Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand six hundred and sixty-nine.Judge

, judge

It cannot be said that it is common for mortal fighting masters to kill their enemies with one punch or one kick, but it is also common.

But if the opponent is also a master of fighting, such a situation becomes very rare. The reason is naturally that both parties have very strong fighting capabilities.

Ma Jun and Tony are two such sides. From the beginning, Tony suppressed Ma Jun and later on, Ma Jun counterpressed Tony, taking the upper hand and beating Tony until he was unable to resist. In the end, he did not beat the opponent to death.

It’s not that it’s impossible here, it’s just that it’s not good.

Ma Jun could clearly see the many floating drones around him, so why was Tony so desperate?

People simply know clearly that they have no way out and can't escape. When they see their own people being killed one after another, don't they understand that today is the end of them?

When Tony was handcuffed by Ma Jun, the Tian Yangyi team who had been watching around him approached with guns this time, and everyone gave Ma Jun a thumbs up.

They were the closest and had the clearest view. The dangers made them want to shoot to save Ma Jun several times, but unexpectedly they really stood up and turned defeat into victory.

They didn't know that there was a protagonist here. They just thought that Ma Jun had adapted to the opponent's attack rhythm and exerted his best strength.

As the person involved, Ma Jun knew how lucky he was to win. Several times he narrowly avoided fatal injuries, and several times he accidentally hit Tony's weak spot with his heavy punches;

After this addition and subtraction, today's victory was achieved. If it happened again, Ma Jun himself could not guarantee that he would still be able to win the final victory.

Of course, today's hearty battle between Ma Jun and Tony also made Ma Jun feel that his fighting skills had improved. This was a real life and death battle, completely different from previous exercises.

But at this moment, Ma Jun didn't want to move at all, and he no longer had any strength in his body;

From being lively and energetic just now to being a puddle of mud now, not only was his mind completely relaxed, but his body was also tense for a long time. He felt that it was not impossible for a three-year-old child to kill himself at this time.

At the Central Police Station, the applause rose for about three minutes before gradually stopping. A large group of police superintendents felt that their souls had been baptized today.

In this small island, as senior police officers, they all know that there are many dark sides in the dark corners, but this is the first time they see a war happening right in front of them.

They didn't think they could do much good if they rushed forward, and even the one who appeared would most likely have turned into a corpse.

They understand that they are far away from the front line, but they must not completely leave the front line. At least they should give some care to their colleagues who are fighting on the front line.

They were still thinking more about Liu Hao's purpose of inviting them to watch this 'small war' today.

Here, they believe that the factor of shock accounts for most of it. In addition to shock, they are also told that in the future, if they cannot keep up with the changes, they may be eliminated.

At least, in the coming changes, if you can't keep up, you will only be reduced to a real marginal figure, and you will never be able to climb to a higher position.

In the past, they would never have been willing to admit defeat. It was nothing more than a struggle. To reach their position, which one of them did not gain it after countless struggles?

But now, they understand that it is not a question of superiority in the struggle, but the dimensional crushing brought about by the rapid development of science and technology. No matter how rich your struggle experience is, you cannot adapt to the technology of the new era, and you will never be recognized by your superiors. possible.

They really wanted to get in touch with Liu Hao, but somehow, when they tried to get closer, they found that it was impossible to talk about it. And because there were too many people, they had no choice but to lose themselves in front of Liu Hao. Let me give you a brief introduction, but I still have a lot to say but there is nothing I can do about it.

They didn't know that even so, Liu Hao had memorized several names, such as Li Wenbin and Cai Yuanqi. These names sounded like characters in a certain plot.

Since the command hall is built, it must be used by people. Before it can be used, it also needs to be evaluated, such as whether it is suitable for you to hand over, whether you have the ability to be the commander of the rear area, etc.

Obsessive Liu Hao announced the training plan, which immediately attracted cheers from all the superintendents, and then they were shocked by Obsessive Liu Hao's ability to accomplish great things, because the chosen training location was clearly the battlefield they had just seen;

Not to mention, this place is really easy to use. It's in a remote location, and there was a loud call just now, and there's not even a single complaint phone number.

