. As a result, the mind is difficult to perfect, and I don't know how long it will take to realize it, but time is not controlled by people. ,Pity!"

These words were a bit confusing, and Changshou Gui could only half understand them, but the last period of 'time is not controlled by others' was imprinted in his heart, making him understand that the drastic change would not last long, and even Ao Qing also understood that he He must seize every minute. He was originally very excited about the nature of the war, but now he felt a little bored. It would be better to practice quietly.

This is what he thought and did, but he didn't know that his actions also made Qinglong Liu Hao nod slightly. Isn't he a different kind of persuasion?

"The ancient Buddha of Qingchan is coming back!"

Before he finished speaking, the five relics that were originally filled with Buddha's light suddenly changed. A vague figure appeared inside, and a melodious Buddha's call came from inside, which directly shocked all the fighting god kings physically and mentally. Little did he know that something had happened to Yu Xin's resurrection.

I just know it, but I can't stop it.

Just when Chen Nan was in despair, a green light emerged from it, which could be compared with the sound of Buddha in a moment, and the Yuxin eyelashes also trembled slightly, which was considered a great blessing in the misfortune.

Not long after, the body of the ancient Qingchan Buddha also condensed out. Half of it was golden light, but the other half was endlessly dark. It was clearly half Buddha and half demon.

"The six paths of the grave world are broken after all!"

Such a thought couldn't help but flash through my mind, and suddenly I realized that this might be the best.

If White Tiger Liu Hao knew about this, he would probably be willing to discuss it with Empress Houtu, right?

At that time, it may not be just as simple as creating a mirror image of the six paths of reincarnation in the tomb world, but directly using the broken six paths of this world as the basis to copy a lower-scale reincarnation mechanism in the underworld. In this way, It can also better control the foundation of reincarnation in the tomb world.

Of course, doing this will also have great benefits for the tomb world. At least compared to those worlds that only have six mirrors of reincarnation, it can be regarded as having a lot of say to a certain extent.

Don't underestimate this right to speak. Not to mention other things, just the arrangement of imitating the status of the underworld organization is enough to make many god-kings in the tomb world extremely excited.

It was a position that could harvest merits for a long time, and it was also a position of heaven and earth that could ensure one's own destiny for a long time. Most monks didn't have much resistance at all.

"I remember there seemed to be a Little Six Paths Master?"

"I don't know if he will be able to survive after fighting against the will of heaven in the tomb world in the future. He is a natural manager. I think Empress Tu and White Tiger will be very happy to accept it, right?"

In the six paths of reincarnation in the universe, neither White Tiger Liu Hao nor Houtu Empress had any idea of ​​controlling the power in it, nor did they have the leisure;

With the existence of such a local CEO, whether it is setting up the real Six Paths of Reincarnation or establishing the future underworld organization, the troubles will be greatly reduced. It can be said that it originally required a hundred energy expenditures. With this help, it only takes ten points, and more will be spent in the future. There is no need to worry about damage, and it can be said to be a win-win situation for both you and me.

"I vaguely remember that it's the Demon Lord and others?"

"That's all, I'm going to the Tomb of the Demon Lord in a short while. Just ask me then. Why do you need to think too much?"

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