Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand six hundred and sixty-seven. Crowd watching the show

1667. Watching the show

Liu Jianming's heart skipped a beat, and his face instantly turned pale.

But such a reaction was quickly suppressed by him. He had a good mentality and quality as an undercover agent, otherwise he would not have been able to reach his current position. If he went one step further, he would really be a superintendent.

Obsessed with Liu Hao's half-smiling expression, and the ambiguity in his words, Liu Jianming immediately revealed the recent hesitations in his heart as if transparently.

He really wanted to deny that he had been seen through by Liu Hao, but deep down in his heart, he was also reminded that what people say is what you think.

Liu Jianming was hesitating, hesitating about the swing of his identity, hesitating about how he should support the fishing rod on the other side of the hook.

He has been dealing with the ending, but the darkness in the depths has been too long, and he always feels that there is a "dark child" around him that he cannot control, staring at him.

Moreover, in the past year, Hong Kong and the island society have undergone subversive changes and the dark side of society has been continuously cleaned up. As a senior inspector, how could Liu Jianming not know that Brother Chen was simply looking for death?

In such a turbulent period, when it is clear that the house on the top floor is to be cleaned, how dare you be so rampant?

Just because there is always a shortage of laundry, and seeing huge profits, do you not care about the life and death of the brothers who follow you?

A dwarf mule will always be a dwarf mule and cannot stand out at all.

This is Liu Jianming's current mentality, because he knows very well that if he continues to follow Brother Chen, he will no longer have a future. The best ending may be to die on the front line one day, so as to gain a reputation for meritorious service. Number.

He also understood that in his position, Brother Chen would no longer be able to add weight to his merit book. No matter how many dwarf mules they sent out, it would be meaningless.

If you want to move up, you have to rely on yourself, and your future circle of friends will never be someone as dirty as Brother Chen.

No matter from any angle, Liu Jianming understands that he needs to cleanse himself of the dirt, and only in this way can he go into battle lightly and usher in the arrival of the new era.

Originally, he already had a plan in mind, and the clues that needed to be sorted out were almost there. He just needed to find an excellent opportunity one day to kill the holder of the biggest clue, Brother Chen.

But at this moment, a transfer order interrupted all his arrangements, and he was directly dragged to the Central Police Station by Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, and became a senior inspector of the Triad Affairs Team at the same level as Chen Guozhong;

That's all. The key is to hold him responsible, Brother Chen. His immediate boss is clearly airborne from the capital. That half-smiling expression is clearly telling him that you are just a catfish in a small pond. In front of the huge Kunpeng , do you really think that no one will notice that little secret?

Liu Hao was obsessed with urging Liu Jianming not to rush. Although he only took over, he could say that he knew more than anyone else. It was just a glance at his spiritual consciousness, and he knew everything he needed to know;

How could he not know about Liu Jianming's struggles during this period?

It's just a small sin, and he didn't come here for complete fairness.

In this small port island, the filth left by John Bull in the past should not be too much, and the real top management will always only grasp the big and let go of the small;

Ancient emperors knew how to take advantage of treacherous ministers. Didn’t Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, know that?

Sometimes a subordinate with a flexible moral bottom line can be more effective when used, and Liu Jianming is the one who is obsessed with Liu Hao's next arrangement;

What he also hopes to get is Liu Jianming's thoughtful answer, which is a real break with the past.

There was a long silence. During the whole process, Liu Hao's eyes were fixed on Liu Jianming. He saw the sweat on this guy's forehead layer after layer, and the expression on his face did not change at all.

From Liu Jianming's point of view, he knew that this decision would be his last chance.

Are you betting that the boss who landed in the capital doesn't know about it?

Or do you want to bet that even if the other party knows about it, he will still decide to give you a chance?

In this balance of choices, it's either life or death, there is no third way.

"Sir, I want to be a good policeman!"

Liu Jianming straightened his chest and roared in a hoarse voice. After doing all this, he was like a statue waiting in place. Whether it was broken or intact was just a matter of his obsession with Liu Hao.

