Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and eighty-one. The Age of Giant Insects

1581. Age of Giant Insects

Qinglong Liu Hao doesn’t care what kind of changes will happen after Sun Wukong appears in the world of Rise of the Planet of the Apes.

Now that guy is on the verge of killing his second corpse, the most important thing is to gather more luck to increase his chances.

The recognition of one world, even if the level of this world is not mediocre, is still a lot. For Sun Wukong who already lacks foundation, this is the most important thing.

As for after getting it, Sun Wukong will need to shoulder the responsibility of the world of Rise of the Planet of the Apes in the future. Neither Liu Hao nor Sun Wukong will consider it a burden.

He is not worried that Sun Wukong will not be able to handle it. For the ape clan, especially for the ape demon clan in the Amazon rainforest, although they look noble, they know best in their hearts that all this is just a castle in the air. The strong ones will also destroy all their foundations.

At this time, the arrival of Sun Wukong is the happiest event for them, and it is the 'backstage' they can most rely on.

Sometimes things like clans are so unreasonable. Even if Sun Wukong looks disgusted at that time, it is still no big deal to the Amazon ape clan;

Because what they need more is to give outsiders an 'impression'. It is enough to tell other powerful people that their tribe is protected by the Monkey King, the Monkey King, so that the other party does not dare to kill them without any scruples.

The more he thought about it, the more Qinglong Liu Hao felt that thinking about it was just a bad taste at first, but now he thinks it must be done.

Not only the current world of Rise of the Planet of the Apes, but also the wild world, can there be some calculations?

For example, isn't Xiao Qing, whom he met in the Kunlun ancestral line, a good choice?

When I first met Xiao Qing, the other person was already qualified to enter the Da Luo. Now it has been so long, Xiao Qing has probably reached the Da Luo Jinxian, right? What's more, Xiao Qingke also has a partner, Bai Suzhen, who is a direct descendant of Jiejiao, and his status is not low at all.

He made a decision in his mind and did not stay in the world of Rise of the Planet of the Apes. There were many connected worlds in the Amazon rainforest, and he wanted to cover every one of them.

The third world is also the world that Liu Hao has visited before. This is a prehistoric world. Giant insects were originally the rulers here. But now, this place has been assigned to the Bird Clan by the Amazon Monster Clan, and it has almost become A true bird paradise.

Also, even if the insects are huge, in the eyes of birds, they are just larger food, which is more nutritious. This is enough to attract them to build their own group's nest.

Qinglong Liu Hao, who stepped into it, also discovered that these Amazonian birds that had migrated to the prehistoric world seemed to be developing towards gigantism under the catalysis of high oxygen in the prehistoric world.

Also, the giant insects in the prehistoric world that have been injected with spiritual energy are no longer as ferocious as before. If the bird family does not remind themselves to grow bigger, most of the offspring that are finally hatched will only become food for the giant insects. , isn’t this in itself a kind of competition?

He noticed that the rare Argentine giant eagle that was originally on his own continent of South America seemed to be no longer rare here. He saw that even the originally tiny parrots were blowing bubbles consciously, and he also saw that there were no birds in the past. Red-crowned cranes, which may appear on the South American continent, are often seen here.

Qinglong Liu Hao doesn't think that these red-crowned cranes evolved natively in this world. There were no birds in the era of giant insects, and they could only migrate from other continents on their own earth.

In other words, the Amazon demon bird clan has penetrated the entire bird communication method on their own earth. This is the biggest reason why they were able to gather so many birds after taking over a world.

Here, they not only regard giant insects as their food, but also hunt each other a lot. It seems that this in itself is also a kind of acquiescence, a way for the bird family to consciously control their numbers.

Qinglong Liu Hao did not think that this was an agreement negotiated by all the bird leaders. It could only be a manifestation that they still followed the food chain.

This is also a continuation of the law of heaven. Qinglong Liu Hao did not deliberately capture this law of heaven and earth in the world of the giant insect era, but followed his sixth sense along the line. After a while, he also saw it Arrived at the mark left by Tiandao in the tomb world.

"This guy is smart! He knows how to hide his mark in such a secret place! It's a pity that he met me. Even if it were the incarnation of obsession, you would probably have hidden it! No wonder the incarnation of obsession insists on letting me go Once!”

