Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand six hundred and forty-three. They are all drama queens

1643. They are all drama queens

Now that the matter is over, it’s time to discuss the details.

Fuxi and Di Juntaiyi talked to each other and quickly finalized the matter. Naturally, the only ones introduced could only be human orthodox. Moreover, under Fuxi's suggestion, they had to talk to Haotian and let the other party introduce the matter. With the army withdrawing, the worst possible solution would be to reduce the number of people to the extreme.

These details made both Di Jun and Tai Yi happy.

Even though they knew that after the arrival of the human race orthodoxy, more forces would be introduced, but on the surface it could only be the human race. For the demon race, there was also a real explanation.

No matter how you put it, the victory on the surface is still the demon clan, which drove away the heavenly army.

Most of the monsters in the middle and lower classes are not very smart. For them, they will not be afraid of the arrival of human orthodoxy, no matter how large the number is. They are just mortals, so what if they have practiced?

Could it still worry countless demon clans in Beiju Luzhou?

In terms of numbers, any group of them would drown each other, right?

Moreover, the demon clan in Beiju Luzhou can also benefit from it. In terms of ingenuity, how can the demon clan be better than the human clan?

They also want magic weapons. No matter how low the level of the magic weapon is, it is still a good thing. In the past, it was impossible to get it. Now that the human race has arrived, isn't it also an opportunity?

In the past, the number of transactions open to Beiju Luzhou was always limited, and the number of human monks arriving was even less, not enough. It would be good to give the humans a place to stay in Beiju Luzhou. Doesn't it seem like a win-win situation?

Moreover, with the arrival of human orthodoxy, other forces will no longer have excuses, right?

During this period of time, Buddhism came to the Sun Palace countless times, always thinking about setting up a so-called office at the entrance to the world. Now they finally have an excuse to completely block them back.

Fuxi is definitely the happiest one. What he was supposed to give has now become the begging of Dijun and Taiyi. It seems that if he doesn't do it, Dijun Taiyi will think that Fuxi is not authentic enough.

Didn’t you see that people had suffered losses and kept saying ‘thank you’?

Fuxi achieved his goal and quickly drifted away. Di Jun and Taiyi were left in silence for a long time in the Sun Palace. Taiyi broke the silence after a while:


However, Taiyi didn't say much after calling out, but the two people looked at each other with deep meaning in their eyes.

"Second brother, there is no need to say anything!"

Di Jun is the true demon emperor of the ancient demon clan, so how could he be so bad in terms of power and tactics?

No one is a fool, it’s just that the situation is stronger than the person.

The three of them have all kinds of talents, which one is not acting?

Even if everyone is aware of some of the calculations, if they are openly discussed, it means a complete break-up, which is of no benefit to anyone.

Fuxi knew it, why didn't Emperor Juntaiyi understand?

From the moment he knew that the World Passage was located in Beiju Luzhou, Di Jun knew that it would be a huge trouble;

The demon clan is no longer the demon clan of the ancient times, and it is not his Di Jun's turn to have the final say in the world.

He was nothing more than struggling, nothing more than pushing back the time point when the trouble would break out.

Beiju Luzhou, from the moment the world passage appeared, could no longer be pure, nor could it be just the territory of the demon clan.

Having said that, the benefits still move people's hearts, and as the prehistoric monks discovered that the greater the benefits of the heavens, this trouble could only get bigger.

Di Jun knew that he could not stop everyone. It was just a matter of when to retreat and to whom.

Di Jun has already prepared this in his heart. Fuxi's arrival today is a good step forward, isn't it?

Compared to Taiyi, who was still a little upset inside, Dijun didn't have any other emotions, but felt relieved.

The Heavenly Army is stationed around the Beiju Luzhou World Passage. Is it not a real threat to the Monster Clan?

Although they are polite to each other, in private, who is not deeply guarded about the other?

To the Monster Clan, this army is like a sword piercing their heart, tearing apart their defenses. Who knows if Heaven will go crazy one day in the future and give the Monster Clan a vigorous war?

No matter how low this possibility is, it cannot be ruled out. This is what the superiors must rely on. For the demon clan, this threat is real, and they must allocate a lot of energy to defend against it.

But even though he knew the threat, he still had to compromise, and he didn't have the ability to refuse. Otherwise, he would be truly an enemy of all the forces in the prehistoric era, and the demon clan would not be able to support it.

