Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and seventy-five. Amazon Monster Clan

1575. Amazon Monster Tribe

The channel connecting the Tomb World and Liu Hao's Earth has been staffed by someone who is in charge of Tiandao.

Qinglong Liu Hao originally thought of not paying attention to the other party, and he was confident in concealing himself while walking in and out, but when he saw the person sitting in charge, another idea came to his mind.

That is to see if we can capture this chess piece that belongs to the control of heaven in the tomb world.

In the past, it would have been impossible for him to do this, because if there was even the slightest disturbance, the Heavenly Way of the Tomb World would definitely know about it. But now that guy has already fallen into a deep sleep to digest and harvest. This abnormality will only make it difficult at most. The guy just rolled over, and he would never wake up because of it.

That being the case, why not give it a try?

Only when he walked closer, he realized that it was not as simple as he thought.

In front of him, this monk who looked like a Da Luo cultivation level, that is, the realm of the God King of the Tomb World, was nothing more than a puppet that had been implanted by the Heavenly Dao of the Tomb World and could be seized at any time.

In other words, when this monk is able to handle the monsters coming from the Amazon rainforest on his own earth, his normal behavior, but once the monk is unable to resist, the heavenly energy machine implanted in the tomb world in his body will immediately activate, and then The monk who seized the body became a temporary incarnation of the Heavenly Dao in the tomb world.

"This guy attaches more importance to the world passage than expected!"

Also, the Tiandao of the Tomb World must have traveled to Liu Hao's Earth, and he was still very low-key. Maybe he had already been to the Dragon Kingdom's Vancouver base, and knew the location of the Abyss front line. He might even have crossed two oceans, and was in Tour around Dragon Kingdom, Asia and Lao Europe.

In this way, this guy must also have a good understanding of his own earth's cultivation world. Those cultivation techniques and skills of various major systems that are not much hidden must be well known to him. Knowing these, if it is the way of heaven in the tomb world It's unreasonable not to pay attention to the world passage. It's no wonder that such an insurance is provided for the guardian monk.

Knowing this, Qinglong Liu Hao naturally let go. During the whole process, the monk knew nothing about it, and he had no idea that he had just wandered around the gate of hell.

The world passage, Qinglong Liu Hao's crossing did not cause any fluctuations. At his level, it is nothing to control this, but he also understands that even the quasi-sage peak cannot even think of doing it, the most powerful person in the Amazon rainforest. The top level demon was no more than a big Luo at this time, and he was still a newcomer, so it was naturally impossible to hide it from that guy.

The time he entered the Tomb World, Qinglong Liu Hao did not spy on the Amazon Rainforest Demon Clan. After spreading his spiritual consciousness today, he realized that the Heavenly Dao of the Tomb World not only made a layout in his own world, but also did not leave anything behind here.

Also, the crushing of the cultivation realm is just a small trick, and it is not something that the group of monsters below can see through.

Unknowingly, half of the monsters in the Amazon rainforest have been marked by the Tiandao of the Tomb World. The reason for this, in Qinglong Liu Hao's view, is that the majority are unmarked by the Tiandao of the Tomb World. It seems that it has no value at all.

Across the world, and when the Heavenly Dao of the Tomb World was sleeping, Qinglong Liu Hao was naturally not polite. He spread his hands, pinched the Dao Seal in his hands, and a huge Tai Chi pattern instantly covered the entire Amazon rainforest. His speed It was so fast that the Amazon rainforest monsters even thought it was just their own eyes.

But when they reacted, the Tai Chi diagram phantom released by Qinglong Liu Hao had begun to rotate slightly. As soon as this method started to work, the entire Amazon rainforest demon clan realized that they had been completely imprisoned in an instant, and there seemed to be no air at all. Let nothing go.

It was also Qinglong Liu Hao who was too lazy to waste time and chose this most labor-intensive method. It was naturally overbearing enough, but the effect was also the best. He also drew on the true innate treasure Tai Chi diagram ability in the hands of the Taoist Heavenly Lord to directly destroy the original tomb. The traces of the world's heavenly law left in the entire Amazon rainforest have been wiped out through the Tai Chi diagram.