He gently raised his hand and held the mark of the Tomb World from the Giant Insect Age in his hand. He also clearly felt that this mark was much more stable than the Python World and the Planet of the Apes world, and he could vaguely see the mark inside it. Restricting entanglement, he felt that if this mark was given sufficient time, it would be integrated into the laws of heaven in the era of giant insects.

"This guy shouldn't be underestimated!"

"Once it is completed by him, perhaps his chances of refining this world will increase tenfold in the future!"

Even if Qinglong Liu Hao's clearing is improved tenfold, the possibility of refining a world is still very slim, but he still has to guard against it.

"At least it can suppress countless generations of the tomb world. It is only reasonable to have such wisdom!"

"This also proves that the world of giant bugs is far more valuable than the worlds of Madness and War for the Planet of the Apes! Do I need to give it a try too?"

Qinglong Liu Hao quickly vetoed his idea, but it was still of little significance. In contrast, introducing another 'Sun Wukong' to this world was more important.

However, Qinglong Liu Hao was a little hesitant about which one to choose.

It's not that he doesn't have any 'friends' from the Bird Clan, on the contrary, he has more choices.

For example, the 'Little Suzaku' who has a great relationship with him in the Holy World of Confucianism and Taoism, or the 'Bifang' who is his temporary mount in the wild world of Shennongjia, would be a good choice.

But they also have a shortcoming, that is, lack of cultivation. When the bird clan comes and wants to suppress the giant insect world, it cannot be done in a short time. The majority can only rely on the blood of their own race. Nobility.

Suddenly, he thought of the best candidate, which was the 'Little Honghu' who stayed in the wilderness and was now following Wu Zhao.

That is a real "sub-sage". In terms of strength, even if the future demon lord and others step into the heavens from the tomb world, they are enough to compete.

Furthermore, after all, Xiao Honghu has followed Wu Zhao for so long. Even if he is still a child at heart, he will not be lacking in the means he should have, right?

"Wu Zhao, on the other hand, how long can her Great Zhou Dynasty last in the prehistoric times?"

But unlike other heavens, the final say in the prehistoric period can only be made by the saints from above. They will not allow Wu Zhao to continue to be emperor like this, but Wu Zhao, who has fulfilled his talent for cultivation, will definitely not be able to cultivate as well. How low can it be?

Moreover, Xiao Honghu's following also ensured that it would be difficult for others under the saint to intervene.

Based on Qinglong Liu Hao's guess, there is a high probability that Liu Hao himself will take action in this matter.

"If I really intervene, Wu Zhao will most likely choose to leave Honghuang. I wonder how many civil servants and generals she can bring with her?"

"This matter needs to be explained to the incarnation of obsession. There should be another Great Zhou Dynasty in the world!"

"Since we have supported Ying Zheng and Liu Bang, we don't care about one more Wu Zhao!"

"It has been a while since Ying Zheng entered the heavens. Liu Bang and Zhu Di were probably also there during this period. They happened to be in South America. They also went to see if the Heavenly Dao of the Tomb World had left a mark on it!"

In terms of not taking things too seriously, even Qinglong Liu Hao still inherited his original character, and would be more happy to see countless emperors fighting in the future. This kind of bad taste of watching history directly seems to be not rare in every Dragon Kingdom citizen.

He curled up the corner of his mouth in a rare move, stretched his body, stretched out his hand and patted the white clouds. The white clouds that were originally stagnant began to float leisurely, moving with the wind, and seemed to have a comfortable feeling of flying to wherever they went.

This rare world has a very different scenery, and even Qinglong Liu Hao doesn't want to miss it.

In the era of giant insects, the Zerg were the protagonists. Even if the Bird Clan migrated countless times, they were still not the protagonist in a short period of time. Even if they reached the top of the food chain, during Qinglong Liu Hao's tour, he also discovered the number of birds killed by the Zerg. Not cheap.

He could feel that these giant insects had evolved a little under the great pressure of the bird family. For example, they were more likely to be born with wisdom and become demons. For example, some giant insects also eliminated the possibility that their size was too large and was not the best. Choice, began to gradually suppress oneself.

This kind of competition is a choice driven by the laws of heaven and earth, but he knows that even so, the Zerg will still be the loser in the end.

Of course, it is impossible for the sufficiency to become extinct.

