Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand six hundred and twenty-four.3 virtue

1624. San De Zi

Mustache Biography In the world of World War II, there are tens of millions of people densely distributed along the long route from the Zhonglong Kingdom to the Santoku Empire.

Here, it's just the 1950s, and technology has exploded, but the explosion of technology has nothing to do with these people, they are just servants.

Mustache, who knew his fate from another world, would not be polite to these people. He was an expert at making soap.

The Anglos are the first to bear the brunt. He hates this group. He believes that they are the most filthy bloodline and the highest professions are also done by this group. This high-speed railway line under construction is destined to require Countless bones were buried.

But these have nothing to do with the affairs of the Dragon Kingdom. They stay out of it. There are a lot of things at home that need to be dealt with, and they have no time to pay attention to these people.

They also know that they are protected because they have a huge and outrageous backer. Even though this backer is across the world, it is enough for the king on this planet to be polite to them.

Some time ago, Sanxiao's arrival let them know that immortals are not legends. Why don't they know how to look forward to their own future?

They are also anxious because they understand that even immortals and gods are not invincible in the world. There are always countless known and unknowable threats, and once these threats come to them, the only result will be the destruction of the country. Their family died, and because of this, they worked hard and understood that only when they are truly strong can they have a future.

This high-spirited mental state is the product of an era and the beginning of a real change for mankind. The most appropriate way to describe them is as one.

Qinglong Liu Hao is very happy with such a dragon kingdom, but he also knows that their background is still too poor. Whether it is from the foundation of science or the entry into the fantasy system, even if they have a lot of support, they will never be able to truly become a useful combat force. It cannot be done in a short while.

He also understood that the mustache among them had huge concerns about the Dragon Kingdom on his planet, as if he knew that a male lion was squinting around him and would wake up soon, but he still did not dare to step forward and do anything.

It is because of this worry that Mustache is obviously anxious, and he also has a very funny method in the eyes of Qinglong Liu Hao.

Mustache divided Prussia into several levels, pure-blooded and mixed-blooded, and then Heilongjiang began to accept the spiritual Prussia.

The meaning is obvious, in order to assimilate the races around the Santoku Empire. After all, they are all white-skinned. Anyway, even if there is a gap, it is not impossible to break it under high pressure. The Judas and Angles among them will never be underestimated. Beard accepted.

Mustache is also not worried about how the citizens of the countries he rules resent him. When technological crushing is no different from dimensionality reduction, all resentment is just resentment and cannot change the overall situation at all.

Moreover, today's Mustache is also a monk. He has huge resources and krypton gold, and his level is not low at all. What's wrong with him?

Among the Junkers who followed him to conquer the world, which one did not get a future history book from Liu Hao's Three Virtues of the Earth?

Which of them doesn't know how miserable they, their families and their country will be after failure?

After being forcibly divided into east and west ends, even after dozens or hundreds of years, wouldn't there still be a large number of baldheads stationed in the house?

On this point, no Sandezi can tolerate it. These historical records let them know that even if they are uncomfortable with the mustache, they must unite closely around the mustache.

It can be said that in the Old European region of this world, the Santoku Empire is not bad at all in terms of control. Over the past ten years, due to the mixed migration of various populations, various noises have been greatly improved. Winning over a large number of 'nobles' of this kind.

These so-called high-level aristocrats prostrate themselves at the feet of Mustache, and the most powerful public opinion disappeared from society.

As for the lower class people, when their lives require a lot of time to be secure, how can they have so much thought about this and that?

It can be said that after three major changes, the entire old European region has become peaceful, and there is a huge tragic contrast among the Anglos. How can we still not know how to choose?

For Mustache, as long as this kind of 'peace' can be maintained for another ten or twenty years, when the next generation grows up, he will have nothing to worry about, because in his plan, the new generation of population will Even if he doesn't have any Prussian blood, he is already Prussian in spirit.

And by that time, Mustache thought that even if he had not stepped into the immortal level, he was still not far behind, and he had countless time to continue tossing with these people.