But after doing all this, Liu Jianming felt a sense of fulfillment in his heart.

If given a choice, who would be willing to be a frontline puppet in the hands of others? Who is willing to walk a tightrope between black and white?

He stared closely at Liu Hao, his obsession, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the expression on his new boss's face had changed. He was less sarcastic and more praising. He knew that he had made the right bet this time.

"It's just a small island with a population of several million, but there are hundreds of thousands of gangsters. John Bull's approach won't work here, especially with washing powder.

Since your brother Chen has violated the red line, it's up to you to send him on his last journey. After all, he can be regarded as your first bole! "

The thumping heartbeat was beating in Liu Jianming's chest so fast that he couldn't suppress it despite taking several deep breaths;

Sure enough, what I thought was a secret could not be hidden in front of a big country. I thought I had swept away many tails, but maybe everything was seen by others, right?

He found a small pool on the Hong Kong Island. He was not considered a high-level person, and even the middle level was a bit reluctant, but he had a brain.

The agreement reached a few years ago changed in an instant. The so-called Governor John Bull could only take his own bedding with him when he left, which explained everything.

Didn't you see the person walking away without even daring to call out?

After walking for so long, haven't the consuls sent by the capital and those middle and upper-class people who were acting treacherously been cleared away?

What's the difference between the foreign devil brother who was originally a foreigner and a dead wood now?

After a while, this guy will most likely leave in disgrace, right?

After all, he was still staying in the outer core of Hong Kong Island. If he didn't even have this acumen, it would be impossible for him to reach his current position as a senior inspector as an undercover gangster.

He was extremely happy in his heart. This time he really won the bet. What he thought was a sin was nothing more than that in the eyes of others. Also, Hong Kong Island was nothing more than a small pond in the eyes of others.

"Yes, sir!"

This time, the still hoarse voice sounded much happier. As for whether he really said goodbye to the past, Liu Hao never cared about it.

Just like what he said just now, things like washing powder are never allowed by him. Whoever touches him will die. Apart from this, there is nothing that he cannot let go of.

Just like after Liu Jianming left, the Tianyang team that he was now staring at was hired to collude with the gangsters and do some terrible things such as kidnapping rich people. He was speechless when he saw it.

You have become a criminal police officer. Since you are greedy for money, what method can you use to make money? Do you have to do such a shameful thing?

He is simply not smart enough, and there is absolutely no need to accept such a guy. Once this kind of intelligence spreads, it will be truly fatal. Anyway, he would rather use a guy like Liu Jianming than use such a scheming tool.

On the contrary, the combination of Tianyang brothers and sisters who dare to fight and fight hard, and exchange their lives for money, is more valuable in the eyes of Liu Hao, such a team, even if it is changed to their own earth where monsters are rampant, they will probably have a future.

At the same time, it also means that they are not suitable for the environment here. Those who can only rely on their own force to obtain value often become criminals in peaceful times.

To put it bluntly, they don't know how to eat brains. At most, they are just a sharper tool.

Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, will naturally not care about blocking Tian Yangyi's team from causing the so-called butterfly effect. Since they are already gangsters, how can they only have a back-up man on hand?

Instead, because the sharpest knife was lost and the arrow was on the string, the plan had to be fired. The original plan had even greater flaws and even turned into a kidnapping joke.

What he wanted to think about was how to place Tian Yangyi and the others. He simply wanted to do an experiment to see what kind of future such a team could create on its own after being dragged into his home planet.

He will not provide additional help in this process, but rather carry it and let them work hard on their own, from how to obtain the cultivation techniques to how to rise in a world where wild monsters are rampant, etc.

No matter what the outcome is, it won't be any worse than it is now. If someone just took advantage of you, you'll get away with it, and in the end, you'll be shot to death randomly. What a waste?

He also knew that the reason why he was willing to give the Tian Yangyi team a chance was because even if they were in the darkest place, even if they could only exchange their lives for money, they still retained the best mutual trust and dependence in their hearts. ;

This kind of trust and dependence is no different from family members, and is even impossible to achieve within many families.