The oxygen content of the giant insect era world that has been connected to our own earth will eventually be unable to withstand the erosion of time. Now that it has been connected, it means that this time will inevitably continue to be compressed, and in the end the oxygen content will be almost the same as that of our own earth.

Similarly, it also means that the extremely small number of insect monsters in our own earth will also rise in the future. Maybe they will not become the mainstream, but they will definitely have their own foothold.

He saw that many insect monsters had been born in his corner of the Amazon, and this was also a product of the luck of the bugs owning a world.

"Before Tang Sanzang was reincarnated into the human race, his true form was a six-winged golden cicada. After all, he was also a Zerg. I wonder if he will use this identity in the future?"

wucuoxs/89741/"Initial Evolution"

"If the Buddhists saw it, they would probably release the 'Golden Chanzi' who was in seclusion on Lingshan Mountain in the Western Heaven, right?"

"Does Buddhism dare to use this Jin Chanzi, who has had rebellious thoughts towards Buddhism from the very beginning?"

"The current Tathagata must recognize it even more!"

"This is interesting!"

"Who could have predicted that the ancient Buddha would turn out to be the most rebellious one in the end?"

"Have you anticipated this when receiving the Second Saint of Zhunti?"

"There is a high probability! Their most essential calculation is not to truly strengthen Buddhism, but more to repay the merits of the prehistoric heaven!"

"Journey to the West has taken shape. As long as Buddhism prospers, even if the last Buddha changes the Buddhist teachings beyond recognition, the credit that is due to them will still belong to them, and the establishment of Buddhism will not have nothing to do with them!"

"In the final analysis, they are the source of Buddhism from beginning to end!"

"What a good plan! It's no wonder that even though Tathagata knew that the Tathagata was the son of the Moral God, he still chose to accept it, and even gave it the greatest honor!"

"Compared with these changes, the rise of the prehistoric demonic path, the two of you are more worried about it, right?"

"I don't know what the prehistoric state is like now?"

"The catastrophe is increasing again and again, even if it is alleviated many times, it still cannot change the general situation, and the war that is coming is still inevitable!"

"On the contrary, Tathagata was able to make a mistake. A disaster that should have been ushered in in the prehistoric era was avoided. He is no longer in the prehistoric era. There is only one missing step for Wutian to seize the position of Buddha in the West. The general trend that should be promoted can still be achieved. Keep pushing!”

"It seems that when the Tathagata returns to the primitive world in the future, most of his cultivation will have to be fundamentally improved. I don't know if he can achieve the Hunyuan Dao!"

"Prehistoric, a greater era is about to begin, and it is also the time to best cater to the great world of the heavens and the world!"

"Isn't this more than just a coincidence?"

Once he puts down his chores, Qinglong Liu Hao can't help but have distracting thoughts.

Just when he was thinking wildly, a high-pitched chirping sound brought him back to reality. Looking up, he saw an egret with wings spread over a thousand meters fleeing in panic. Not far behind her, there was a group of black clouds. Follow closely and look closely, you can see that they are clearly groups of mosquitoes that are three to five meters high.

Each of these mosquitoes has colorful lines carved on its body. These lines are not just for good looks. Qinglong Liu Hao can see at a glance that this is clearly the result of evolution, just like the obsession Liu Hao passed on to his impression. The totem pattern is ordinary, with a hint of mystery.

"After all, it is still affected by the Heavenly Way of the Tomb World!"

Qinglong Liu Hao understood the source almost instantly. In other words, the way of heaven in the tomb world stayed in the giant insect era world for much longer than he imagined.

Perhaps Tiandao of the Tomb World did not personally do anything, but he must have captured the mosquito clan in front of him and conducted research, which resulted in this Zerg speciality visible to the naked eye.

"Have you evolved towards the characteristics of harvesting sentient beings in the tomb world?"

"It fits the characteristics of the mosquito group!"

While speaking, Qinglong Liu Hao did not hesitate. He waved his sleeve towards the black cloud behind the giant egret. A burst of fire flashed, and the dark cloud dissipated in an instant, and it took only one breath before and after.

He accurately killed all the dark clouds, and even pinched one of them as a research specimen. After observing it back and forth, he also found that this effect seemed to be nothing, so he crushed the last one.

"That's all, since it has already had an impact, it is also the good fortune of the Zerg!"

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