The three countries of the two worlds have little secrets from each other. They have made many plans together. How could they not know that more and more cannon fodder will be needed in the future?

With a clear historical development line and extremely strong strength to promote it, Qinglong Liu Hao does not think that San Dezi will lose, nor does he think that other countries and people have the ability to resist.

In another generation, the strength of the Prussian group represented by San Dezi will inevitably reach a higher level. The storm that we are worried about now may be nothing more than a small wave by then.

In contrast, it is a question of how to resettle the population of the Dragon Kingdom in this world.

No one would be happy to have a lion sleeping next to his bed.

From the perspective of Qinglong Liu Hao, he will probably still migrate and leave this world in the future. Anyway, there is a lot of land around Liu Hao's Three Virtues Kingdom on Earth, and they cannot take it away. When giving it away, it is simply to benefit others. The generosity.

But the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance on Liu Hao's Earth were nothing. At most, they could only discuss back and forth with the monsters among them a few times. It was nothing more than a matter of how much price to pay.

The higher the level of monsters, the less likely they are to care about monsters. In contrast, they are even willing to exchange the territory occupied by monsters for some spiritual treasures. .

Because they understand that only when their combat effectiveness is greatly improved can they truly have a future. Otherwise, if they encounter an enemy one day, they will die. Don't think that the thinking patterns of monsters and humans are the same.

Liu Hao The earth is more than ten times bigger, so how can it be lacking in terms of land?

Even if the countries around Santoku are now completely occupied by the demon clan, how much output can the demon clan actually get from them?

At most, it can only achieve one millionth of the utilization of these lands. The demon clan has complete wisdom, but it does not mean that the demon beasts can. In other words, it is impossible for the demon beasts to develop into civilization. Even if they are strong and strong, they have They used various spells, but they still didn't call them "beasts". It was simply because they occupied more land, which gave them more space to breed.

In the eyes of the monster clan, they would never regard the monster beasts as the same kind, and they would only regard them as reserves or even hatcheries.

It’s not like they’re going to kill them all. A little less land is not a big deal to the demon clan.

The entire African continent is now occupied by monsters, but how much have they gained from it?

It's so pitiful that most of the time, they need the help of the great demons from other places, such as exercises and so on.

It's nothing more than interests. When both parties know that it is impossible to end their opponent, everything is non-negotiable.

Just like in the prehistoric world, isn't Beiju Luzhou completely occupied by monsters?

Even in Nanzhan Buzhou, apart from the Tang Empire, aren't there still all kinds of monsters making trouble?

Throughout the journey to the west, Buddhism used the power of the great catastrophe to clean up many demon clans in Hezhou, Xiniu, but in reality?

Even if all the Buddhists descended to Lingshan, they would not be able to wipe out all the monsters in Xiniu Hezhou. As long as the spiritual energy exists for one day, the monsters will be like weeds on the grassland. When the tenth day comes, they will come back immediately.

This is the consensus of almost all immortals, gods, demons and Buddhas. Even when they can completely control the entire world, they still know that they can only suppress and kill those monsters outside Luzhou in Beiju. Or expulsion, but that's about it.

On Liu Hao's Earth, in fact, between humans and monsters, monsters still have the upper hand. Whether in terms of quantity or strength, monsters are stronger than humans.

But at the highest level, the existence of Liu Hao also made the demon clan understand that some things must be taken lightly, and the red lines of both sides must be guaranteed. Fighting without breaking through will be the mainstream for countless years in the future.

This is a tacit understanding and necessity.

But this is inevitable, and it is more orthodox to the Yanhuang people. This point has spread from the ancient world to Liu Hao's earth, and it has also been acquiesced by all the monsters.

Just like the Tang Empire of Nanzhan Buzhou in the ancient world, although the Dragon Kingdom on Liu Hao's earth cannot be said to have become a forbidden land for the demon clan, every demon clan who steps into it will completely restrain their original unruly temperament. , transformed into a human form, and kept to himself.