He knew that doing this would inevitably make Tiandao in the Tomb World realize it immediately when he woke up in the future, but he didn't care about this at all, not to mention that Tiandao in the Tomb World would already be facing the Demon Lord and others by then. Even if he had some spare power, would he still dare to directly Can't the layout be completed again across the world?

If he can leave his mark in this world and clear it instantly, will the Heavenly Dao of the Tomb World be able to defeat him without a trace of worry?

As long as that guy hesitates for a moment, he will definitely not dare to take action, and can only use all his energy to fight against the threats at that time. He will think that it is not too late to deal with the demon lord and others first, but he does not know that this is not Qinglong Liu Hao's plan.

As long as the seed appears in the heart of the grave world at this moment, even if the other party wants to calmly let go of this idea completely, it is simply impossible.

Because as long as the mind exists, it will expand, and you will think that most of the masters who have cleared their marks on the earth have already appeared in their own world, right?

As soon as this idea comes up, how can it be possible to concentrate all the fighting power against Chen Nan, the Demon Lord and others? It will inevitably leave a bit of vigilance at all times to guard against possible sneak attacks. This can be regarded as adding more chances of victory to Chen Nan and others. They don't even need to take action, and they are all profitable no matter how you look at it.

His movements were huge, but they lasted short enough. Almost when the demons in the Amazon Rainforest were panicking, everything had returned to normal, and he found that his body could move again, as if the world had just appeared. Like a bug, many monsters and monsters with low intelligence were confused.

It is naturally impossible for those at the top of the real demon clan to think like this, but they also understand that a tribesman who can imprison them in an instant and has such a huge range is simply not something they can resist.

In the deepest part of the Amazon rainforest, in a simple city built of huge rocks, is where the real ruling class of the demon clan in the entire Amazon rainforest lies.

When Qinglong Liu Hao released the Taoist magic, almost all the great demons, whether they were still practicing or doing other chores, appeared in the central square in an instant. Everyone did not speak, but from the actions of the other party The look in his eyes said it all.

They seemed very quiet, no one spoke, but they all had their own thoughts in their hearts. Some were afraid but also expecting. The latter understood that whoever could crush them like this, since no one was killed, must have a plan, and they were even more worried. Most of them hope that those who come will bring more goodwill.

I really can’t blame them. Liu Hao How can these top-level monsters in the Amazon rainforest not understand what the current state of the earth is like?

Don't think that they have no information and know nothing about the outside world. You must know that the newly established network in Long Country is open to the entire world. As long as you go out and contact a few people, is it not casual to get one or two mobile phones?

None of these top Amazon demons go out to practice? How is that possible?

It can be said that even if 90% of the nine demon tribes in the Amazon rainforest know nothing about the outside world, this group is not included.

Naturally, their actions could not be hidden from Qinglong Liu Hao. Seeing that they had gathered, he was naturally more happy. Before these big monsters could figure out a reason, a figure had appeared in front of them, behind them were the longevity turtle and Ao Qing. Naturally, a man followed beside him.

"Greetings to Emperor Ziwei!"

The moment Qinglong Liu Hao appeared, he had already told this group of great demons, as if they had known the face of 'Emperor Ziwei' before, without any doubt or hesitation at all.

When they bowed down, almost all the great demons felt relieved in their hearts. These were their true people, a great existence that had appeared in their own world.

Don’t think that there are no regional distinctions in the world of spiritual practice. From the moment all heavens and worlds are connected, it will definitely appear even if it didn’t happen before.

For them, if a top master from other heavens comes today, they must be extremely vigilant. But if it were Liu Hao, even if there is still a trace of this vigilance, they still have a sense of security. .

"Everyone get up!"

Qinglong Liu Hao was also satisfied in his heart. His face remained unchanged, but he just raised his right hand and gave it a gentle lift. The bodies of these big monsters stood up involuntarily. This approach was also a kind of release, and also Eliminate the last trace of defensiveness in the other party's heart.

"Thank you Emperor!"

Qinglong Liu Hao nodded slightly, his eyes swept over the faces of the real rulers of the Amazon rainforest, and found that the origins of these great monsters were complicated and they existed from various ethnic groups, but this did not make these great monsters any less. They formed their own ethnic groups in this simple stone city.