The emergence of this step, to a certain extent, allowed Di Jun to put down his guard a lot.

Of course, this does not mean that the strength of the possible defense targets in the future has decreased. On the contrary, it is more likely to increase greatly, because once Wu Zhao arrives with the human race, he will definitely build many cities and occupy many territories.

"The Sword Comes"

Within these territories, Heavenly Court, Buddhism, and major sects will also appear one by one and integrate into the mortal empire.

But for the demon clan, it is a change in the main body of defense. The target of defense has become the human dynasty. In fact, it is also a major drop in the level of hostility.

Because the various forces integrated into the human empire are not really able to be used by the human race. They also have their own interests. It is like they put up a big banner together to face the outside world. In fact, it is quite complicated internally. Just like the eighteen princes, the threat has been reduced by countless amounts.

Di Jun had never thought about monopolizing the world passage, nor did he have the ability. In that case, why not do it?

He was also grateful to Fu Xi from the bottom of his heart. Unlike Tai Yi, who had a knot in his heart, Di Jun never thought that a saint would still have the 'monster clan' in his heart. It was enough to come and give him an 'explanation' in person. The greatest favor ever.

Would it be like this if it were any other saint? Di Jun knew very well that neither Sanqing nor Jingyin Zhunti had ever paid attention to the Demon Emperor of the Demon Race. He didn't even bother to notify him. The most likely thing was to issue a decree. .

If it really comes to that situation, will Di Jun accept it or not?

Take this, how will the demon clan internally view Di Jun? Those middle and lower class demon clan will not consider your Di Jun’s difficulties. They will only think that your emperor’s kneeling today is their greatest shame, and they will never recognize you again. The position of the demon emperor of the demon clan.

If you don't accept it, you are directly facing the saints. Even for the sake of face, the saints will never forgive you, Emperor Jun. Even if you were once the demon emperor of the ancient demon clan, they will just kill you again and wipe out countless years of your life. , but can Dijun afford to wait?

He was really beheaded, even if Daluo Daoguo is still floating in the river of fate, will his emperor still have time to return?

Others don't know how Di Jun and Tai Yi returned, don't they themselves know?

In the future, which great sage of the demon clan can write the history book of the demon clan?

The Monster Clan has been around for countless years, and there is only one great wise man like Bai Ze.

Everyone can afford to bet, but he, Di Jun and Tai Yi, dare not bet. Those who should compromise must compromise.

How good it is now, they have given enough face and face, and can also get other unexpected gains, such as changing their original impression in the heart of Nuwa Empress, and finally being able to pay homage to Nuwa Empress in the future.

Just for this little gain, Di Jun believed that it was worth all the effort.

He is no better than before, and his aura that suppressed the world has long since disappeared.

It's like a middle-aged man whose edges have been smoothed by time, who understands that the so-called "man can conquer nature" is just a teenager's self-pleasure. There are only a few who can really do it in the whole prehistoric era, and it's not his turn.

Di Jun understands these truths, and Tai Yi also understands them clearly. However, compared to Di Jun, Tai Yi's inner reluctance is more about yearning for the past world-famous demon clan. In other words, deep down in Tai Yi's heart, there has never been any He truly abandoned the pride of the demon clan.

Also, the original Taiyi was holding the "Chaos Clock" and fighting alone. Except for the saints, who could not bow in front of his Taiyi?

In the beginning, even when Taiyi faced the saint, he held his head high, and his proud head never lowered. This pride was never abandoned even if he died or returned.

He is no better than Di Jun. He doesn't need to think about that much, and his thinking angle is also different.

He was angry, but more importantly, he didn't like the fact that after Fuxi became a saint, he had already looked down on him from above.

Even Fuxi himself didn't realize this. It was as if he greeted Di Jun without any courtesy at first, but later on, Di Jun greeted him with the honorific title of 'saint' again and again, but he took it as a treat and quickly got used to it.

In the Palace of the Sun, Emperor Jun blocked Taiyi's possible complaints and sighed. After a long time, he explained to Taiyi one by one this time.