For this reason, Liu Hao was willing to give the other party a hand.

Even after he brought them to his home earth, he would probably forget about them, and follow-up would probably only be handed over to the local person in charge of the Dragon Kingdom;

But it is also a win-win strategy. He does not believe that his dragon country will not try these experiments and tracking in other corners. This is a must for any big country. He is nothing but involved in it. Just one group.

As for now, Liu Hao thought of a good place to go, which is the unique Flying Tigers in Hong Kong Island. Anyway, it is not for long-term use. It is just to lower their status to cover up. It's convenient. This can be regarded as a good use of their fighting qualities.

Moreover, this is also a good support team. For example, if Chen Guozhong and Liu Jianming go wrong and need support, it is best to use them.

He didn't come forward. The person who was sent to come forward was Xiao Ma. It just happened that Zhou Xingxing, who was still the captain of the Flying Tigers, could be responsible for it, which could also be regarded as promoting the development of the new plot.

Hong Kong variety shows are a hodgepodge of many Hong Kong films and dramas mixed into a small pond;

Since they are mixed together, it means that the many characters here have a vague influence on each other.

Obsessive Liu Hao doesn't mind at all that they are more chaotic. They don't get scenes in movies and TV series, but they can become the norm in real society.

Just like Chen Guozhong is also providing Chen Jiaju with the information he knows and providing various covers for Inspector Big Nose, Liu Jianming, who has just been transferred, also needs Chen Guozhong's familiarity with the Triads to better break the situation.

After all, reality cannot be a movie, only those characters are chattering.

The changes caused by any of their characters may lead to another story in another plot.

Obsessive Liu Hao also didn't care about this. Perhaps the drastic changes in the eyes of ordinary people were nothing more than a brief turbidity in the pond caused by the frightened small fish. With his eyesight, how could he hide this turbidity? Of him?

All in all, he didn't care about the birth of the "Butterfly Effect", but he was very disdainful of the unchanged plot development. Since he was involved in the game, he naturally wanted to make everything a surprise for him.

It's as if he boldly asked Chen Guozhong to do a cleaner job, not to mention that Li Fucai just entered the scene and went straight to the finale;

As for that arrogant little devil, the reward of 100 million could only be divided up in the end. Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, bought a building in the Hong Kong Island and used it as a reward for those who worked for him in the police station. Inspectors rent;

As for the rent, it's okay. One or two yuan a month won't be too much.

He understands how much the island's housing prices will soar with the opening of the Hong Kong Island World Access;

Even if he is just a gamer, at least the people below him will treat him respectfully and cannot make up for it in other aspects. This kind of help in life can still be done.

Li Fu, who looked like Brother Jie, was already in decline as soon as he entered the killer profession. But when he turned around and became the personal bodyguard of Long Wei, Liu Hao couldn't help but feel funny about his obsession.

"Chen Jiaju won't turn into Meng Bo again in a while, right?"

"The possibility is really not small. It makes sense to arrange a task!"

Even if Obsession Liu Hao participates, in fact he is still mostly watching the show. If he really wants to get started, where will there be any scenes for other characters?

But today, Ma Jun escorted the dancing king Brother Zha into the police station. Liu Hao almost laughed out loud because of his obsession. The arrogant scene of Brother Zha dancing in the detention cell was still clear to him even now. That was a direct blow to Zha. A big event that made Brother Dance King achieve his name in one fell swoop.

He was also not prepared to stop him, and even directly led a few of his subordinates to watch together in the office. However, he was just teasing, but the group of people under his subordinates were all furious.

Especially Ma Jun, if Liu Hao hadn't stopped him, he would have rushed up and beat Brother Zha hard. His face was so disrespectful to the police station that even a policeman could not tolerate it.

"This guy is so happy. It can only be because he knows very well that there will be no witnesses to testify in court. Ma Jun can then relax some of his hands and feet.

Xiaoma, you have the Tianyangyi detachment ready at any time. The three Azha brothers have a lot of long and short spears, but don't spend all your time hunting geese, and get pecked at the end! "

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