Obviously such an approach must be an agreement reached after many discussions.

When Liu Hao arrived last time, he knew that in the rain forest, the middle and lower levels of the demon clan basically fought on their own, and more often combined in their own groups. But what he discovered today was a change. In other words, the entire The Amazon Monster Clan has begun to move towards unification from the original scattered sand. Here, it can only be these high-level officials who have changed the previous control model.

The effect of this cannot be said to be necessarily good, at least for the lower-level monsters, it is definitely not a good thing, but for the entire Amazon rainforest monster clan, it is a leap forward.

With such a change, Qinglong Liu Hao even wondered if it was because the mark left here by the Heavenly Dao in the Tomb World played a role, but he was quickly rejected. Maybe a little bit, but in the final analysis, the group of big monsters in front of them discovered the disadvantages. , and then made an attempt.

He didn't know that the reason why these big demons made such a change was that they saw the possibilities in the Dragon Kingdom's network, saw the changes in the demon clan in the Dragon Kingdom, and wanted to move towards a better future. march into the future.

It's just a pity that they are too far away from the Dragon Kingdom, and they can only get some of the skills and techniques they want most in their hearts, and most of them come from the Dragon Kingdom's Vancouver base in person.

But even so, they still think it is worth it. At their current level of cultivation, they have discovered that if they want to advance to a higher level, it is not just as simple as accelerating the purification of their own blood. In other words, even purifying their own blood has become extremely difficult. Slow down and seek change.

In fact, the changes within the Amazon rainforest are not limited to this. After these big monsters can eliminate the group gatherings, the biggest improvement is the fight between the monsters in the rainforest. It once made them feel a little distressed when they saw it. But after enduring it, they also found that by doing this, the proportion of monster beasts promoted to the monster clan was increasing, which naturally made them ignore these losses.

This is true internally and externally.

Originally, at the junction of the rain forest and the human race, there were countless monsters and monsters stationed there. They basically used the surviving humans as sharpening stones. Many times, because there were too many here, some human races were gathered directly. It was bulldozed.

After understanding the practices of the humans and monsters in Dragon Kingdom's Australian base, they also began to learn, taking back the monster army stationed on the border, and also creating a distance to allow the humans to come in and hunt each other.

It's a pity that there was no discussion with the top management of many gathering places of the human race. It can only be said that the effect is average. In many cases, the big ones will bully the small ones because of the arrival of human masters, and then the real fire will be made.

But it has to be said that if such a change is given enough time, the two parties will definitely form a tacit understanding. But unfortunately, this is not within the control of the Dragon Kingdom after all. The number of surviving humans is still a bit scarce. Will it last until the day when the two parties reach a tacit understanding? It's really hard to predict.

Of course, even if Qinglong Liu Hao knows about this, he will not really interfere. In many cases, natural brush selection is sometimes the most suitable. If the human race here in South America really cannot carry the burden of the human race, they should be eliminated. Sometimes it can only be eliminated.

Besides, maybe it won’t be long before the Ming Empire in the glorious Ming Dynasty world and the Han Empire in the mythical world will cross the passage to reach their own world. Isn’t it good to leave these lands to them?

After scanning these big monsters, Qinglong Liu Hao already had an idea of ​​them, and the one he finally locked onto was one of the ape monsters;

From this guy, Qinglong Liu Hao clearly saw the influence of the tomb world skills. In short, this ape must have been one of the first batch to enter the tomb world a long time ago. This guy is also lucky. Maybe There must be only one single seedling in their batch that survives.

After questioning, Qinglong Liu Hao's guess was confirmed. When the passage to the tomb world appeared, the ape was nearby, and he didn't have much fear at all. He directly led the entire group into it, and in the end it was He was the only one to escape, and it even left a trace of fear deep in his heart.

It's no wonder that the ape at that time was just a monster. Although it had some wisdom, it was nothing more. He didn't even know that it was because of the fear in his heart that he didn't enter again. This is why he can still be here today. Survive, otherwise it would have turned into the nourishment of the heaven in the tomb world.

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