This compromise is for the entire prehistoric period, and it will also inevitably yield many benefits in exchange;

For example, the territory currently occupied by the Monster Clan in Xuanwu Continent is a kind of tacit permission;

Another example is the big demons and little demons in Xiniu Hezhou. At least they have an extra guarantee that they will not be completely wiped out by Buddhism in the future.

These are all benefits of being invisible, but the biggest benefit is that the demon clan will finally not become a street rat in the future and be hunted down by "subduing demons" all day long;

Stepping into the heavens, all sentient beings in the wild have a title of their own.

This benefit was what made Di Jun happiest in his heart.

Almost every once in a while, he gets a lot of information from the other side of the world channel. In terms of understanding of the heavens, he, Emperor Jun, thinks that he is not inferior to anyone.

Why doesn't he understand in his heart that crossing the passage and entering the heavens also has a great opportunity for him?

It's just that he didn't dare. He already hated Liu Hao. Knowing that he had no chance of defeating him, stepping into the heavens didn't mean leaving his fate in Liu Hao's hands?

Even if he only sends one incarnation there, there is no guarantee that they will be sealed by others. Losing the three corpse incarnations will mean that the road to enlightenment is truly cut off, and Di Jun does not dare to gamble.

There was always a voice deep in his heart reminding him that once he stepped into the heavens, the possibility he thought would definitely happen. He had vaguely felt Liu Hao's wariness and disgust towards him, but there was a chance , that guy will never give up.

After combining a lot of information, Di Jun could more or less guess where Liu Hao was wary of him.

That is the unification of the demon clan. After fearing that he would step into the earth, he would unify the demon clan on the earth and overturn the current balance of the world.

Di Jun could only smile bitterly at this possibility. He felt that Liu Hao had overestimated himself. So what if he really unified the demon clan on earth? Isn't it possible for people to destroy it easily?

Di Jun knows the difference in levels best.

But it is also impossible for him to have the opportunity to sit in front of Liu Hao and explain, or it is impossible to say it out even if he has the opportunity. If so, doesn't it directly show his incompetence?

Although the edges and corners of his imperial handsomeness have been smoothed away countless times, he still has the final pride in his heart.

Deep down in his heart, he has already made a plan for his future, one of which is that if he is not Hunyuan, he will never enter the heavens, and he still cannot afford to gamble.

No wonder people often say that those who have died once are the ones who cherish their lives the most. At this time, Di Jun is the biggest example.

Little did he know that this change in personality and this inner fear were the biggest obstacles for him to reach a higher level.

After all, he has no master, and no one will give him any advice. When and whether he will wake up, he can only rely on himself.

In contrast, although Taiyi has smoothed out a lot of edges and corners, his inner character is still strong. It will be normal for the two of them to turn upside down one day.

In the Palace of the Sun, Emperor Jun whispered and explained many things to Taiyi, but Taiyi had no expression on his face. Even though Emperor Jun told him countless things, he still thought how to think. Only in front of Emperor Jun, Taiyi was That younger brother wouldn't show any signs of it even if he wasn't happy.

Outside the Sun Palace, Fuxi has not gone far. He is now standing on the top of a peak, looking up to the sky, but his sight is full of lakes. He is clearly thinking about how Di Jun and Tai Yi will cooperate with him in acting today, and many complicated things are flashing through his heart. mood.

But one thing he knew was that he was no longer the same Fuxi as before.

The biggest worry deep in his heart is no longer about this, but about Huoyun Cave. He is worried that after he becomes a saint, his companions in Huoyun Cave and who have lived in seclusion for countless years will also change towards him like Emperor Jun Taiyi. attitude.

With this worry, he was very resistant to returning to Fire Cloud Cave, but he also knew that this trip was inevitable and could not be delayed.

Saints still have not escaped the shackles of ‘humanity’.

In his heart, Fuxi had no idea of ​​coming to ascend the throne, and then he smiled. Isn't this obvious?

Even if the relationship between the three Qings is not good in the eyes of outsiders, they are still brothers. If an outsider really wants to kill one of them, do you think the other two can still watch calmly? Rushing forward and fighting the enemy to the death is the only way, right?

When saints travel, purple energy follows them, stretching for tens of thousands of miles, but saints can also eliminate these anomalies and choose to move in a low-key manner.

Fuxi did not return to Huoyun Cave just to show off, so it was naturally impossible for him to do so.

But he also did not drown himself in the journey, and he still saw countless people along the way.

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