Moreover, there is a ready-made battlefield. Everyone has seen the obsession with Liu Hao's command and coordination before. Even if they are not wise enough, they will still have a decent look when they follow suit and won't become a joke, right?

A simple example was demonstrated on-site, but the effect was amazing.

Shocking the police superintendents in the Hong Kong Island became incidental, because the ones who were most shocked were the big leaders outside the Dragon Kingdom.

The news was not blocked in any way. Among the invited superintendents, there were naturally some remnants of former superintendents. As soon as they left, they immediately called the supporters behind them. Even if their descriptions were not appropriate enough, the information they gave was enough. Let these leaders be moved.

This is just like before the Gulf War, almost all countries were immersed in World War II mode, but when the Gulf War broke out, most people were dumbfounded and discovered that war could still be fought in this way, and that there was such a term as information warfare.

The concept of "drone" cannot be said to be surprising, but the actual appearance of drones in reality is another matter.

As the top executives in charge, they are all smart people. How could they not know that these drones handed over to the police department must have been cut down by countless levels, and they are just a little higher than civilian ones. And the drones in the hands of the military are definitely beyond their imagination.

This is already another dimension of crushing in terms of tactics. Imagine that when other leaders are frantically investing in training pilots, they just casually gather a group of big soldiers and hide in a cave to remotely control drones. Machine, what if you win against such an enemy?

The drones that will be added later are truly large-scale production, so how much is needed?

What they are worried about is indeed reality. Liu Hao's earth's spiritual energy is recovering, and the focus will inevitably shift from technological testing to fantasy testing, but this does not mean that technology has stagnated.

On the contrary, technology developers have become bolder, and many unrealistic ideas in the past have been verified.

In addition, after the emergence of fantasy testing, the material changes caused by the side have further promoted the solid foundation of scientific and technological testing;

For example, drones, Liu Hao's Earth Dragon Kingdom should be iterated to the seventh generation and have completely replaced manned drones more than ten years ago.

Some of them also have formations engraved on them, and you can even control them to compete with the monster beasts when you are in a hurry.

They are not so much an explosion of technology as they are a combination of fantasy testers and technology.

Perhaps in more than ten years, these drones will really develop into spiritual weapons.

Such a treasure is sent across the world to the Hong Kong TV world of the 1980s. That is a real dimensionality reduction attack. It is strange that other leaders can sit still.

Immediately afterwards, naturally, other leaders forced money and people into the command center of the Central Police Station. For a time, the extremely lively scene here turned a police and bandit exercise into a small military confrontation.

As for how much benefit the Dragon Kingdom in this world can get from this world, Liu Hao is not interested. At least the arrival of these people has brought great pressure to the police superintendents in the Hong Kong Island, and they are forcing them every moment. They learn;

The command skills learned from these people have indeed brought great progress to this group of superintendents, and this is enough.

Don't think that Liu Hao is just playing a game. Since he is participating, he must make a difference, and he must also consider the position he is sitting in. This is the true attitude of participating in the game.

Of course, the focus of his attention is not here. Compared with these, he still devotes more energy to advancing the plot layer by layer.

I saw Liu Jianming setting up a trap and getting Brother Chen into it step by step. In the process, even though Chen Yongren's boss was still thrown from the rooftop, Liu Hao did not stop him because of his obsession.

He was even more disdainful of Chief Huang. He sent an undercover agent for three years and three years to drive a young man into a scumbag, but the effect was pitiful. Such a guy itself has little value at all. .

What's more, in order to achieve his goal, this guy also persuaded others to kill people. This has touched the bottom line of the official law. If he dies, he will die.

During the process, Liu Jianming borrowed Chen Yongren's undercover identity and was exposed in the Central Police Station. The obsessed Liu Hao also watched the whole process. He just sat quietly in the office and waited for the panicked Liu Jianming to arrive.