There are also many factors here, such as interests, the trading ground between humans and demons set up in the Qinling Mountains of the Dragon Kingdom, and this is almost the only way to get the 'high-end' elixirs and magic weapons that the big demons need.

For another example, even if the battle for territory among the great demons in other regions fails, their safety can basically be guaranteed once they escape into the Dragon Kingdom.

Don't think that the great demons of the demon clan are very harmonious with each other. How is that possible?

For the sake of a spiritual plant, those who drank karaoke and performed drunkenly together yesterday were able to fight each other with swords today. After all, strength is the source of the greatest say among the great demons of the demon clan.

The demon race is also good at selling teammates. This is also an inevitable evolution of intelligent races.

Just like in the prehistoric times, among the many gods in heaven, which one was not originally a demon race?

Which one of them now considers themselves a member of their own demon clan?

After they came to earth, who wouldn’t use the slogan of slaying demons to strengthen their character?

Liu Hao: The demon clan on Earth has never been unified. Which one from all over the world is not the king of the mountain? Are they wary of other big demons around them?

It's just that they can quickly reach an agreement to deal with the outside world together when dealing with threats from the human race.

When the profit is enough, even the great monsters of the monster clan can sell it easily, let alone the lowly people like monster beasts.

It's just that this time can't go anywhere soon. Qinglong Liu Hao feels that the senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom on his own earth and the senior officials of the Yanhuang Alliance already have plans for this.

He believed that this kind of migration was probably not limited to the world of Mustache in front of him. From the moment high-level magic weapons began to appear in the human-monster trading market in the Qinling Mountains of his Dragon Kingdom, most of them were already between them and the monsters. There was a greater tacit understanding between them.

Qinglong Liu Hao does not think that he is the only one who cares about the descendants of Yan and Huang in all the worlds. In this regard, the Yan and Huang Alliance is the strongest.

"With a population of hundreds of millions, in more than ten years there will probably be a billion people!"

Naturally, this kind of migration cannot be done at once. For Sandoku Mustache, as long as one of the Dragon Kingdoms starts the migration, it means that they will not compete with Sandoku for hegemony on this planet. This is enough.

It’s just a planet, uu read a book; what does it count in the universe?

On the contrary, if the Yanhuang population at the other end of some of the surrounding world passages can move out and enter Liu Hao's earth, the heights that can be reached in the future will be even more exciting.

As for the fact that it is more dangerous, it really doesn't matter. The greenhouse is good, but it is not suitable for the big stage of the world. It is a good thing that the competition is more cruel.

Now Liu Hao, the number of human beings on the earth, apart from the Dragon Kingdom, can be said to be barely one in ten. There is a lot of space and a lot of land. If you don't take it, why don't you wait for others?

Qinglong Liu Hao definitely supports it, and the Yanhuang Alliance has most likely made many plans in this regard. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Dragon Kingdom to move out the population of Zongwu World, Liangjian and other heavens again and again.

As for San Dezi, let him go. This is already a group that is frightened by the demon clan. The upper limit of the future is only this. It is just a group that follows the dragon country and eats scraps. To them For me, maybe just being able to survive is enough.

Qinglong Liu Hao's idea is correct. Liu Hao's three virtues on the earth have lost their courage since the spiritual energy revived and the monster beasts rose on a large scale. The waves of beasts have caused their population to decline again and again. If it were not for the discovery of the small Beard World Passage, there is a high probability that they will only make the same mistake as the nearby Gallic Chicken.

Even like other surrounding countries, it has completely become a part of the dust of history.

On the other side of the sea, how many of the former Anglos are left now?

When Sanxiao appeared and caused them to completely abandon their original beliefs, it was already a very obvious change. The so-called pride was gone. Now in Liu Hao's Three Virtues Kingdom on Earth, none of the original people in the Dragon Kingdom are generals. Language as the future?

Since you can abandon your faith and your own culture, what cannot be abandoned?

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