This guy did not disappoint the obsessed Liu Hao. After calming down after panicking, Liu Jianming seemed to realize that his so-called undercover status had been known to his boss for a long time, and he had already been given a choice, and he had already changed his position. Permission was obtained;

In that case, what's so scary?

Liu Jianming knocked on the door of Obsession Liu Hao's office with some nervousness. After entering, he once again received a half-smiling expression. Compared with the last time, this time he was very happy to see Obsession Liu Hao's 'irony' .

"What? Are you scared again?"

Liu Jianming straightened his chest, as if to prove that he had completely changed, he did not reply, but waited for Liu Hao's verdict, as if he would accept any solution.

This attitude caused the obsessed Liu Hao to nod slightly.

It's just a choice between two options. A mortal would be very entangled, but not in the eyes of Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it.

He didn't choose Chen Yongren. On the contrary, he admired Chen Yongren's ability to turn to the light even though he had been in darkness for so long.

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But appreciation is appreciation, but he has no intention of changing Chen Yongren's ending, because he has already chosen the path Chen Yongren should take after death, that is, as a judge in the city emperor system;

Since you adhere to the principle so much and are indeed suitable for this path, there is no reason why he should not help others. Anyway, your soul in the world has been completely broken. If you continue to stay in the world, it will be a greater torture for you. Why not find another way? the way?

Naturally, it was impossible for him to explain his arrangements to Liu Jianming. He still wanted to see the classic rooftop meeting and see if Liu Jianming, who already had a way out, would go to extremes.

Returning from his boss's office, Liu Jianming had already given up most of his heart. He originally wanted to delete Chen Yongren's information, but after repeated considerations, he did not take action. This approach was also praised by the obsessed Liu Hao, which somewhat proved that this guy The choice is real.

The Infernal Affairs rooftop meeting came as scheduled, far away from the public eye, but they didn't know that the whole process was being broadcast live in Liu Hao's office.

"Please give me one more chance!"

"Sorry, I'm a police officer!"

"who knows?"

Liu Jianming still said these words, which immediately stimulated Chen Yongren's blood. Their confrontation only lasted a few breaths. Another undercover brother Chen who looked exactly like Dongguan Zai appeared and completely reversed the situation of the battle. It also provided Chen Yongren with the final blow. Sacrifice laid the foundation.

In the elevator, a bullet hit Chen Yongren between his eyebrows, but his soul had already appeared in the office where Liu Hao was obsessed with him, with a look of unwillingness and confusion.


He saw Obsession Liu Hao's face, and subconsciously saluted, but he also got Obsession Liu Hao's return. That is to say, Obsession Liu Hao's small reply greatly improved the luck of Chen Yongren's soul. of soaring.

"Is there any kind of relief that comes from death?"

"do you died?"

Chen Yongren's soul suddenly realized that a few breaths ago, he was still competing with Brother Chen undercover, and then he appeared at the Central Police Station. The straight-line distance between the two was several kilometers. This was no longer the same as teleportation. What's the difference? How could a mortal do it?

Soon he discovered why the commander could still see and chat with him after he died, and he didn't seem to be at all surprised at his sacrifice.

He raised his head to look at Obsessive Liu Hao, only to find that there was a picture floating on the other side of the other person's line of sight. In that picture, there was clearly his own warm corpse.

"Sir, Liu Jianming is Han Chen's undercover agent!"

"I know, it's just that my life is not over yet, and besides, I am correcting my evil ways, so at least I can give them a chance, right?"

Chen Yongren opened his mouth, as if he wanted to refute, but he didn't know how to speak.

"You don't need to worry. His sins will be dealt with by you after he dies!"

While talking, there was a gentle knock on the office door. After getting Obsession Liu Hao's permission, the door did not open. Instead, a Ming Dynasty costume soul body penetrated through it. It was the person who had been entrusted by Obsession Liu Hao before. The city emperor of Hong Kong Island, the original happy ghost.

"Zhu Chuncai pays homage to the emperor!"

"No need! This official who died just now is just a supplement for you. He is more proficient in modern laws than you, so he will be your judge!"

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